When in Rome Do It

By Kevinmjo (Kevin Kelly)

Published on Dec 22, 2004


All rights reserved. You must be of legal age to read this story. check out my other stories on Nifty.org under Author's see kevinmjo for the full list. You live in Montreal let me know. If you would like a photo of the Author write kevinmjo@aol.com You must give your age in years not birth date to get a picture. Kevin Kelly

I remember that night so very well as men from the main house dressed in off white short tunics were serving us all the evening meal and gold goblets of wine I stood and just looked at the group of young men dressed in those flowing red capes, the short skirts and breast plates. The plumed Helmut's only Dick Kirk Bob and myself had the white Plumes the others Red. I was looking most intently at Eric. He stood next to Bob and Bill and was eating off a metal plate. He looked so much the part, His thick blond hair hanging down over that handsome face of His and Those thick muscular blonde haired legs of his so hot. Bob and Bill cut a figure too. The thought of what had just happened came to my mind. My mind was still trying to figure out what the hell had happened that made me love it so much? Was I a queer after all or just a hot blooded American boy who got caught up in the moment? the tube of KY that Eric and I now had? Eric was intending to use that and on me! would I? I looked at him again He seemed to look over at me at that moment and smiled. I had my answer.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the feel of a hand on my shoulder and a voice saying "So you want to be an Actor?

I turned to look and there stood Mr. Edward's. He was dressed in a white tunic and had a purple robe folded around him a la Caesar. It was magnificent with its gold trim. He even had a laurel leaf thing around his head. I smiled and said "Oh yes yes Mr. Edward's I have always wanted to be just that an Actor"

Edward's smiled and held me closer with his powerful arm saying "Good, Then you'll find your month here will be very worth the while. If you are one of the four star's we select you'll have the road to stardom paved in gold for you. "

I looked at his eyes so blue and I felt the strength of his whole body at that moment. What the hell was wrong with me I was actually having feelings for this man who had to be at least 20 years older then myself? I blurted out "Well Sir I am going to try my best to do it all right and go for that gold ring"

Edward's looked at me and with a stern face said "You are off to a great start Kevin. You Bob getting selected as CO-captains was not as casual a choice as Dick and I made it seem. we have had our eyes on you, We have check your history and your resume to the School, with all that we figure You two are the best to make it all the way."

I now did something that I instantly regretted, I put my own arm around Mr. Edward's. He looked at me and for a quick moment I thought he was about to tell me to take my arm off him. Instead his face formed a smile and he pulled me even tighter to his strong hard body. He was saying "You are a handsome man Kevin, with that blonde hair and You have the body of a Greek God. Also You have the will and the determination to make it. All of that will do you good this month and the rest of your life. You win this Gold ring and I promise you You will be one of Hollywood's brightest stars"

I looked into those deep blue eyes and pulled him closer to me, His side pressing into mine even through the breast plate I had on it felt strong I said "You 'll find I have all that is needed to be just that and I am willing Sir to do all it takes"

Edward's smiled at me and winked then said "Let's join the others now."

We walked up to a small group of five men who were around Dick and Kirk. Dick and Kirk immediately gave the Roman salute to Edward's who returned the Salute. One of the slave men came up with a white Gold chalice and handed it to Edward's. Then another slave filled our Gold Goblets. Edward's began His talk. " You men all seem to be getting into this even better then I had hoped and this only the first night."

Kirk said "Yes Caesar you have selected the best of the best to serve you"

I made a mental note then to from then on call Edward's Caesar and stay always in the role. A trill shot through my body as Kirk was saying that, he presented such and handsome pose in his uniform and to think he had just been sucking my cock.

Dick then said "I have the pleasure to report that I am most happy Caesar with my two CO-captains. Kevin here has already shown himself to be an invaluable aide"

As Caesar looked in my direction a pleased smile on his face i was all but over come with pride. the moment was interrupted then by one of the troops a young man of good looks himself saying "Caesar I just would like to say that i am so grateful to you for all you are doing for us and that i will serve you the best i possibly can this month and beyond"

The pleased look ran around the group from Caesar to Dick to Kirk and even to myself. This man was good and had perfect timing. I had to admire him even knowing he could be competition for that Gold ring?

