What I Saw

By moc.loa@iobsyboB

Published on Mar 2, 2010


OMG here is another chapter in this long saga. Hope you're enjoying the creative flow I've got going. Please don't read this if you will be offended.

I still couldn't believe what I had witnessed at the restaurant and in the back alley. What the fuck was up with my town. It really seemed amazing that there were so many hot older men on the prowl for young guy tail. Mind you I wasn't complaining, as I seemed to be in the right place at the right time a high percentage of the occurrences. My fantasy material was rich and I had quite the catalog to choose from when I wanted to start edging myself and getting to that point of constant semi hard erections and deliciously aching balls.

Things were pretty quiet for awhile. School went along as usual and as I was a senior there wasn't a lot of taxing work. I had already done all my college prep and sent out my applications. I was pretty sure I'd at least get into my second choice school and not be forced to attend my "safety" which was the university in the next town over. I hadn't relished the idea of living at home for college, although with all the hot action in this town it would be tough to leave.

I really seemed to have hit a dry spell and hadn't seen anything more exciting then a flash of cock and ass in the locker room at school for a month or so. Thanksgiving was approaching and my brother was coming home from college. I had hopes for maybe catching him in some action but that was sort of foiled when he announced to my parents he wanted to bring one of his dorm mates home for the break. Christ, I was getting majorly frustrated. I was edging and jerking off pretty regularly and was allowing myself to cum maybe once a week or so. But even with all my hot memories and mind movies it didn't substitute for the "real thing" I was reluctant to go to the adult book store since I heard a couple of kids at school talking about making trips there, I didn't want to risk being seen. I found myself with an almost semi hard cock 90% of the time and the slightest thing would cause it to spring into full, embarrassing hardness. My Dad parading around the house in just his boxer briefs was torture. It would immediately bring to mind the scene of him and his hot co-worker double penetrating the intern over the summer.

Fuck I had to see something soon or I was going to do something drastic.

My brother arrived with the usual fanfare. My mother fawned on him and my Dad couldn't get enough of his big college stories. He basically ignored me since he knew I was on to his straight, girl chasing act. The only good thing about him coming home was the friend he brought with him. It was a guy he roomed with at school and he was fucking HOT. His name was Chris. He was twenty, a year or so younger then my brother. He was a little shorter then Jake, maybe 5'8" or so. He had brown hair that he wore kind of longish and brushed forward in a tangled mess. His eyes were this light shade of blue with really dark lashes and he had a straight nose and sort of a boyish face. He also had this wicked smile. He would close his lips and the corners of his mouth would curl up like the cartoon Grinch. He looked like an Abercrombie model. Not only was his face amazing from what I could tell his body was catalog worthy as well. He was of medium build but looked well muscled and he had wide shoulders with a really narrow waist that flared out into a round butt. It looked like he spent some time in the gym doing squats. Besides being devastatingly hot he was also a cocky, confident funny guy. My dad ate him up upon first meeting and I could see him follow the kid around the house with his eyes.

I can tell you having this kid around did nothing to lower my frustrations. I didn't sense anything going on between him and my brother and I knew that Jake was would never jeopardize his ladies man reputation by making a move on his friend.

Jake and Chris had been home a few days when I was supposed to work a late shift at the ice cream shop where I worked on weekends. It was pretty dead and they let me go several hours early. I knew my mom was away for the weekend with my aunt and my dad had planned to have a few buddies over for poker in the basement. Jake and Chris were going out somewhere so I figured I would just quietly go into the house and hang in my room, jerking off (of course). When I entered into the back door I heard my dad and other low men's voices laughing downstairs. I walked softly to the stairs planning to head right up when something stopped me in my tracks. I heard another voice and laugh...Chris. What was he doing down there? I didn't see Jake's car in the driveway...I wonder if he went out and left Chris at home. If so, I knew my father would have found a way to parade him in front of his buddies. Especially if they had the same inclinations to young guys that my Dad did. This was worth checking out. Instead of creeping upstairs I kicked off my shoes and crept to the cellar stairs. A few years ago we had converted the basement into a sort of home theater/family room. I slowly crept down the carpeted stairs. Before hitting the main room there was a smaller room where the laundry was. I walked slowly across and crouched behind the dryer and peered into the other room. My dad had set up a card table and he and two other guys were there clearly in the middle of a poker game. Chris was also at the table and it looked like they had just dealt him in. He was wearing a tight maroon college t and jeans. They were all drinking beer and my dad was smoking a cigar. I checked out the other two men, one was a guy I had seen around before. His name was Henry Ryder, he was about my dad's age-just under 50 maybe. I had always thought he was pretty hot. He was a big guy-maybe 6'1" or so and had really broad shoulders. He had a blond crew cut and really straight white teeth; He had a thick neck and a big lantern jaw. He wore small round wire rimmed glasses and was now wearing a pair of khaki's and a button down shirt. His chest was like two big square slabs bulging out of the broadcloth fabric.

