When I was Young

By az.oc.xobliam@aaaydna

Published on Sep 28, 2006



Hi there this is a selection of things sexual that happened to me, hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed building up these memories.

I reserve all rights on these stories as it all happened to me

Please let me know what you think andyaaa@mailbox.co.za

Plenty more to cum sooon

Camp Counselor

The bus was vibrant with boyish mischief as they neared the camp that they were allocated for the pre varsity year at hand.

As with hundreds of university students before them that were lucky enough to get bursary to study on the grounds of their excellent sport record that they have accumulated in their short lifespan. These young men on their way to be initiated into the Mountain way of studying.

For two weeks, they would practice and bond with each other as well as to get to know the structure that the campus runs on.

In all there are 32 students occupying the camp in the mountains built by students themselves, for the purpose of team spirit.

The bus was pulling in and two of the older students were standing in front of one of the cabins waiting for them to arrive.

A well-built young man with curly blond hair stepped up to open the door as the bus stopped. "Hello fellows, I am James. Welcome to hell" the words that were spoken never reached his eyes as they danced and smiled looking over the group of young men still sitting staring at him in absolute silence.

A slender well shaped guy with short-cropped hair, glitter blue eyes looked over his shoulder, and his smile relaxed everyone. "Don't let him scare you his captain of the chess team, absolutely harmless. Now all of you out of the bus so we can settle in and start enjoying getting to know each other."

"The chess team!" James exclaimed as he started wrestling his dark head rival out of the bus.

James took the stand and introduced his rival. "This big mouth is Andy." Each of these young men was here to satisfy a deep lying need, and not one to share the need that the other has.

"This camp was built by our predecessors for us and for the future of the sports team of the Mountains. Each of us would select fifteen of you new students and you would spend the next few weeks with that person as your mentor and friend. This selection would not be on the sport that you have come to take part in at the Mountains but by random." As the end of James's speech neared, John walked towards the new victims.

"Note that there are no Lectors at this camp and that we are in charge, hope that there are going to be lots of good memories from our time that we spend together. Go get them Andy"

Andy got started and selected three students and waited for James to do the same until the whole group was divided in two.

"Guys this is the beginning of the fun ahead now all go and settle down and we would meet here in an hour." With this, Andy took his group and walked of towards his cabin.

"Welcome home guys, this is your house for the next few weeks. The showers are through there and my room is up there. You need to fight for your own spot down here, good luck."

This was very much, what was discussed in both cabins as they started to settle down. In each cabin, the senior was upstairs sitting on his bed looking at the scuffle that was taking place down below, each with his own thoughts on the group that was selected.

As they started to settle in the same words were spoken to the audience below. "We are from now to the end bound together as a team, this camp serves as a teambuilding exercise for future use in the sport that you would take part in. Every two days there would be a chance for one and only one to cross teams; this would not be seen as desertion but more as your right to choose."

A few minutes later, the siren wailed and they were summonsed to go to the podium.

James was at the head leading the afternoon's activities. "James your team would do dinner tonight; my team would be in for breakfast as for the rest of our time here the team that has the least points in the competitions would cook the next meal.

After dinner each group went to their cabin as to design their team emblem and make a flag, more or less the same complaint came from each of the two cabins "Who would actually sew the flag?" These young men found that nothing is impossible and as the night went on drawings were done and flags were made with a little blood spill from needle pricks.

The siren wailed way too early for everybody likes but it would turn out to be a fun day.

Over the noise of breakfast, a single voice came to silence the group. "Our first event was done already last night and to judge it we have one of our fellow students to judge all of the events and competitions that would take place. Sean please stand up so everyone can see you and explain your rules."

Most of the guys had to take a deep breath for the sight that greeted them as Sean stood up. His frame of six foot six and the muscles that strained to get out of pants and shirt.

"Hi guys I would be the judge on all the competitions that there would be for the remainder of your time spend here. Should there be any problems feel free to come and discuss it with me. With that I would like to start the first competition of the day, bring up your flags for inspection."

Two young men with flags stood up and came to the front for inspection.