Ceasar said "And what is your name again troop?

The Troop responded "I am called James Sir"

Caesar smiled at the man and putting his arm on James shoulder He said "Your oath of loyalty has earned you a place at my dinner table tomorrow"

James smiled a nice white tooth smile and I thought how handsome he was He said how grateful he was for the privilege of dinner with Caesar.

Caesar then walked away as we all gave him the Roman salute. He was off to talk to some of the others. Dick explained to the rest of Us there that twice a week there was to be a party held in the main house a Caesar's dinner for just 10 of the group plus the two Captains and two Co-captians. Kirk jumped in to further explain it was the best of foods most expensive of wines and well just a ball. My head was spinning at all this stuff and I was eating it up so much. I was as excited as I had ever been in my life.

Then I saw Eric walking towards our group and my whole body was shaking at the joy of seeing him as he cut so handsome a figure in his flowing cape as he walked. Kirk must have seen that on my face cause he said "Looks like you are really happy to see your mate coming Kevin?

I stammered "yea we are getting along fine Kirk"

Dick smiled and said "Kevin its getting late and near time to turn in for the night. Let's tell the troops to call it a night post the new guards and then you and your Mate can have a little talk about what we had in my Tent earlier."

smiled and gave him a know look saying. " yes my Captain I intend to do just that Sir"

Bob and I the CO-captains were told to gather the Troops in formation and prepare for a talk from the Captain Dick. The troops lined up and Kirk selected four to be guards for two hours. Then Dick gave his talk. Saying that Even in sleep we were expected to act the part and the role of Roman Troops. Noting that most Roman Troops did get into homosexual activities none here were required to do this of course. that we should in this regard respect the feelings of our tent Mates. There were nervous looks going all around from Mate to mate over that one. I was secretly happy that my handsome Mate Eric and I had all but made the choice already. At night Dick told the troops you will undress Your Mate and he you. in the morning You will dress Your Mate and he you. You must get use to being responsible for your Mate at all times, his every need and he will do the same for you. he ended by wishing Us now men of Rome and Troops of Caesar a good first night.

I was holding open the flap to Our Tent as Eric went in. It was lite by a large flame post in one corner. the tent was larger then the others as I was Co-captain it held two chairs. a desk two foot lockers. one single bedding on the floor of padded bags and light blankets. there was a wash stand with a water bowl and towels and then a table with cold wine two chalicees of Gold and some asorted breads and meats.

I was shaking with the thoughts of being alone now with this handsome man Eric and what was about to happen my doubts about my being gay the furthest thing from my mind. We stood a moment just face to face and then Eric gave me that smile of his and I knew I had the best mate in all of the camp and I wanted to just take him in my arms. That was not to be as Eric slowly got down on His two knees and was undoing the straps leather that held my Sandals to my feet and went half way up to my knees. He was going to undress me first. the sandals were removed and Eric laid them behind him then to my surprise he lifted my one foot and was kissing it. My heart jumped in joy at this act of service. My dick popped up so hard I was tenting out my skirt. he then got up after kissing the other foot. He was taking off my Gold robe of office from my shoulders. he put it on the chair behind him. The he was taking off the heavy breast plate. I stood there looking at him as he was expressionless while doing his work. then He was carefully removing the wrist plates from my lower arms. Off came my Helmut, all place with care on the chair. Then he was undoing the leather ties that held my tunic closed, Eric now smiled at me as he lowered my tunic down over my body ever so slowly he let it drop to me feet. Naked now before him I stepped out of it. I was reaching to undress Eric when he held up a hand to stop me saying in a low voice." Oh No sir, not yet, Not yet Sir"

I said "But Eric I want to do that to you buddy it was so sexy the way you did it to me"