The other guy at the table was a younger guy I knew worked with my Dad. His name was Adam Pelletier. He was maybe in his late thirties and was tall and thin. He had dark brown hair that he wore spiked up in the front and he had very sharp features, with prominent cheekbones and dark eyes. He looked like he was in good shape and had that lean, very low body fat look of a runner. He was wearing a shirt and tie which he had loosened. My Dad was conversing affably with his friends and making a big effort to include Chris in the conversation. He looked pretty hot himself. He had on a light blue Polo shirt and the muscles in his arms flexed impressively as he brought the big cigar to his mouth. His blue eyes sparkled with mirth and his white spiky hair seemed to shine in comparison to his permanent tan.

I listened as they all chatted and dealt out another hand of cards.

"Thanks for including me in the game Mr. Nelson." said Chris picking up his hand.

"Please Chris, first names-James, and this here is Henry and Adam-no Misters-you'll make us feel old." My dad said chuckling. "We didn't want to leave you hanging around alone upstairs just because Jake got himself a hot date-now did we?" said dad.

"Yeah it would have been pretty boring-no one home and all." The kid said smiling.

They played a few hands of cards and just chatted. I noticed they were all drinking a lot of beer, even Chris. Soon the subject turned to sex and my ears perked up.

"I bet you get a ton of ass back at school-handsome kid like you.' Said my dad

Chris blushed and smiled that evil grin, "I do o.k." he said.

"I bet you do." Said my dad. "It must be tough being here and not getting any action-I know with my wife out of town just for a few days I start to get all worked up." He said looking at his cards but with a sidelong glance at the kid.

"Yeah...well –I can always take care of myself." Chris said, his cheeks reddening a bit more.

"Yeah we all have to resort to that some time-but there's nothing like having a person there helping you out-huh?" said dad with studied casualness.

"Umm...yeah I guess..." said Chris.

"Yeah there's nothing like the feeling of a hot mouth on your dick-right kid?" said Mr. Ryder with an intent look on his face.

"Ummm...sure...you bet." Said Chris.

"I swear just this conversation is getting me to throw wood." Said Mr. Pelletier leaning back a bit in his seat. I saw Chris look down and then quickly flick his eyes up. I moved slightly so I could see Mr. Pelletier's lap under the table. Fuck-he wasn't lying, I could detect a thick, long tube lying across his left hip. He was wearing thin dress slacks and you would have to have been blind not to notice this guy had a semi hard, large cock.

I started to notice my dad shifting around in his folding chair, as well. I dropped my gaze and saw the beginnings of swelling in his jeans. He discreetly adjusted himself letting his growing hard-on get some room.

I noticed the other two men seemed to be staring at Chris a lot. I mean he did look hot and all, but they were starting to look like they were seriously checking him out. They continued playing cards and then Chris excused himself to use the bathroom. We had another half bath downstairs beyond the family room.

Once he was out of the room Mr. Pelletier leaned across the table to my dad and said, "When are we going to get started-you said you thought this kid would be up for some action?" he seemed agitated and was trying to keep his voice down.

"Yeah-he is a major hot piece of ass and I'm dying to get him naked." Said Mr. Ryder.

"Patience gentleman, patience...these things have to be finessed-I knew after he was here a few days he was up for something-yesterday I caught him trying to catch a glimpse of me getting dressed in my bedroom-I had conveniently left the door part way open of course." Dad said smiling.

"Let me take the lead-I have an idea." Said Dad quietly as the Chris came in the room.

