What Happened


Published on Mar 13, 2000


This story is not intended for anyone under 18. If this is prohibited in your state, do not read it. This is my first time writing a story of this subject, so please be gentle. I would love feedback! This story does not mean to imply anything about the sexuality of the Backstreet boys or anyone else in the story! This is purely fictional.

I am female, so the I don't have first-hand experience of male-to-male sex. I hope it turned out o.k. I gave a lot of readers what they've been asking for in this Chapter. So, without further Ado.

What Happened


AJ had arrived late last night at his condo, and only got a few hours sleep. He couldn't even believe what he did two nights ago. He just picked up and left without telling anyone where he'd be. He never told the guys he bought this place. The condo, was only furnished with basic essentials : a bed, non-perishable food, a few chairs here and there, and a television set.

A television set. His only source to the outside world. If he left his front door, surely SOMEONE would recognise him,especially now that he was in New York. He had isolated himself in his own house, doors locked tight, blinds shut, not even a window open.

He already missed the guys, especially Brian. They had become really close over the last couple of years. With Nick and Kevin dating, then Howie getting married, they were thrown together all the time. They learned a lot about each other during these times.

AJ had had a few good friend over the course of the BSB, but Brian was the best by far. Brian was attentive, caring , warm and he actually listened when AJ went off on one of his rants. AJ noticed the difference in Brian about six months ago.

Brian bought him a 3-carat diamond braclet for Christmas. That night he fixed AJ dinner with candles and wine, he even bought him flowers. Every time AJ looked up from his food, he'd catch Brian staring at him.

They made small talk for the rest of the night, listening to the various carols over the radio. About eleven that night, AJ felt a hand turning his face around. Brian looked into his eyes and laid a soft kiss on his lips. At the time AJ didn't know what was happening and he pulled away from the kiss. Now that he looked back on it, he wished he would have, at least, talked to Brian about it.

Brian blushed a deep red at AJ's reaction. He didn't want to lose him, so he said it was only because of the missile toe on the coffee table. He knew AJ didn't believe him by the look on his face, but at least he didn't push him away.

The affects of the situation didn't hit AJ till the next night. He realised how Brian felt. He was confused, he loved Brian , but was he in love with Brian. He had never thought about another guy before, but Brian was special.

He told himself that he couldn't possibly have feelings for Brian, but as time went on he knew the truth. He was happy whenever Brian was near, his heart jumped when he smiled at him. He was more open with him than anyone. Brian even let him in a few months ago. He only hoped he could treat Brian the way he deserved. Because in hisheart, no one else comes close to him.

Kevin pulled into his driveway and killed the engine. A smile grew on his face as he headed inside. He was glad to be home, happy to sleep in his own bed.

He sifted through the pile of mail his neighbor had checked for him. "Bills and fan mail, what a treat", he said outloud as he made his way into the kitchen. He laid the mail on the counter and reached into the cabinet for a glass. He made a glass of water. After a long sip, he surveyed the backyard through the kitchen window. `I have my work cut out for me, tomorrow.' The grass was as high as a small plant.

He continued his search till his eyes landed on something on the porch. He sat his glass in the sink and headed out the back door. His body rest on the railing facing the view. He looked up at the sky above as the sun set around him.

"I guess it didn't go so well." He asked as he turned his body towards the forlorn creature.

There was Nick sitting on their hammick with his knees pulled to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. He was staring off into Kevin's pool.

He slowly turned his head to face Kevin. He looked at the concern in his eyes, oh those eyes. They were the thing that drew him in so many years ago. All Kevin had to do was look at him in that way and he was his.

He took a deep breath, "No one was home.......but I got the message loud and clear." Kevin didn't have to ask, he knew it would happen, sooner or later."

The slow breeze blew his blonde locks across his face. He decided to grow his hair out again, it was past his ears now. Kevin pulled his body from his perch and sat in front of Nick. He reached over and tucked the loose strands behind his ear. His hand trailed down his cheek. "What happened?"

