What Bears Really Do in the Woods

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jun 23, 2004


This is a story of a young man who happens to see what a bear couple do in the woods, and can only imagine what they do when no one is around. This story deals with manuel self stimulation, oral and anal sex so if you do not want to read this then you should get out now. All comments are welcome at chartoe@aol.com

What Bears Really Do In The Woods

I was taking this little three-day weekend trip with my father and was not looking forward to it. We were going to camp out at some place he owned and rented out to a couple of older guys. Seems it was a nice rural mountain place that my father likes to visit especially during hunting season. I think he was trying to get me interested in something other than my TV and video games, but at 15 I was like most boys horny as hell and wishing I had a girlfriend that would put out but too shy to go out and find one.

I was pretty sexually active with myself and my normal routine was to jerk off before I went to sleep, when I woke up and at least once during the day if I could find the time and privacy. I had chatted some with my friends in school and from the way they talked they were pretty much in the same boat, although if you asked any of them they had never jerked off in their life and you could check their hairless palms to prove it.

Well anyway I was already missing my time alone with myself and this was going to be for three days. Dad and I really didn't have much in common so the trip was long and boring. We finally started getting to some really lonesome looking areas when he turned off the main road. It was at this time he decided to speak. He said the two men that rented the place did so because they liked to be out where no one bothered them and they could do what they wanted. He looked at me when he said this and kind of waited for a response from me. I couldn't think of anything wrong with that since I was wishing I was alone myself at the time.

He went on to tell me that we would be staying fairly close to their house but that we would stay to ourselves and not bother them at all. I saw nothing wrong with that since I was not in the mood to meet two older men living up in some remote mountain type area. I told him it was fine with me and he just turned and watched the road. After a few minutes we started up a hill and he blew the horn on the camper. I started to ask him why he did that but he blew it again and figured he would tell me if he wanted me to know. That was the kind of relationship we had. He would tell me when he thought there was something I should know otherwise the fewer questions was better.

When we topped the hill I could just make out the little gray looking house down the road. We pulled up and two men came out to meet us and I was a bit surprised in that they were not exactly what I had expected to see. They were normal looking in that they would have fit in had they been in some city as well as the country. They said hello to my dad and both looked over at me when he introduced me. He told them that we would be down by the waterfall and would do our best not to disturb them while we were there. One of them asked if we were hunting but dad told them we were just checking out places right now.

We drove off and the two headed back toward their house. I noticed as we drove off that they had a TV dish and there were telephone lines running to the house. A thought ran through my head that maybe they even had some video games to play too. We drove on down the hill and pretty soon were sitting up camp. I had gotten the box of food and cooking supplies out and dad was firing up the grill. He told me it would be a couple hours before it would be ready to eat if I wanted to go exploring some. He warned me to be careful and watch out for snakes and such and to find a trail and pretty much stay on it.

I grabbed a soda and started up the first trail I came too. It appeared the animals in the area used it but I had not yet seen anything, not that I was looking or being quiet enough to sneak up on anything. I must have walked 20 minutes when I came upon a small hill that looked out over a valley and stopped to just stare. I finished off my soda and started to throw the can over the side but sat it down and figured I would pick it up when I returned, plus I knew dad would ask what I had done with it. I walked for a few more minutes when I made a turn in the trail and realized I had managed to walk around to the side of the house where the two men lived. I started to turn and leave because of what my dad had said about not bothering them when I heard one of them call to the other.

When I looked all I could see was the head of one of them who was squatted down next to some type of garden. I waited a second then saw the other one heading in his direction with a small bucket. I couldn't believe it but the man was totally nude except for some shoes. He walked right up to the first man and stopped just inches away from his head. He swung his hips when the man looked up and his cock almost hit him in the face. The man told him not now as he reached back into the plants and started putting something in the bucket.

The man holding the bucket kept swinging his hips back and forth and I could see his cock was beginning to grow. I felt my own cock pushing at my pants and knew I should leave before they saw me. I stepped back a little so I would be hidden but my eyes were too fixed on what the man and his cock were doing. I was sure the man's cock hit the other man in the back of the head but he continued to do whatever it was he was doing.

I heard the man standing let out a quick moan and when I looked down the other man had turned and sucked his cock down his throat. I had to grab my cock to keep it from shooting in my pants. The man's head was moving back and forth on the cock as the other man reached down and steadied himself by holding on to the other's shoulders. I watched as the action picked up and the man was now holding the guy's head in place as he pumped his hips back and forth. I had managed to get my cock out and was jerking right along with the man. All at once he thrust forward and held his cock deep in the man's throat as his entire body tightened up. I knew he was shooting his load and it was too much for me as I had to strain to keep from moaning myself as I shot my own load against the rock I was standing behind.

