Westward Bound

By Matto

Published on May 27, 2008


The characters in this story are fictional and belong to Big Fish games and the creators of Westward II; I do not own them. They might engage in unsafe sex, but it's set in a time when no dangers existed. Don't do the same as it's far more dangerous. Otherwise, enjoy. Comments can be sent to ukrbear@picknowl.com.au

I rode into town in the early afternoon, just around lunchtime. I found the Sheriff's office, the place that I'd be calling home pretty much in the centre of town and headed in. I couldn't have asked for better; it was brand new, just erected in this new fledgling town and it had already grown to a size that they felt they needed a full-time Sheriff. I had seen the add posted in another town and decided this was the job for me. I packed up my belongings and headed to the land of promise on the western front. While I was officially employed here, I figured I'd have to let people know who I was and what I was doing here. I figured I'd find the guy in charge and introduce myself.

Towns had been going up all over the place, but some had fared better than others. Hope's End had fallen to robbers and the like, other places hadn't had any luck growing crops, other's had other issues, mostly due to a gang that was marauding the area called the Copperheads. I got angry when I heard about them from different people, acting as if the West was theirs for the taking and no one else had any business being there. I'd trained in gun-fighting or at least shooting so I was a reasonable shot and had added to that an intense workout regime to keep me in shape. Didn't want to fight if I didn't have to, but was prepared just in case.

I asked around the town as to who was in charge if anyone and they talked about someone named Marion. I thought it was a bit unusual to have a woman setting up a town from scratch, but when I asked where to find her, I was meet with giggles and sniggers. That's when they sprung on me that Marion wasn't a woman. Marion Morrison was the guy who'd taken up a stranger's challenge to set up a farm and from there, the town had grown and was beginning to flourish. The Sheriff's office was the latest addition cause they figured they needed someone to protect them from the Copperhead gang. I apologised profusely and asked where I could find Marion. They told me to wait at the Sheriff's office and they would pass the word around to meet me there.

I headed back to my office and put on some coffee. I looked out the window as I drank and took in the town. People seemed happy and went about their business working, while here and there, new thing were being built. I finished my coffee and just as I turned to take the cup in to wash, a voice called for me. I looked out the window and dropped my jaw almost along with my cup. I set the cup down and headed outside.

On the street outside my office was the most masculine specimen of manhood I had ever seen. He must have been about 6'4, built like you wouldn't believe and ripped as if he had worked out since his childhood. He bulged muscle every where; massive arms that you certainly wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of, broad shoulders, tree-trunk legs and hair thickly covering his arms and sprouting from his chest which was barely covered by his overalls. His voice was rich, he wore a broad smile and had bright, deep eyes underneath a crop of blond hair which was partially covered by a straw hat. The hat almost looked comical had I not been in such awe of him.

I'm not too bad in the looks department either, also being about 6'2, blond hair and as I said before had worked out pretty hard to get a pretty ripped physique. I'd had my share of attention from both guys and girls and a lot of kids looking up to me over my adult years. I was now 31 and still turned heads. This guy on the other hand looked a bit younger than me, I guessed about 28 but I was just awestruck by his body.

We introduced ourselves and I asked him to come in to talk. Inside we sat down and enjoyed a cup of coffee together. He told me of his life and how he'd come to be at this town, almost as it's founder which hadn't really been his intention. He'd grown up on the land farming with his family but had also had trouble with the Copperheads. They'd driven his family off their land and most of them had headed back to another town or to family. He decided to stay around and try to find work on the land again. Shortly after, he'd ended up here to help out a guy in setting up a farm. Things had taken off from there. I asked about the Copperheads and he told me that they'd caused trouble from the word go, but with some help from a couple of strangers, they fought them off and now that I was there, they didn't expect to have any more trouble from them.

I asked Marion what he would do now and he told me that there was still some help needed in other areas due to Copperheads and that he'd been going to help out wherever possible.

"Some of the assignments are pretty tough," he said, "but maybe next time you can come to help me."

"I'll do what I can," I replied.

We didn't have to wait too long. Some guy from another town came in asking for help to drive out the Copperheads and retrieve his goods and the other towns folk who'd been taken for hostages. Marion came to alert me and we headed off.

It was a couple of days to the place as we could only get a wagon part of the way and that was nearly a day in itself. We walked from the coach shelter to make as much ground as we could before dark.

"I know of a river around here. We can stop there for the night," said Marion.

An hour or so before sunset, we found the river and set up camp. I got the fire going started to cook.

"I'm just going to wash up." said Marion and headed off toward the river.

He wasn't more than about 20 metres away from me so I had a perfect view of him as he unbuckled his overalls and peeled them down over his sculpted torso. Despite being comfortable on him, they hugged his upper body pretty close without being tight, but they also cupped his family jewels, making a visible bulge when he was wearing them. He peeled the overalls all the way down and stepped out of them, making his way down to the river. Watching his muscular butt as he walked down made me catch my breath and almost drool. I'd never been so turned on seeing a guy in the buff before, but this was captivating.

The food was pretty much ready so I set it aside to keep warm but not burn. I stood and walked over to the river bank to where he was washing.