When Chris sat down and took a big swig out of his bottle, he said, "So... who's deal?" looking around at the three men.

"Well dealer calls the game and since I believe it is my deal I thought we'd do something different..." dad said with a smirk.

"Strip Poker." Said my dad and started shuffling the cards.

"What...did... you say- strip poker...?" asked Chris, wide eyed.

"Yup." Said my dad and began dealing the cards.

"I'm in I guess" said Mr. Ryder-"kind of silly with no women- but what the fuck...I'm bored." He said taking a big swallow of beer and never taking his eyes off the kid across from him.

"Whatever-my luck's been good tonight-chances are I'll be sitting here in my shirt and tie while you three will be bare assed by the end of the night." Said Mr. Pelletier picking up his hand.

"You in kid...?" said my Dad.

"Ummm...I guess so..." said Chris. He looked around the room and gave one of his wicked smiles. "I think you dirty old men want to see me naked." He said-laughing.

All three of the men just smiled-and pretended that he was joking.

To belie his statement, Mr. Pelletier lost the first hand. There was much laughter as he deposited one wing tip on the table.

"That's all you'll see of me tonight." He said waving his sock clad foot at them.

Mr. Ryder lost the next hand, he folded his cards he pushed back his chair and stood up. It was clear to everyone that he was already somewhat aroused. His khakis were tented out in the front a bit. He slipped off one loafer and dropped it in the center of the table. He shifted his erection over in his pants as he sat back down. All three of the older men noted Chris' eyes being drawn to the big man's muscles and then dropping to the obvious swelling erection in the man's pants. The cards got dealt again and this time my dad lost. Without getting up he quickly whipped a leather moccasin off. He leaned back and casually brushed his fingers down the front of his shirt, grazing his nipples causing them to erect. I looked and saw the bulge in his jeans jump and swell a bit more.

Chris was just taking it all in. Before the next hand he again said he had to use the rest room. When he stood I noticed a definite bulge in the front of his worn faded jeans-it didn't go unnoticed by the three older men and I saw their eyes meet and flick away quickly. All three men turn to stare at his round ass flexing as he walked to the bathroom.

"This is getting good." Said my dad.

"I want him to loose few hands-he isn't wearing much and I want to see that ass." said Mr. Ryder. "James-make sure to fix the deck on the next few deals-let's get this show on the road."

When Chris returned it didn't look like his dick had gone down at all-he had adjusted it though and it now was standing straight up along the zipper placket of his pants.

Sure enough on the next hand, he lost and threw in a sneaker-he wasn't wearing socks. He lost the next hand as well and off came the other shoe. Mr. Pelletier lost the next few hands and soon he was barefoot as well.

When Chris lost the next hand- he hesitated, it was jeans or t-shirt at this point for him. He stood up. His cock was now fully hard and clearly visible. He didn't seem to care. He just stood there looking at the three men. He had the grin on and his cock was jerking a bit in his jeans. All three older men's eyes were glued to the kid.

"What do you think guys...shirt or pants...your call." He said.

"Shirt." Said my dad with a thick voice.

Chris slowly lifted the bottom hem of the t-shirt with both hands. He raised it up revealing his stomach. He didn't have a six pack, but he had this really trim waist with faint ridges of muscle under a softer layer. His jeans rode low and he had cuts in the muscles over his hips. You could also catch a glimpse of the first swell of his ass just below the waistband in the back. He held the shirt up and ran his hand over his tight stomach, sort of putting on a show. He shucked his arms out of the sleeves and exposed his chest. It was smooth, white and nicely muscled. He pulled the shirt over his head and tossed it aside. He stood there for a minute letting the men look at him-the smile never leaving his face. He was well aware he was turning on these three guys. I wasn't sure he knew how far it would go though. I had seen my dad now on two occasions with younger men and knew if he had anything to do with it, it would probably go further then this kid thought.

Chris sat down and said "Deal the cards-let's get going."