The man thrust several times before he slowly pulled out a limp cock and rubbed the other man's head. He leaned down and kissed the top of the man's head just as he turned back to his vegetables. The man sat the bucket down and said something I couldn't hear and headed back to the house. I managed to clean the last few drops of cum from my cock and hand and pushed my cock back in my shorts.

The walk back along the trail was interrupted with me having to stop and jerk off again. The more I thought about what I had seen the hornier I became and even after jerking off I was still horny. I located the can I had left and picked it up and picked up the pace to get back to camp. I was all of a sudden hungry plus still excited.

When I got to the camper Dad said that the burgers were ready and he hoped the walk had made me hungry because he had cooked up more than he had intended. He then asked if I would mind if he invited the two men over for some burgers, he said he was sure they would probably have some fresh tomatoes and such to bring along. I didn't say anything, mainly because I knew that was Dad's way of telling me that he was going to invite them over. I felt some pressure in my shorts when I thought about being so close to the two men.

Dad left and in about 5 minutes was back with the two men in tow. He told me to get a couple more folding chairs from the back of the camper. They were placing some fresh vegetable on the little table just as dad said they would bring and I was glad to have to think about something besides the two of them doing what I had seen. I managed to get the chairs and to keep my cock under reasonable control when I sat down. We all fixed ourselves a couple of hamburgers and I noticed the guy that had done the sucking was not getting any bread. He saw me looking and said he had to watch his sugar and bread contained a lot. I just said ok as I took a big bite of my burger as I was imagining how much sugar might be in my cum. The thought of him sucking my cock was almost too much but I managed to get over the idea and finish eating.

The two men were in general about the same; both were around six feet and probably weighed close to the same but had different builds. One had a short hair cut that was parted on the side and combed over a little, while the other had a flattop. One had more of a belly than the other did but both appeared fairly strong. I couldn't imagine the guy that had sucked the cock as being gay or queer, he just didn't look like what I thought they were suppose to look like, and come to think of it the other guy didn't look like anyone that would let a guy suck his cock.

Well Dad and the men went on until it was dark talking about everything in the world and I just sat there and listened to them. At different times Dad and the men had gotten up and excused themselves as they stepped over to one of the trees and took a piss. I needed too but I knew if I touched my cock right then it would only get hard, so I waited hoping they would leave soon.

The one that had been picking the vegetables started asking me about school, sports, girlfriends and such and picked up real quick that I was a video freak and said he had played some in his time but it was too time consuming. I was a little amazed that he even knew some of the things I did and I had completely forgotten about my cock. He moved up on the edge of his seat, which caused his uncut cock to fall, a little out of his short's leg. He said he was sorry about that as he stuffed it back in and pulled the leg of the shorts down.

This only made my cock spring to life because I had never seen an uncut cock before other than in a porn book that one of my friends had. The man slid back in his chair and changed the subject, which I was really grateful for. I noticed Dad and the other guy were having their on conversation and had not noticed what had happened. I watched as Dad reached down and adjusted his cock several times while speaking to the other man.

About an hour later the two men got up and said they had enjoyed the meal and conversation but they had to be getting to bed. The one that I had been talking too said that they were use to getting up with the sun, which also meant they had to go to bed pretty early too. They left and Dad and I cleaned up before heading into the camper for our own beds. I had a hard time when we went to bed because any movement in the camper would make it shake a little so I could not jerk off like I was wanting too. I waited and after a few minutes I heard the snores of my Dad and figured it was safe to get myself off. I could feel the camper moving a little but Dad's snores never changed so I went at it full force until I had to cover my face with my pillow to keep from making noise as I shot the biggest load of the day. I had thought ahead enough that I had a rag handy and was able to clean myself up without leaving the bed.

The next morning my bladder woke me up wanting some relief so I got up and noticed that Dad was still sleeping. I figured since there was no one around that I would just hop outside in my underwear and do my business. Well as soon as the pee stopped flowing my cock got hard and I was jerking away on it. I happened to think about where I was but as I looked around I didn't see anyone so picked up the pace and got myself off. As I got back into the camper Dad was getting up and said there isn't anything like taking that morning piss outside. As he walked past me I could see the tent that was showing off his hard on.

He returned a few minutes later and asked if I wanted cereal or some eggs and bacon. I told him cereal would be fine with me. He said thanks because he really didn't feel like cooking this morning. We had a quiet breakfast and Dad said he was going to go into town and visit with a couple guys he hunted with and wanted to know if I wanted to go along. I figured it would be just riding along and listening to old hunting tales so I told him I would like to just do some exploring. He said that was fine and that he was going to borrow one of the men's trucks so he didn't have to move the camper.

We both dressed and he headed off toward the house and I found the trail that would lead me there without being seen. I heard the truck leave as I kept moving toward the house. I had not gotten to where I had been when I heard the two men chatting and headed in my direction. I managed to get off the trail and out of site as the two naked me passed by. Several times I noticed they would either grab each other's cock or squeeze each other's ass. This was something totally new to me or my imagination and I wanted to see what it led too.

