What Happened


Published on May 27, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional.

I am female, so the I don't have first-hand experience of male-to-male sex. I hope it turned out O.K.

One last thing, I want to thank the author of Magic can be real'. He has helped me out. Check out his story, it's one of my favorite. Also, the authors of Changes' . I really appreciate it. I consider these, some of the best authors on Nifty, so it means a lot.

I know it's been a while, but here's chapter 8. It's not as long as I would like, but it's all that came out. Thanks to anyone who wrote me, I appreciate it. Now, without further Ado.

Last time on What Happened:

AJ called Brian to tell him he was O.K., but not to try to find him. He told Brian he meant it when he said he loved him. AJ had a small break down after watching what happened between him and Aaron on MTV.

Kevin and Nick got back together and Nick told Kevin he was glad the group was over. He wanted to do something else, but isn't sure what. Kevin became worried about keeping Nick and his career. Nick slapped Aaron and told him to leave.

Aaron was upset that they were messing up his career. He went to management.

Howie and Jenn met with Jive records about the band.

Now on with the story!

What Happened Chapter-8

AJ sat tapping his fingers against the oak desk as he waited for the Doctor to appear. He had finally decided on someone to talk to about his breakdowns. This doctor came highly recommended from his previous therapist. She was well known in the industry as the one who kept her mouth shut. She had helped many in the business over the course of her 5 year practice. Most of her patience were the young actors and musicians. She could sympathize, as she was only 27 herself. The patients felt more comfortable, knowing they were talking to someone with the same thoughts. "Sorry for keeping you waiting Mr. Mclean, I had to make a stop for a patient." AJ spun around at the sound of the voice, he gave a faint smile at the pretty doctor. "That's O.K........please call me Alex." His eyes followed her as she made her way to her seat. She wasn't what he expected, 5'6, jet black hair to her shoulders and big blue eyes. She looked more like a model than a therapist. "Well then, Alex it is. I'm Dr. Ashton." "It's nice to meet you." "I thought we'd start out with a little about yourself, is that O.K.?" She smiled, meeting AJ's hesitant eyes. " Well.... I guess you already know about the band." She nodded her head with understanding. AJ let out a long breath as he continued, " The band is over...because of me. We've been together for 12 years, since I was 15. I pretty much grew up in the band, they became the family I always wanted. .....My parents got divorced when I was 4 and I stayed with my mom. I didn't see my dad again until I was 18." His fingers grip the sleeve of his shirt, building the courage to go on. "I'm an only child. My mom had twin girls, but they died at birth. I was lonely growing up with no one to play with. When I got into acting and dancing that only made it worst. The little friends I had, I lost because I didn't have any time for them." He stopped as the feelings rushed over him, putting him back into his childhood. "You can stop if you want, I just want some background information." She opened his folder searching for AJ's progress reports. " I've read some of the reports Dr. Mckay did on you in Florida. I understand he has you on medication . Does it seem to help with your fits?" AJ looked down into his lap, playing with his fingers. "A little....I've still been having the attacks, but there not as frequent as before." Dr. Ashton wrote down the new information and tried to get AJ more comfortable. "Is it O.K. if we talk about the fits for a minute?" AJ kept his eyes in his lap, "Yeah... I guess so." "How long have you been experiencing them?" AJ tentatively looked up and met her eyes. She gave him a reassuring smile, urging him to open up. "About 4 years. They started slowly, just getting angry, screaming at people.....they would build until I would start destroying things. I can't tell you how many hotel rooms I've trashed during one of these episodes." The doctor shook her head to show she understood. "How long did they last?" AJ let out a slow breath, "Most would last about fifteen to twenty minutes. Some were smaller, about ten. I'd always start out with just anger and then they would escalate." "What was going through your mind when they started or when you felt your body react?" He sat thinking about all the times he had blew up. All the anger that built during the moments before he lost it. He thought about the situations he was in at the time. Aaron had always been a factor, but there was always something else going on during the time. Unexplained feelings would come to the surface as Aaron pushed him over the edge. He would pile these emotions with what Aaron was doing and they would all come out at once. They consumed his whole body and mind. Nothing was in his mind, but doing something about this. All he could think of was doing something to the person who was hurting him. He couldn't let them get away with it, he had to let them know how angry he was. "Alex....are you O.K." Dr. Ashton made her way to AJ's seat. She slowly squeezed his shoulder. AJ came out of his trance at the touch of her hand. "..What.." He said oblivious to everything around him. "I said are you O.K., your crying." He ran his hands along his cheeks as he noticed the tears. "I...I ..have to go, sorry." He shot from the chair and headed towards the door. "I understand, but can I see you in a few days." She didn't want to push him any further than he wanted, but she didn't want him to stop coming. "I will call you later, I just can't right now." She shook her head in understanding. He turned to the door and stepped into the hall. "Here is my cell number, if you need me call." Dr. Ashton handed him a slip of paper. AJ took the slip and put it in his pocket. "Thanks Dr. Ashton." She put her hand on his shoulder, " Call me O'brien, and please don't hesitate to call if you need me." "I'll do that." He smiled slowly and headed down the hall. As he reached his car, he broke down in tears. He had never thought about the other feelings he had before, what did they mean?

