What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Nov 14, 1998


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a continuing work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young male teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, or do not approve of adult/youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read any further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Authors Note: I would encourage you to read the first 4 parts before beginning Part 5, as this is an evolution of their story. Once again my thanks to those people who have written to me with words of appreciation and encouragment for your kind remarks. For RT.

"What A Wonderful World" - Part 5

Part 5 ------

Some of the most meaningful thoughts are never uttered, but rather expressed in tender gestures. The way two lovers hold and gently caress each other and just meld into one form after making love. Kevin and I laid in his bed our bodies entwined, our hands brushing in slow petting motions, an occasional soft kiss; a nose nudging the warm recess below an earlobe, a reassuring contented sigh; the warmth of a knowing smile and the almost slow-motion eyes connecting and communicating the inner peace and security we felt. It seemed like hours we just cuddled and were content to exist in each others arms. The reality that it would soon be coming to an end brought an unfair melancholy to us now. I think we both sensed it together, a testimony to the unique symbiotic union which had evolved between us. This extraordinary capacity to tune in to the others emotions without actually saying a word.

So it was as my eyes read 9:37 PM on Kevin's alarm clock and his strong young arms clutched me ever tightly now. We both knew that within an hour our time to be together would be over. I was struck all at once by the enormity of that happening. We would soon be apart. While other lovers could find security and happiness in making their arrangements permanent, Kevin and I knew without speaking that we would have to find a way to feel connected even though we would be apart. For the first time in my life, I felt the deep ache of missing someone, while at the same time still being wrapped in their arms. I could see the same pain surfacing in Kevin's eyes too, as pools of liquid formed and released, running in silent streams across his cheeks. "I love you kiddo" I said, trapping a tear between my lips. "And I'll never leave you" I whispered, trying almost desperately to reassure him as I held him tightly to me.

"I wish I could go with you, but I know I can't", he answered. "I know we can find a way to be together" he said, making his own gestures to salve the inner pain he knew we both shared. "Maggs will be home soon, and I wish we could make love one more time" he sighed, his fingers sliding between us and wrapping around our soft organs, tenderly massaging the warm flesh.

"I know Kevin", I answered. "But we don't have time now" I said in a feeble attempt to stop the inevitable, his hard slender shaft a testimony once again to the urgency that was seizing him.

"Please" he pleaded into my eyes, his hand stimulating my penis, my resistance ebbing with each pulse of blood now rushing into my growing cock. How could I ever say no. How could I deny the mutual need we had to be a part of each other. 'That's it' I suddenly thought! What I had thought about Friday night!

"You know when you eat, you're stomach digests the food and new cells are formed in your body Kevin?" I asked urgently.

"Yes, of course" he answered. "But what are you talking about?" he asked.

"When a new cell is formed, it lasts in your body for up to two years" I explained, as his brow furrowed, his face skewed in an effort to understand where this was leading. "This might sound crazy to you Kevin, but I want us to go down on each other, and swallow each others sperm; so our bodies can absorb it and become a permanent part of one another; then no matter when we are apart, we will always carry a part of each other within us" I said.

"Awesome" he exclaimed, his face grinning expectantly. "Wow, like blood brothering, only better" he beamed, his hips grinding his hard cock against mine. "Let's do it now....hurry Mason", he said....then grabbed my arm suddenly and stopped me, his eyes lighting up with an unspoken idea. "Let's do it this way", he said. "I'll go down on you and when you shoot, I'll keep it in my mouth and hold it there while you go down on me, then after I shoot, we hold each other in our arms and count to three and swallow at the same time" he gushed.

His lips found mine, our mouths opened, and our tongues began probing in a silent acquiescence to his wonderfully erotic plan. An almost fierce need welled up from deep within us now. Our time was short, our need to complete this act of absorption overwhelming. Deep groans of passionate hunger resonated from within Kevin's throat. He broke our kiss and began kissing and nibbling my earlobe, hot breath from his nostrils flooded the ear canal and electrified my senses. My swollen cock spasmed as his tongue lathed across my throat and he began to lick and kiss my chest. His fingers found both of my erect nipples and he twisted them sharply, dragging gut wrenching moans from within me.

