When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Dec 24, 2003


NOTE TO READERS This story involves an interracial issues if this

topic offends you, you shouldnt be here :). This story was meant to

inspire people I hope you like this story.

Marcus Grenier hopped into his 4 door Sedan and turned on the

ignition. His average sized frame of a body deftly loaded the vehicle

with 2 weeks of clothing from his New york studio apartment. His work

as an assistant editor/photographer had lead him to many wonderful

places around the world, but his hometown of Shelby Alabama was the only

place on his mind as he was in dire need of a break from the stress of

plane rides, deadlines and attitude from his co-workers. He thought

about the good, down home southern cooking that awaited him at his parents

house. He ran one hand through his soft, short brown hair while cruising

down the highway with a softening sunset to the south of his rear view


Marcus had lived in New York for about 2 years now but it was time

to come home and re-coup for a while. He had always been a southern boy

at heart but he had always wanted to travel and see the world outside

of Alabama which only jaded him to find out that the real world is harsh

and un-relentless. Sadly to say, his dating life had suffered becuase of

it, always on assignment and always on the go, no time for a relationship.

But that was all about to change...in a way he never expected.

Marcus had driven for days until at last he pulled into the driveway

lined with honeysuckle flowers of the Grenier home. A screen door opened to

find Mr. Grenier smiling brightly as he greeted his son.

" Hi there son!" he shouted in a noticable creole/southern accent.

"Hey dad!" Marcus replied as he shut the door to his car and walked

over and gave his father a hug. "I missed you!...hows mom?"

" Oh she's out in her garden as usual" Mr Grenier said as he pointed

to their backyard. Marcus could see the tip of his mothers gardening hat

bobbing up and down between her rose bushes. Marcus cut across their front

porch and over to the garden as he approached his mother.

"Got any room for me in there? Marcus said with a tired but mischievous


Startled, Mrs. Grenier looked up suddenly to much delight to see her

son finally back home.

" Well my lordy honey you just about scared the leaves right off

my bushes! welcome home son!" Mrs Grenier laughed as she stepped over

a garden rake to hug her son affectionatly.

"These roses are lookin mighty pretty again as usual" Marcus

complimented as he knew of his mothers love of nature.

" Well of course boy, you know I raise the prettiest roses this

side of Alabama" Mrs Grenier joked as she headed for the house to

get Marcus settled in, he followed.

The Grenier clan all gathered around the kitchen table with Mrs

Grenier nearby taking off her gloves and washing her hands before dinner.

The Grenier house had always been filled with "happy-but-not-picture-perfect"

memories". Marcus's parents had been open and loving with him, they accept

him for who he is. Mr Grenier was an expert on the fine art of filet-minon

cooking, which was to be served on the antique heirloom 19th century table

in the middle of the room.

As the light clinking of spoons and forks and down home southern

chatting filled the room. Marcus couldnt help but notice something out

of the corner of his eye. He notices a U-haul truck park in front of

the house next door to him.

"I see y'all are gettin some new neighbors next door" Marcus said,

his southern drawl coming back to him.

" I hope they're better than the last ones" Mr Grenier said.

As Marcus focused his eyes out the kitchen window he noticed two

people carrying boxes out of the truck. One was an older lady in her 40's

the other an attractive young man about Marcus's age, they were both


"Whoa what a cutie" Marcus thought to himself. Marcus of course

African-American men were some of the most beautiful men on this


"Hmm looks like we got company" Mrs. Grenier exclaimed, she noticed

Marcus was almost finished with his fried green tomatoes. "Marcus why dont

you go and see if they need some help". Southern hospitality was never

lacking in the Grenier household.

Marcus obediently obeyed his mother like a good southern boy and

went outside. He passed by the front porch swing he used to sit in

and sip pink lemonaide as a kid during the summer. He approached the

two new neighbors.

"Do y'all need any help?" Marcus asked with a kind smile.

" Thank you but we'll be fine" the older lady said with a "get out

of here" fake look upon her face. Any attempt at a polite decline

was completely unsucessful on her part. The younger lad quickly


"Well actually I could use some help with some of these boxes, theyre

pretty heavy, got books in them" he said looking at Marcus with interested

brown eyes.