Kevin stared at his lover as the blonde scurried around the room. Nick was packing for their trip in two days. They decided to take a break from the business and just relax. The break-up had put strain on everyone. No one knew what was going to happen to the band, if there still was a band. The record company put out the word that the tour was on hiatus due to personal conflicts. Nick moved in with Kevin at the brunette's request. After that day with Aaron, Nick had become distant and reserved. He was visibly pulling away from the relationship. Kevin planned the break as a chance to reconnect. Maybe they could make some real plans. Nick just wanted out of the band, but he didn't know where he was headed. Kevin has always been a person of discipline and order. He needed to know what was going to happen, he needed that security. Nick was a big factor in that, now that they were back together, but he wasn't getting any imput. He couldn't get Nick to open up and he was tired of trying. Kevin offered his guest room as a computer room for Nick, who cherished his space. Nick was a private person, he didn't want to take that away from him. He didn't want to push after everything that has happened. Kevin knew something was really bothering his lover, but couldn't do anything about it. Nick sighed and took a seat next to his man on the bed. He was exhausted from the jog he took today to clear his head. Kevin wrapped his arms around him, pulling him close to his chest. He buried his face in the blonde's golden locks, reveling in the sweet scent of his man. "Baby are you O.K.?" Another sigh." I'm fine Kev....", came the quick reply. Another sigh, this time from him. He was frustrated, but he needed to know what was bothering his lover. Kevin laid small kisses along the blonde's neck, wrapping his arms tighter around him. He continued his trek, landing on those sensual lips. Nick gave in, kissing the brunette back. They stayed locked in each others embrace, their mouths moving, deeping the kiss. Kevin ran his tongue along the blonde's lips asking for entry. He pushed the plump lips apart, tasting the honey scented insides of Nick's mouth. Their tongues thrashing against the other's, trying to fill the warm space. The kiss was slowly picking up heat, both sucking on anything in the way. Nick pulled Kevin's head further into the kiss. He ran his tongue along the brunette's teeth. Kevin's hands found their way under Nick's shirt, feeling the soft skin underneath. They trailed down his sides and started to lower them to the bed. In the past two and a half weeks since they got back together, they had yet to make love. Nick always found an excuse to stop them, this wouldn't be an exception. He pulled away from the intense kiss. "Kev can we just go eat?" Kevin let out a large sigh, " what's wrong Nick? The day we got back together you were fine, so what's the problem?" Nick got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom, "I'm going to change for dinner." Kevin threw his hands up as the door closed. This is how it's been for the last two weeks, one minute Nick was fine, the next he pulled away. When they agreed to take a break, Kevin thought it would be a good idea to get them back on track. Now he wasn't so sure. The waiter came over to take their order. Nick ordered the chicken parmesan and Kevin the chicken and wild rice. The waiter refilled their drinks and left their table to retrieve the orders. Nick sat idly running his finger over the top of his wine glass as the silence between them stretched on. Kevin reached across the table and grabbed his hand. "Nick will you just tell me what's wrong?" Nick meets his lovers eyes with reservation. "Kev...please don't lie to me....did you really want to quit the group?" Kevin was taken aback by the blunt question. "Nick you know I support you completely..." "That's not what I asked, did you do this just for me?" Kevin thought about the question. "In a way....yeah I guess I did. I don't necessarily want to be in the group, but I'm not ready to give up what the band has given me." Nick withdrew his hand and took a minute to digest this new information, this was what he was afraid of. The waiter came back with their meals and made his exit to his other tables. Kevin started to eat, but Nick still had things to say. He needed to put a stop to it now, " Pooh bear...I've been thinking. I think it would be a good idea for us to......break up." Kevin's head shot up at this new revelation. "WHAT.", he looked at his lover in disbelief. "I just don't want to hold you back baby. I know you still want this, I can see it in your eyes. You gave up a lot for me....and I wouldn't feel right about ......", he trailed off. Kevin's face hardened in anger. "Are you sure that's all it is?" Kevin said with a frown, staring right at his lover. Nick looked up with a start, "What do you mean..." "Are you sure its ME your worried about holding back." Kevin kept the edge in his voice, never breaking the intense stare between them. Nick looked at him in shock, "now wait a minute..." "No you wait a minute! You tell me how you want a new life and you don't want to be in the band anymore. Then out of the blue, you want to break up! Who are you really worried about holding back, NICHOLAS." Kevin could see the hurt on Nick's face, but he didn't back down. He needed to know for sure. Nick eyes meet the table as he absorbed the meaning of the words. They were silent for a moment, until Kevin got tired of it. "Say SOMETHING", he demanded of his boyfriend. Nick lifted his head with a mixture of anger and pain across his face. " How could you even ask me that? You know how I feel about you." "Actually, I don't", Kevin shot back. "I know you want out of the band, you want to go to school, maybe get a house and settle down, maybe even start a solo career. What I don't know, is whether any of these things include me." Nick couldn't believe his ears, how could Kevin think he didn't want him. The waiter came over to ask them if they could keep it down. The pair didn't realize how loud they had become. Kevin got up from his seat and threw some money on it, "I don't think I'm hungry anymore." Nick watched with a heavy heart as his man left the restaurant. `I guess we will be needing that extra room', he thought as he paid his half and left.

