Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Sep 4, 2012


Wet shame, wet fun

My name is Theo and I'm going to tell you how I got to know my current boyfriend, Jake, and how I discovered his carefully guarded secret - that he couldn't control his own bladder and was prone to wetting himself. This is a story of how I got him to fall in love with me and how I helped him overcome his shame.

*** Chapter 1

I met Jake when I started university a year to so ago. It was his first year too and was studying the sciences, just like I was. I noticed him in my lab sessions because he was kind of cute -- floppy brown hair, button nose, sweet smile. He was really quiet and didn't really talk to many people. I was assigned to be his lab partner so he had no choice to talk to me, and as I found out, he was actually a really friendly person and didn't mind talking when he warmed up to you. I found out later that he was actually living in the same accommodation hall as I was -- right next to my room, in fact. How had I not noticed him earlier?

I began to notice that he would excuse himself half way through our lab sessions, nearly every time. He would have various excuses -- had to go to the toilet, had to take a phone call, had to fill his drink bottle. He would also sit right next to the back door during lectures and would exit during most lectures to go to the toilet. I noted that he was carried a drink bottle all the time like he was afraid of being dehydrated in the next hour. To be honest, I don't think I had seen him take a sip out of that bottle a lot, yet the bottle seemed to empty and get filled up throughout the day.

"Dude, stop drinking all the time. It's why you're going pee all the time," I told him one day. He looked down as if he had been scowled at.

"But I get thirsty," he said quietly to himself. I felt Jake withdraw away from me and I felt guilty that I had been unintentionally harsh. He was a sensitive one.

"Drink up then, buddy" I smiled at him and gave his bottle a knock.

It had been a few weeks into the semester and I had spent a lot of my time around Jake. Being a new place, we both were still in the process of finding our place within the `social directory', and found great comfort in each other. I had made some other friends in my class, but Jake seemed to be content with just being with me. I never saw him talking to anybody else unless he had to. But I was special, I had deduced. Jake was more open with me than anyone else. But that wasn't saying much considering how closed off he was to begin with. However, our friendship had progressed to where Jake felt free enough to occasionally speak of his honest opinion and feelings to me. Progress!

It was a Friday night and a friend had invited me to a party that was happening in the lounge of the accommodation hall. I happily accepted. When I invited Jake to come along he outright refused, intially.

"Theo, seriously. Do I look like the guy who would enjoy it?" Jake gave me a deadpan look. I exaggerated a shoulder shrug.

"I don't know what YOU like, big boy" I replied with a grin. Jake blushed at the comment. I could toy with him all day, It was so entertaining. "You haven't gone to any of the other social events yet," I pointed out.

Jake returned the shoulder shrug, "They don't seem that fun..." and he left it at that. I took hold of his shoulders with my hands and gave him a light shake. Jake's eyes widened at the contact.

"Come on, buddy. It'll be fun! I'd like to see what happens when you get a bit drunk." Jake rolled his eyes at me. Taking my hands off of him, I tried to give him my big puppy dog eyes. I may have ended up with a face that looked like I was on drugs because Jake gave a laugh.

"What are you doing?" he asked with a chortle. I furrowed my brow, reminding myself to never try that look again.

"Pretty please? Be my moral support? You can tell me to stop drinking when I start to trip over my own feet and you can help me home." Jake gave me a look that said, `are you kidding me? Like hell I am'. I pouted.

"I even won't complain if you tried to cop a feel in my inebriated state." Jake's eyes widened again before an amused smile appeared on his face and he shook his head at me, almost like in disapproval.

"Theo, seriously," Jake repeated for the second time in this conversation. He was starting to get tired of my childish behaviour for the morning. You could only have so much of it in 24 hours. He gave an exasperated sigh. "Fine I'll come. But I won't drink. And if you get so drunk that you can't get yourself home, I'm not carrying you back." That was the bottom line.

I beamed up at him, gave a woot and poked him in the tummy, "boop". Jake gave a burst of laughter and wrapped his arms around his abdomen to protect himself from further attack.

We arrived at the party and the room was half filled with people. It wasn't as rowdy as the parties thrown in the more social accommodation halls around campus. Music was booming and alcohol was being freely distributed. I grabbed a bottle of chilled beer, uncapped it and took a big swig .

