What a Carrot Can Do

By Michael100 banks

Published on Jul 8, 2003


This story includes adult languages, and gay sex. If you find this offensive please do not continue. However, if you enjoy this kind of stuff, feel free to send you comments to sxmachine@hotmail.com

  • What a carrot can do

My name is Mike and I'm from Philippines. Most people here are Roman Catholics which means premarital sex is absolutely a no no. Most people here especially the senior citizens thinks that sex outside marriage is as bad as killing somebody. I don't know why really but it seems like for them it's already a tradition, "a boy should marry a girl before they are allowed to have sex". However, no matter what they say about it, people are still doing it. What about gays you might ask? Well, what do you think? Almost all straight people despised gay relationships. Some people could curse you if they knew about it. Well, enough about that. I'm actually here to tell you about my experience. There is no killing or cursing of some kind so don't worry.

It all began when my uncle adopted this guy. Here in Philippines you can adopt anybody that is in need of shelter no matter how old he is, and even with no adoption papers. I was about 18 years old and he was 17. He's name was Bert! He's dark like most Filipinos, he's 5 ft. 4 inches tall, not much taller than I am. He's not really good looking or something but he's got this great hot body which makes me really horny everytime I see him without his shirt. Other than Ben Adams, Nicky Byrne and Nick Carter, he's body is my masturbating fantasies. One time, I heard my uncle telling him to wash his car every morning before they go to work. Of course my imagination have gone wild, I couldn't help myself imagining his hot body exposed just for me. The next morning I woke up early as ever, 5:30 A.M. to be exact. My room is in the 2nd flr. of our house and my window is facing my uncles garage with no trees or anything that could block my view. At around 5:45 I heard my uncle's voice giving instructions to Bert. My uncle is the kind that doesn't want to see dirt anywhere. So I hurriedly stood up from my bed and drag a stool to my window make myself comfortable while watching him. My window glass by the way is a one-way view which means he couldn't see I'm watching him.

When my uncle was done with his instructions, Bert started the washing right away. He took the hose from the hanger and started washing the back of the car. Two minutes later his shirt got wet and then took it off. It's really amazing for somebody like him, with no money for gyms could have such perfect body. I was in heaven just by watching him move around the car with his body exposed for me to see, wishing I were the water that slowly flows down in his body. Then I noticed through his wet short that he wasn't wearing underpants. The garment of his short is quite thin that you could almost what's under it when wet. I was enjoying the moment so much I didn't even realize that my dick was already hard as a rock. My hands reached my 6 and a half inches cock and started stroking it slowly. "huuhhhhh" I moaned a little while keeping my eyes on the sexy stud on my window. "ohhhh yeahhhhh" my other hand started play with my nipples one at a time, it felt really great. And in just seconds I'm all ready to blow my loads off "huuhhhhhh yeeeahhhhhh ahhhhhhhh" I tried my best not to be too loud, I don't want my sister on the other room to hear me but I can't help it, it's like my dick is controlling mouth. Good thing my sister slept very late last night. It was incredible! I've jerk off a lot and never felt as good as that. Then of course after incredible moment, watching Bert washing my uncles car has become a morning routine.

Then 2 years have passed, I still do the same thing. Although as days keep on coming, I also keep looking for more ways to see his amazing body. There are times that we talked about something like girls, sex and stuff that straight man would do. He said that since my uncle adopted him, he had banged 8 girls already. He didn't know I'm gay so he's very comfortable talking about it. Sometimes I could see a bulge and a wet spot on his pants while he talks about he's girls. It's pretty obvious that Bert gets horny very easily.

One Monday Morning, all classes were suspended because the jeepney drivers are on strike. Here in Philippines most students don't have private cars and taking a cab is quite is expensive, the only cheapest way is through jeepneys.

