Wet and Loose

By moc.liamtoh@efil4reeuq

Published on May 24, 2013


Wet and Loose

Fiction: An artwork of fantasy tinted with the brushstrokes of reality.

It was one of those unexpected things that come along when you're a kid. Something happens to you, it's a coincidence, an idea, an action, a feeling, and you know that it is something special that you will do again every chance you get. I was in class, fourth grade, nine years old, a pretty smart kid and an especially great reader. We were doing our reading lessons and it was winding down another school day as three o-clock approached. I had been sitting on a need to shit for the past half an hour, but didn't want to interrupt the lesson to raise my hand and excuse myself to go to the bathroom. Besides I hated the boy's bathroom, the open stalls without doors. I could hold it until I got home. I only lived two blocks down the hill from school.

I looked at the clock, a quarter to three, and my stomach rumbled quietly, gurgled, and I got a cramp that almost doubled me over when the shit tried to force out my asshole. I squeezed it tight as I could, sitting hard on the wooden seat of my desk, trying to keep it inside me. I thought a little might have slipped by, but I really couldn't tell because I didn't feel anything different in my underwear. I wore tight jockeys. At ten to three another cramp hit me and I was sure some shit slid out that time. I could feel the wetness against my bottom. But it wasn't enough to cause a foul odor that would attract attention. At three I was sure I wouldn't make it home, but I wouldn't make it down to the lower level where the boy's bathroom was either. I grabbed my coat from the coat room, said goodbye to my friends, and sprinted for the side door that went out to the street where few kids went to leave the school. I nearly got to the bottom of the steps when the last cramp hit me and I just gave up and let it happen. The load blew out my ass, a long soft turd that seemed to go on forever. By the time it stopped I could feel it spread all over my bottom and some of it down towards my crotch. I knew I should be embarrassed, but I wasn't. In fact, it felt kind of good. It was warm, soft, gooey, and it gave when I touched and pushed on it. My coat went over my ass so nobody could see it.

I walked down the sidewalk and down the steps, the shit moving around when I walked, I went over to the sidewalk along the street and across to the hill leading to the alley and my home. I saw the big log laid horizontal that the Bradley's had to mark the side of their driveway, and I walked over to it and sat down, easing myself onto it so I could feel what the shit in my shorts was going to do. It was still very warm, and as I let myself sit it spread out further, some going up towards my back, and the rest pushing up through my crotch and onto my balls and dick. Wow, that really felt good. It was all I could do to stop from sticking my hands into my pants to feel it for real. I had to pee real bad, but I couldn't do that in my pants, at least not out here. I got up and ran the block to my house, came in the gate in back and ran to the door.

"Hi mom, I got something to finish in the basement," I said. "Is dad home yet?"

"No Honey, he won't be home for another hour or so," Mom said. "You go ahead and have fun."

Yes, I was going to have fun, I knew it for sure. I went down the concrete steps into the basement. It was mostly unfinished, a dirt floor and dirt walls, and a pathway through it to my dad's little workshop. There was a spot I could crawl up into on the dirt, an area four feet above the floor but below the floor of the house above. There I could crawl twenty feet to a spot I made for myself where I dig the dirt out and formed a little room about eight by eight, and when I dropped down into it nobody could see me there. I had a blanket on the floor and an old wooden straight-backed chair. I pulled off my coat, lifted off my t-shirt, toed off my shoes and sat slowly onto the chair. The shit moved around some more and it felt wonderful, all soft and runny. I had to pee bad but would have to wait until I got out of my pants. I knew the shit would stay inside my shorts because of the tight legs, so I moved my ass around on the chair making the shit move around, then I leaned far forward and more went up and over my dick. I had to feel it more with my hands.

I pulled down my pants and kicked out of them, sat back in just my underwear and looked at the front of them. They bulged with the shit that was over my dick and balls. I put my hand on it and pushed. It gave like soft clay, and it smelled so good. I never thought shit would smell this great. I squeezed it with my hand and pushed down on my dick at the same time. My dick was harder than it had ever been before. I put both hands on the shit and pushed it around, rubbing it onto my dick and down over my balls, smearing it all around. None had slid out the legs or the waist yet, I had it all contained. I put my hand all the way down between my legs and onto the crack of my ass, rubbed the shit around there and that felt sensational too. My whole body down there was like it was giggling,

I grunted and pushed as hard as I could and some more shit slid out of my hole. Then the pressure cause some pee to squirt from my dick and that was the final catalyst for a frenzy I would experience again later in my life. I pushed again, my head swam and I swooned with the pleasure as the pee came out in a steady stream, warm and wet, it covered the front of my shorts and began to run down between my legs. More shit came out, adding to the already full shorts, and I rubbed my hands all over, up into my ass crack, all around my dick and balls, I had my head back and eyes closed, I was breathing real fast. and still I peed more so the shit became runny and my shorts were brown and soaked. As I rubbed it made squishy wet sounds that made me hotter. I stuffed my hands into the waist of my shorts and slid them around in the shit and piss, rubbing it fast over my balls and dick, and putting one hand down and into my ass crack, slipping a finger into my hole and more shit came out in a thin stream around my finger. I was panting now, groaning, I rubbed shit all over myself down there, faster all the time, and stimulating my hard dick so I thought I might bust my guts open. Finally I pushed my hips upwards, tightened my legs straight out, held my breath, and rubbed myself into an orgasm so fine and long my brain spun for five minutes afterward.

When I opened my eyes it was like I had been in a dream or a trance. I looked down at myself, my shorts brown and soaked with shit and piss, my hands now covered in shit all the way past the wrists, and still I felt my cock twitch and balls go tight as I continued to dry cum. I had to get cleaned up so I could go upstairs and shower. I pushed the rest of my clothes out of the way with my feet so they wouldn't get dirty. I moved my right hand up to my nose and sniffed the shit and piss mix. It smelled heavenly, and I licked my finger to find out what shit tasted like. It seemed okay, not to bitter, kind of sweet. I wanted to smear it all over my chest and down over my legs, and up onto my face, but I didn't have time. Lucky I had a gallon of water in a glass jug nearby. I slid my shorts off containing as much of the shit as I could, and tossed them into the corner. I used a corner of the blanket to wipe as much as I could from me. Finally I washed myself with handfuls of water from the jug, and wet a corner of the blanket and finished up. There, that would get me back upstairs to my room.

I put on my pants and t-shirt and shoes, crawled out of my hidey hole and got a big plastic bag with a zip top, went back and put my shorts and the blanket inside and sipped it closed. I got my jacket and took the bag up to the garbage can by the gate and the alley, opened the can and untied a bag inside. I put my secret into the bag and retied it. In the house, I ran to my room and undressed, got into a robe and went to the bathroom to shower. In the shower I rubbed my dick and balls with the soap, put my finger into my asshole and pumped it in and out until my dick got real hard. I tried to put two fingers inside me and that worked pretty well, but I couldn't go inside deep enough to make it feel right, so I soaped up the handle of the back scrubber, it was as big around as three of my fingers, and slowly slid it into my asshole. Wow, that really did it, now my dick was as hard as it had been in the basement and I rubbed it fast with the soap while I pumped the handle in and out of my hole. In a few minutes I busted a nut again and leaned back against the shower wall and panted, slid the handle out of my hole and hung up the brush. Shitting and pissing myself had made me cum twice in less than an hour, and I knew I would be doing it again soon.

Thank you for reading. Nifty would appreciate a donation if you can spare it. If you have comments about my story send them to: queer4life@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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