When Friends Get Closer

By Stephanie Kildore

Published on Jun 12, 2006



When Friends Get Closer By Stephanie Kildore Written June 2006.

As always please send all feedback to Skildore@yahoo.com

"Come on," said Tasha in annoyance. "Let's get out of here Alicia."

Alicia and Tasha had met through a mutual friend. Tasha was a twenty five year old nurse working in a nursing home. Alicia was a twenty two year old grad student at a near by college.

Tasha stood about five foot five, and had dark, almost black, semi-curly hair. She brown eyes, a fairly light complexion and was a little on the stocky side. Despite the few extra pounds though Tasha was still an attractive girl. In addition to her afore mentioned brown eyes she had two great assets. The first was her chest. Her c-cup breasts did well to attract attention. Second was her well rounded ass. Her full name was Natasha, but no one ever called her that.

"Yeah, this place has too many losers."

Alicia was, in all honesty, the better looking of the two. Alicia was taller, at five foot seven, and thinner. Her sandy blond hair was fairly straight, had a good shine to it, and ended right at the small of her back. Her green eyes captivated most men just as well as the rest of her body. She had a beautiful, almost child- like face, and a fairly healthy tan. Alicia wore a b-cup bra, a sweet little curve to her ass, and amazing legs.

The two girls pushed their way out of the crowded bar, and into the night air. As they had planned a night of bar hopping both girls were dressed in what they felt made them look best. For Tasha it was jeans and a pink, short sleeved shirt with a very low neck line. Alicia wore a small tight denim skirt, and an equally tight black sweater. Once across the street they wasted no time getting into Alicia's small car.

"So Tasha, it's only like twelve thirty."

"Yeah, but it seems like every guy in this town is such a loser," replied Tasha as Alicia pulled out of the parking spot.

"It's almost enough to make me want to give them up."

"Tell me about it, I tried, but I can never give them up completely, oh, turn here, it'll get us back to my place quicker."

"Oh yeah, this gets us back to Washington doesn't it."

"Yeah. You know, I got so fed up with guys I gave girls a try."

Alicia, unsure of what her relatively new friend meant, just looked blankly at Tasha for a moment as she pulled into Tasha's apartment complex.

"I never told I'm bi?" Tasha asked in a very nonchalant tone. "Oh wow, I thought I had."

"No, I had no clue."

"Well, you know how they say everybody gets at least a little curious, well, I decided to give it a try."

"And you liked it?"


Alicia shut off the car, and turned to her friend. Tasha could see that Alicia wanted to ask a question, but couldn't seem to bring herself to do it.

"Why don't you come in?"

"I don't know, I mean...."

"Alicia, come on in inside with me."

For some unknown reason, Alicia shut off the car, and opened her door. Her heart's pace hastened as Tasha led her to the apartment. She had never been with a girl before, in fact, she never really thought about it, yet still she followed her friend.

As Tasha opened her door she flicked on a light. It was small apartment, only one bedroom. It had a living room and a kitchen, with a dining room table set up in between. The white walls were covered in pictures of Tasha with various friends.

As soon as the door shut a slight feeling of dread swept through Alicia. All at once she was frightened to death, yet intensely curious. Half of her wanted to just leave, but the rest of her wanted to see what would happen next.

Tasha sat down on the couch, and acting almost out of instinct turned on the TV. She flipped through a couple channels, and then motioned for Alicia to join her.

"Tasha, I really probably shouldn't, I mean I've got...."

"Nowhere else to be, come on, I don't bite," replied Tasha sarcastically.

Though each step seemed to take more effort than the last, Alicia finally made her way to the couch, and sat on the opposite end from her friend. Tasha smiled warmly, and then slid close to Alicia.

"Look, I know you're nervous, so was I when I first tried it."

"Tasha, I just, I don't know."

"Well, let's like go slow. How about a kiss?"

Before she could even think, the word "okay" slipped from Alicia's lips. Turning her head slowly she looked friend squarely in the eye. Tasha leaned forward, but just as their lips touched Alicia jumped.


"Tasha, oh my god, I'm sorry, I'm just so nervous."

"Alicia, relax, it's just a kiss," replied Tasha as she placed a hand on Alicia's leg. "There's no harm in a kiss."