Nick closed his eyes, but sustained the tears. He had done enough crying over them! "They basically threw me out. I found all my stuff in my car and my furniture was gone from my room."

They were silent for a minute as the world disappeared around them. Kevin looked out at the blazing horizon.

Nick opened his eyes and stared at Kevin's silhouette. He reached over and grabbed Kevin's hand. Kevin turned and met his eyes. In one swift moment the feelings were back, like they never left.

"Pooh bear, what happened to us. Why are we here?"

Kevin tightened his fingers around Nicks, he had not called him that in a long time. "Because it became less Nick and Kevin everyday after Aaron joined." His thumb ran along Nick's hand. "It's been a year since we've even kissed." He brought Nick's hand to his mouth and planted a soft kiss on his palm. Nick jumped at the touch, it had been too long.

"I remember a time when we couldn't go two days without some." Nick whispered as Kevin continued the trail of kisses along his arm and shoulder. Nick closed his eyes and let out a small moan, as Kevin's lips found the soft flesh of his neck. That was his weak spot, the world could come tumbling down and he wouldn't notice .

He felt the front of his jeans tent out, when Kevin's tongue found the shape of his ear. The long, wet entity continued it's trek across his face. His mouth opened to taste the sweet insides of Nick's mouth. Their tongues mingled in a slow erotic dance.

Kevin eased Nick down onto the soft hammick, their hammick. This is the same place they first made love five years ago. When they admitted what everyone else already knew, that they loved each other.

Their "affair" started slow. A few looks here, a few smiles there. They always had a reason to touch one another. They spent countless hours talking in Nick's boat. He even let Kevin drive, a miracle in itself. Then the weekends started. They would book flights and head off to be alone in some tropical paradise. At first it was only small kisses and hugs. Then holding hands and lots of touching. The weekend before they became one, they almost got caught they were so consumed with lust. They couldn't keep their hands off each other, even in public. By the time they reached Kevin's house that faithful day, they were tearing each others clothes off. Their relationship went along happily until hell on two wheels entered their surreal existence.

Nick ran his hands inside Kevin's shirt. He squeezed the hard muscles as Kevin let out a soft moan. Kevin sucked on Nick's lower lip as their foreheads touched and their eyes met. Nick's hands snaked their way onto Kevin's strong shoulders. His heart sped up when Kevin's wet tongue found his spot again.

He ground his cock into Kevin's stiff erection. The feeling from both ends was driving him wild, he couldn't wait any longer. He brought his hands out and started unbuttoning Kevin's shirt. When he got to the last one, Kevin raised up and pushed the shirt from his shoulders onto the floorboards. Nick's mouth watered at the sight of his baby, he was perfect. Smooth tanned skin, firm hard abs, broad shoulders and stong arms.

Kevin eased back onto his excited lover. He lowered his mouth the Nicks, but pulled away before they made contact. He went down again and pulled away. The teasing went on a few more times, till Nick grabbed his head and crammed his tongue down Kev's throat. His hands ran thru Kevin's hair as their tongues fought for control.

Kevin pulled up Nick's shirt and in one swift motion it was lying next to his. He was pleased with what he saw. Nick had been working out in the last couple of years and had taken on quite a shape. He wasn't as defined as Kev was, but he was still beautiful.

Kevin's mouth found Nick's left nipple. A gasp left Nick's mouth as Kevin ran his teeth across the hard little knob. His tongue outlined the brown object, slowly. Nick threw his head back as Kevin devoured his sensitive flesh. Kevin's left hand squeezed Nick's other nipple. He ran the knob between his fingers. He continued his attack on Nick's nipple as Nick undid Kevin's pant and eased them off his hips. Kevin's face trailed down to the light brown hair at the top of Nick's jeans. He returned the favor and threw the jeans onto the ground. His hands found the sides of Nick's boxer-briefs and started their slow hike down Nick's hips.