As Sean walked between them, the eyes of both were fixed on him maybe in aw and maybe with just a bit more than that. Sean left them standing there and walked to the podium to give the outcome of competition one.

"Alright first place would go to Andy and his team." Sean stood there waiting for the cheers to stop and then continued. "For the next few days there would be no team names, you would be named as I see fit and that name would be linked to your performance and flaws."

Walking out from behind the podium towards the teams sitting at their tables Sean started to take one of the junior students from each group.

Theses two guys that I have selected would be the decision makers of each group when faced with a decision whether to go left or right or to do or not they would listen to the rest of your input and decide what to do. You may think that this is unfair but so is life, your team captain in sport would do the same and so the boss you will work for until you become the boss."

Sean pointed them back towards their teams waiting for all of them to be seated before he continued.

"The first event of the day would be a route march, as easy as it sound there are twists that you may or may not have anticipated. You are all to report outside in your allocated teams in ten minutes. That is it, see you in ten." A soft summer drizzle started, as the teams got together in front of the cabins ready for day one.

"All ready each group take an envelope from the table in it you would find a map and a list of clues. And with that guys you are off to begin the moment the siren goes."

Both teams were standing around their tables looking at the maps as the siren wailed. Each heading off into separate directions with Sean looking at them as they disappeared into the trees.

Although James and Andy were part of the teams, it was more in observing than in real help.

"Check point one coming up soon as far as the map goes, keep your eyes open." Jimmy a real farm boy has taken the lead of the team James was in and was really enjoying the chance to show what he could do.

"There over there, I can see it Jimmy." It was Pete a skinny swimmer from the city that spotted it. "Go get it John" John was the wrestler in the group and built like a block, after Jimmy spoke he was up the outcrop in seconds coming back with the envelope to fifteen smiling faces below. "Find out who weighs the most in your team. That's easy that would be you John." Jimmy smiled over to John standing next to him.

"That will be me give here so I can see what I have to do." John took the envelope and continued reading. "Build a stretcher and carry the selected person for the next leg of the route march."

As the day progressed, the teams were close on each other's tail the whole time. Sean was standing waiting for the first team to come into camp.

The team James was in came around the corner only meters ahead of Andy's team and a very tired bunch of young men fell on the ground, trying to catch their breaths.

The rest of the afternoon was spent eating and laying around in the cabins. As it was getting dark the groups were all in their cabins working on the next day's challenge, a detailed sketch of a raft made from a list of materials supplied.

"Shower time guys, come on now." James was standing at the top talking to the group sitting on their beds. Looking at them as they all got up and walked into the shower. He sat there waiting to hear the water start spraying and then picked up his towel and went down.

Coming into the shower there were five naked bodies in the shower the rest busy shaving or just standing around. James got himself a seat on one of the benches and sat there looking at the picture unfolding in front of him.

The bulky figure of John was beautiful to look at as he soaped himself. James could feel himself getting hard under the bundled towel on his lap. Just as his body his dick was thick and uncut, trying not to stare, James kept looking around at the others. At the last shower was Pete although skinny he had a nice body and his cut dick hang soft between his legs as he was washing his hair.

Darting back his eyes to John he saw him looking directly at him with a slight smile at the corner of his strong mouth. James felt a twitch in his groin as he noticed that John has slightly hardened under his touch soaping his crotch and softly playing with his balls.

Looking up he went cold noticing that John was staring at him nodding and still smiling.

Trying to safe face James smiled back and looked away towards Pete as he looked over his breath stopped in his throat Jimmy was stepping into the shower where Pete was standing only a short time ago. His chest was covered in dark curls that went down straight into his crotch where if possible was positively the most beautiful dick that he has seen in his life, it was thick and seemed hard but James knew that it was not it just seemed that way and wished that he could taste it for it was beautiful. Again not to draw attention James looked back at where John was standing only to find him not there, noticing that someone was standing next to him he looked up John was looking down at him smiling. Without a word, he sat down looking in the direction of Jimmy, now standing with his back towards them showing an even more appealing ass firm with soft swirls of wet hair showing a darker crack.

