When I Caught my Boyfriend Cheating for Gay Male- Authoritarian

By shane Vold

Published on Jan 14, 2013



I felt successive waves of revulsion & submission as I opened the door & heard the sounds from the bedroom. I imagined what was happening as I walked down the hall. I turned the corner & saw my boyfriend on top of someone else, thrusting with a hungry passion he hadn't given me in a long time, making the whole bed move under them. I stood there transfixed until he climaxed inside & then kissed him long & deep & gently on the mouth. I walked back down the hall, only to be stopped at the door by my boyfriend's insolent voice.

"Where do you think you're going?" I turned around to see his still slick, half-hard dick swaying in front of him. "Someone needs to suck my dick clean, and John hates the taste of it after I've fucked him." His words hit me like a cold wind. It was like I'd opened a greeting card & been faced with some filthy porno movie.

I felt my stomach clench in shock & rage & desire as he waved his proud dick in his hand, grinned at me, and whistled like he was offering a dog a treat. How could he be so nonchalant? I wasn't able to turn & leave as he casually sauntered down the hall until he was nose to nose with me. He stared hard into my eyes and enunciated, "You know I don't like having to ask twice for things. Suck my fucking dick clean."

I felt numb as he put his hands on my shoulders & pushed me to my knees. He used his fingers to pry open my mouth, then plunged his cock deep a few times before pulling it out and staring down at me. I hated him. I hated that taste. He stared into my eyes. His wet dick bounced lightly against my face. "Now go bring us something to drink. We've both worked up quite a thirst." I watched his ass rise & fall as he sauntered back to the bedroom. He had such an incredible ass. I wanted him so badly, more than I had in quite a while.

I watched myself like it was someone else as I poured two waters & carried the glasses back to the room. I found them lying uncovered & naked on the bed, chatting happily, both sporting satisfied smiles and stiff cocks. The other guy was cute, not gorgeous, but attractive. I noticed he had the furry chest my boyfriend had always wished I had. I stood awkwardly in the doorway as my boyfriend introduced me to John as his boyfriend & introduced John to me as "the best fuck I've had in years." John looked surprised, confused, amused by this. I obeyed in shocked silence when my boyfriend told me to leave the waters on the bedside table & to shut the door behind me as I left. I heard John snigger after I shut the door, like he'd been holding it in & it finally burst out. I heard them talking but couldn't make out what they said. John laughed again. The talking became interrupted on and off, then stopped altogether. I walked back down the hall when I heard the bedsprings start to creak again.

I was sitting on the sofa staring at the wall when John came down the hall, fully dressed. Nicely dressed, with a computer bag over his shoulder. He adjusted his dick in his pants & blushed when he saw me. I almost expected him to say something, but he just smiled a tight grin & left. Had I seen amusement or sympathy in his eyes? I was sitting there wondering between the two when my boyfriend walked out in his underwear. The outline of his dick was plump, round, satisfied. He scratched his belly, leaned against the doorframe, & looked at me until I spoke. I asked how long this has been going on. "A couple months." He waited for this to sink in. He smelled of sex. I could smell it across the room. "I'm actually glad you caught us today. Now I don't have to try to schedule it for when you're not here."

I asked if there have been others. "Yeah. Lots." He reached up to run his fingers through his hair, exposing a damp-looking patch of pit hair. His pec bounced slightly at the lift of his arm. His face became more serious. "Hey can you make me something to eat? I'm starving."

I got up intending to yell at him or hit him, or I don't know what. But he ran his hand across his abs & blinked his eyes. His lashes looked thick. I didn't have it in me so I walked past him into the kitchen, just to not have to look at him like that for a minute. I did actually start preparing some food, not knowing why. I hadn't eaten dinner yet. He leaned into the kitchen. "Just give me a call when that's ready okay?" His voice sounded the same as it had all the other times I'd made him dinner because he was busy on some project, studying for school or taking notes on a book or getting things ready for some expedition. It brought back good memories.

I put some food together like I was sleepwalking, asking myself the whole time what the hell I was doing. I heard typing as he did something on the computer in the bedroom. Putting down what I was making, I walked into the bedroom & asked if this meant we weren't together anymore. Without his eyes leaving the computer screen, he responded, "No, we're still together." His voice was low & calm & masculine.

I asked if he wanted an open relationship. He laughed like I'd made a joke, a cute, boyish, happy laugh. The floor moved as he walked across the room. He pressed against me, his lips ran over my face & neck, his eyes burnt into mine, his hands gripped me hard & moved my own hands around his shoulders & to his re-hardening dick. He whispered, "I like the way it is now. You fuck me- only. I fuck whoever I want. It's good. Say yes." He kissed me deep. His scent overwhelmed me.

I smelled him & felt him & tasted him until I choked out, "Yes." He pulled away enough for me to see him smile. His teeth were brilliantly white. "Good," he said. Then he pulled away entirely & returned to his computer. He told me to let him know when the food was done.

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