Each time we had made love in the last three days, time was our ally. Now in the frenzied moment that had seized us, the urgency was inescapable. As Kevin's hands pushed me onto my back, his tongue danced and circled around and around my navel, his lips sucking my flesh in a solicitious explosion of desire. Firefly lights danced in front of my eyes as the lids slammed shut and Kevin's velvet lips reached the cap of my engorged cock. His tongue rimmed the head frantically, as he savored the profuse emissions of sweet pre-cum. His right hand closed around my shaft and instantly began to masturbate me desparetly. His mouth sucked hungrily down around the flared ridge of my cockhead. No sooner had the warm recess of his throat made contact with the turgid crown of my cock, then from deep within the marrow of my groin, my prostate contracted and my body began to quiver.

The onslaught of my orgasm seized my body in a death grip. For an instant Kevin froze and relaxed his hand and expectant mouth. My body lurched and the nerve searing rush of my cum, spewed forth in a torrent, each pulsing egestion trapped and held eagerly within his mouth.

The urgent need to savor his seed overwhelmed me, and as the last spasms of my climax were still coursing thru my veins, I lowered my head to my own urgent goal. His rich pink cock slid between my lips; for this was not a singular act, but one of ongoing orgasm; one that could only be completed together. Kevin instinctively raised his hips and my finger found the nub of his sphincter. My tounge lathed the rich clear fluid oozing from the eyelit of his cock, and I slowly slid my finger inside.

The muffled sounds coming from Kevin's throat as he held my seed in his mouth, messaged my instincts that the journey to climax was already at hand. A final upward thrust of his hips as my finger dragged across his prostate and his penis swelled suddenly and erupted. His warm cream ejaculated time and again into my mouth, the essence of his spirit cascading across the taste buds, forever etching their place in my mind.

Anxiously we gathered each other once again in our arms, our slick cocks again pressed tightly between our loins, our legs intertwined. Our bodies were still passion filled, our faces flushed red with desire, our eyes met knowingly, our lips inches from each other. One, two, three our heads slowly nodded purposefully, then our throats contracted in unison, and the fruits of each of our loins were slowly ingested. Our mouths met in a final act of giving, our tongues rolled around each other, each of us tasting the residue of our seed, and with one final swallow to signify the act, we once again collapsed in each others arms.

If this has never happened to you, then my heartfelt wish is that it one day will, because at that one intense euphoric moment we both began laughing hysterically. But it was not an act of hilarity, but one of such intense bliss, that the joy that overwhelmed us now, could only be released in such a way. We were one and triumphant, in the knowledge that we were forever united now, and would carry each other together or apart.

"Holy shit", look at what time it is" Kevin shouted, springing from the bed and frantically grabbing his clothes. "Hurry Mason, it's already ten o'clock" he said.

"Aww Crap" I shouted, trying to tug on my jeans and realizing I had my underwear on inside out. Kevin collapsed against the bed in uncontrolled hysterics, while at the same time trying to steady himself and pull on a boot. Two twelve year old hormonal explorers could not have looked in any more distress than Kevin and I as we raced the hand of the clock, in our attempts to get dressed and not be 'caught in the act'.

Providence plays an important role in our lives I had guessed. For it was not one full minute after plopping my butt down on the safety of the living room couch while Kevin was finishing dressing and tying his boots in the bathroom when I heard a car door slam. 'She's here' I thought, the imminent arrival of Kevin's mother, causing my legs to begin to shake, and my heart to palpitate. No moment in any court room had the air of tension that enveloped me now. 'What the hell am I doing here, especially alone' I thought. 'God please hurry Kevin' I silently pleaded. I heard the familiar sound of a key in the lock, the door swang open and in walked Maggs and Craig.