Again Tasha leaned forward, with her hand still on Alicia's leg she could feel the younger girl trembling ever so slightly. As there lips touched Alicia's entire body tensed. Tasha didn't back off though, and after a moment Alicia began to relax, albeit only just a little. Still, it was all Tasha needed, and the older girl wasted no time pushing her tongue past Alicia's lips.

Alicia was too frozen with fear and wonder to fight back, and soon found Tasha's tongue sliding deep inside her mouth. As the kiss pressed on the battle between fear and curiosity continued to rage throughout Alicia's body. Slowly, curiosity seemed to gain the upper hand. Alicia found herself relaxing a bit more, and soon enough her own tongue began to respond to Tasha's, though Tasha still seemed to be in complete control.

After an intense two minutes, the girls separated. Julie was at a complete loss for words, and simply stared at Tasha.

Tasha in turn smiled, almost devilishly. "I have to confess, I've wanted to kiss you since the day we met."

Alicia still didn't know what to say, her mind was racing almost as fast as her heart.

"I won't make you do anything you don't want," said Tasha in a reassuring tone.

"I, I'm still nervous, but..."

"Don't worry about it, it's like the guys always say, I'll be gentle."

Both girls laughed a bit, then Tasha leaned in toward her friend. This time Alicia also leaned in, and welcomed Tasha's tongue into her mouth as soon as their lips touched. Unlike before though Tasha seemed a bit more aggressive. Her tongue pushed even deeper into Alicia's mouth and she completely dominated the kiss. At the same time she began to rub Alicia's leg.

Though surprised Alicia still made no effort to pull back. Her fear seemed almost defect and mix with her curiosity, creating a sense of arousal. As the kiss drew on Alicia could feel Tasha's hand edging ever closer to the bottom of her skirt.

"Alicia," Tasha whispered after ending the second kiss, "do you trust me?"

"Yes," replied Alicia in an equally hushed tone.

"I'm glad to hear that. Now, turn your body so you're facing me."

Tasha pulled her hand from Alicia's leg as the younger girl complied, and then placed both her hands at the bottom of her friend's sweater. Gently, she slid them beneath the fabric, up Alicia's sides, and around to her back. The motion pulled the sweater up a bit, exposing Alicia's stomach and belly button ring.

As she felt her bra being unlatched Alicia stared into Tasha's eyes. Tasha returned Alicia's gaze with devious grin. Once the bra was unlatched Tasha brought her hands back to Alicia's front, pushing up the garment as well as the sweater, exposing the younger girl. Tasha's grin turned to an approving smile.

"You're very pretty Alicia," said Tasha as she gently began to fondle Alicia's breasts. "I'm kinda jealous actually, you've got a great chest."

"Thank you," whispered Alicia half blushing.

"I'm serious, I love your tits."

Alicia giggled, "Gee, you're so romantic."

"No, seriously," Tasha giggled in reply. "Look at you, so, so freaking perky and firm it's not even funny, and these nipples, so small and cute."

Alicia smiled in reply to her friend's kind words. Her fear was subsiding a bit, partly do to her increasing sense of arousal, and partly because Tasha's hand felt so good on her breasts. Tasha was both rubbing and squeezing, her hands seemed determined in their motions. On top of that Tasha seemed to know exactly the right amount of pressure to apply. Alicia could feel her nipples becoming stiffening in Tasha's grasp. In a display of willing submission, Alicia pulled her already half off bra and sweater up, freeing them from her body, and dropped them to the floor.

"God Alicia, I could like fondle you all night, but now it's your turn."

Tasha finally released Alicia's chest, giving her nipples one last pinch each. Pulling off her own shirt Tasha revealed her lacy black bra, which seemed hardly able to contain her.

"It's got a front clasp, so go ahead, I think you know what to do."

Alicia hesitantly raised her hands, fear rushing back in.

"Alicia, they don't bite."

Alicia laughed, then finally reaching forward, unlatched the front clasp of Tasha's bra. Tasha's breasts needed no help once the clasp was undone, and seemingly freed themselves. Overall they had a very round look to them, and her nipples, along with her areolas, though larger then Alicia's seemed somewhat small when compared to the size of the breasts they were on. Each nipple was pierced and featured a small ring.

