Werewolves and Boybands and Tours

By moc.loa@7pucaeTliLytterP

Published on May 16, 2001


Title: "Werewolves, Boybands, and Tours, Oh My!" part 2/?

Author: Joyful (yes, I'm a chick, please don't hold it against me!)

Summary: The Dingoes are on tour opening for *Nsync, relationships pop out.

Rating: Uh, PG? PG-13? it MIGHT get to R later on.

Disclaimer: Oz & Devon & anything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel: the Series, belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Sanddollar, and the WB.  I do not know any members of *Nsync (Lance, if you read this...I'm sorry, not that you ever WILL read it, but...ya never know!) The rights to the name *Nsync belong to them members and Jive records, etc.. If I missed you, and you own a piece of it, me sowwie.  Danny & the drummer belong to me.

Archiving: Nifty & the UCSL, anyone else, ask, I'll prolly say "ok, but why would you want it?"

Feedback: YES!!!!! PrettyLilTeacup7@aol.com, it gives me a happy!

Notes: For Shala-chan (my beta) as always.  I'm sorry it took me so long to send this, it was written before part one was even sent out. ducks flying tomatoes Ok, ok, I'll be better next time.

~~~~~~~Werewolves and Boybands and Tours, Oh My!~~~~~~~


It was about nine the next morning when the boys were forced awake by the bus's brakes.

"Pit stop!" The bus driver yelled back, and all the guys got off to stretch and have breakfast.

Oz saw Lance ahead of him and decided to prove that he could talk. "Yo dude, sleep well last night?" "Yeah, you?" "Pretty good." Both boys knew the other was lying.

"So, uh, Lance, right?" Lance nodded. "So what's this gonna be like, the tour and all?"

"Basically, we're gonna be traveling all over the continental U.S. and Canada playing between two and four concerts a week for the next two months. And, if management and the fans like you, you'll probably be invited to open for our world tour in three months. They try to give us a month off between tours."

"Very cool. Do you think this'll help the Dingoes get anywhere?"

"Of course. I hate to say it, but if we say to the media that you guys are cool, the girls will go crazy for you guys." Oz didn't say that they only wanted real fans; he hated to say things that might offend someone. Of course, since that was all he could ever think of, he didn't say a lot.

The two walked up to the McDonald's counter and placed their orders. Upset that it wasn't lunch time yet, Oz ordered 4 sausage & egg buscuits, and Lance got the Rockin' Hotcakes. When they got their food, Devon waved them over to a spot where one of the bodyguards had reserved about four booths for them.

Oz sat down next to Devon, of course, and Lance slid in across from them. Lance watched, confused, as Oz proceeded to remove the eggs and sausages from the biscuits and throw the bread away.

"Ok, someone sure like his protein," Lance felt the need to comment. "Bread is nasty, gets all soggy," was Oz's response. "Hey Dev, Lance said that if they like us, we might possibly be invited to go on their world tour."

"Really? Cool! Now, if we could only get signed." This not being signed business was really starting to bother Devon. He couldn't understand how no one wanted them; they had recorded their demos a whole MONTH ago!

"Have you guys had any offers yet?" Lance asked, curious. If they were as good as Chris said, they should have no problem getting signed.

"Nope." Oz replied.

"You really DON'T talk a lot, do you?" Lance asked.


"If you think he barely TALKS, watch his face some time. He makes a facial expression about once a year," Devon snickered.

Lance wasn't really paying attention to Devon; he wanted to know what these emotions Oz had were. They were barely there, but they were definitely existent. And Lance had never felt anything like it before. The two locked eyes, and Lance sought for something that they both found at once. Recognition.

The two just sat there staring at each other until Devon smacked Oz and told them it was time to go. As they walked over to the bus, Lance whispered to Oz "We have to talk, one on one. Today." Oz nodded. They would be at the hotel soon; they could talk there.

end part2

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