I don't care if you gave me lessons, a script and 15 years to prepare for for what happened as I stood up, and the three of our eyes met for this first time. If you ever saw the movie 'Ground Hog Day', then you know immediately the sense that I had of being frozen in time. Nothing....nothing I had ever done or learned or lived through had even remotely prepared me for this instant!

Here we three were. Maggs with this half surprised, half knowing look on her face, and Craig...........Craig Sherburg......'THE' Craig Sherburg, my former teenage friend. The one and only, the very same Craig Sherburg, my former classmate, with whom I had lost my virginity when I was sixteen. If you look in the dictionary under 'incredulous' there would be Craig's picture with the same expression on his face as he stood there looking at me!

"Mason!!?" he asked, instantly realizing my identity as the question escaped his mouth.

"Of course it is Craig", Maggs said...extending her hand to me, yet at the same time getting the screwiest look on her face, trying to comprehend or calculate just how Craig could have possibly known my name. "Do you two know each other?" she asked, as I shook her hand in greeting; her head alternately looking at Craig and me for a response. I must have looked like a real dufus, because that is just what I felt like at this moment. Thank god Craig seized the moment and spoke first, because my brain had decided to go on vacation, taking my ability to speak with it.

"We've known each other since grade school" he replied, stepping across the room and giving me one of his trade-mark bear hugs. "God Mason, how are you?" he asked. "Man, I havn't seen you since graduation" he said, trying to put me at ease. The only problem with that, was the last time he had given me one of those bear hugs we were standing naked in his bedroom as teenagers, and I had just finished buggering his butt. I don't know if he was having the same memory I was right now, but the thought that he might be sure wasn't helping to steady my nerves at the moment.

"I can't believe it" I managed to say to him, while having the presence of mind to turn to address Karen. "I'm Mason Langley, Mrs Tyler"...Karen I mean, I stammered further. "Or may I call you Maggs?" I asked, regaining a a little bit of my composure while trying my best to make the right impression.

"Maggs please, wouldn't feel right if you didn't Mason", she graciously said. "Kevin was right, you are a handsome man", she teased, poking Craig in the ribs simultaneously, while the blood in the bottom half of my body suddenly rocketed into my face. "It is really nice to finally meet you Mason, Kevin's done nothing but talk about you since last Thursday night", she continued. The blood was still there, but my heart rate steadied. Maggs just had that way of making you feel comfortable.

A slight movement drew my attention to the hallway behind them and I could see Kevin standing there taking this all in. Two things zapped my mind the minute I saw him. First of all he was wearing my clothes, and second as a result of that, what was going to be Maggs reaction, Now I know how a young guy must feel when he goes on a date, and has to face the parents. I might be 32, but this was totally new to me.

"By the way, where is Kevin"? Maggs asked, prompting Kevin to slide from hiding and saunter matter-of-factly into the room.

"Hi mom"....Hi Craig", he said, giving his mother a big hug as she was obviously going thru his closet in her mind and determining this was not a part of the wardrobe she had taken care of in the past. My trained eyes studied every movement of her posture and expression desparately searching for a clue as to what her reaction might be.

"Do a little shopping while I was gone?" she asked leaning backward and giving his attire the once over, while Kevin's head turned downward and he glanced to the side at me, as his face blushed crimson.

"They're Mason's mom" he replied doing his own search-scan for what her next words would be.

"Well, he's got good taste in clothes too, she said. "And they look pretty darn good on you, I might add", her hand raising Kevin's chin and a smile growing across her face. I thought I saw a quick knowing wink from her eye to Kevin's as his face softened and relaxed, then glowed with the unspoken understanding they had just reached.