By the next hour I had finished my 3rd beer and had made my way around the room, chatting with people I recognised. Jake hadn't touched a drink, not even the soda, and had stayed by myself the whole time. I grabbed another bottle and moved to a couch that was located in the far corner, away from the main bustle on the other side of the room. I plonked myself down and Jake seated himself neatly next to me. I rested an arm across the back of the couch, half touching Jake's shoulder. I drew circles on his far shoulder with my finger. Jake seemed to sink a little further into the couch. I took another sip.

"You having fun?" I asked. I knew the answer to that one before he could even roll his eyes at me. "Have you tried beer before?" He shook his head like a dog shaking its fur. It was adorable. I tipped the bottle towards his mouth, touching the rim to his lips. "Try", I gently commanded. I wasn't really going to force him if he didn't want to. He stared at the bottle for a while. I could almost see the thoughts crunching in his head as he tried to decide whether he was going to taint his saintly body with this sinful liquid. After a moment, he tentatively took the bottle out of my hands and into his own. He examined the rim of the bottle and peered down the bottle neck. It was like he wasn't sure what he was supposed to be doing with the bottle.

I was going to suggest that he put his lips over the top and tip the bottle up, jokingly of course. But before I did, his tongue darted out and licked at the rim as if maybe he could sample the beverage by lapping up any stray drops. Don't blame me that my brain had replaced the image of the bottle with a cock -- a cock being lapped up by Jake. I tipped my head away from Jake and gave a strained moan. He probably thought it was a groan of frustration at his cautious ways, but for me it was a `omg please stop or else i'm going to have to bend you over and have my way with you' moan. When I looked back at him, he was looking back at me while he had his tongue in the hole of the bottle. It was a hilarious sight. I burst out laughing and casually wrapped my arms around his waist, the alcohol clearly having its effect on me. He startled momentarily before relaxing.

"What on earth are you doing?" I said between chuckles. I took the bottle out of his hands, touched the tip to his lips and slowly tipped the bottle upwards. We watched the liquid slowly flow closer to the tip and Jake sucked at the liquid as it came out. It was like bottle feeding a baby rabbit or something. But with beer.

Jake spluttered and pushed the bottle away. "God, that tastes like utter shit," he cursed. I gave another laugh. I had never heard him swear before.

I lost track of time as I slowly fed alcohol to Jake in this manner. I let him try a wide range of alcoholic drinks. He seemed to like the fruity ready-to-drink mixes best, probably because they tasted more like sugar water than anything else. He never objected to all the alcohol I was subjecting him to. I think secretly he wanted to try it all. I still had an arm around his waist when we finished off a 3rd drink, sharing it between us. For a shy kid, he didn't seem to have any reservations about sharing spit via bottle. His face was starting to get very red and his mouth became looser. He made observations around the room, pointing out who he thought was cool and who he thought was a dick. I'd never seen him talk so much. He had leaned into me, resting his head against my shoulder.

A group of people were dancing to the music in the centre of the room. I wondered of the extent of Jake's new found loss of inhibition. I pulled him up onto his feet with me.

"Come on, let's dance," I suggested. His eyes narrowed in careful thought. Maybe he wasn't as uninhibited as I thought. He shrugged his shoulders and walked ahead of me towards the dancing crowd.

While you'd expect Jake to be the most awkward dancer ever, he was surprisingly fluid and sexy. He may be quiet, but he's an observer. He saw what other people did and copied them. And he wasn't all that bad at it! We finished off a few more drinks together that night. There were lots of laughing and socialising. Jake was finally coming out of his shell. Occasionally I'd have my hand on his hips as he swayed to the beat. I couldn't tell if the looks he were giving me were of amusement, lust or just plain drunkenness. The night continued until early morning. People had begun to leave and the last I remembered, Jake and I fell asleep somewhere on the floor.

I woke the next morning lying on top of a rather uncomfortable pile of people's shoes, with a warm body next to me. My head was aching and I felt a bit dizzy as I sat up. The room was a mess with alcohol bottles and cups and food strewn all over the floor. The room was nearly empty of people apart from one other guy I recognised as someone in my class sleeping on the couch.

I looked next to me to see Jake still coma'd out. He had an arm placed across his eyes and he was snoring lightly -- so cute. I noticed a very dark patch that had spread across the crotch area of the jeans. I lightly touched the fabric -- yup, soaked. It was slightly warm too. I brought my fingers up to my nose and I detected the light odour of urine. Alcohol tended to do that to people -- makes you need to piss like crazy, and if you were passed out like Jake was, you'd wet yourself.