"Food's ready when you are," I told him.

"Great! I'm starved," he said heartily. "You gonna wash up too?"

"yeah, I s'pose I should. Been a big day."

I began to undress, leaving my white lawman's outfit on a rock near the riverbank. I waded into the warm, crystal clear water and dived over toward where Marion was standing chest-deep. I opened my eyes to see where I was going and was met with the sight of Marion's thick manhood hanging down, gently waving in the river's current. I stood up, standing about a metre away from him and brushed the water from my face.

"Feel better?" he asked, "Water's great, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's great." I could barely keep my gaze on his face as we both washed our heads and bodies in the water. Finally, he dived and made his way to the bank to get out. As he got out, he stood on the bank and looked at the sunset, his body turning a golden colour in it's light.

"You have a fantastic body, Marion." I said, "All that farm work has really made you look awesome."

I couldn't help commenting. I was still in absolute awe at the sight of his body, now fully exposed and presented in such a stunning light.

"Thanks," he said with genuine humility. He didn't blush or look away or even puff out his chest at the compliment. he just accepted it. A lot of people are really uncomfortable accepting compliments, I've found, but this guy was ok with.

"You're not too bad yourself. What do you do to keep in shape?" he asked.

" I just work out privately at home, really."

I came up out of the water and stood near him looking at the last rays of sun disappear below the horizon. It was still light enough though to see around us. We dried off in the warm air and headed back to the fire.

The characters in this story are fictional and belong to Big Fish games and the creators of Westward II; I do not own them. They might engage in unsafe sex, but it's set in a time when no dangers existed. Don't do the same as it's far more dangerous. Otherwise, enjoy. Comments can be sent to ukrbear@picknowl.com.au

"I bet the ladies in town all have their eye on you"

"Yeah, I reckon. They keep inviting me in or stopping to talk and overall being nice to me."

"Have any made any propositions?" I asked slyly.

"I've had the chance to feel a few of them up, but that's been it," he said a little dejectedly, "There were some hot ones I'd love to have had, but something's always happened so that it didn't go any further at that time and there hasn't been another opportunity"

I saw his meat begin to swell as it lay between his meaty thighs. Obviously recounting these stories was getting to him and I wanted to see how far I could take it.

"Did any of them see how big you are? You're pretty impressive from what I can see"

"Nah, it never got that far - no chance to lose the clothing. Bein' busy helps keep my mind off it, but I'm really getting a case of blue balls. I'd settle for a blow job if I knew a good place to get one."

"What about the saloon in town? Don't the girls there put out?"

"Don't wanna havta pay too much for it. I've also heard the girls there are kinda average in the sack." He again looked disappointed as if it was a personal slight against him.

He absently began to massage his piece, almost forgetting where he was and who he was with. I just watched, transfixed.

"How 'bout you?" he asked me, "What do you do when you need to get off?"

"Well, when I was younger, things were a bit different but not by much," I began. "I visited a saloon once and paid some girl just for head but she was kinda average too, didn't seem to take much pride or make much effort in what she was doing. Beyond that, if I really feel the need, it's just been me and my five buddies." I held up my hand to illustrate the point.

"I know what you mean. How hard can it be to blow a guy?" said Marion sympathetically, "I reckon I could do it and do fine."

Did he just say what I think he said? My own meat began to swell at the thought of getting blown by this man-mountain and returning the favour as well.

"Yeah, shouldn't be that hard," I said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic.

Marion had begun to stroke his growing hardness not really bothering to hide it.

"You want me to try for you?" I tested, hoping he wouldn't be appalled and decide to deck me.

He looked taken aback, blinked a couple of times and seemed at a loss for words.

"You really want to? He said after a moment's silence, "you want to suck me off?"

Well, I'll give it a try. You can tell me if it's any good or not."

"W-What do I do? Sit here? Lie down in the tent?"

"Uhhh, I guess just stand up and come over here."

He stood slowly and in three steps covered the distance between us, his erection bobbing side to side as he moved. I reached out my hand to cup his ballsack and marvelled at how it filled my hand. It took up most of the palm and felt warm and soft as I gently massaged him. I turned my attention to his prick. It was approaching about 8" long and about 3" across, with a thick patch of hair at the base. He was cut which was unusual for these times, but so was I and from where I was sitting, it made it look even more attractive.

I brought my hand forward, cradling his hard-on and guided the tip to my mouth. I licked around the head, wetting it and then slowly took it into my mouth. I felt it hit the sides and my teeth and tried my best to keep them away from his beautiful stick. Marion began to breathe more heavily as I took more and more of him into my mouth, making sure that his cock was as wet as possible. I closed my mouth over him and moved my tongue around the shaft before moving my head back up his length to the glans. Once he was completely wet, I moved up and down on him in a regular rhythm. With my hand, I cradled his balls once more and fondled them in gently, even sticking one finger underneath them and massaging the area between his balls and hole.

Marion was moaning and panting as I moved my head up and down the length of his hot tool. Juice began to ooze from the slit in the head and it tasted somewhat starchy but nothing unpleasant. I took it that he was loving what I was doing by the fact he was moaning periodically and placed his huge hands on my head to guide me.