It suddenly occured to me that Maggs was one of the most diplomatic and understanding people I had ever met. Not only was she seemingly one step ahead of all of us, but it was clear that she had a complete and total grasp of the situation. "So you two had a nice weekend?" she began asking Kevin but finished looking at me and smiling tenderly, her eyes searching mine for a response.

"Yes, we had a terrific time", I heard myself answer, not really knowing how she managed to draw that response from me.

"Well, I'm really glad to hear that", she returned her gaze to Kevin now, and gave him a tender reasuring hug.

Now I never pegged Craig as having anything but jock brains, but whether or not he had even remotely been trying to put two and two together, he seemed genuinely happy to see me again. For my part, I was actually somewhat relieved that he was someone I knew so well, rather than to have to try to correctly impress another man who would have been a total stranger. For the next ten minutes or so, we exchanged pleasantries and Kevin even managed to ask some questions about their trip to Chicago and at the same time steal glances in my direction, just to try to maintain contact. Clearly any 'edge' that might have been there at the outset of our meeting was completely gone, and as we talked I could feel a real inner peace about how this was going. A real testimony to Maggs I thought, as she and Kevin continued to exchange small signals.

"I should really be going" Craig suddenly said. I have an early meeting to go to at the bank tomorrow, remember Maggs?" he asked.

"Sure hon", Maggs answered. Then she turned to me and placing her hand on my shoulder said, "Why don't you walk Craig out for me Mason, Kevin and I have some things we want to talk about, but I want you to come back", she smiled softly. With that she gave Craig a tender kiss and told him she would 'call him in the morning' and as I saw Kevin pensively settle onto the couch, she held the door for us and we left.

Once again my stomach started to get a bit jittery, as Craig and I stood by his car, reliving old times. "Maggs is a terrific lady" I offered as the conversation stalled. I could sense that he wanted to talk about more.

"I care for her a lot", Craig said. "She's the first woman I ever met who I felt totally connected to", he went on. "She just seems to understand me and you can tell she accepts you too" he said, an old familiar smile appearing on his face. "She and I talked a lot about Kevin this weekend", he continued. "About what he is going through and of course you, not knowing that it was you we were talking about though. But I can tell that she likes you Mason, and that is all you'll ever need. If Maggs likes you, end of story" Craig stated emphatically.

"Oh, and one other thing Mason, you and I have a 'history' that is best kept between us, if you understand", he said. "I know now you are gay, and I am totally accepting of that....I went through my own identity search when we were teens, as you well know, but I am totally in love with Maggs" he said.

"I really hope to marry her someday Mason, and I think Kevin is a really terrific young man too", he went on. "But from the looks I saw you two exchanging I would say you already know that" he grinned. Then for the third time in our lives he gave me the Sherburg hug and slid into his car. As he started the engine, he leaned out the window and motioned for me to come close. "Perhaps we will all be family one day", he smiled. "I'd like that", he said. "See you again soon, I hope" he shouted. And with that he drove off.

For the next ten minutes or so, I just stood there under the streetlight my gaze fixed on the apartment door, all the while replaying the events of the last half hour. Craig was right of course about Maggs. She knew the minute she walked in that her sons life had changed forever. Hers too for that matter. Yet as I walked up the sidewalk and knocked on the door, hoping I had stayed away long enough for 'the talk' with Kevin to conclude, the pragmatist in me kept reminding me that there was much yet to be said.

Maggs opened the door the second my knuckles hit the wood. She smiled directly into my eyes, with the same deep brown comforting eyes that Kevin had so often shown me these last three days. As I walked into the living room, Kevin was noticeably absent. Sensing my awareness to that, she laughed softly and pointed to the closed bedroom door. "Kevin's doing a little house cleaning in his room", she said. He wouldn't let me go in there, so I told him to stay there until you said it was alright for him to come out" she teased. "Let's sit down on the couch and talk Mason". For some reason, I felt a great sense of peace, mostly I think because she was so totally comfortable with my being there. She also had the uncanny ability to read you by just looking at you. I purposed that no matter what was said or asked, I was going to be totally honest with her. I owed all of us that.