All three men were now in a high state of arousal. The teasing the kid had done had clearly affected them. Mr. Pelletier's cock was rampant in his suit pants; it was long and looked rock hard. It was jutting up along and past his hip. Mr. Ryder seemed almost angry and his cock was standing straight up in his khakis and it was so big it could clearly be seen over the edge of the table. My dad had this smirk on his face and when he lost the next hand he slowly stood up. His cock was rising up proud in the front of his jeans. It bulged in a huge mound. He looked down and ran his hand over it and then slowly undid the first button. The zipper parted and his underwear clad erection sprang out. He was wearing white briefs and he had already started leaking. A dime sized wet spot was visible on the place right where the bloated head of his cock was. He looked at the kid and then slowly...bent down and removed the other moccasin. He slowly sank down into his chair.

Chris swallowed hard and his face looked flushed. Seeing the size and extent of the excitement my dad was experiencing may have started to give this kid second thoughts. He may have just thought this would be sort of show and tell thing. But seeing the three men around him getting more and more aroused as more of his clothes came off, he may have started to realize where this might lead.

Mr. Ryder lost the next hand. He rose from his chair and Chris almost gasped when he saw the huge pole jutting out from the front of the man's tan pants. Mr. Ryder un-tucked his dress shirt and slowly unbuttoned it. As he slid it off the huge muscles in his arms flexed in the white t-shirt he had on. The tight white cotton clung to his chiseled chest muscles and his erect nipples poked prominently through the fabric. He sat down and made a slight groan as his cock got shifted in the tight fabric.

"My god damn dick is so hard it feels like it's going to snap off." He muttered.

The kid chuckled a bit uncomfortably.

The cards were dealt and all the men drew in sharp breaths when Chris lost the hand.

"I don't know about this...maybe we should stop." He said a small smile playing around his lips.

"The game is what it is." said Mr. Ryder somewhat aggressively.

"Yeah no reneging now." said Mr. Pelletier in a strained voice.

Christ these men were dying to see this kid loose his pants!

He seemed reluctant to stand up, but finally rose up beside his chair. Christ looked around the table; his erection was if possible harder then before and clearly visible. The jeans were so faded and thin I could see that he has started to leak precum as well and it had spotted the crotch of the denim. Reluctant or not he was clearly worked up by what was happening. He just stood there a minute with his hand on the waistband of the jeans.

"C'mon, kid...let's get this show on the road." Said my dad in calm voice, urging the kid on.

Chris undid the button on the jeans, they were button fly so when that first button was undone they slipped lower on his hips but didn't fully open. The pronounced swell of the top of his ass was clearly visible. He was wearing tight grey underwear and I heard Mr. Pelletier say, "Fuck, look at that ass." In an awed voice, as Chris undid another button. The jeans slid lower and now I could see the outline of his two perfect round cheeks. The pants were now so low on his hips that I could see that the grey underwear were boxer briefs and the thick muscles of his thighs were barely contained by the tight leg bands.

He stopped and held the jeans up in front and let them slip low in the back. It looked incredibly sexy to see this beautiful shirtless kid with his underwear clad ass hanging out of the faded denim. He slowly undid one more button and then simply let the pants fall to the floor. The pouch of the grey briefs did little to conceal his raging hard-on. It was stained with precum across the visibly swollen head. His cheeks were round and pressed together tightly. The three men just drank him in.

"Is this what you wanted to see?" he asked, looking around the table. "Bunch of pigs, trying to get me out of my clothes."

"Just sit down and let's finish the game." Said my dad soothingly.

Chris maintained eye contact with the three men as he bent over to remove the pants form his bare feet. Mr. Pelletier leaned around to look at his ass and moaned "Fuck look at that." Chris' lips curled up as he sat down.

The room was silent as they played the next hand. If Chris lost he would have to get totally naked and I knew that these three would be on him like hyenas at that point. They were all breathing heavy and shifting around in their seats in anticipation.

The hand went on for a while and finally Mr. Pelletier lost. He still had on the most clothes and smilingly took off his tie and let it slide through his fingers and pool in the middle of the table.

The cards were dealt and the hand played out slowly. I could see all three men staring intently at the kid willing him to loose the hand and let them get him finally totally naked. Chris was sweating as he played his cards. The men almost went into football cheers when Chris lost the hand.

"Yeah –take off the underwear.' Said Mr. Pelletier in a throaty voice.

Chris stood up and the three men licked their lips in anticipation. He began to run his hands around the waistband. Lowering it a bit and then letting it snap back into place. His cock was still painfully erect and staining the front of the thin material. He made a move to lower the briefs and then stopped. He looked at the three men and said, "It might be more fun if I kept these on. Let's skip the cards...you guys can touch me if you want...but nothing else...alright?" he asked.