James felt his towel move the same instance as John was bending down to get something in his bag.

In this moment, John slipped his hand right into the crotch of James taking his hard dick in his hand, while fiddling in the bag he softly caressed James rubbing his thumb over his swollen head. Just as softly, as the hand went in so also the hand was removed as John stopped digging in the bag and sat upright. Lifting his thumb to his mouth sucking a bit of pre cum of he smiled and leaned closer to James. "Mind if I stop at your bed a bit later."

James was roused sexually and just nodded.

Lights were put out and John lay there waiting for the breathing around him to tell him it was safe to go upstairs to James.

Finally, John got out of bed and walked towards the showers in case anybody was looking; going into the shower, he heard soft moans and movement from one of the toilet cubicles. Softly moving closer he moved into the cubicle next to the one where the sounds came from.

As soft as possible and glad for the sound of rain, that covered some of the movements as he got onto the toilet to look over the wall.

Inside in the little light he saw Pete sitting there in well-practiced rhythm pumping his delicious looking meat faster and faster. John slipped his hand into his pants taking his hard dick into his hand rubbing it, so much caught in the magic of the moment a moan slipped over his lips.

Pete looked up shocked and frozen for only a moment, jumped up and pulled up his boxer shorts.

Swinging the door open, he walked right into the strong frame of John. Trying to get pass him John took him by the shoulders talking into his ear. "There is no need to be ashamed of what you were doing it is very normal isn't it."

Feeling Pete slack in his grip, he went on. "And most enjoyable hey?" A soft nod from Pete was the only reply that John got from Pete. Still holding strongly onto his arm with one hand John slipped his other hand into the boxer shorts of Pete.

"No John it is wrong." Pete's voice croaked in John's neck. "Ssh just stand and enjoy."

John kept stroking the head of Pete's cut dick, feeling it getting hard again; he softly guided Pete back into the toilet pushing the door close behind him. Turning Pete around that his back was facing the closed door John sat down on the toilet pulling Pete closer taking his hard dick straight into his mouth. The next moment Pete's hands were in John's hair pulling his head closer and his dick deeper into John's mouth.

For close to a minute Pete just stood there enjoying the warm sensation of his first real blowjob, he let go of John's hair with one hand and leaned closer bending down searching for John's hard throbbing dick.

Caressing John's dick did something to Pete as he arched his back and shot a huge load into John's mouth, now John squeezed Pete's ass harder into his face taking every drop.

Pete stopped fooling around with John seconds after he came but that didn't bother John as he kept Pete's dick in his mouth until it started to go soft.

Pete's whole body was twitching and words could not form on his lips. Releasing Pete's dick from his mouth John got up and softly kissed him in the neck.

Opening the door, John whispered "Thanx Pete that was nice do not follow me just yet wait a second."

Disappearing out of the bathroom Pete was left there standing frozen with shock guilt and excitement of what just happened. Back in the cabin, John slipped up the stairs as soft as possible.

Crawling into bed with James, he found that James was sleeping already. Taking his time, he laid there looking at the beautiful face of this sleeping man softly stroking himself.

Moving as not to wake James John went under the blankets softly removing his underpants. Taking the limp dick into his mouth, he started playing with his tongue over this nice uncut head, feeling it harden under the caress that he was giving him. Suddenly a hand was on his shoulder. "John?" Without answer, John went on sucking, feeling James getting into position to get his dick to his mouth. For a few minutes, they just laid there sucking each other enjoying the first taste of each other's pre cum.

John slipped his finger into James and softly explored the dark hole looking for the spot of male pleasure. Finding it feeling James respond on his dick and getting James to do the same.

James thought of getting himself into John and knew that in this room it wont be possible, but in time it will be possible and worth waiting for. Softly playing with John's balls while fingering and sucking him did not take long for him to go over the edge.

As John shot load after load into James so to did he reach the edge. Both lying there with not wanting to let go of the others dick trying to suck even more of the salty juices out of each other.

