What Frank Found Out

Published on Aug 10, 2012



"What the hell are you doing pervert?" Frank asked as he opened the door. Nobody was downstairs so he continued to where his friend usually was his bedroom.

Nelson lay on his bed, bare naked, his hand pumping his cock and his other hand shoving the plastic dong in his butthole. It was a regular occurrence, every day, often several times a day. And he wanted to do it more.

"It's called jacking off, pulling you pud, milking the cow, slapping the monkey, moving the stick, shooting the air, draining the pro, spitting the sperm, chocking the chicken, yanking the yankee, ..." Nelson continued pumping his pud and pushing the dildo.

"ok ok, I get it, you want me to leave or should I wait?" Frank didn't look away. The sight of his friend revealing his normally private activity was mesmerizing and a bit exciting. He felt his own cock hardening and absentmindedly pulled one of his own nipples on his bare chest.

"You can go or not, I don't care, I've got two or three loads to get off before we split" Nelson winced feeling the dildo, a new acquisition, stretching his sphincter each time he shoved it deeper inside.

"Christ I'm not going anywhere when did you start doing that?" Frank's eyes aimed at the dildo Nelson was shoving in his butthole.

"Hell it makes it feel fantastic, you want to try it?" Nelson winced again; the dildo was almost totally inside him.

"Be careful you'll never get it out" Frank watched and without thinking adjusted his cock which were not tenting his shorts.

"A good friend wouldn't make me use one" Nelson said eyeing his friend's yellow nylon shorts tented by Frank's cock.

"Well, I'm a good friend" Frank toed off each shoe and pulled his shorts off as he walked to the bed.

"Use some stuff man, that thing is huge" Nelson begged "and get it in me quick before I cum"

Nelson and Frank met on campus. They had similar classes and even though they went to the same high school, didn't know each other until then. They shared memories of teachers and students.

"SO what do you do for fun?" Nelson asked one afternoon.

"Mostly study and jack off" Frank said "just like high school" they laughed and pushed each other back and forth.,

Their share memories and current activities made them tight and day after day, they talked, shared lunches and swam in the community college pool.

"Hey want to head to the beach this weekend?" Frank asked one day.

"Can't gotta study" Nelson countered.

"We can study there, I know a quiet private place, no distractions, just swim, sun, study" Frank said.

They arrived on early Saturday and followed the line of people to the edge of the cliff. Then carefully everyone stepped the distance down the cliff onto the beach.

There were families and couples, groups and lots of people.

"Hey I thought this was a quiet private beach" Nelson said as he stepped down the cliff.

"This way man" Frank led them away from the crowds, over some rocks and around the edge of a cliff that jutted into the ocean. They wadded through the water until the long stretch of bleached white sand appeared.

"Beautiful" Nelson said "so this is a nude beach?" he asked as they passed two bare bodies laying face down. He thought there were camouflage trousers near them.

"Marine base nearby, yea private beach so nudity is legal" Frank said.

Nelson looked back just as Frank removed his shorts. His naked body was impressive. He had seen it in the pool locker room, but there in the open, on the beach under the sun it looked even better.

"Not bad" he said out loud.

"What?" Frank asked.

"Nothing come on"

They found a place after passing other naked bodies along the way. Some were sunning, two played Frisbee, and four others were playing beach football.

"Marines huh?" Nelson asked.

"Yea, nice huh?" Frank said laughing "At least no chicks to distract us, need to cram for Monday" he said.

"Fantastic sausage festival" Nelson said

They sunned, swam, threw a Frisbee and joined a group for football. Nelson loved being tackled naked.

"I thought this was a touch football game" Nelson said after the first tackle.

"There was touching" Frank said

All that Frank remembered as he knee walked on Nelsons bed now. His cock pointed the way. He had never thought he'd be fucking another guy.

"You got a nice ass" He remembered saying to Nelson as they left the nude beach that afternoon.

"You two, you should have gone up the hill with me" Nelson looked back.

"Where you goin?" Frank had asked as Nelson got up earlier that day.

"Up to the cave gotta uh see what's there" he said

"So how was it?" Frank asked an hour later when Nelson returned.

"Cave was cool, the mouths were warm" Nelson said making Frank laugh.

Now he knew Nelson wasn't kidding. His friend was into guy sex. The dildo slid out easily and Frank's cock replaced it just as easy...

"Should be open for you" Nelson said "slap my ass"

"What?" Frank asked.

"Slap my butt"

Frank felt the warmth of Nelson's guts. He had felt the inside of a woman before, it was similar. He obliged his gasping friend and slapped the side of his hip. Instantly his cock was squeezed tight.

"Shit you're tight" He gasped.

"Yea keep slapping and fuck me hard" Nelson said

Frank fucked, slapped, groaned and came twice. The sight of his naked cock pumping friend was gone. Behind Frank's closed eyes, he concentrated on the soft, warm, tight grip on his own cock.

It was nicer then his own hand, warmer then Cynthia's mouth that one time she blew him and tighter then any girl's vagina.

Memories of the bare bodies on the beach, Nelson's own naked body he had evaluated several times in the locker room, on the beach and seconds before filled his head.

"Shit I didn't know you were into this" Nelson said as Frank lay next to him.

"I didn't either" Frank said "but..." his hand touched Nelson's softening cock.

"Want me to fuck you?" Nelson asked.

"Yea why not?" Frank turned over waiting to enter a world he had only fantasized about. He didn't really think he was serious, it was just one of the things he had read about and seen in porn...figuring it just made him more excited thinking about during jack off sessions or sex with the girls.

Nelson entered him showing Frank it was allot more then that.

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