"Mason, I want you to hear me out", she began. "Before you say anything, please just let me say what is on my mind and in my heart", she said. My heart jumped at her words. "Kevin's in love with you Mason" she said tenderly. "And I know it is genuine, I could see it in his face, the moment I looked into his eyes". "A mother knows these things, so please indulge me for a minute" she went on. "I trust my son totally, but I also must trust you too" she said. I do know that I have not seen Kevin this happy since his dad died almost nine years ago, and that is a long time to someone his age. I am also totally supportive about his being gay", she continued. "And while my initial reaction to his attraction to you was fraught with some fear, talking with him just now, hearing him describe his feelings for you, I understand how he feels", she said.

"I must admit to you Mason, that I have a hundred valid questions that I would like to ask. I am not interested in the details of your feelings for each other, only in the assurance from you that you would never intentionally do any- thing to hurt him in any way" she said. "Like all parents who love their children, I only want Kevin to be happy. No matter what else happens in his life, if he is genuinely happy, that is all that really matters to me", she went on. My whole spirit was soaring as I listened to the careful, thoughtful and loving things she said about her young son, our Kevin.

"I know I could choose to try to not allow this to happen, but in my heart I know that would be a tragedy for all of us" she said. "I guess, I just want to know that you will be willing to share him with me too" she sighed, and looked searchingly in my eyes for my response. "While as adults we both are completely aware about societies views on a relationship such as the one you two have chosen, you and I both know that in order to protect the one we love most, his future happiness, and yes....your happiness too, depends on our being able to sustain this for all of our sakes" she concluded. "Many of my questions were answered by Kevin as we talked", she said. "So now I would like to hear from you, just how you feel about our special young man".

"You are a remarkable woman Maggs"....I confess I have never met anyone whom I more greatly admire than I do you at this moment", I began. I love Kevin very much too, and I ask you to believe that I had never a thought that this might happen to me or to us", I said. "I want you to know from the bottom of my heart, I would always put Kevin's feelings above my own....always treat him with dignity and respect", I said firmly. "Kevin is mature beyond his years, in things of the adult world and affairs of the heart too I believe. He has made me realize so many things about myself and my life in these past three days, and I couldn't for a minute think of what life would even be like without him being the biggest part of it." I could see the easing of her concerned face, as I shared with her my deep abiding devotion to Kevin.

"You have my word, that nothing will ever separate Kevin from his love for you. He is crazy about you Maggs, I can sure tell you that" I smiled, her face glowing with the words she now heard. "You can trust me with anything, you have my word on that", I said. I know that only over time you can be assured of that, but I thank you for everything you have said. I also understand the hazards we face, and will always keep Kevin's future uppermost in my thoughts and actions" I continued. "Then you feel alright that we are together now", I asked in one final gesture to allow her to respond having heard me speak my heart.

She moved over closer and instinctively wrapped her arms around me. "As long as Kevin loves you Mason, then I will love you too", she whispered, and for the briefest of moments, her assurance and support of Kevin and my love for each other was sealed for all time.

"No doubt we will have a lot more to talk about Mason, but for tonight I think we have said all that is needed for all of us to be happy", she said. "It's getting late and we both have work and Kevin has school tomorrow" she reasoned.

"May I use your bathroom first and then speak with Kevin before I leave?" I asked. "I don't want to go without having a chance to say a proper goodbye, and with your permission make plans to see each other again Maggs", I said. "I don't mind telling you I miss him already" I said, as I stood and headed down the hall and entered the bathroom.

