What Bears Really Do in the Woods

By Chartoe (Analslave , Ccdeshaholmes)

Published on Jul 30, 2004


This is the second chapter of my ongoing story. All comments are welcome at chartoe@al.com

What Bears Really Do In The Woods 2

My father and I made it to the spot we had parked before and I got out to help him unload all the camping gear. This time I wanted to be at the rural hunting site. All I could think about and jerk off too was the sight of the two men walking around the woods naked and enjoying themselves with each other. Before the last trip here, I had never really given much thought to guys playing with each other and the thought of one fucking the other was something that I figured only queers would do.

We had the campsite set up pretty quickly and since it was a cold part of the year we didn't carry too much outside the camper. I grabbed a soda and waited for Dad to tell me what needed to be done. He moved around and got out some of his hunting gear and told me to get ready and we would go check out the sites we had left the salt at. He said he would carry a gun but really didn't expect to see anything at that time.

We got on all our warm gear and put on some bright orange vest and headed off. Dad yelled and waved at one of the guys as he noticed him out by the old barn. Not really sure what he could have been doing since they didn't have any livestock. My cock jumped a little as I thought about what the guy looked like naked.

We made our way to the sites Dad had picked out and he walked around and looked at the different tracks and said it looked like the deer had been coming by for a few days. He pointed to a place just upon a little cliff where he would be and wanted to know if I was going to do any hunting. I told him I would wait and see how he did and after a day or so would try my luck. He said that was fine that we would be there for four days anyway.

I asked him if the two men in the house ever went hunting and he said as far as he knew they didn't, he said he had always given them some meat when he made a kill but they usually helped clean and dress it too. He said that there was a good place in the old barn for doing just that. He said he usually went down and hung around with them at night and during the daytime if he wasn't hunting. He said they always had some little odd job they were working on around the house and the winter made it a slow time for them.

As we made it back to the camper the older of the two men met us and invited us to supper. He said they had taken out some deer steaks to cook then looked over at me and said there were some real steaks too if I didn't care for the deer. He told me that his buddy preferred the beef over the deer. He turned to leave and said it would be in about 45 minutes but we were welcome to come on up in a few minutes and have a beer or coke. He added this last for me since I was not old enough to drink yet.

Dad told him that we would be right along and that he would bring something along to drink and might have something for desert. I now knew why Dad had stopped at the grocery store and bought a cake. He was not one for buying cakes and I couldn't figure it out at the time. He knew that they would invite us over and got the cake for them. This only made me horny knowing I would get to see them again, but only wished they would be naked.

We finished up pretty quickly at the campsite and headed off to the old homestead. The two men were setting the table when we got there and invited us to sit down close to the wood burning stove that kept the place hot and cozy. The quieter of the two sat down with us and said he left most of the meal things to his buddy. He asked my Dad how he was doing and they chatted a bit about what the prospects of the deer season looked like. He told my Dad that there were plenty of deer and if he took his time and was patient there were a couple of trophy bucks out there.

My Dad was getting all excited and the other guy asked if anyone wanted anything to drink while the steaks finished cooking. Dad got up and said he would help and the other guy turned to me. He asked how school had been going and a lot of general questions that grownups ask of teenagers. He them wanted to know if I was going hunting too or was just along for the weekend. I told him that I would probably wait until later to actually hunt.

He said that was fine that he didn't care to hunt either but did like to go out and watch the game and see just how close he could get to them. I started glancing at his crotch and wandering just what he looked like up close and was having a hard time sitting there as my cock began to grow. I was saved from the situation when they called for us to come eat.

The food was great but my cock really wanted some attention and I was hoping Dad was a sound sleeper tonight. We went and sat around the stove again as we had our cake and chatted about different things including the weather and such. I asked to be excused and the quieter one pointed to the door down the hall. Once inside I had a hard time relieving myself because my cock was rock hard and showed no signs of relaxing. Once I had managed to empty my bladder I gave my cock a few strokes and only wished I had more time.

I tucked him down inside my underwear and pants and was able to walk fairly comfortable as I headed back to the others. They were laughing and joking around when I came out and the younger guy who Dad called Charlie keep watching me which didn't make my problem with my erection any easier. After a while Dad said we had to get to bed if he planned on getting up early in the morning.

I was glad it was a little dark out as we walked back to the camper, at least Dad couldn't see the bulge in the front of my pants. We went in and went strait to be which was a relief for me. I was able to remove my underwear and slowly stroke my hard cock while lying in my bed. Dad had fooled around in the little kitchenette and brushed his teeth and all. He stepped outside and it was not until he came back that I realized he only had on his boots and underwear. He said it was so cold outside that it took him three tries to just find his pecker.