I had a fetish for piss. I loved watersports. I loved the smell, look and taste of it. Seeing Jake soaked in piss turned me on like crazy. I wanted to bury my face in his wet crotch and suck out the liquid. I knew Jake would die of embarrassment if other people saw him like this. He was shy enough as it was without being spotted in a pair of soaked jeans. I went to the bathroom and rummaged through draws and closets to find a town. Finding a large fluffy one, I went back to where Jake was sleeping and gently shook him by the shoulder.

"Hey, buddy," I whispered to him.

He stirred and his eyes flickered open momentarily before closing them again.

"What's up?" his words were groggy and tired. He rubbed his eyes.

"We totally passed out on the ground," I chuckled. Jake gave a sleepy grin and propped himself up on his elbows. He surveyed the room and frowned at the state of it. He didn't seem to notice his pants.

"Umm, Jake, it seems like the alcohol got to you." I nodded towards his crotch and when he saw the state of his pants, his face instantly went red, redder than it was last night from the alcohol.

"Shit," Jake whispered in a shaky voice.

I laid the towel on top of his crotch. "I got a towel for yo-" and before I could finish he rocketed up onto his feet and made a dash to the bathroom with a hand holding the bunched up towel over the large wet spot. I spotted his room key on the ground and grabbed them. I jogged to his room, grabbed a clean pair of sweat pants and returned to the bathroom where Jake had ran into. I jiggled the door handle. It was locked.

"Umm, occupied," came a stressed voice from inside.

I knocked twice, "Jake, it's me. I went and got you a pair of dry pants."

There was a few seconds of silence and then I heard him shuffle towards the door and unlocked it. Without asking, I opened the door and walked in, shutting and locking the door behind me. Jake had his chin to his chest, his eyes closed and his face scrunched up in a look of frustration and embarrassment. He was trembling lightly and still had the towel bunched up over his crotch. I stood there looking at him, noting his obvious anguish.

"Hey buddy," I spoke gently, like I was trying not to spook a baby animal. Jake sniffled, eyes still closed and body rigid. I slowly walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you okay? It was just a little accident," I tried to comfort him, "It's the damn alcohol. I'm surprised it didn't happen to me too,". He sniffled again and opened his eyes, but kept them on the floor in front of him. "I'm sorry if you're mad at me. I didn't mean for us to get THAT drunk," I admitted. "I got you some new pants. Look, they're your lazy Sunday sweat pants," I smiled at him. He looked up at me and took a big shaky breath.

"Thanks," he said in a small voice. I rubbed his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. I think Jake secretly loved the physical contact between us. I don't think he got much of it from anybody else.

"Get changed and let's get something to eat," I offered, turning around to leave.

After a few minutes, Jake came out wearing his dry pants and had his jeans rolled up in the towel. We walked together back to our rooms in silence.

When we got back, I told him that I was going to have a shower first and that I'd come over to his room when I was done.

After I was daisy fresh and in new clothes, I knocked on Jake's door and waited for him to open. He came out wearing new clothes after having a shower himself. We decided to go eat sushi -- something plain and not greasy. When we had sat down with our sushi, Jake just stared at his food while I went straight into it, chowing down like some starving idiot.

When I noticed he hadn't touched his food yet, I spoke to him with a mouth half full, "You okay? Are you feeling sick?" Jake shook his head and picked up his chopsticks. "I have no idea how you use those things," I commented as I continued to shovel sushi in my mouth using my hands. Jake looked at me, one eye brow lifted in a judging look. A smirk appeared on his mouth. "Wha?" my mouth now even fuller. I chewed some more and swallowed. "What?" I repeated. Jake just chuckled, shook his head and started eating. "Now there's the smile that I fell in love with," I said and resumed stuffing my face.

I pretended not to notice the blush appearing on Jake's adorable cheeks as he dipped his head.


Author's note:

Thanks for reading, Nifty visitor :) This is my first piece of writing here. I'm a final-year university student, just about to graduate and wishing to explore my creative writing interests. I also have a thing for cute, fluffy stories.

Let me know what you thought of this chapter of my first story by sending me an email at kylenewton25-at-yahoo.com (replace -at- with @) using the story title as the subject heading. It can be a short `hello' to a full break down of your opinion. Anything goes, except for flames. All your comments will help me continue writing. I'll write for even one fan!

I thought about trying to write a couple more chapters of this story and posting them slowly one by one so that people didn't have to wait too long before getting another chapter to read. However, I want to know what people think of my story first and so I can take on any suggestions provided early on by my readers. Hence, what you see here at Nifty is the most recent chapter available and you'll have to wait until I've finished writing a new one.

Thanks again!

Next: Chapter 2

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