The low sound of a guitar filtered through the speakers. " I need the acceptance...." Brian was listening to the solo tracks he's been working on. They were more along the lines of Soft Rock than Pop music. He continued his guitar lessons over the years and was good enough to play for himself. So far he has written 12 songs he wants to record. Now all he needs is a back-up band. "Are you really here..." He strummed his guitar along to the prerecorded tracks, making revisions to the sheet music. He was determined to finish this album with or without the band. Working kept his mind off of A.J., but not completely. A couple songs ventured towards his love when he wasn't on guard. Most of the music told of his faith and his love of a woman. He wasn't entirely ready to open himself up to the public. He wasn't sure how they would take the new sound, but he had to do it for his own sanity. The way his life was going had to stop. He was tired of sitting around waiting for the record company to do something. It's been two weeks since the band split and everybody's keeping to themselves. Kevin and Nick left for The Keys, Aaron joined Nsync and Howies trying to be an actor. It's also been two weeks since A.J. called. At first, it was the only thing Brian could think about. He was so worried about him. The last time AJ called he'd just had one of his fits and he was still looking for someone to talk to. Brian was hurt, but he knew AJ needed time. He would give him that time, but he was tired of putting his life on hold for it. The one bright spot was his music. He had complete control over it . He kept the song going as his mind wondered to the unplanned meeting he had last night. A meeting with someone who was willing to give the new sound a listen. Someone that would play an important factor later.

I wonder whose the person Brian meets? What's going on with Nick. What happened to Howie? I want to thank everyone one who wrote to me, I appreciate it. I'm the only one who thinks my writing sucks, LOL. I'm working on the next chapter and I hope it will turn out longer than this one. Thanks for reading.

Mail Me : BCSN24@aol.com

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