Eric smiled and made a kiss with his lips and said "I have one more ritual to perform Sir that will show you how much i am your mate"

With that said I stood while He slowly lowered himself again. As I looked down Eric took first my bare balls in His hand and was studying them and then he licked them just as I was hoping He would. he looked up to me and said "Oh Sir I have wanted to do that since we first meet," he was now holding my hard cock and jerking it slowly in his other hand. I moaned in pure pleasure. while my eyes were close enjoying the hand job I felt the wetness of my handsome Mates mouth around the head of my cock. I have a really unusually large knob of a cock head on my dick that is long and sloping a good 1.5 inch cock head of a knob. Eric was having some problem opening his mouth wide enough to take it in. To my delight he was getting it in and the feel of his wet hot mouth had it so hard. He was alternating with the knob and doing the top and bottom of my cock shaft. then again my balls. He was working a finger into my hole as he gave me this best ever blow job. thoughts of His cock bare against me before were in my mind as his two fingers now entered my cherry hole. Looking down at my dick in this handsome mouth with him still in his uniform his cape spread out behind him covering his feet as he was fingering me now hard and fast and sucking on my cock. From His cape he had gotten a tube of KY. He pulled off me long enough to KY up his two fingers. Once that was done he looked up at me and said "With your permission Sir?

I was so confused at that moment I said "Oh Eric, I would love to man but I've never done that before I mean I am cherry back there"

Eric smiled and said "I promise to be easy with you Sir and make your first time one you will love and always remember"

I smiled down at him and spread my legs further apart saying "I will hold you to that promise Eric"

I was relived that Eric did not immediately go for the jack pot. He was back working on my knob and my balls a good long time I nearly had forgotten about the rear end of myself. Then I felt Eric's finger pushing into me, I could feel the difference from the dry finger before and it was now more a pleasure. I wanted his finger in my hole now. I spread my legs even more as Eric's second finger came into me. I was holding his thick blonde haired head once pushing my whole cock into his mouth then pulling back so my hole was pushing back on his two fingers fucking me. We were doing this the tow of us had a motion going and we were both moaning not caring who could hear us. I was so close to creaming in Eric's handsome mouth. The Eric pulled off me and His three now fingers came out of me. he was standing up every part the Roman troop. He took me in his arms and we kissed for the first time. I was kissing a man on the lips and our two tongues took turns in each others mouth. Eric said to me. " I think we had better take a break now Sir have some wine and then you can undress me I would like that cause we are both about to cum too soon?

I had to agree even through my cock wanted release. We separated and Eric poured us two goblets of wine. I loved to see the flowing of his red cape as he swirled around. We were seated on the bed now and toasted with our goblets.

"To us" I said

"To us " Eric said and he added "And that I get my wish, that is that we are this close many years from now when we are both stars of stage and film?

I looked into Eric's steel blue eyes and his handsome face and I said "Oh Eric you'll never know how much I want that wish of yours to come true"

There would be no more ceremony of the undress to do that night the pure lust we now had for each other demanded quicker release. I started it by putting my hand under Eric's skirt and feeling that hard big 8 inch cock of his. and holding his sweaty balls in my other hand. I leaned down and was sucking his cock into my mouth loving the taste and smell of him. I was rubbing his muscular legs. so hairy and so hard. I got on my knees on the floor and was licking his feet around the leather straps of his sandals. up his muscular legs and back to those egg like hairy sweaty bag of balls of his. I was now fucking my finger into his hole as I was eating his dick. As I was giving my man a hot blow job and loving his cock fucking my face his steel hard meat in my mouth, Eric was pulling off his breast plate and His cape and his tunic, I came off him and was shaking as I was undoing the straps from his legs to free his feet.