Tasha grabbed Alicia's wrists, and pulled the younger girl's hands onto her. To Alicia's surprise Tasha's nipples were already fully erect and her breasts far more malleable then her own. That said, they were far from being saggy.

Releasing Alicia's wrists, Tasha returned her hands to her friend's chest.

"Alicia, just do what you like to have done, or even just mimic what I do to you."

"Okay," replied Alicia meekly. The younger girl slowly began to caress Tasha, and soon enough she was mimicking Tasha's actions.

As the two girls sat, facing each other and fondling one another's chest, both began to smile.

"Alicia, I can tell you like having your breasts touched."

Alicia blushed, "Yeah, I always have...."


"Don't make me say it."

"Come on, I know what you're going say, I just want to hear it."

"You're really good at it."

"Of course, unlike any guy, I've got my own to practice on."

Alicia laughed. "You slut," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"And proud of it" replied Tasha in rather a boisterous manner. "So do like touching another girl?"

"Yeah, I can't believe it, but it feels kind of cool."

"Good." With that Tasha lowered her head and leaned in. Pushing Alicia back a bit Tasha eagerly gave each of Alicia's nipples a kiss, and then slowly began to lick every inch of Alicia's breasts.

Alicia, unable to continue fondling Tasha, placed one hand on Tasha's bare back, and began to play with her friend's hair with the other. Once Tasha had covered every inch of Alicia's chest with her saliva she kissed Alicia's left nipple, and then drew the right nipple her mouth.

A quiet moan escaped Alicia's lips, as good as Tasha was at fondling, she seemed even better at suckling, though she continued to fondle Alicia's left breast at the same time. With each passing moment Tasha seemed to suck hard and harder, causing Alicia to both wince and moan. After an intense minute or so Tasha switched nipples. Pain and pleasure mixed, Alicia had never felt anyone suck on her so hard before, and still make it feel so good.

Suddenly, Tasha stopped. She stood up off the couch, and then unbuttoned and unzipped her pants. Kicking off her shoes she pulled both her pants and underwear down to her feet, stood up, and kicked them off. She stood there for a moment, flashing that devilish grin of hers, as if taking the time to allow Alicia to study her. Though she had wide hips, and a bit of a stomach, she still seemed attractive, possessing a certain je ne sais quoi.

What really caught Alicia's eye though was Tasha's, for lack of a better word, bush. Though the room was dimly light by a single lamp it was clear that Tasha's pubic hair was quite thick, and as black as the night.

"Your turn again," Tasha said as she sat back down on the couch. "I want your mouth on my breasts."

Alicia leaned forward, there was no point in being afraid anymore, she was too curious and aroused for that. Like Tasha, Alicia kissed each nipple first. As she began to fondle Tasha's right breast, she pressed her lips to the left areola, and drew in the nipple.

"Good girl, oh yeah, good girl," said Tasha, placing her hands on the back of Alicia's head. "That's it, keep sucking, harder. Use your tongue to flick it, yeah."

Alicia felt as if she had passed a test, as though by doing this she was now open to trying anything. All trepidation was gone, and she gladly, almost proudly, suckled Tasha's breast. From between her own legs she could feel a damp heat.

"Alicia, oh god, good girl, now, suck the other one, yeah, that's it."

Tasha allowed Alicia to suck her for a moment longer, then, pushing Alicia back sat straight up.

"Come on, let's go to my bedroom."

With that Tasha stood up and walked toward the back of the apartment. Alicia stood up and followed, a slave to both her desire and curiosity. Once in the room Tasha flicked on a light switch. As with the living room only a single lamp turned on, giving everything a soft glow. Tasha's queen bed took up almost the entire room.

"Stop," said Tasha as Alicia entered the room, "Before you enter, take off your skirt and panties."

Alicia reached behind her waist, and unzipped the short skirt. She allowed the skirt to drop, revealing her green thong, and then slid the thong down to her feet, kicking both off in the same fashion Tasha had. Unlike Tasha Alicia's body was very lean, and completely shaven, something Tasha found very pleasing.

Tasha reached up and grabbed Alicia's arms. She pulled the younger girl, almost flinging her onto the bed. Alicia lay in shock for a moment as Tasha climbed on top of her, pressing her lips to Alicia's.