It was around 11:00 in the morning and it's almost lunchtime. When at home I always do all the cooking even though we have a maid. I looked on the fridge for some carrots but didn't find one. So I went to my Uncles house and ask if they have any. The door was open so I just walked in, I heard Bert singing some rock song in the shower. I knocked on the bathroom door and ask Bert if they have some carrots. He didn't hear me at first but after I shouted his name there was since in the entire house. "Who's there?" he asked. "Bert, do you have some carrots?" I directly asked. "Oh! I don't know, just look on the fridge Mike". So I did, and I found one... "Hey Bert, I took one... Thanks". "Mike wait! could you get a shampoo on the cabinet? He asked. "Don't you have a shampoo there" I replied. "It's already empty...it's in the cabinet right beside the fridge". I did what he asked and when I already have the shampoo I told him to open the door. "Here's the shampoo". " I'm wet man, I don't want to make mess on the floor, just come in here" he said. After hearing him said my brain totally blacked out and my body starts to take control. As I opened bathroom door the first thing I saw was a silhouette from the other side of the shower curtain. "Here's the shampoo man" I said while looking at his shadow. He pulled the curtain off while soaping his body with his other hand. "Thanks Mike, just put it there" he said. Then he asked me how long would the strikes usually ends. "I'm not sure really, sometimes it's 2-3 days" I answered with a low voice. "Are you feeling alright man?" he asked. "yeah... I'm fine". I said it while looking down at his crotch. He noticed it and said "what are you looking it man". "Nothing... I... was just..." but before I could finish my sentence "Oh shit!!!! Don't tell me your... are you gay man?" he asked a little hard voice. "What me? no... I'm not" I tried to defend myself. "Yeah right... How do you explain that bulge on your shorts, straight men don't get hard by looking someone's cock" he said in a funny way. "No...I was just..." I didn't know what to say. "It's OK man" he interrupted. "It's Ok to be gay, I mean I'm not gay or anything but it's ok for me to have a gay friend." I was speechless, I didn't know how to react on what he just. "Do you want to feel my cock in your hand?" he said. "What" I was shocked. "you can touch it if you want, after all you're my friend". "No I shouldn't man" I denied. "Mike, I know you want to, it's really ok with man and I'm not telling anyone. As your friend, it's the least I can do for you". I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. Here he is, my masturbating fantasy, telling me it's ok to touch his cock. "it's it really alright with you" I asked. "yeah" he answered with a smile in his face. My right hand slowly is slowly reaching is 4 inches soft cock. When I felt it on my fingers, my cock feels like it's gonna explode. "Yeah... that's it man, feel that cock..." he's cock was getting harder so I gave it a stroke. "ohhh yeahhhh" he moaned. I can say that he is enjoying my hand on his dick. As I keep on stroking him, his dick keeps on growing hard until it reach into it's full 7 inches. Seeing my having a great time, my nervousness are slowly subsiding until my dick takes control on whole body again. I took his swollen member on my mouth trying to give him the best blowjob ever. I've never done anything like this before I didn't know I was doing it right but looking at his face tells that I'm not bad. "huhhhuhhh yeahhhhh... suck it all the way man" he beg. He wants me to have it all in my mouth, I hesitated but I don't want him to be disappointed. So I tried... I gag the first three times but I did it. "Ohhhh that feels so good... huuhhhhhh yeeahhhh". I as suck harder and harder his moaning became louder and louder. "OHHHHHH YEEEAAAAAAHHHHH I'm Cumming!!!!!! Ohhhhhhhh yeahhhhhh!!! He tried to pull his dick out of my mouth, he thought I wasn't ready to taste his cum, but shoved my face on his crotch to take all his load. Then...his cum just blow jet by jet into my mouth, I tried to drink all but there's too much... Some drooled out of my mouth. "yeahhh huhhhhh...that was great man" he said with a satisfied voice. I still kept sucking him as his dick soften back and then I said "I've been dreaming about this moment for year". Then he answered "just tell me when do you want to do it again". I smiled and then "where the hell is that carrot".

If you guys liked me to add another chapter of this story just email me at sxmachine@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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