What Will Come

By Dan Ham

Published on Dec 26, 2007


DISCLAIMER: This story depicts graphic sexual encounters between two consenting males. If you are offended by homoerotic content, please leave. If it is illegal to read this content where you live, please do not stay on my account. I do not want you to get into trouble with the local authorities. That being said, please enjoy. Any resemblance between characters portrayed in this story and actual people, living or deceased,

is purely coincidental and unintentional. Do not copy, change or otherwise use this story's contents (with the exception of reading it) without my permission.

Feedback is always encouraged at gaywritercolorado@yahoo.com or http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Gay_Writer

Chapter 5: Week Three; All the wonders of college

It was the third week since I left home, and boy was I taking to college, like a fish to water. I had been attending the alliance meetings every week. Jay, Tony, Ty, and myself were starting to become a close nit group. I was still doing my morning exercises, but I was no longer doing them by myself. Jay and Ty had started to join me. We would go for about three to four hours of running and working out at the campus gym. If I hadn't of known any better, I would have thought that Jay and Ty were starting to hit it off, which was fine by me. I was never the jealous type, so seeing the two of them flirt was kinda funny. I was starting to get into the routine of things, get up, exercise, breakfast, class, studying, sex, and sleeping. I was starting to make the dorm room feel like home.

I was siting at my little desk, when I heard a fight break out in the hall. I wasn't going to step into someone else's fight. But when I heard someone yell out faggot, I didn't have a choice. I wasn't going to sit back and let someone get beaten up for something that was as trivial as a sexual orientation. I walked over to the door and opened it. What I saw, kinda surprised me. Standing before me was a guy who was of my build. Standing before him, which I thought was a little unfair, (forgive the play on words) was a guy who was short in stature. From the looks of it, he stood about 5'2" and weighed no more than 110lbs. His opponent stood about 6'2" and easily weighed 200lbs. I stepped up behind the taller guy and asked, "What's going on?" The guy turned around and staring me right in the eyes, replied "It's none of your business." I thought for a second, and decided to end this one way or another. Someone was going to be hurt, so I figured that I would survive a little better the the shorter one. "I think it is my business, you're standing outside my room, yelling. I'm trying to do some studying, so why don't your guys just make up and let things go." I could see that he wasn't going to listen to me and pulled his arm back to punch me. As he did this, I used some of the martial arts I had learned when I was younger and knocked him to his back and put my knee across his throat. "I think we are done here." I looked over at the stunned, little one, and told him "Why don't you go ahead and go into my room, we can talk and I can figure out what's going on here" He didn't need any encouragement, he practically ran into my room. As soon as I was sure that the little one was out of the way, I looked down at the idiot and told him, "I think you need to pick on someone your own size. I don't want to see or hear of you picking on him again, do we have an understanding?" Not saying a word, he nodded. I stood up and backed into my room, shut the door, and turned around.

There on my bed was the one I had just saved. He was shaking like he was coming inside from the cold. I walked towards him, he came running to me and wrapped his small arms around me. He didn't look to be any older then maybe 13 or 14. I was curious about him, so I led him to my bed, and calmed him down. After about fifteen solid minutes of him shaking, he slowly released his arms from me and looked up. I could still see the looks of innocence in his face. "Hi, My names Bryce, what's yours?" In a shaky voice, he replied, "I...I...I'm Tracy." "Well Tracy, how old are you? You look like your only 14?" With that Tracy bowed his head, blushed, and said, "Well, I'm actually 13. I was the smartest kid in my school, I graduated last year." I looked down at him, with wonder on my face. 'Wow, a child genius.' I thought to myself. "What was all that about?" I asked him. "He caught me staring at him in the showers." He bowed his head even further. I think he was trying to hide what he had done from me. I could remember what it was like, when I was his age, knowing that I liked guys, but couldn't do anything about it. I looked down at him, draped my arm around his neck and asked, "You like guys, don't you?" Without lifting his head he nodded. "That is perfectly okay. I like guys too." With me saying that, his head shot up, looking me dead in the eyes. "Don't you get beaten up?" he asked in wonder. I just shook my head no. "I have liked guys since I was your age, but like you, I was always too afraid to admit it to anyone, fearing that I would get either beaten up or that my family would dis-own me. I finally came out, when I was in my senior year of high school, but it was still rough." He looked up at me and I could see it in his eyes, I was going to be his best friend. I didn't have a problem with that. I didn't want him to have to go through college, fearing for his life. It was supposed to be a growing experience for him.

I heard the door handle rattle, we never locked it during the day, if we were going to be in the room. I got up, unlocked the door, and saw that it was Tony. I stepped out and explained what was going on, and that we would be having company for a little bit, until we could make arraignments for Tracy to change rooms.

Author's Note: Thanks for all the replies. I have decided to continue this and my other story that I had lost. But I need input from you, my readers. What do you want to see happen with Tracy, Bryce, Tony, Ty, and Jay. I am coming up to road blocks and would like some feed back. Thanks for all of the feedback I have gotten so far.

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