The sky was a reddish-orange color as night took over. The wind slowly picked up and trusseled the wayward trees. The clouds shifted slightly, to give sight to the ever-present moon. The smell of fresh flowers filled the two lover's noses as the wind swirled around their naked bodies

Nick's cock sprung up and slapped his stomach. He was nicely hung, but not too big. Kevin licked his lips at the sight of the slow stream of precum. The clear juice oozed down Nick's thick shaft. His balls glistened with the liquid. "Baby, you are so beautiful." .

Nick trembled as he felt Kevin gently bite his thighs. His other spot. Kevin placed his hands on Nick's hips and ran his tongue along the crease near his balls and thigh. Nick's whole body jumped at the sensation. Nobody pleasured him like Kevin and he knew it.

Kevin took Nick's balls into his mouth. He sucked them into the confines of his throat. Nick grabbed the back of Kevin's head when he felt the teeth slowly move across the sensitive area. Kevin licked the articles clean.

He moved his mouth to the base of Nick's cock. His tongue lashed out to catch the falling fluid. He worked his way along the sides, tasting the nectar that is his man. His tongue continued it's slow trek to his prize. He reached the source of the flowing liquid. His tongue circled the purple mushroom head of his lover.

He opened his mouth wider and took the entire legnth of Nick in. Nick's chest heaved from the intense feeling. He arched his back to give Kevin total access. Kevin's mouth sucked with hard, firm strokes. He bobbed his head up and down with deep suction.

Nick grabbed the sides of the hammick to steady them. The force of the intense blowjob started to swing the sturdy foundation.

"OHH........GOD...." Nick screamed when he felt Kevin rake his teeth along his shaft. The feeling on the loose skin was incredible. Kev's hot tongue massaged the opening of his inflamed head. It felt like fire over his slit.

Nick's breathing sped up , his hand clenched Kevin's hair when he lifted off his seething penis. Kevin could feel Nick's balls tighten against his cheek. He had Nick begging to take him back into his hot mouth.

He hovered over his cock, licking the head, but everytime Nick raised his hips he pulled back.


He licked a little longer as Nick's head moved from side-to-side. Kevin finally engulfed his aching cock. Nick arched his back and wrapped his legs around Kev's shoulders. He couldn't make a sound as the orgasm rippled through him. Kevin closed his mouth around Nick's cock as the first stream of his man's seed shot down his throat.

He kept the suction going as the delicious cream filled his mouth. It's finally started to drizzle as the last few squirt ran down his chin. He licked the small remains from the limp penis and laid a trail of kisses over Nick's chest.

Nick opened his eyes as he felt the tongue pushing his lips apart. He ran his hands along Kevin's back. They stared into each other's eyes as they shared the remnants of Nick's cum.

Kevin laid his head in the crook of Nick's neck. They reveled in the silence of the night as Nick ran his fingers through Kevin's wild hair.

"Kevin, what does this mean for us. Can we just jump back where we left off?"

Kevin sighed and propped his head on his hand. He looked down into Nick's big blue eyes and squeezed their hands together. "I don't know, how about we take this one day at a time and just let things happen at their own pace."

Nick's face broke into the sweetest smile he could muster. "That's exactly what you said to me five years ago."

Kevin leaned down and kissed his lips slowly. "I mean it now, just as much as I did then. I love you Nickey mouse."

"I love you too, pooh bear." Their next kiss was stopped by a loud knock on the front door.

Kevin sighed and reached down for his jeans. He slipped into them and gave Nick a quick kiss on his forehead before he shuffled through the house.

Nick took a deep breath and ran his hand across his chest. He was so happy, nothing could change that.


Nothing, but that!

Here's Chapter 5, I hope you all enjoyed it. I finally put them together and I added AJ back in. I have a direction I want him to go in. It will make more sense later on. Anyway, thanks to anyone who wrote me, I appreciate it.

Send any comments, good or bad, to- BARBARABBCONTEMP@aol.com.

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 6

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