Slowly Tasha slid down the length of Alicia's body, kissing her neck, chest, both nipples, and her belly button. With a gentle forcefulness she pushed open Alicia's legs.

The younger girl closed her eyes as Tasha rubbed her inner thigh, brushing her hand ever so lightly against Alicia's sex.

"You're so wet Alicia," whispered Tasha. "I just can't resist you."

Alicia moaned as Tasha sank her index and middle finger into her moist slit. Slowly Tasha withdrew both, only to sink them back in. Alicia was no virgin, but her pussy felt pleasantly tight, indicating to Tasha that Alicia was far less experienced then herself.

Without even thinking Alicia raised her hands to her chest, and began fondling her self as Tasha continued to finger her. Tasha pushed her fingers as deep as she could, twisting them slightly. In return Alicia would let slip small gasps and moans, all the while she continued to fondle her own breasts, lightly running her fingers over her aching nipples. Withdrawing her fingers altogether Tasha covered Alicia's wet pussy with her mouth.

"Tasha," moaned Alicia softly as her friend started eating her. "Oh my god your tongue feels so good. Oh god." It was very obvious that Tasha was well practiced in the art of cunnilingus.

Tasha pressed on eagerly devouring her friend. She placed one hand now on Alicia's lower stomach, and slid the other beneath her own body until she reached her own sex, which she happily penetrated with three of her own fingers.

Alicia reached down with her right hand, and grasped the hand of her friend resting on her stomach, still fondling herself with her left. A wave of pleasure was building with in her.

Sensing this Tasha pulled her mouth from Alicia's quivering mound, and kissed her inner leg.

"Not yet," said Tasha with her now almost signature devilish grin. "Sorry, but I'm too much of a bitch to let you cum this soon. Besides, I think you like to be teased. Want to try something a little kinky?"

"Like what?" Alicia asked in a half delirious tone.

Tasha only grinned in reply, then pulled her fingers from her own wet pussy. Seeing that they were good and wet she sank two of them back inside Alicia. She held them there for a moment then withdrew them, and traced a line from Alicia's slit to her puckered rosebud.

"Oh my god," yelped Alicia, her eyes wide open.

"Shhh, just relax," said Tasha as she pushed her middle finger deep into Alicia's ass. "The first time anyone did this to me I felt so dirty, I loved it."

"Tasha, oh my god that feels so weird, I...." Alicia wasn't sure what to say or think. Slowly her body adjusted.

"Hey, tonight's about new things." With that Tasha pulled back her finger, only to reinsert it along with her index finger. She held them as deep in Alicia's ass as she could for a minute, and then slowly pulled both fingers out.

"Okay, that was weird, but, I almost kind of liked it."

"I thought you might," replied Tasha as she slid her body back up the length of Alicia's. "Now, I'm going to role over onto my back, and you're going to eat your first pussy."

Tasha gave Alicia a quick kiss, and then rolled off of the younger girl. As Tasha had done to her Alicia climbed atop and gave Tasha a kiss on the neck. Next she kissed Tasha's chest, but unlike Tasha she did not merely kiss her friend's nipples, but began to suckle them.

"You really like that," said Tasha who was a little surprised.

"I don't even know why, it just feels so, so different. I mean, I just love it."

Alicia sucked Tasha's nipple for another minute, then turned her attention to the other. Finally she continued her downward descent, kissing Tasha's belly button, then her lower stomach.

Tasha eagerly spread her legs, and Alicia slowly lowered her face. Tasha's muff was both thick and dark, and from it arose a strong, but not unpleasant scent.

"Come on Alicia," said Tasha in a muted but commanding tone. "Eat my pussy."

Alicia closed her eyes, opened her mouth, and pressed her lips to Tasha. Extending her tongue she encountered a flavor she had never tasted before.

"Good girl, now come on, lick me."

Alicia paused for a moment, thinking of what she herself enjoyed, then tried to apply those actions herself. Some felt awkward, others seemed natural.

"Okay," said Tasha lifting her head to watch Alicia, "no, yes, there, just keep doing that, yeah, that's it. Good girl, see, its not so hard, yeah."

With Tasha's encouragement Alicia grew more confident. Tasha reached down, placing her hands on the back of Alicia's head.

