When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Jun 8, 2004


Marcus rolled the red chevy pick up into the Greniers

driveway. Both boys stepped out and headed for the front door

Marcus jiggled the keys in the handle and opened the door

With Terell following behind him.

"Thank god.." Marcus breathed a sigh of relief as

he and Terell headed inside the house. The somber sound

of rubber soles scraping across the carpet filled the

room as Terrell could cut Marcus's tension with a knife.

Marcus began to rummage through his drawers to find a change

of clothes.

"Babe, will ya get me my duffle bag?" Marcus asked.

"You bet" Terell reached under a table and pulled out

a blue duffle bag and approached Marcus. He sat the duffle

bag down and sat on his bed..Marcus standing in front of him.

"I know what you need.." Terell coyly said as he gently

tapped Marcus's right foot.

"And what is that?" Marcus replied half stressed and

half smiling as he snatched the double bag off the bed.

Terell quickly stood up and stood almost face to face

with Marcus. A bit startled...Marcus stood still with Terell

so close he thought he was gonna receive a nice kiss.

"You need some cheering up mister". Terell said as he pulled

a trick out of his sleeve and pinched Marcus on the nose and

ran away giggling.

"Ah!...you're a clown you know that?" Marcus said

rubbing his nose and laughing. "You're gonna pay for that"

"Bring it on!"

"You're on dude..I'll get you when you least expect it"

Marcus retorted...grinning from ear to ear..a plan up his

sleeve too. "Hey, don't you have to get some clothes too?"

"Oh yeah...that would help wouldn't it? haha...ok I'll meet

you back here...cool?" Terell said heading down the 1st step.

"Gotcha" Marcus replied...continuing to get his dad some

clothes, then of course..the toothbrushes.

Terell stepped across the Grenier's front yard and

slipped through the side gate and directed himself over to

his house. As he went though the front door into the

kitchen..he found his mother at the table filling out

some paper work.

"Hey mama, I'm just gonna grab some clothes and

then head back to the hospital with Marcus". Terell said

giving his mom a kiss on the cheek.

"Ok son...hey...how is Mrs. Grenier?" Mrs. Jackson shouted

as Terell was heading towards his room.

"Well she's awake now but they won't know anything more

until the results of the biopsy come back..won't be for a

couple of days I think" Terell shouted back as he began to

pack his things quickly.

"I hope everything turns out alright" Mrs Jackson said

to herself. Just then, Terell came into the kitchen with

a tiny suitcase in hand.

"Ok mama, see you tomorrow" Terell said rapidly starting for the


"Hey now ...can't you at least give me a lil hug?"

Mrs. Jackson said in a overprotective tongue.

"Oh alright" Terell said smiling..and gave her a hug.

"You and Marcus been..uh..hittin it off really well

lately..." Mrs. Jackson said with a slight undertone of


"Well..we've just become good friends..he's really cool"

Terell retorted carefully.

"Well that's good, ok see ya later baby"

"bye!"Terell said as he headed over to Marcus's house.

Marcus was in the living room ready and waiting. They both

hopped into the red chevy again. They drove through the streets

of Shelby in the cool evening air. Marcus felt a little more

lighthearted thanks to Terell..and not to mention..devious....

Marcus noticed the gas tank was almost empty and decided

this was the perfect time to get Terrell back for earlier.

"Damn..almost out of gas...better stop and get some" Marcus

said noticing the nearest gas station and pulling in. The red

stopped into the 1st pump as Marcus applied the brake.

"Babe, will you run inside and put 10 in for us? and get me a drink..I'm awful thirsty, you want something too?" Marcus said handing Terell 20 dollars.

"Alright..what you want?"

"Surprise me" Marcus said grinning. Terell agreed and hopped

out of the truck and headed for the store. "Yes.." Marcus

giggled as he stepped out of the Chevy and for a second pretended

to stand by the truck waiting to pump. Then when he saw Terell

couldn't see him...he snuck back in the truck and opened Terell's

suitcase and stole his underwear and put it in his duffle bag,

then hopped back out and started pumping the gas, it took all

his strength not to start laughing when he saw Terell coming out

with two drinks in his hands. The nozzle on the pump ran out and

the two young men started off towards the hospital once again.

Once they arrived, they quickly wove their way

through the hospital and found their floor. They found Mrs.

Grenier's room and set their things down under a table

beside her bed. Mrs. Grenier had fallen asleep and was peacefully

resting in her gown.

"Hey boys" Mr. Grenier greeted them. "The doc came in

while you were out and said the blood work is gonna be done


"Oh ok" Marcus replied. "I got your stuff here dad, you sure

you don't wanna go and take a walk for a while?"

"It's alright son I'll be fine" Mr. Grenier stated

not wanting to leave his wife's side. Marcus and Terell

decided to sit down and stay and keep Mr. Grenier company

for what was 30 min but seemed like 30 years. A feeling

of uncertainty came over Marcus as he watched his mother

laying there in the bed, soon he began to feel hot and

a bit shaky. He didn't know what was going on but it kept

getting worse..his heart started to pound faster.