"God let me touch you!" said Mr. Pelletier lunging to his feet.

"HOLD ON" said my dad.

"Let's not loose control here." He said standing up.

"Kid what are you saying? My dad asked.

Chris let one of those slow smiles take over his face and said, "Hey I'm not stupid, I know you set this whole thing up to try and get me out of my clothes-whatever-I'm cool with that-I'm not gay but I know horny guys will do things they normally wouldn't. So...since you are all so worked up I'll help out-you can look at me, and touch my body... a little bit...and jerk yourselves off through your clothes" He smiled again. "I don't mind being the center of attention."

Mr. Pelletier immediately made a move towards the kid and Mr. Ryder stood up, his cock jutting out in the front of his tan khakis.

"Wait...what are the rules?" My dad asked putting a steadying hand on his friend's chest.

The kid walked out from behind the table and went to the center of the room. His ass looked incredible as it flexed in the thin grey material.

"Why don't you three sit on the couch over there and watch me-if I step closer to you, it means you can touch me-only over my underwear. How does that sound?" he said smiling cockily at the three older guys.

"Fucking tease." Muttered Mr. Ryder.

Mr. Pelletier was so worked up, his long cock was jerking visibly in his dress pants at the mere thought of getting his hands on the kid, he just said, "Whatever...let's get going and moved towards the couch.

The other two men nodded and walked over to an old leather sofa as well. They sat down, Mr. Pelletier in the middle with his long cock throbbing in his pants. All three men were fully dressed still, though their cocks could clearly be seen and both men had leaked a considerable amount of precum and caused distinct spots on the front of their pants. The kid stood in front of them but just out of arms reach and began to run his hands up and down his chest and stomach. He did it slowly, languorously. He kept his head down, watching his fingers as they trailed over his nipples and down the smooth, soft ridges of his stomach. The three men stared in rapt attention. Mr. Pelletier was clearly hurting and had already started to run his hand up and down the long tube pulsing insistently in his tight dress pants. Mr. Ryder had his hand inside his pants and underwear and seemed to be cupping and stroking his balls while he watched the kid caress himself. My dad had his eyes locked on the young man in front of him and hadn't yet touched his cock, though he was running his hands over his chest and brushing his palms across his own hard nipples through his polo shirt.

Chris slowly rotated his body so his back was to the men. He looked back over his shoulder as he ran his hands down his waist and over his round tight ass cheeks. He cupped and lifted the firm round cheeks and bit his lip in pleasure as he pulled them slightly apart, teasing the men. From my vantage point I could see this show was getting the kid even more excited. His cock was dripping wet inside his underwear and it looked like if it swelled any more it would rip through the wet cotton.

He ran his hands up over the cotton covered mounds and grasped the elastic waistband at his hips. He pulled it away from his body and lowered it on one side, exposing half of one creamy ass cheek. It was an incredible sight. The flesh looked so firm and you could see the deep dent of muscle in the side with a deep `V' of cleavage at the top swell of his ass. He pulled the waist back up and teasingly lowered the other side, showing off that cheek. From where I was crouched I could see his rigid cock trapped in the tight front of the boxer briefs leaking like a sieve.

The three older men sat on the couch in rapt attention. Mr. Pelletier was lewdly running his palm roughly over the mound of his erection in the front of his pants. He was so intense that he was raising his ass up off the couch to almost fuck his cloth covered cock against his palm. Mr. Ryder had his hand buried in his pants wrist deep and was slowly running his fist up and down what looked like a hugely swollen thick cock. More precum had oozed from the head a dark stain had now spread across the entire crotch panel of the light tan khaki's.

My dad was staring intently at the kid and was almost casually undoing the button of his pants and lightly running his finger tips into the top of the waistband of his pants, brushing where the swollen head of his cock was.

The kid turned around to face the men, his dick rampant in his underwear. His head was still down, his tangled hair hanging in front of his eyes his hands on both hips, fingers tucked into the waist of the briefs. He made a move to lower the front of the underwear, pulling them away from his body. His cock jerked forward with the freedom afforded by the loosening of the tension of the elastic fabric and the men leaned forward eagerly. He let the waist band go and slowly ran his fingers back up his torso. He grazed his nipples and gave a sharp intake of breath and bit his lip.