"Oh, Alicia your tongue feels so good," Tasha moaned. "Good girl, oh god your tongue feel so good on my pussy."

Alicia placed her hands on Tasha's sides, just above her legs, pulling her face as tight as she could into Tasha's crotch. All at once Alicia felt erotic, dirty and naughty. A strange sense of guilt shot through her, not because of what she was doing, but because of how much she was enjoying it.

"Oh god Alicia, yes, come on, come on," Tasha barked at her friend. "Oh fuck."

A sudden wave of juices took Alicia by complete surprise, and she immediately pushed away from Tasha.

"Tasha, I..."

Tasha dropped her head back onto the bed, and then began to giggle.

"Tasha, what, what's so funny? Did I do something wrong?" Asked Alicia, a feeling of dread filling her body.

"No, its just cute how you reacted."

Feeling a little better Alicia also giggled a bit.

"So, how's it feel to make a girl cum?"

Alicia blushed, "Kinda cool."

"Now I'm going to have a little fun with you." Tasha reached over to her nightstand and opened a drawer. "This is a strap-on dildo."

"Oh my god," Alicia chuckled.

"Yeah, it's a big dick," Tasha replied, giving both girls a laugh.

"Yeah, I'll say."

"And guess what," Tasha said as she began to strap-on the large phallus. "You're gonna suck my cock."

A sly smile flashed across Alicia's face. "Ooh baby," she said half laughing.

Tasha got up off the bed, and grasped her new appendage with her right hand. Alicia got off on the other side, walked around the bed, and then dropped to her knees before Tasha.

Tasha watched with delight as Alicia, without saying a word, opened her mouth wide and drew in the tip of the dildo. Alicia swallowed what she could, but being somewhat larger than any real cock she had ever sucked was limited in how much she could take in.

"That is like so hot to watch," purred Tasha.

Alicia glanced up at Tasha, and attempted to take in more.

"You go girl," Tasha laughed, placing hands on the back of Alicia's head. "Oh yeah, I'm gonna fuck you Alicia."

"What!?!" said Alicia half gagging as she pulled back.

"You heard me," replied Tasha.

"Okay, this is bigger than any guy I've been with."

"I know. Alicia doing this for me is about dominance, and almost nothing makes me happier than dominating another girl."

"Okay, but just be careful okay?"

"Alicia, don't worry, now come on, get up on the bed."

Alicia raised herself from the floor, and climbed back on to the bed. Tasha climbed on behind Alicia, taking hold of the younger girl's waist.

"Oh shit," said Alicia as Tasha eased the strap-on into her moist sex.

"I knew you could take it, besides you know I'd never hurt you." With that Tasha pulled back, almost pulling completely out.

"I was just...." Alicia's words were cut short by the sensation of Tasha pushing back in. This time Tasha pushed the dildo as deep as she could.

Again Tasha pulled back, but quicker this time, only to shove her rubber phallus in deep once more. Keeping one hand on Alicia's hip she reached forward and grabbed a sizable portion of Alicia's hair, forcing back the younger girl's head.

Moans and whimpers escaped from Alicia's mouth, Tasha was pushing deep inside her at fairly aggressive pace. Once again she could feel a wave of pleasure building within her body, causing her to moan even louder.

"That's it, just let it come," said Tasha.

Alicia's moaning grew still louder, and in response Tasha increased her speed. Soon enough she was fucking Alicia as hard as she could.

Within Alicia the wave built to dizzying heights, causing a few of her moans to come out as screams.

"Oh god Alicia there's so much I want to do with you, so much to teach you," said Tasha.

There was nothing Alicia could say, her moans and cries were now wildly out of control. Without warning the wave with in her body crashed, causing Alicia to both shutter and cry out. This didn't stop Tasha though, instead she pressed on fucking Alicia as hard as ever. A second, and then a third wave crashed, still Tasha continued. So overwhelming was the sensation that Alicia almost burst into tears until finally, a fourth orgasm racked her body sapping Alicia of all her remaining strength.

As Tasha removed the strap-on from Alicia's body the younger girl collapsed. Tasha pulled off her toy and then lay down next to her friend. When morning came Alicia awoke to the sensation of Tasha's tongue on her bare breasts.

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