Minutes later laying in each other's arms soaked with sweat listening to the rain on the roof James lifted John's head up and started kissing him. Softly breaking the kiss John leaned closer to James's ear and whispered.

"Guess who I sucked off before coming up to you?" Startled James sat up. "Who?" "Ssh Pete." Holding James around his shoulders now leaning over him, smiling into his eyes. "You didn't no you didn't, that is not fair. Where and how?"

As he was telling the story, he could feel James getting hard again, turning onto his back moving James onto him, he took both of their dicks in his hand and started playing with them. James leaned down and kissed him hard and intense.

Timing it, he picked up speed and brought them both to climax seconds apart from one another.

No words spoken they just curled up together drinking in the smell of sex, falling asleep.

Movement in the cabin woke them up. James jumped out of bed and looked down at the guys getting ready downstairs. "Stay there I will get them out and you sneak out the back door and join us outside, say you went for a walk." Walking back to the bed he bends down, kissed John turning around, and started getting dressed.

Halfway through the obstacle course John sat down next to Pete. "Tough course don't you think?" Pete shifted uncomfortable half away from John "Yeah" "Looking forward to this afternoons raft race, you should not have problems seeming that you are a swimmer?"

John tried not to look at Pete knowing that what happened has been a shock to his system. Turning back to John looking straight at him. "Only if the raft sinks. I don't want anybody to know." "No one would, Thanx again it was nice." John looked Pete into the eyes as he spoke. "I . I always thought it grouse being with a man but it was .. It was nice."

John could see the bulge in Pete's pants grow as they talked. "Could I do it again?" "If the time is right I don't think I would say no." The last of the team joined them as they completed the course and killed all conversation.

The drawings made the previous night of the raft to be built was taken from them by Sean and swapped around.

"You will build the raft that your rivals have designed good luck"

James made sure that he worked next to John the whole time with subtle touch and a soft rub the two started playing up for what was coming later in the night.

The rafts came around the island neck to neck when Pete took the lead jumping off holding the back of the raft paddling with his feet not only making it lighter but also giving a bit more motion to the raft. Soon another three of the team members joined in and the raft started gaining speed.

First price for this event was a few bottles of hard liquor to be enjoyed later the night when the team was back in their cabin.

On the way back to the cabin, James pulled John back to talk. "Saw you talking to Pete, anything interesting going to happen." "Care to share?" John was looking at James as he said it knowing that that would be answer enough. "Yummy would you set it up?" The sparks in his eyes send shivers of lust through his body as he smiled and they joined the rest of the team.

The group of young men was sitting on the floor talking about sport as the drinks were poured. John signaled James to follow him as he got up.

Outside on the steppes John sat down waiting for James to join, lighting a cigarette leaning back and looking up at the stars. Instead of James Pete came and sat down next to him. "Have one to suck on for me?" The sexual undertone of the question didn't slip past John as he handed him the pack, with hands touching and eyes meeting James joined them.

"Its ok Pete you can feel at home James is a friend" Patting the steppes next to him James came and sat down next to him. "So getting back to last night." He could feel Pete stiffening next to him, looking at him he continued. "I saw the way you looked at Jimmy would you be interested to taste his meat?"

A sharp breath went over Pete's lips and John put his hand on Pete's leg squeezing it to calm him down.

"Who wouldn't be interested in that package did you see the size of it Pete?" "I . I., yes I did." Feeling uncomfortable but also aroused by the thought of the size of Jimmy soft thinking of it hard.

"Ok here's the plan, we will go back inside and change talk from sport to girls and sex.

That is our first move second between the three of us we would make sure that Jimmy's drink is never empty. Soon the drinks would be finished and James call shower time from there on James first then me would keep Jimmy from going to take a shower.

With a smile, John took another pull of the cigarette and moved his hand down the crotch of Pete. Flicking the butt away, he placed his other hand between the legs of James.

"From there on we would wait for everybody to be back in the room and get up to take a shower, Pete you wait in one of the toilet cubicles for me and James to do our magic." The other two nodded with more intent than necessary but also because of John's hands between their legs.