I stood for the longest time deep in reflection on all that was said. What a breathtaking thing this all was. How right Kevin had once again been. He of course knew his mother better than anyone, but for someone who has not reached his 16th birthday, he indeed was mature beyond his years. I thought of the deep abiding love that had blossomed in such a short time. I thought about the joy of holding him in my arms; the almost reverent way we had made love. As I stared at myself in the mirror daydreaming, I could not help but think that as of this moment, I was the most fortunate man alive. Now there was a deep growing sadness at the approaching separation which we must both endure. I wanted to hold him close once again, and tell him how deeply I loved him, but Maggs presence and the newness of this all to her, gave rise to a more reserved goodbye on my part. My hope was that Kevin would be able to at least walk me out, and I could at least kiss him tenderly goodbye.

As I re-entered the living room and found Maggs standing there, I could could tell that she was at peace within herself. "May I speak with Kevin now" I asked, hoping to be able to get through this with some degree of composure.

Maggs turned to me and one solitary tear ran down her right cheek. My alarm was dismissed immediately as she smiled and said "he's waiting for you outside." "We'll talk again soon Mason, I promise", she said and then opened the door and gave me another hug. "You are a wonderful man", and Kevin is very lucky to have found you too", she whispered. "Now hurry before I change my mind", she laughed.

"Thanks for everything Maggs, I'll send him right in", I promised and slowly closed the door. How am I ever going to say goodbye tonight I thought as I turned and began looking for Kevin. I could make out his form sitting in the Explorer waiting, as I quickly crossed the lawn opened the door and slid inside.

No sooner had I come to rest, and Kevin threw himself in my arms. "SURPRISE!" let's go home" he shouted, dragging his book bag and an over stuffed athletic bag from behind the seat.

"What on earth?" I asked, my heart pounding so loud I was not sure I had heard what he said.

"I said let's go home Mason, mom said I can stay with you tonight", he yelled into the ceiling.

"You're kidding me, right", I couldn't believe this. "Do you mean to tell me she is allowing you to go with me right now? I asked incredulously.

"Yes, Yes, please hurry Mason", I love you so much" he replied. "This was her idea", he beamed. "It's Maggs way of telling both of us she is OK with everything" he said. I just couldn't speak now. I began shaking my head slowly from side to side in utter disbelief. Each time I had thought something was wrong, it wasn't. Each time I thought something was not going to be accepted, it was. Each time I thought something wouldn't work out, it did. Now at the brink of having to part from the one thing I loved more dearly than anything, Kevin was telling me urgently to take him home. Home to 'our' house. I was overcome. I was speechless. For the first time in years, I wept. Tears of joy and relief poured from my eyes and I turned to see the marvel on Kevins face. Our eyes met and our lips touched and he held me close, once again emersed in the union of our souls.

"I can't believe this is happening", I managed to say as I started the Explorer and began the journey back home. Kevin had pulled himself up onto the console and was draped across my shoulder, his head resting against my neck. As the lights of the city grew dim in the rear view mirror, the loving embrace we shared carried us ever outward towards the lake. We were both on an incredible adrenalin rush, our minds going hundreds of miles an hour, digesting the enormity of the gesture of support we were both receiving from Kevin's mother. While both Kevin and I were totally secure in the love we were feeling for each other, the fact that Maggs had so lovingly shown her support, took us to a comfort level not even imagined just a few short hours ago.

"What time do you have to be at school in the morning", I asked, the logistics of the morning already a rising concern to my mind.

"I'm going to skip swim practice tomorrow, because this is a special occasion, he grinned. "But if you will meet me at the club after work, I can work out then." he explained. "So can you drop me off by 8:15 on your way in?" he asked.

"That will work out fine", I replied. "I really don't have to be in the office until 9:00, so we will have plenty of time, and meeting after work at the club sounds great", I said.

"Well, mom made me promise not to miss swim practice, and I told her I would do it there, if there was not enough time in the morning. Remember we have our big meet on Thursday, and you promised me you would be there" he said. "But I have to sleep at home the rest of the week" he groaned.

"I never break a promise Kevin and I will be be there with bells on" I laughed. "And as far as your sleeping at home the rest of the week, you will need your rest for the meet anyway, and you know how lucky we are to still be together even now, I said.