While I may have been the CO-captain Eric was the one now clearly in charge of operations. I remember at one point we were again standing and kissing Eric had his cock between the tops of my bare legs and I closed them around its thickness and he was thus humping me. His hands were all over the two mounds of my hard tight ass cheeks and then he guided me lovingly onto the Roman bed. on my back and about to get fucked for my first time. I was a mixture of emotions, fear of his cock size, fear of what this meant. I would now be gay? or at the lease bisexual. Could I take it how? much pain would it be?

Eric came between my legs that handsome smile on his face. I loved him so much at that moment. he brushed his blonde hair from his eyes and holding his greased up cock head he guided it to my hole, my cherry hole. The head of his dick was nearly as big as mine and yet the way he was holding it, it felt so soft and so hot as he was rubbing it all up and down the crack of my ass and at each passing of my hole he would push just a little of his cock head into me, ever so little and more with each passing. I was pushing up on it, loving the push in with each passing, wanting more of it in each time. Then Eric came to a full stop His cock head resting half in my hole now and said "You ready for me now Kevin?

I was biting my lip and said "Yea buddy take me"

he got real serious then and I loved the look on his handsome face and holding his prick in one hand he began to push it into me the head entered me with little pain and then His thick shaft was coming into me more and more and it was spreading me wide hurting yet feeling so good I wanted it I wanted Eric to be fucking his thick cock into me. he kept it up slowly inch by wonderful inch came into me and then he called out and I knew by the feel of his soft balls against my hole that Eric had all that meat fucked into me. We both at the same time let out a breath. It felt like such a major thing was now done by the two of us and it sure was my before virgin hole was now stuffed full with a wide fat 8 inch cock. he stayed still and told me to just take time to get use to being open so wide. I smiles up at him and said "OH Eric I love You and I am so glad that this first dick in me is yours"

Eric smiled and said. " I only wish you could feel how hot your hole is right now Kevin so tight and so hard around my cock"

Eric now began to slowly pull back his cock was pulling back out of my hole and I couldn't believe how wonderful this felt. I knew in that one pulling out motion He was doing that I would always love a big cock fucked into me, he was nearly to the head of his dick when He began to push it slowly back into me. The trill was going all through out my body his bare meat fucking back into me. Eric was showing such a loving look on his handsome movie star looking face as he slowly fucked me I knew he was loving the feel of his thick fat cock fucking back into me like this. Now Eric my handsome Eric was really picking up tempo, really fucking his dick into me. The thought crossed my mind as I pushed up to take more of his bare cock into me "Why on earth had I ever waited so long to feel a man's cock fucking into me?

I was the one to tell Eric to really go ahead and fuck me hard and Eric was more then ready to do my bidding. he was then pounding the fuck at of my hole slapping that meat into me and then telling me he was wanting to hit me prostrate with the bare head of his cock and i told him he sure was pounding the hell out of it and then i was cuming all over the two of us and the sight of my cream got Eric even more worked up he told me he was ready to be the first to cream in my hole and fill me with his cum. i wanted Eric's cum filling me and i was begging him to shoot his cum into me. he again and again was hitting my spot with the head of his wonderful hard long cock. My handsome blonde mate was now creaming his load into me string after string of his cum was shooting into my hole filling it so much I could feel it getting out between the walls of my hole and his cock.

Eric came down on my bare chest sweaty and gasping for air. His cock spent inside my hole, my now wet with cum of a man hole. His major big cock was getting soft inside me and then it fell out of my hole and cum was now dripping down on my bare balls Eric's cum. We fell asleep in each others arms. A few times during the night I did wake up Eric was asleep in my arms still and I would hold his bare strong shoulders and think back of how it was when he was fucking his enormous fat cock into me and fall off to a nice sound sleep again. Once in the night like that I even was able to take hold of his soft cock as he slept. It felt so good to be able to touch his dick like that. I thought back to our first meeting and all that had happened since then. So lucky to be here. to have the camp the chance and to have Eric.

More to cum soon. Remember my promise of a load in every chapter. Kevinmjo@aol.com Kevin Kelly, NJ and Montreal Quebec.

Next: Chapter 3

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