I sort of giggled thinking about how small it probably was in that cold air and was just able to cover myself up when Dad looked in and tossed me another blanket. He told me I didn't have to be so bashful that he had seen what I had ever since I was born. He said I might need the blanket if the heater cut off during the night. A pictured of my Dad opening up my diaper and my six-inch cock springing out fully erect. Well I began to wander what Dad and the other too had actually done together if anything and the ideas were running wild. I was jerking on my cock and had forgotten where I was when my load started shooting.

Dad said loud enough for me to hear that he was glad that was over and now maybe the two of us could get some sleep. I was so embarrassed but glad he had not been able to see or made a big issue of it. I wiped myself off with the rag I had stashed next to the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Dad was shaking me awake as he said it was time to get up if I wanted anything for breakfast. I started to step out of bed when I remembered I didn't have any clothes on. He picked my underwear up and tossed them to me and said he thought it was a bit too cold to be walking around nude. He went to the little kitchenette and asked if I wanted something hot or just cold cereal. He knew I would take the cereal but he always asked anyway. I slipped on some shorts and a t-shirt but quickly realized it was too cold in the trailer for just those. I got completely dressed and sat down to eat.

Dad asked how I slept and I told him it was fine, but I did have to use the second blanket. He said he figured as much when he gave it to me. The thought of what he had said when I shot my load last night entered my head and I figured now was as good a time to chat about it with him. I cleared my throat and said I wanted to ask him a few things if he didn't mind. I guess he could tell I was pretty serious so he took a sip of his coffee and told me to fire away.

I told him that from what he had said last night that he knew what I had been doing and wanted to know if it upset him or anything. He kind of collected his thoughts and told me that it was perfectly normal for boys or men to relieve themselves in the manner I had, and he could see nothing wrong with it as long as I was discreet about it. He then said he knew how hard it was to do it in the camper and not have everyone else inside not know what one was doing.

There were a few moments of silence and I asked him if he still did it even though he was married. He laughed a little and said yeah even though a guy gets married it doesn't completely satisfy the desire and most men even into their late late years still jerk off. Using those words kind of made it sound funny and we both giggled. I asked him if he minded if I asked him some more personal questions. He said it was all right but he reserved the right not to answer if he wanted to.

I wasn't sure how I was going to lead up to what I wanted to ask so I started by asking him how often he jerked off. He thought for a few seconds and said on the average about 4 times a week, some more and other less depending on how the wife was feeling. I started to ask him how often he fucked but figured that was better left alone. I was about to ask him another question when he asked me how often I jerked off. I had to think for a little before answering sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. He just nodded his head and took another drink of coffee.

I asked him if he knew the two men ran around in the nude when the weather permitted. He laughed and told me they did it in the cold weather too just remained in their house usually. I was pretty sure he knew about their nudity and so I asked him if he had ever walked around in the nude other than inside our house. He laughed and said yes and before I asked the next question, the answer is yes he had done it around here. I just set there for a while eating my cereal and just imagining the three of them walking around with their cocks bouncing around in front of them.

I had gone to far to stop now so I just came out and asked him if the two guys were gay or queer or what. Dad just looked at me and asked if I had a problem with it if they were. I said I didn't think so and proceeded to tell him what I had seen when we had been there earlier. Dad just nodded and didn't say anything as he listened to me. Once I was finished he simply asked if I thought any less of them for what they liked to do with each other. That really got me to thinking since I had never thought of it like that.

I finally said I guess not. He then asked me if being around them made me uneasy. I told him not uneasy but it did get me excited because I kept seeing them together at the garden and later in the little valley. He said he understood and that it probably would make most men excited. I was just about to ask him if he had played around with them when he told me that was enough questions for now and he had to get going if he was going to get any hunting done this morning.

He got up and left and I sat there thinking about all he had told me. I wasn't sure how I really felt about the situation but did know my cock liked the idea. I finished dressing and figured since there was some lights on in the old house that I would go over and see what they were doing today. As I got closer I noticed one of them going to the barn so I figured it was be all right to go there. Charlie saw me coming and told me to come on in the barn while he chopped some more wood for the stove. He said it was his turn and that Phil was washing up the breakfast dishes.