I followed the two at a far distance and noticed they were headed in the direction of the waterfall. They stopped and I heard one of them say they had better go to the other side just incase the kid was up and about. They took another path that carried them in a circular path around the pond and away from our camper. I had to wait for them to get out of sight before I could follow them again. After a little bit they moved down in a small valley and I could watch them from above and wasn't no more that 30 or 40 feet away.

The two men faced each other and started kissing as they hugged. This was nothing I had not seen before but can't really say I had liked seeing it. The two started rubbing each others back and moving their hands down and squeezing each other's ass and I was able to hear a few moans. A couple of times the men's hands had wandered down to each other's groin which caused each to moan. One time when this happened I noticed the man spread his legs and the other man dropped down and started sucking his cock. This went on for a couple minutes before the man stopped sucking and stood up.

His own cock was hard as he stepped back and held it up toward the other man. The cock was instantly swallowed as the man grunted and grabbed the man's head. He started pumping and the man sucking him pulled away, turned around and bent over. Once he spread his legs the man with the wet looking cock moved in behind him and with one constant thrust buried his cock all the way up the guy's ass.

I had been slowly jerking on my own cock but this was too much as my load shot all over the ground beneath me. I managed to keep quiet and also noticed that my cock had remained hard. The man was really pumping into the other's ass, while the man kept telling him to fuck him good. I noticed the man getting fucked was jerking on his own cock which was a surprise to me since I figured there would be too much pain in his ass to want to do anything. The one doing the fucking started moaning and picking up speed and even I knew what was about to happen.

All at once the man getting fucked pulled away which pulled his ass off of the cock to the objections of the man fucking him. He looked back at him and said he didn't want him to cum yet. He moved the guy over to a large rock that leaned back quiet a bit as he placed the guy against it. He raised the guy's legs up as he had him lean back. The man pulled both legs up to his side and I watched as he maneuvered his cock until it was lined up with the man's asshole. He grinned and asked if he was ready as he pushed his cock inside the man.

He was able to hold the man against the rock as he pumped his cock in and out with ease. I watched as he leaned in and sucked on the guy's tits as he continued to pump. This time both men started moaning and I knew at least one of them would be getting off. The man being fucked grabbed the man's back as he thrust himself into him. This only caused the man to pump faster just before he let out a couple grunts and held himself still.

The two slowly pulled apart and I watched as each took time to suck and lick the other man clean before they shook their legs and started back up the trail. I moved away from the trail and down to where they had been. I took my cock out of my pants and was instantly hard as I moved over to the rock and saw a few wet drops where some cum had fallen on the rock. I reached down and touched my finger in it and pulled it up to my nose. There was no denying what it was and that smell of cum and the image of what I had watched was too much for me as my cock started spraying cum. I turned and made sure I left as much cum as I could on the very rock they had used.

I had to stop once on the way back to take a piss and my cock instantly wanted some attention the second the last drop of piss left it. It only took a few seconds and I knew then that if I got close to either of the men that I would probably cause a nice wet spot of cum without ever touching anything. I made it back to the camper and after two more rounds with my cock I dozed off until Dad stepped into the camper.

He said something about the smell in the camper but nothing more as he asked if I had slept all day or gone out. I told him about the trail I had followed and the little valley I had found but nothing about the two guys or what I had been doing every chance I could. Actually I had to sit up to hide the hard on I was getting just thinking about what I had seen.

He said he would have us something to eat in a few minutes and that I could help him put out some salt blocks and stuff for the deer in the area. So the rest of the day that is pretty much what we did. Mostly hiking around putting out some kind of grain and a block of salt. We made it back just about dark and both of us just wanted to go to bed. We had some cold sandwiches and were asleep before the stars were even out.

The next morning I had to take care of my bladder and hadn't noticed my Dad had gotten up. I was just stepping around a tree when I heard that moan I could identify with so easy. A couple seconds later Dad stepped around from behind a tree and with a little sheepish look on his face told me that the tree behind him was unoccupied. I moved behind him and as he walked away started pissing what felt like a gallon. I was almost finished when I noticed the large glob of milky substance on top of one the leaves below me. My cock started growing when the picture of my Dad jerking off in the woods popped in my head.

When I got back Dad said we would pack up and get an early start home since I had been such a good help and we had gotten all the stuff put out yesterday. With in an hour we were packed and pulling up beside the house. The two men stepped up beside the camper and asked if we were off and Dad told them he wouldn't see them again until hunting season and they were free to roam the woods like a couple of bears again.

We pulled away and what he had said finally sank in. He knew they liked to be nude and I began wandering if Dad had ever done the same with them, and then the thought of him even playing around with them caused a big accident in my pants. I reached for a rag and started stuffing it down the front on my pants when Dad asked what the problem was. I told him I spilt my soda and was cleaning it up. He just made some comment about being out of sodas and never said anything more.

Next: Chapter 2

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