What Will Come

By Dan Ham

Published on Apr 28, 2007


DISCLAIMER: This story depicts graphic sexual encounters between two consenting males. If you are offended by homoerotic content, please leave. If it is illegal to read this content where you live, please do not stay on my account. I do not want you to get into trouble with the local authorities. That being said, please enjoy. Any resemblance between characters portrayed in this story and actual people, living or deceased, is purely coincidental and unintentional. Do not copy, change or otherwise use this story's contents (with the exception of reading it) without my permission.

Feedback is always encouraged at gaywritercolorado@yahoo.com or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gay_Writer

What Will Come

Chapter 3: The Second Week; Part 2

That little pucker of his was looking so tantalizing that couldn't wait very much longer. So I turned him around and bent him over his bed. I buried my face in the valley between his sculpted ass cheeks. Not knowing what to do, I started off licking his rosebud. It had a tart taste to it, but I couldn't get enough of it. Each time my tongue passed over it, he moaned in ecstasy. I kept licking it, not knowing what to do. I just couldn't get enough. After about 15 minutes of doing this, he looked over his shoulder and said, "my turn."

I turned around and leaned over my bed, making my ass crack, which had never been touched, available to him. I didn't know what to expect, so I just went with the flow. I first felt his hot breath on my cheeks, and then I felt it, his perfect tongue, start to lick my rosebud. Then I felt his tongue start to enter my love shoot. I have never put anything up there, but god, did it feel good. He started off slowly, and then started to pick up the pace. I felt a familiar feeling in my balls; I knew if he didn't stop soon, he was going to make me cum. All I could do was grunt, and boy was I grunting, I had never felt so good in my life. This was sending new sensations through my body.

"You...grunt...better...grunt...stop...moan...or I'm...grunt...gonna...moan...cum."

With that, he spun me around and started sucking on me again. He only did that for about five minutes and it sent me over the edge. I let out a deep guttural howl and shoved my dick all the way in, as I shot my load down his throat. The nice thing about my dick, it takes either 4 cums, or about 45 minutes for it to go soft, so when I was done coming, I spun him around and started licking his hole some more, getting it ready for my hard piece of meat.

I licked it for about ten minutes, then stood up and slowly started to push in. I saw him wince and started to pull out. "NO," he yelled out, "don't move; let me get used to you. Then, start to push in slowly, little by little, just watch my face." I watched as his face relaxed, then I pushed in a little, saw his facial muscles tighten up, and stopped. It felt like it took forever, but it was only about 5 minutes, but I made it all the way in. Oh, did it feel so good. His hole felt hot but not burning hot. It felt like his mouth did, but a lot tighter. The feelings I experienced were nothing, but mind blowing. I knew I wasn't going to last long with how good this was feeling. I was so warm, yet so soft. I started off slowly, then I picked up my pace. By the time I was getting close to the edge, we were both were starting to grunt like wild animals. Then the inevitable happened. I felt that familiar wave flow over me, and I shoved my dick all the way inside and shot my load up that incredible ass of his. At the same him, I felt his clamp down around my dick. At first, I didn't know what was happening, then I looked down and saw that he, too, was shooting cum on the floor.

"Man, that was great," I said as I collapsed on top of him.

"Yeah, man, that was totally hot, we'll have to do that again, and I think we'll have several opportunities through out the next year, since we're roomies." He said breathing heavily.

"I think we need another shower," I said with a chuckle.

"Yup, we made quite a mess, didn't we?" He said laughing.

So we both grabbed our towels, even though we didn't bother wrapping them around ourselves. I was used to walking around naked, with being on all the sports teams that I had been on in high school, but it kinda surprised me that he was following suit. We both showered, not being able to keep our eyes off of each other. We finished in a hurry though, because we didn't want a repeat of what happened earlier, since we both had early classes then following morning. Once we were finished, we headed back to the room and talked for a little while, before finally going to sleep.

The next morning I was woken up by movement in the room. I looked over to my alarm clock and it read 4:30am. I looked towards the movement and it was Tony, he was doing sit-ups in his corner of the room. "What the hell are you doing up at this ungodly hour?" I asked him.

"I always do a work-out in the morning. I usually start at about 4am, but thought I would sleep in a little," was his response.

"I never got up this early back on the farm. I usually got up at 5am," I retorted.

Instead of going back to sleep, like most guys my age, I got up and started to get around. I did my own rep of sit-ups, I did 100 push-ups, and then got dressed in my running shorts and a T-shirt and went for a 5 mile jog, which I did every morning back at home. I figured that's what was keeping me in shape, so why stop? By the time I got back to the dorm, showered, and made my way down to the cafeteria, I had about thirty minutes before my first class started.

I made it to my first class with about 5 minutes to spare, so I figured I'll have to start getting up when Tony does, which I don't mind, since I enjoyed watching him exercise, considering that he did it in the nude. That was all I could think about during my first day, Tony doing things in the nude. It was a wonder that I remembered anything that was said in any of my classes.

I had about two hours between my morning classes and my afternoon classes, so I decided to take a walk around the campus. I had just rounded the corner of the humanities building, when I noticed a flier by one of the doors. What had caught my eye was that it was for a LGBT and Straight alliance on campus. They were going to be having a meeting that night to welcome all the new students to the school.

After I finished all my classes, I returned to my room, and to my surprise, Tony was sitting at this desk filling out some papers, in the nude. He turned towards me when I walked in, showing me his incredible hard dick and a smile on his face. He confessed that, the entire day, all he could think about was how hot last night had been, and that he had to have more. I was totally shocked by his admission. It took me a minute to take in all that he had said. I looked at him and said, "if it can wait, I had an idea for something to do. Some gay group here on campus is having a welcome meeting, and I thought we could go."

He thought for a few minutes, then said, "Sure, I'm game for anything."

I sat down to my desk, trying to concentrate on my assignments for my classes, which wasn't easy. My mind kept drifting to the person that was sitting behind me, with his perfectly sculpted body and his nice, tight hole. I knew that this semester was going to be hard one(forgive the pun).

The Alliance meeting was at 7pm, so I knew I had time to read the chapters that had been assigned to me. Trying to focus on the material proved kind of hard, due to the fact that Tony kept jacking off. The smacking of his fist made me want to turn around and do something about it, but I knew that if I did, we'd be late for the meeting. So I ignored him, the best I could.

When 6:30 came, I was relieved. I turned around to Tony and said, "we better head to the meeting." "Okay, let me get dressed," he replied. We headed out, wondering what this meeting was going to be all about.

To Be Continued . . .

Feedback is always encouraged.

gaywritercolorado@yahoo.com or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gay_Writer

Authors note: I know have a website. If you would like to check it out, feel free: www.geocities.com/gaywritercolorado/Welcome.html

Next: Chapter 4

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