I sat down on one of the small logs and watched as he ripped some of the wood into pieces with one swing of the ax. I told him that Dad had told me about his and Phil's living together. He hesitated for a second then continued on chopping. He asked me what I felt about it and I told him I really didn't know. I told him I had seen them together the time before and it looked like both of them were really enjoying themselves. He grinned and said it is fun but it takes both parties working together to make any relationship work.

I was beginning to get horny and I was getting a bit uneasy. He glanced at me and asked if I felt a little uncomfortable talking about it. I told him not really uncomfortable but it was something I would deal with. He asked me just how much Dad had told me about them and I said he had mentioned the nudity and that he knew they were a couple. Charlie just listened then asked if I had ever been with a girl or boy before. I told him that I hadn't and from the rate I was going I probably wouldn't for some time to come. He asked why and I told him that I really didn't have any friends and definitely not any that would do anything like that with me.

He went back to chopping and asked me if I wanted to play with him a little. He said it would have to be quick and we couldn't tell Phil or Dad. The excitement of being so secretive was too much for me as I jumped up and said sure. He put down the ax and told me to move over to him, which I did as fast as I could. He rubbed the front of my pants and his rubbing against my cock was almost too much in itself. I gasped and he told me to just relax.

He unzipped my pants and fished my cock out while he rubbed my stomach through my shirt. It was all I could do to stand still as he went down on his knees and slowly sucked my cock into his mouth. My pleasure senses were on overdrive as I moaned and bucked while he sucked and rolled my cock in his mouth. I was so near cumming and it was torture to try and hold back. He must have sensed it as he removed his mouth and told me to just relax and let it happen.

Well if he had wanted to do much he should not have said that as I thrust my hips forward and the first of many streams of cum erupted through my cock and down his throat. He continued to suck on my cock even after it had lost its stiffness. I could not believe how strong that orgasm had been compared to the ones I have when I jerk off. I started pumping my cock in and out slowly, as it seemed to start growing again.

Charlie stood up and asked if I would like to taste a cock. I really didn't like the idea but he had just sucked me off and I felt like I at least owed him that. He started pulling his cock out as I knelt down in front of him. I was surprised at first since I had never seen an uncut cock up close before. He giggled when he noticed me pause and reached down and peeled the foreskin back. He said there was a head beneath it all just like mine. I leaned in and the sudden smell of male scent hit me and I opened my mouth. He pushed his cock into me and I slowly started licking at first. I had never sucked on a cock and wasn't real sure how to do it. I started moving my lips up and down the shaft while making sure my teeth didn't tough it.

Charlie was telling me I was doing a good job and moaning as he slowly pumped in and out of my mouth. He was just beginning to pick up speed when we heard the door to the house squeak open. Phil yelled out and wanted to know if Charlie was through with the wood yet. Charlie yelled back that he was and was just now picking it up to bring it in. Phil went back into the house as Charlie pulled his hard cock away from me. He said we would have to finish this some other time, but if I wanted a free show to go to the side window of the bedroom and he would show me up close what it looked like to fuck an ass.

I helped him load up his arms with wood and as he went into the back of the house I slipped around to the side. It was only a minute before Charlie was pushing Phil into the room as he removed his clothes. I could hear Phil ask him what had gotten him so horny and Charlie just told him to be quiet and get naked. Charlie reached and grabbed some kind of lube and when Phil bent over to remove his pants he spread it in the crack of Phil's ass.

Phil jumped but them pushed his ass back as Charlie made sure he had coated him well with the lube. Charlie's cock looked huge and I was wandering how had I been able to get any of it in my mouth. He lined it up with Phil's asshole and with one quick lunge had the head inside. Phil grunted then slowly pushed back until the entire cock was inside him. Charlie started pumping in and out with quick strokes as Phil moaned and told him to fuck him good. Both were really going at it and all I could do was watch and rub my now hard cock through my pants.

Charlie moaned and jerked his cock out of Phil's ass as he pumped on it with his hand. Several streams of cum shot out onto Phil's back before he forced it back inside Phil. Phil moaned and started to buck as I watched his cum shoot onto the floor beneath him. The two seemed to melt into each other as they leaned over on the bed and caught their breath. I took that moment to slip away and head for the camper where I knew I could relieve the hardness of my cock.

It didn't take but a couple of good strokes before I had a fountain of cum shooting in the air. I lay there with the cum drying on me as I took a rest then jerked off again. I finally took a nap from being so exhausted from all the playing and when I woke up I could hear my father approaching the camper. I managed to pull my clothes back together and on before he came in. He gave me a funny look and said if I didn't give it a rest I was going to jerk it off. He then said I should let the camper air out some if I was going to do it very much in there.