"Well, come to the meet for sure, but leave the bells at home" he giggled. "I don't want you drawing attention to yourself, and all the other cute guys drooling all over you" he laughed. "If you are going to be wearing any drool, it had better be mine" he teased, as his hand slid slowly across my chest, reaching downward into my crotch.

"Geesh, Kevin...is there no rest for the wicked" I chuckled, pulling his hand away from my growing erection, but knowing full well that once that glazed look began to grow in his eyes, the cure for the sleep deprivation we had been accumulating for the last three days was very much in jeopardy once again.

I turned onto the lane and began the last half mile leg to the house. "You know Kevin, I have been thinking for a long long time what to name this acreage would you give it some thought?" I asked. I know now that I want it to have meaning to the both of us", I explained, as my arm slid around him and held him close.

"Do you mean it, really?" he asked, hugging me tightly once again. "That is so awesome" he gushed. "I'll start thinking right away", he beamed, as the garage door went up and we pulled inside.

"Start thinking tomorrow kiddo" I laughed. "We have a lifetime to pick out just the right name, and tonight we can just hold each other close and get the sleep we both need" I said.

"Ya right" he grinned, draping his arm over his shoulder, grasping my outstretched hand and closing his graceful fingers around mine. He paused at the stereo and turned pulling me close. His eyes were longing now, and I sensed the rising passion once again. "Put Satchmo on please, I kind of like the way his music speaks to us", he asked. Then once again he turned and led me up the staircase and down the hall to our room as the soft music filled our heads.

Tonight was special to the both of us. We were filled with the security that our growing love for each other was being endorsed and supported by Maggs. This was of enormous consequence. For Kevin because all his life she had been the most important person for him, the one stabilizing factor through all he had endured. For me, because her amazing unequivocal acceptance of not only myself, but of the love Kevin and I shared. Now it was possible for us to share in the pure beauty of what we had found in one another and look safely beyond the precious moments that we had in each others arms.

There is lust, and there is longing. As Kevin and I stood silently beside 'our' bed, a deep sense of longing radiated from us both. One by one our garments were removed by the other, falling in a soft pile at our feet. The warmth of my young lover's body enveloped me now. His naked flesh pressed against my own. We stood there just holding each other, not saying a word, our eyes closed as the music sweetly filled the room. We stepped away from the bed, our heads resting on each others shoulders, our arms creating a silky cacoon, our hands holding gently to the small of our backs. As the melody absorbed us, we began gently swaying to the music, then began a slow dance, small steps, but so in touch with each other that we melded into one.

This was magic, this was special, this was the depth of our love. Like a shadow dancer, we followed each others movements, a perfect harmony of body and spirit. I could have held Kevin in my arms forever just to prolong this wonderful moment.

Kevins hand found mine once again and he led me slowly to the bed. He looked deeply into my eyes for the longest time, just staring deep into me. The glow that surrounded the room flooded with harvest moonlight, bathed us in preparation for what was to come. Slowly Kevin brought his extended index finger to his lips. "Ssshhhh" he gestured softly, ensuring my silent assent.

He laid me slowly down in the center of the bed, his eyes never leaving mine, locked in a loving romance. There was no explosive urgency, this was our time to make love. He began kissing my body, savoring the flesh where ever his lips made contact. I closed my eyes and imagined my body floating high above the room, only to gaze down to view the beauty of two lovers lost in their expressions of love.

Every fluid movement of Kevins body was in sync with the music. I once again gazed down at my lover, his eyes were closed, a serene countenance aglow on his face. His warm tender lips met the hairless skin of my testes, his tongue gently swirling them around and around in their sack. My penis began to rise, each beat of my heart filling my shaft with expectant rigidity. His body was astride my legs and his soft brown hair glistened in the light, cascading down and away from his forehead as his tongue swilled along the length of my now turgid cock. Soft yearning sighs came from deep within his throat.