Getting back inside the plan was set in action as James sat down next to Jimmy and John sat down where the drinks were standing, Pete sat down next to Fran^Çoise to look at the plan taking form. As the line of talk changed to sex, Pete kept his eyes on the crotch of every team member sitting on the floor. A soft nudge and a subtle rearrangement of the package showed that everyone around him was getting into the mood for a group jerk off.

Shower time was called as planned and James took first time to talk to Jimmy keeping the subject light but sexual as not to loose the mood that was set. As the rest of the team came back to bed it was close to lights out time and James played the time out as to get the setting right.

James excused himself letting John escort Jimmy to the showers waiting only for the water to start flowing when he called lights off and walked to the showers.

The sight that greeted him was placid yet sexual as John was standing next to Jimmy and soaping his hair, Jimmy was washing his chest with one hand and soaping his crotch with the other.

Getting into the shower on the other side of Jimmy James started soaping his torso and crotch getting a hard on within seconds having John following suit.

Jimmy looked at James and noticed his hard dick not knowing where to look or what to do he looked towards John who already sported a healthy stiff cock himself.

Looking down at his feet rubbing the soap out of his crotch he felt his dick stir and get hard.

Seeing his opportunity, John turned towards Jimmy. "All that talk of sex does something to a man doesn't it" Stroking himself looking directly in the eyes of Jimmy.

"Yeah it does." Said James from the other side.

Jimmy looked first at John his eyes going down looking at him rubbing himself then turned to be greeted by the same sight as James was stroking himself. Looking at this strange picture, he took hold of his dick and started jerking himself slowly.

Letting the moment build both James and John stood stroking themselves and looking at the monster cock that Jimmy was pumping away on.

Timing it, right James moved next to Jimmy and John on the other side. Inside the toilet cubicle, Pete was softly stroking the head of his dick looking in lust for the next move to happen The next move could scare Jimmy or get him into the next level of what was planned for him as a gift of pleasure. James leaned over and took Johns dick in his hand, John did the same as Jimmy way past the point of stopping the rhythm that he has build up. A hand moved towards Jimmy's hard cock and for a second it could all end.

Jimmy stopped pumping his dick allowing James to take over the work of pleasure.

Seeing this Pete could not wait anymore, stepped into the circle, and took Johns dick in his hand, stroking and playing with his first dick in his life.

James broke loose and went down on his knees taking Jimmy into his mouth drinking in the taste of this huge man meat.

Pete leaned over, closed the showers, and then went down taking John's dick in his mouth tasting a man for the first time in his life enjoying it even more than the feeling of last night when he was sucked off.

Lying on the floor sucking Jimmy's dick looking over at John and Pete in a 69 pumping his own dick so wanting Jimmy to touch him but knowing that this would not happen he stopped sucking but continued stroking Jimmy's cock.

Getting the lube out of his bag, he set about lubing Jimmy's dick while playing with it and lubing his hole.

Turning around he guided Jimmy into him savoring the huge dick slipping into him, as Jimmy started pumping away at James's tight fuck hole he placed his hand on James's dick and started jerking him as he was fucking him hard from behind.

Seeing this John followed suite by getting Pete inside him positioning himself that he was facing James. As Pete was fucking him and Jimmy James, James and John started kissing each other deeply and hungry. Pete leaned in closer and touched Jimmy's face; by now, Jimmy was so hot with sexual tension and excitement he did not have control over his actions.

He leaned in closer and started kissing Pete but only for a short while as he ripped away and moaned as he shot his load into James.

The feeling of the warm cum in James pushed him over the limit. Just then, Pete pulled out and came on John's back.

For close to a minute Jimmy just stood there with his dick up James getting his senses together, as his eyes started to gain sight he realized what he has done.

Violently he pulled himself free turned around grabbed his towel and rushed out into the cabin.

The following after breakfast the first opportunity to cross teams occurred and Jimmy left to the rival team. A well-defined young man his place with brown eyes and dark brown hair and a shy smile came to the team of James.

Following eyes took him joining the team and met with a nod from James "The hunt was on"

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