I could feel the redness of my face as I sat up and asked if he had any luck. He said he had seen a couple but they were young bucks and he was looking for one he might keep the rack as a trophy. He went to the little frig and got him out some food to fix a sandwich and asked if I wanted one. I told him I would get one later as I went into the bathroom. I took a rag and tried to wash all the dried up cum from my chest and stomach and after several scrubbings had managed it.

When I came out Dad was eating his sandwich and drinking a coke and asked what I planned to do the rest of the day. I told him I might walk down to the waterfall and just look around. He told me to be sure and put on the orange vest before going off. Said he didn't want some hunter mounting me over their mantle. I giggled and felt a little stir in my pants and knew my cock was waking up from its nap.

Dad went into the bathroom and when he came out said he probably wouldn't be back until just before dark so if I got hungry I didn't have to wait on him to eat. He picked up his gun and started out the door but turned around and told me if I didn't switch hands every once in a while one arm would get much bigger than the other. He giggled as he left and I could feel my face turning red again.

I lay back down and began to rub myself while remembering everything that had happened to me earlier. I was almost asleep when I jumped as someone knocked on the door. I opened it and was relieve to see Charlie standing there. He smiled back and asked how I liked the show and if I was ready to finish what I had started in the barn. My cock almost jumped out of my pants when he said that and I told him to come on in.

He said that Phil had gone into town and wouldn't be back until late and if I wanted we could play around and he could show me a few more fun things. He was removing his clothes the whole time he was talking and before I knew it he was entirely nude with a hard cock standing out in front of him. I almost tore my shirt and pants off, as I was so excited. He moved in and told me to slow down as he rubbed his hard cock against my stomach. I reached down and pulled on it as I bent over and sucked as much in my mouth as I could. He moved back upon the bed with me as he slowly fed me as much of his cock that he could.

He let me explore his cock as he gently pumped against me. Charlie reached down and stroked my cock, which was almost more than I could take. He kept pushing me back until I was lying on my back and he was practically sitting on my chest while he stroked my hard cock real slow. I tasted some sweet pre cum and was hoping for some more when he pulled his cock out of my mouth and moved down my belly.

I watched as he raised himself up and rubbed my cock in the crack of his ass. I could tell he was pretty slick there and had probably applied something before he came over. He grinned down at me as he lowered himself on my cock. All I could do was sigh as the heat of his ass encased my cock and all I wanted to do was pump into it. He settled down with my cock all the way inside and grinned as he wiggled his ass from side to side.

He asked if I liked how that felt but all I could do was moan. He laughed and said I would probably really like what he was about to do. He placed his hands on my chest and started lifting his ass up and sitting back down. He was fucking himself on my cock and it was driving me wild. He started moaning and I could make out a few "oh yeah"s as he sat up and actually leaned back as he picked up pace. He reached down and grabbed his cock and started to jerk on it and I knew he was going to shoot any second.

The first stream caught me off guard and landed on my chest but I was able to watch the next ones, as they became shorter and shorter. Charlie moaned out with each blast then just went limp as he sat still for a minute. When he looked up at me he asked if I was ready to shoot my load now. I just smiled as he rolled off and told me to get up. He leaned down on the edge of the bed and spread his legs and told me his ass was all mine.

As I stepped up behind him I was not sure of anything but once my cock sank inside him it knew just what to do. I started pumping and moaning as Charlie pushed back and met every stroke with a thrust of his own. I was approaching take off real fast and I grabbed his hips hard. He told me to fuck him hard and that was all it took as the first stream left my cock, I continued to pump and with each blast felt a wave of unbelievable pleasure shoot through my body. I finally was spent and fell over on top of him.

He wiggled his ass and my cock slipped out along with most of the cum I had deposited inside. He reached over and rubbed my head and asked how my first fuck felt. I mumbled that it was unbelievable. He got up and got a wet rag and clean my cock and balls up before cleaning himself and told me that if I was going to fuck men to always be clean and if I wasn't sure who I was with to use a condom. I noticed he kept rubbing my cock long after it was clean and leaned down and kissed it before sucking it in his mouth. He released my cock and said he had to get back before Phil got home and wanted to be fucked or wanted a piece of his ass.

He then told me that Phil really didn't mind him playing around but it was the fact of who I was playing around with that he might object too. Said Phil didn't want to make my dad mad since he owned the place they lived on.

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