"C'mere kid" said my dad.

Chris walked over and stood with his legs splayed wide apart directly in front of my father. My dad sat up reached out with one hand. He took the back of his fingers and trailed them over the kid's stomach. I saw the kid's abdominals jump involuntarily. My dad's fingers reached the kid's chest and he lightly ran his knuckles over the erect nipple. The kid gasped and my dad kept his hand there and traced his hand back and forth lightly but relentlessly over the hot hard flesh. The other two men were staring as the kid arched his body and moaned. They all three were leaning into him using all their will power to resist touching him further. The kid looked down the length of his body. Now glistening with a light sheen of sweat and watched as his dick jumped and jerked in the pouch of the underwear as my dad played with his nipple. He abruptly stepped back breaking contact. My dad's breathing seemed heavy as he sank back on the couch. Chris then moved down the line and stood in front of Mr. Ryder, he stepped in closer. The big man sat up eagerly and reached around the kid. He took his two huge hands and cupped the kid's ass and pulled him forward. Chris steadied himself by placing his hands on the older man's shoulders. Mr. Ryder cradled his hot round ass and flicked his tongue out and licked up the kid's stomach. He reached the young guy's chest and gently ran his tongue over the kid's left nipple. Chris moaned and Mr. Ryder lightly trapped the nipple between his teeth and applied a little pressure. Chris cock jumped in his underwear and he moaned and pulled away. His legs seemed shaky as he moved back to stand in front of the three men. He turned his back to them and shucked the briefs down lower on his hips, exposing just the top swell of his ass and bent over. His round hard ass was now inches from Mr. Pelletier and he took this as an invitation to touch the kid. He scooted forward in his seat his long erection tenting out in front of him. As used both hands to graze the kid's sweaty back. The kid moaned at the light contact. Mr. Pelletier reached the waistband of the underwear and ran his fingers over the elastic and hooked his long forefingers into the band and began to slowly lower them. The kid let them go till more then half of his ass was exposed. The deep cleft shined with sweat and the completely hairless hole was just barely visible. He quickly reached back and put his hands over the man's fingers stopping them from pulling them down further. He didn't step away but stood up and looked over his shoulder at the thin dark man.

"You like my ass?" he whispered. Mr. Pelletier's hands were hovering over the round cheeks, trembling.

"You want to touch it?" Chris asked.

Mr. Pelletier leaned forward and let both palms come in contact with the hot, taught flesh. Both groaned the minute contact was made. The kid turned away and made sure the front of the briefs were secure over his quivering cock as the older man began to cup and knead the gleaming white flesh. He was limited in his access as the underwear were still pulled tight and covering the lower portion of the kid's ass, but he was taking as much advantage as he could, running his hands over the swell and into the deep crack.

"Oh...fuck..." moaned Chris in a shaky voice and let go of the front of the briefs.

Mr. Pelletier felt the tension on the underwear slacken and immediately pulled them lower. The kid's ass was now fully in view and it looked amazing. Mr. Pelletier ran his hands in a long stroke up the kid's muscular back and then over the narrow waist and for the first time fully engulfed those beautiful globes in his big palms. The underwear dropped lower and his cock popped free. Mr. Ryder groaned when the deep red rigid cock bobbed out in front of the kid. It was about eight inches long and slick with precum.

The man at his ass was now spreading the taught cheeks wide apart and leaning in intently staring at his beautiful hole. Chris bent slightly forward in response to pressure from the man on his lower back. Mr. Pelletier scooted further forward and his eyes glazed with lust opened his mouth wide and leaned in and began to lewdly lick the kid's asshole. Chris jumped and gasped at the feeling of the man's hot wet tongue running over his ass lips. He bent over even further and I saw Mr. Pelletier point and extend his tongue as he forced the tip into the tight ass lips. Chris seemed to realize what was going on and quickly grabbed his underwear and pulled them up as he stepped away from the moaning, slurping man. He whipped around, his face flushed and his chest rising and falling rapidly. All three men were on the edge of their seats and all had their hands at their crotches.