After a few minutes, he pulled out and stepped back, panting and breathing heavily.

"I've never had anything like that. I felt like I would pop any time"

"It was good then," I teased, knowing full well he had enjoyed it.

"Let me do you, but let's go in the tent"

He moved toward the tent bending down to get in and showing me his beefy arse once again. I then got up, took off the under clothes I had put on after our wash and headed in after him.

Inside, he was kneeling down, still a bit unsure of what to do, but anxious to try. I lay down next to him with my head at the far end and feet at the door. He began by gently brushing his hand over my chest and pecs, feeling the hair that was there. It made me tingle and I breathed in as he continued. He then began to do what I had done to him at first. He cupped my balls in his hand and fondled them gently before moving his hand along the underside of my cock. My rod responded to his touch and grew to full length: about 7.5" long and a bit over 2" across. Soon it was pointing straight up in his hand and throbbed under his touch. He gently bent over and began to lick the head as I had done to him before taking it into his mouth bit by bit. He brushed it with his teeth a bit, but soon had me engulfed in a warm wet, velvety grip. I moaned out loud, remembering the girl that had stuffed me into her mouth but not caring about teeth or much else. It was ok then, but this was so much better. Marion's mouth was hot and soft and sent shivers all through my body. I placed my hand on his head just to reassure him that he was doing great.

"That is hot!" I added.

He continued for maybe a minute or two more but I noticed that he was shifting on his knees. I then realised that it couldn't have been that comfortable kneeling down and then bending over someone. I stopped him and pulled him up. He looked at me a bit confused.

"What's wrong? Didn't I do it right?

"You were doing great, but you don't look like you're enjoying that position much. A guy your size needs room, right?"

He nodded in assent. "My legs are getting sore and cramped."

"Spread your legs out this way and you can keep going if you want."

He did so and I turned on my side to give him better access to my dripping pole. His meat in turn was at my level too and I reached out for it as he took me in his mouth again. I gripped his thighs and put one on either side of my head as I rolled him up on top of me. He rolled with me and I bore his full weight on me. He was a heavy dude but I could handle it. I didn't have to for long though as he brought his knees down to the ground and took the weight off my head. I took his length in my mouth again and nursed on it slowly. I looked up to see his muscled arse above me, covered in soft, light-coloured down. I reached up and spread his cheeks, exposing his hold and the hair surrounding it. It was moist, yet clean after our wash and I didn't smell anything to put me off.

I took his prick out of my mouth and lapped around his ballsack for a while, nuzzling and licking all around. He grunted down his end and proceeded to do the same with me. After a moment of this, I turned my attention back to his raging hard-on and engulfed in my mouth once more. Above me, Marion's netherhole twitched and I began to massage it with my thumb. I gently pressed in the middle and the more I did this, the further it sank inside. Marion was moaned and humping my face, pressing his hot cock as deep as he could. We must have been at it for about twenty minutes by my reckoning.

By now, I had replaced my thumb with a finger and was pressing in and out of his hole. I was going in without too much trouble and Marion didn't seem to be objecting. If anything, his moaning and grunting had become more pronounced. I sank it in a fair way and began to stroke the inside of the orifice. My finger touched something firm and I pressed a little.

Uh-oh! Big mistake.

His prick expanded in my mouth and Marion roared around the shaft in his mouth. He thrust his hips into my face and shoved his dong as deep in my mouth as it would go and let rip with what must have been weeks' of pent up juice. The first shot filled the whole back of my mouth and the second followed shortly after filling the rest of it. His cock pulsed and pulsed, again and again, filling my mouth more and more. I had to swallow, there was so much. I grunted around his exploding shaft, gulping down his thick, tangy load. He kept grunting as he continued to blow more of his wad, but all the while kept his hot mouth closed around my prick. The surprise and excitement of Marion blowing tipped me over as well and I moaned around his prick before blowing my own cream into his mouth. He gagged for a second before composing himself and getting on to swallow my whole load. I must have shot about 7 or 8 blasts of cum into his mouth and he took the lot.

We both lay there, continuing to suckle on each other and clean the last specks of manjuice off the prick in our moth. Gently I began to let his bloated meat out of my mouth, cleaning it softly on the way and he did the same with me. He rolled off me panting and I lay there doing the same. It had been absolutely intense and we'd loved it.

"No wench has been that good to me," I said between breaths.

Marion was speechless. "What did you do in my arse? What did you hit? I couldn't stop myself from cumming."

"Does that mean you liked what I was doing?

"At first, it was a bit uncomfortable, but I've done shits that were bigger and more uncomfortable."

"Maybe if there was something to make it more slick, that would help," I suggested.

"Maybe. I have some saddle grease in my satchel, maybe that would do"

"Your arse sure gripped my finger tight. Wonder how it would feel around my cock?"

"Maybe we can try that next time," he said.

He got up, went outside to put the fire out and to make sure our clothes were close enough to put on quickly if needed. He put the fire out and came back to the tent. I was already set up for sleep as it had been an exhausting time. He lay down next to me and we talked for a bit in the darkness before going to sleep. It would be a big day at the valley tomorrow.

Next: Chapter 2

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