"Um......"...Marcus muttered squirming. Terell noticed this.

"You ok man?" Terell asked as he sat up ..alerted

"I think I ate something that didn't agree with me, I'm gonna

go find a bathroom..I`ll be right back guys" Marcus said nervously.

"I'll go with you, I gotta go too" Terell followed,

knowing he didn't have to go but knew Marcus wasn't feeling

right and wanted to make sure he was ok. Marcus quickly picked up

his pace and walked ahead of Terell...heart racing and not knowing


"Hey!...wait up babe don't go so fast sheesh.."

Marcus continued in his frenzy and suddenly turned

to the next mens room..starting to breath heavily. Terell

ran up behind him quickly blocking the door as it nearly shut on

him from Marcus's oblivion to the rest of the world.

"Hey!..stop!..what's going on!!" Terell blurted grabbing

Marcus by the arm and pulling him aside noticing his face and

neck red as an apple.

"I...don't feel so good..." Marcus said fanning himself. "I

don't know what happened."

"Geez babe your burnin up, lets get you cooled off" Terell

said taking Marcus to a sink. A light bulb went off in Terell's

head...he knew what was wrong as he saw Marcus bent over and

splashing his face with water then stand up and dry his face

with a paper towel.

"You're just nervous baby......don't worry this has happened

to me too...it's normal" Terell comforted Marcus.

"Damn.." Marcus said taking a deep breath "I'm just so

worried about my mom......I had this anxious feeling..."

"I know, it hits you all of a sudden..like a train wreck right?" Terell said knowingly.

"Yeah...how'd you know?"

"That would happen to me before a football game, a few times

I got all nervous thinking about the game" Terell replied.

"Terell......what if something happens to my mom?"

"I know you're worried babe and you have every right to

to be...but you can't keep on worrying too much like this, you're

gonna stress yourself out thinking about what could happen,

trust me I know what I'm talkin about..." Terell said remembering

his football days.

"You're right" Marcus said sighing "I gotta calm down...

nothing bad is for sure yet..."

"Well it's nighttime so what do ya say we go change

and freshen up?" Terell said. Then, Marcus suddenly

remembered "the payback" and completely forgot about

his worries and smiled mischievously.

"Sounds good to me" Marcus replied trying not

to show a smirk. They headed back to the room and

got their stuff and headed back to the bathroom to

change. They each went into separate stalls so that

if someone came in...they wouldn't have to worry

about two young men being seen sharing a stall

together, Shelby Alabama wasn't exactly that

open minded. Marcus finished changing and stuffed

Terell's underwear in the front of his shorts, stifling

a laugh as he heard Terell rummaging around to find his underwear.

Marcus darted out of his stall like a ninja with impeccable timing

and headed towards the sink.

"Hey......now I could have sworn I put my undies in here!" Terell

complained while ruffling around in his duffle bag. Marcus grinned

as he trotted over to Terell's stall..underwear protruding and

ready for the setup.

"Comin babe.."...Marcus opened up Terells stall and posed

with a lean up against one wall. "Lookin for something?..."Marcus

said smiling and laughing out loud at the sight of Terell standing

there facing him......with a shirt on......and nothing else......his manhood

completely exposed.

"You asshole!" Terell snapped as he snatched his underwear from

Marcus's shorts and slipped them on.

"Told ya I'd get ya back didn't I?" Marcus smirked.

"Ok ok ya got me.."

"Guess I was the one who got to see YOU in your "sexy underwear"!"

Marcus replied.

"Yeah yeah yeah" Terell said as he muscled Marcus out of

the way and headed for the sinks......looking back and smiling

at him.

Two days had passed and Mrs. Grenier was released from the

hospital. Her bed had already been set up for her to rest.

Marcus gave her a much un-invited lecture on how she needed to

slow down. Terell had another day with baby sitting Michelle

and was having a interesting time as usual. It wasn't long

before Mrs. Grenier couldn't stand being still any longer.

"Marcus honey, would you mind takin a walk with me out

to the garden?, I'm feelin mighty cooped up here" Mrs. Grenier

said to her son. Marcus agreed and both of them walked out to

meet the roses in the evening sun.

"These roses need tendin to" she said eagerly.

"Now mama you know you need to be resting" Marcus said.

"I know I know...by the way...you remember that cocoon we saw?...

I wonder if its still there"

"Be careful...doc said not to bend down too fast..."Marcus

said finding that same rosebush and helping his mother bend her

tired body over. They quickly discovered the cocoon was

still there......but empty.

"Well...look at that...already flown" Mrs. Grenier said.

"Yeah..time moves on" Marcus replied.

"Alright then ..aahhh lets go back inside" Mrs. Grenier

grunted as she carefully brought herself to her feet with

Marcus at her arm. "It's sure good to be home"

"I'm glad you're home too......" Marcus replied with a pang

of uncertainty.

**ok guys.........sorry about the wait....hope you enjoyed this one

email me at DefJamMariah85@aol.com for feed back!**

Next: Chapter 13

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