"Fuck kid...don't stop now...ohhh." Groaned Mr. Pelletier.

"This is too much." said Mr. Ryder through clenched teeth.

The kid stepped back further and with his eyes half closed began to run his hands up and down his naked torso again. The men relaxed back into their seats, their cocks looking ready to snap off in their pants. The kid began playing with his underwear again. Lowering the front, exposing the deep cuts in the muscles of his hips at his lower abs. His cock was soaking the front of his underwear and he was careful to keep it covered through all the teasing. He slid the briefs down low in the back and then covering his cock with both hands let them fall to the floor. The men moaned as he carefully bent over, stepping out of them and picking them up. He brought the wet grey fabric up and used it to cover his hard on. He was now standing there naked with just a scrap of fabric over his hard dick.

"Kid you're going to get yourself in serious trouble." Said Mr. Ryder.

The kid smiled in the evil way and slowly turned around. His broad naked back narrowing to his tight waist then flaring out to those incredible round ass cheeks made all three men gasp. He spread his legs and craned his face over his shoulder and slowly bent over slightly sticking his ass out. His hole was wet and glistening and you could see he balls swing free between his thighs.

"Fuck this!" said Mr. Pelletier and slid off the couch onto his knees. He grabbed the kid around the waist with both hands and pulled his ass back. He opened his mouth and began to lick, suck and eat out that hot hole. He was deeply tonguing the kid while the other two men seemed frozen in place. Mr. Pelletier steadied the kid with one hand on the small of his back and began to free his cock. He undid the button of his pants and roughly jerked the front of his underwear down. His nine inch cock bobbed free. It was rock hard and curved back towards his body. It was a bit thinner at the base and then flared to a huge head that was dripping clear fluid. The man continued to tongue fuck the kid while he began to jerk his tortured cock.

Chris was moaning loudly but was still clutching the briefs to cover his own cock.

"Hey...ummmm...wait...stop...awwww...!" he groaned. Though he was protesting he didn't seem to have the will to pull away from the wet hot contact.

"C'mon...awww...STOP." He said and this time he did attempt to stand up and move away. Mr. Pelletier was gripping him tightly now with both hands encircling his waist and didn't seem to hear the kid's protests. He was groaning and eating the kid's ass for all he was worth. My dad stepped forward and intervened.

"Adam...the kid wants you to stop. " My dad said putting a hand on his buddy's shoulder.

"It's tastes so fucking good...awww... it is so tight and hot...fuck I'm going to cum just rimming this little bitch." He said between slurps.

Before my dad could separate them Chris let out a loud moan and stood up. The man's face was deep in the crack of his ass and I could see his jaw muscles flex as he forced the entire length of his tongue deep into the trembling kid. The sound of the kid's moan of pleasure seemed to send Mr. Pelletier over the edge. He groaned and said "Fuck...I'm going to shoot." He gripped his cock tightly in his fist and rapidly got to his feet. He forced the kid to bend over and took his hand off his long engorged cock. He lined his dick up along the deep crack of the kids ass and using the slick coating of sweat and precum, fucked the cock up and down the deep crevice... once...twice and just stood there gasping as the head began to tremble. The cock jumped as a long thick rope of cum flew out the slit. It splashed across the kids sweating, heaving back and the man shuddering drew the cock back and hunched it forward forcing another huge shot of cum out landing across Chris' back and over his right shoulder. The kid was moaning, "God I can feel your hot cum whipping my back...awww...fuck..!" the cock just kept on firing thick volleys of cum all over the kid's broad muscular back. Soon the older man stopped cumming and just stood there panting with his cock still fully erect and dripping. Cum coated the kid's back and was running over his ribcage to drip onto the floor.

"That's enough...I can't fucking believe I let that happen..."He said trying to keep his briefs still covering his rock hard cock. He attempted to step away from the older man but Mr. Pelletier was having none of it. He dropped back to his knees and stared in complete lust at the kid's still exposed hole and roughly grabbed him around the waist and leaned in and began to lick and suck that slick wet asshole. Chris groaned as the man's tongue penetrated him over and over again and my dad took this opportunity to pull the briefs from the kid's hands and toss them into the corner.

I'm not sure about this one...should I continue or move on to something else???

Next: Chapter 23

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