"Well I suppose it's alright" the older lady said disapointingly

as she carried a cardboard box full of odds and ends.

"My name is Marcus by the way, my parents live next door, I'm

just visiting for the summer" Marcus smiled as he was all too eager

to shake his attractive new neighbors hand.

"I'm Terell, nice to meet you man" Terell said, little did

Marcus know Terell was eyeing him too.

"Well here let me help you with that" Marcus said. The two young men

hopped into the back of the U-haul and each of them grasping the holes

in the sides usually designed for fingers to slip into. Marcus noticed

Terells nicely defined biceps as he griped the sides of the box he was

carrying. Terell directed them down the hallway to his room on the left.

"Let's set em down in the corner" Terell said as they both sat

the boxes down.

"Whew, that's a heavy one" Marcus wiped the sweat off his ivory

complexioned forehead.

"Hey would you like a lemonaide from our cooler?" Terell offered

"Oh no it's ok" Marcus exclaimed.

" Naw it's no trouble really, I'll be back" Terell exited

the room with a slight sexy grin on his face.

As Terell approached the portable cooler, his mother Alice

looked on in disaproval.

"Don't tell me you're offering HIM one of our drinks......"

"Aw now come on mama, that boy was nice enough to help us and

we did'nt even have to as" Terell exclaimed. Unfortunatly,

Mrs Jackson(Alice) was not accepting of white people. Terell

returned to his room and found Marcus waiting patiently.

"Here ya go man, I appreciate the help"

" I was raised to help out your fellow neighbor" Marcus smiled

as he gulped a 7-up quenching his thirst. Terell couldnt help

but be slightly turned on by the tiny drop of overflow running

down Marcus's chin.

"Hey listen, If you ever wanna hang out sometime, just come on

over and maybe we can be friends" Terell said with interest.

"I'm right next door so, sounds good man, you seem cool" said

Marcus "Well I'd offer to help more but I gotta get back and help my

folks clean up"

"Alright man thanks again" Terell said flashing a sexy smile.

"Alright well, I'll cath ya later" Marcus akwardly stated as he

walked away with a few butterflies in his stomach. "It was nice meeting

you Mrs Jackson!" he shouted, trying to make a good impression on her

hard to convince self. Mrs Jackson just waved back but hardly smiled

Evening was drawing near and Marcus was exhausted from the long

drive. He opened the front door of his house and stepped inside.

He found his parents at the table playing a game of scrabble finishing


"So, how are the new neighbors?" his father asked not even looking

up as he competitivly planned his next move.

"Well, theyre last name is Jackson, a lady and her son. Her son is

... nice" Marcus explained, that pause was to hide the obvious "her

son is a hottie" thought he wanted to say.

"And what about Mrs Jackson?" Mrs Grenier asked as she watched her

husband place his square completing a word on the board with a devilish


"Gotcha" he murmured under his breath

"I dunno about her....she was pretty sour when she saw me

offerin to help, I dunno what her problem is, well I'm off to bed..

It's good to be back home, goodnight". Marcus said quickly hugging

and kissing his parents goodnight before heading upstairs. He laughed to

himself as he heard the faint banter of his parents playing their game.

"I won this game!"

"We'll see about that mister"

Marcus entered his bedroom and began to undo the button of his

Levi's . He bent down to open his suitcase to get some boxers out,

but when he stood back up he noticed that outside his window he

could directly see Terell's bedroom across from his. As he slipped into

his comfortable bed clothes he crept up to his window and peeped out

to Terells window. He was surprised to see that Terell had his window

open and the light on.

Terell soon appeared into Marcus's sight which made Marcus duck

with startling reaction. He then raised his eyes slowly up above the

window sill, and happen to catch Terell removing his shirt by his

bedside. He was a vision of astounding beauty to Marcus's eyes as he

was inevitably drawn to him. He felt a light begin to spark inside him

that night... something that told him his life was about to change


Next: Chapter 2

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