He was totally absorbed with the yearning desire that had taken ahold of him now. He slid forward astride me, bringing his long slender erection to my eager mouth. A single bead of limpid nectar pierced the eyelit of his cock, and I slipt my tongue under the head, and watched the pearly drop flow slowly down and slip onto the awakening taste buds of my tongue. Ever so slowly he inched forward. and my mouth drew him in. The rich teen musk filled my nostrils as his pubic hairs tenderly brushed my face. He smelled clean and youthful, rich and exciting.

He was delicately balanced above me, only the swollen crimson staff, enjoining us together. His long slender arms were extended and straight, bearing the weight of his body as his cock moved in and out of my mouth. He fed me his desire and I accepted it adoringly, savoring the incredible flow of pre-cum which was now free flowing from within the depths of his body. He slid with the rhythym of the music, and the velvety sounds echoed across the room as his own body sighed.

We would pause ever so slightly now and again, and the throbbing of his cock in my mouth the only movement we shared. I never wanted to release him ever again, but only to possess this most private of parts, to hold it within me, in the warm sucking recess of my throat.

Slowly he withdrew, and reached for the lubricant that lay on the night stand. I closed my eyes in anticipation, not knowing what my young lover intended, but secure in the trust that we shared, that he was this night in control. This night was our night, but it was his to decide.

Kevins sweet voice was humming softly now, in memorized recognition of the sweet slow music that we both heard. Suddenly the cool emoliant was being tenderly difused all around my pulsating cock. Then slowly, ever so slowly I felt his hand guiding my rigid pole upward to meet his descending body, the searing heat of his loins coming to rest at the apex of my penis. With a slow circular motion he gyrated his grace- ful hips, and pushed downward, my shaft sliding ever so carefuly within in him, until he sat down on me fully and we were totally one.

I lay totally motionless, giving myself up completely to him. He began to gently slide upwards, and downwards, the tight channel of his bowels constricting and carressing me with each movement. My Lothario was absorbing me, possessing me with each rotation. He leaned forward and slipped his arms around my neck, bringing his lips to mine, kissing me tenderly, lovingly, as he continued to rock on my ever surging cock. His hips swayed in a steady motion, never slow, never fast, but forever in time with the beat of our hearts.

His lips kissed my nose, my eyelids, my cheeks, he brushed them across my forehead in time with his slow thrusts. He made love to my in the most tender manner possible, yet every nerve in my body was alive in recognition of the desire that we shared. Slowly, but steadily, from deep within the core of my being, the tingling began. I fought the enevitable in order to sustain this moment in time. But his purposeful rocking was drawing me ever upward. His hard pink nipples brushed across mine over and over, driving me insane. His chest was gently heaving now, the labor of his efforts catching him and carrying him onward, but his slow rhythym never changed.

My toes began to tingle as each nerve became hot wired to my groin, His chest was pressed tightly against mine and he held me tighly now, only the hips enveloping my cock continued their ceaseless motion. His lips found my earlobe and his teeth bit down...and I felt him shudder and his seed began spilling between us. For the briefest of moments, his orgasm seized him and he emptied the love juices across our bodies. The hot searing cum gathered into the cavity of my navel, and without warning, by cock exploded jettising wave after wave deep within him. He rode the crest of my passion, never slowing his pace. As the afterglow eased us both down, he became motionless.

The shadow dancer held me tenderly, his contented breathing a testament to the consumation of the love we had just shared. He nuzzled me tenderly and pulled the cool sheet over us and once again lay down on my chest. And as the soothing peaceful slumber slowly took us to our rest, I whispered tenderly "I love you Kevin".

Kevin brushed his lips against my ear, and said "I love you to Mason"....then his sweet young voice gently sang to me: "and I say to myself, What A Wonderful World!"

End Part 5

I hope you have enjoyed this continuing love story. If you have any comments, please write me at: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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