What the Fuck Did We Do

By Ryan White

Published on Dec 31, 2017


Hey everyone!! Happy new year and I really hope you all have a splendid 2018. Much love.

I was watching The Hangover trilogy the other day and I couldn't help wondering how things could develop if two supposedly straight guys had sex whilst drunk? How will it influence things between them...will they end the friendship or will they just ignore what happened??

Or maybe...just maybe...they'd like to explore things even further hahahaha. Read on and find out!

As always you can contact me on my email address whiteryan65@gmail.com or on Twitter @LiciousRyan1

I'm always horny and up for a chat... #sexymad hahahaha

Enjoy the story Ryan


"Its my party and I'll drink if I want to..."

"What was that??" "Nothing, Mom!! Just listening to the radio on my phone!"

"I'll cut off your balls if you use alcohol in my house! Do you hear me? Keanu??"

But young Keanu had long since plugged his earphones into his ears and started listening to radio for real. His mom had agreed to a party tonight to celebrate the milestone of his sixteenth birthday but offourse there was a few conditions. Firstly, all ten people that were coming had to be screened and past through her motherly test. That's what you get when your father was a reverend. Born and raised in a strict Christian establishment Keanu never had the opportunity to hold a party quite of this magnitude before. But his parents and he had a serious conversation in which they fully informed him...as if he didn't already know...that he was now sixteen, an age where they had to lessen some of the ropes they held him "captive" with and give him more responsibility and more choices he had to make on his own.

If he were to have a party at his house, there had to be strict instructions...wait for it...

No alcohol. No swearing. No loud music. No girls. Like that was ever gonna happen. He talked his parents into sleeping over at friends that same evening, and played on their feelings of giving him more responsibility. I mean...his argument of HOW he can EARN that responsibility without having to cope on his own, was genius. After sixteen years he really knew how to play his parents. Don't get me wrong, he adored and loved them, but sixteen years of Bible studies and praying over and over for guidance had poor Keanu desperate for only one night doing something he wasn't supposed to. Where as other teenage boys his age would rebel towards the likes of smoking, fucking and even perhaps drugs, it was exciting enough for Keanu to have a party...with alcohol...with loud music...and with plenty of girls.

Considering his strict sabbatical upbringing Keanu was a total virgin. He and his best friend Ezra were both enrolled at the Saint Marcus Forum Academy and over the years had tried their best to get laid but either the girls held their legs shut like a horse's ass, or they weren't interested. It was a Christian academy after all where they were taught on a daily basis that impure thoughts were sins and that they would be sent straight to hell if they had sex before marriage. Seriously...Keanu didn't care about sex. Hell, he'd settle for a simple blowjob or a jacking off by a girl...ANYTHING would be better than pleasure from his right hand. Yes, that was a fucking sin as well. He sighed. These days all he could think about was girls. His penis seemed to get rock solid hard just by breathing. He didn't know how he sized up in the cock department in connection to the boys he went to school with, not even Ezra, but he knew it was pretty big.

He loved to read stories written on the Nifty Archive on his smart phone...he cleverly convinced his parents to buy him one so he can look up ap Bible verses and chat with fellow believers online...yeah right. But Keanu had never done anything severely wrong. He was a model student and child in the eyes of his parents so why would they doubt him? He felt bad playing with their feelings but after reading those Nifty stories...he felt he was missing out big time. He developed FOMO in the worst degree.

He wanted to have sex. Literally with anything or anyone. His cock was bulging in his trousers as he fixed his hair. He carefully listened if his mom or dad was anywhere near his room...before getting out the condom that Ezra had given him to use tonight. Wow...he was actually gonna fuck someone. This was really happening.

This was gonna be a night he'd never forget.

"Dude, do you still have the condom? You don't want one of these beauties to get pregnant, your dad will kill you," Ezra was nervous just as Keanu was. This was gonna be their first time with a girl after all.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? No glove, no love, dude! My parents think this is gonna be some kiddies dig with party hats and Monopoly. For real? They even left cupcakes and juice in the fridge!"

"We better not fuck this up tonight, Keanu. Who knows when we will ever get the chance to sink our dicks into a girl again?"

"Yeah man, I'm shaking like a leaf though. I hope I don't hurt her...whoever its gonna be. I don't wanna brag or anything but I'm quite big...you know...down here."

Ezra nearly swallowed his breath mint.

"Dude...seriously...I did not need to know that. Have you eaten anything? You don't wanna be fucking her and run out of energy."

"Ezra, I'm pissing my pants outta worry that she's gonna take one look at my cock and run a mile."

Ezra looked at his best friend with more curiosity than ever before.

"What? No way man, how big can you be?" "Want me to show you?" Blame it on the nerves, Keanu would later think.

"Gross, no! What's wrong with you? Look, the girls are here.'

Keanu was slow dancing with Katherine, one of the girls who also attends Saint Jude. She wanted him. He just knew it. He hoped the condom was still inside his pocket otherwise all this plans were in vain.

The evening had not exactly gone to plan. He had learned that not eating before consuming a truck load of alcohol was not.. I repeat...not a good idea. He had blurred vision, he had trouble standing up, never mind walking. Considering the fact that he had drunk alcohol for the very first time and A LOT in that he was barely keeping it together.

"Do you wanna go...upstairs?" He heard Katherine whisper into his ear. She gently allowed her fingers to scrape his bulge, making barely sixteen year old virgin shiver with sexual pleasure. FUCK YEAH.. HE WAS GONNA LET LAID!!!

However...fate decided to be cruel. As he wanted to answer Katherine the alcohol took its revenge as he puked all over the beautiful teenage girl. "OH MY GOD!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING??"

Like all teen girls, those brought up with Christian values being no different, Katherine used Keanu's bile all over her to attract as big a crowd and as much attention as possible. Keanu had humiliated her, now she was repaying the favour.

"You can't even answer me without spilling your guts out, its a wonder that little thing can even get hard!" She shouted and stormed out of the house, taking majority of the girls with her. Keanu was red with embarrassment but that was nothing in comparison that Katherine told everyone at the party that he had a small dick.

"Fuck that! You wanna see a small dick, look at mine!"

The Christian boy pull down his trousers and underwear and released his cock...Ezra tried to stop him but he was sloshed as well and ended up on the floor trying to stop Keanu running outside as naked as the day he was born.

Some of the girls who was starting to leave, including Katherine, turned around to see what the commotion was all about when a naked Keanu tripped and fell onto the ground, too drunk to go further. The girls rolled their eyes. The guy was a loser. Ezra crawled outside as fast as he could, he was wasted from the Jagermeister...he tried his best to help Keanu up. Finally the two boys entered the house and saw the four dudes still remaining helping themselves to the leftover rum.

"Ya know whaaaat...fuck g...fuck girls," Keanu slurred as he pulled Ezra with him and joined the others in finishing the alcohol. The condom in his pocket was burning him.

"They are bitches...who needs them..."

"They were ugly as fuck anyway..."

Keanu turned towards Ezra and leaned his alcoholic induced head on his best friend's shoulder. He felt Ezra returning the gesture by pulling his arms around him, holding him close. They were sitting worryingly on the edge of the roof, looking over the dark street before them. Neither boy had gotten his wish of finally getting laid. They were drunk as hell. The two boys barely could keep their eyes open. Somewhere in the back of Keanu's mind a little responsibility had to have pulled through, because he got up and pulled Ezra with him.

"My room. Let's go," he slurred before they climbed through the window and into the bedroom. Ezra stumbled as his foot slipped on the landing and Keanu caught him just in time, however with him being wasted he couldn't keep his balance and both boys fell on top of each other onto the floor.

"Get off me...fuck man get off!" He screamed as Ezra landed with his full weight right on top of him.

"Where are we brooo," Ezra mumbled as he tried to open his eyes wide enough to see properly.

"You're on top of me..." Suddenly Keanu began to shake with sheer laughter. This whole situation was funny as hell. Here he was, hoping to break his virginity and he ended up with his best friend on top of him. Wasn't he supposed to be on top??

"My bad man. Lemme get up," Ezra hissed as he tried to stand, but immediately fell onto Keanu's bed. Keanu himself stood up, managed to walk a few steps and collapsed next to Ezra. Both were out of breath with a fowl taste starting to appear in their mouths. Ezra turned around so he was facing Keanu.

"Did we get laid?"

Keanu giggled and hit Ezra on his shoulder.

"Noooo.. But the girls saw my big dick."

"Katherine said it was small," Ezra pushed his face into the pillows and laughed hysterically.

"Wanna see?" Time stood still.

"Yeah. Show me."

Once more, for the second time that night, Keanu pulled off his trousers and underwear and allowed his best friend to see his cock. Ezra hissed as he saw it.

"Brooo...are you hard?"

"No. Told you its big," Keanu was loving this.

"Can I touch it?" A whisper. Nothing more. It was like Ezra was hypnotized.

That was the last thing either boy could remember.

The sunlight streaming through the windows woke Keanu up. He immediately closed his eyes. He had a headache from hell, seriously, it felt like Big Ben had moved into his braincells. He stretched out and turned around but something was holding him back. Still suffering from the blinding pain in his head, he looked down, and saw a pair of arms around him. It then occurred to him that he was butt naked.

Oh fuck...he finally did it. Could it be? Did he sleep with a girl last night? Sure looked like it. He turned around. Was it Katherine? He remembered dancing with her...barely..


Fuck the headache, Keanu jumped out of the bed as quick as he could. The shouting woke up the person who was holding him so lovingly as they had slept.

"Are you fucking crazy?? Ahhh my fucking head..." Ezra said as he threw a stray T-shirt at his best friend, and sinking back into the pillows with both arms across his face.

"Ezra, something is wrong. We slept together. Dude, wake up!" Keanu shouted and pulled his friend up.

"Ahhh man!! So what, we slept in the same bed, big deal! Lots of guys do it. Doesn't make us gay, you know!" Ezra spat out, determined to get back to sleep.

Keanu calmed down. Maybe that's all it was. They just shared a bed. Okay. Cool. He relaxed. Nothing happened. He started to tidy up as quietly as he could without waking Ezra. The room was a mess. How much did they drink last night?

He sent up a silent prayer thanking God that he and Ezra didn't do...gay stuff. It was a mortal sin. One of the biggest. He shook his head in disgust and continued to pick up random shit that was scattered across the room.

His heart stopped. His breathing turned heavy. He dropped everything he had in his hands. Nah...he slowly reached out picked up the torn condom wrapper. The very same one he had in his pocket at the party.. The same one he wanted to lose his virginity with.


He turned around. Ezra's face was drained of all colour. He was shaking. He held something between his fingers.

A used condom. There was still a watery substance inside.

"What the fuck did we do...?" Ezra finally asked the question both of them were dreading.

THANKS FOR READING!! Want more?? Let me know what YOU think happened between Keanu and Ezra xx

whiteryan65@gmail.com @LiciousRyan1

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