When Souls Fly Free

By moc.loa@58hairaMmaJfeD

Published on Jan 7, 2004


When Souls Fly Free chpt 3

"We should help her" Terell said with concern.

"Ok, I'll put the groceries in the car" Marcus fled to his Sedan.

Still whimpering...the helpless little girl stood in the

middle of the parking lot cyring. A look of slight confusion

and relief came over her face as she saw Terell running towards her.

"Are you ok sweetie?...are you lost?"

The little girl stood back wiping her tears and composed herself.

"In this world there are so many dangers and mah mama told me

not to talk to strangers!" she said with spunk.

"Well my name is Terell, dont you think we should go back to the

store and go to the front desk?" Terell said obviously noting the

little girls wit. "It's ok honey lets get you out of this parking

lot ok? Im sure your mama's lookin for you"

"Well mah mama also told me that if i get lost I better ask

for help...ok" The little girl said as she followed Terell

back into the store. They went back up to customer service

and found Jesse on duty once again.

"This little girl is lost and we need to find her mother..

what's your name sweetie?" Terell asked.

"Michelle". The little girl eeked out under her tears."And my

mama's name is Debbie".

Jesse quickly paged the mother..who a few minutes later

came running towards the front desk with her purse bouncing on

her right arm.

"Sweet JESUS I was looking all over for you sweetie!" The mother

exclaimed as she snatched up her daughter and clenched her to her


"I thought you had left and gone far

so I went to the parkin lot looking for our car" Michelle rhymed.

Debbie soon noticed Terell and began to thank him.

"Thank you so much for findin my little girl, nevermind her rhymin

its just one of her little things she loves to do...here..umm".

Debbie said reaching in her purse to give Terell some money.

"Oh no ma'am thats not necesary, It was just the right thing to do".

Terell replied politely refusing the reward.

"Oh but its the least I can do" said Debbie. "Let me at least

give you something" Debbie insisted.

"We'll..." Terell paused

"How are you with......hey dont I know you?" Debbie asked as

she noticed Marcus joining in..returning from the car.

"Mrs. Johnson?!"...Marcus shouted. "Am I gonna run into everyone

I've known in my life here in this store..how are you?"

"Im fine now..had nearly a heart attack losing my child...but

your friend was kind enough to take care of that" Debbie said

smiling at Terell. Marcus smiled inside at the words "your friend"

about Terell...he had barely known him and was already drawn to him.

"Well at least shes safe now" Marcus exclaimed.

"Yes thank goodness...oh excuse me im sorry" Debbie said turning

to Terell" I apologize..I hope you dont mind my asking but are you

good with children?..I know you don't know us hardly" Debbie asked


"As a matter of fact I am" Terell said

"Funny, thing...he's lookin for a job today too" Marcus said


"Well..why don't I give you our number and maybe we can set up

an interview cause I am looking for someone to babysit Michelle

twice a week..if you don't get another job that is" Debbie offered.

"Sounds good to me, I have babysiting experience so" Terell

exclaimed. Then, Debbie wrote down their number while Michelle

stood by her leg looking up at Terell.

"Thank you for helping me sir" Michelle innocently said

"Youre quite welcome" Terell said smiling back at her.

"Thank you so much again...and young lady what have I told

you about wandering off in the grocery store?"

"Nothing.." Michelle said in that "i know im wrong voice".

"We'll talk later miss thing, thank you gentlemen we'll be off now"

Mrs Johnson said walking and grasping Michelle's hand. Michelle waved

at Terell thanking him again.

"We'll if the grocery store doesnt reply back ya might have this

for some money" Marcus said in a positive tone.

"Yeah...you never know who youre gonna run into" Terell replied.

They both went back to the Sedan and went about their day. Marcus

and Terell had clearly hit it off that day, Marcus was all too willing

to drive Terell around to the video store, cd store and a couple malls

putting in applications. Marcus was finally thinking he might be

able to trust someone finally as a friend maybe. After a long day

of driving and walking, they both headed back to the neighborhood.

the crunch of Marcus's tires sounded as he drove up to Terells house.

"Hey it looks like my moms not home...would you like to come in and

hang out for a bit?" Terell asked.

"I dunno I don't think she likes me very much" Marcus replied


"Ahh don't worry about it...be right back..I'll make sure shes not

home". Terell said as he hopped out of the Sedan and went inside his

house...he found a note on the kitchen table.


went to bingo night

be back in a couple hours


"Yes!..two hours..".Terell though to himself.

"It's all good! come on in!" Terell shouted from the front door.

Marcus slid out of his car and shut the driver door and entered

the Jackson residence. Something about that place told him "you

shouldn't be here" but he had a feeling he should ignore it. He

followed Terell to his room. Marcus couldnt help but check out

Terells body as he walked behind him.

"Well you remember this place" Terell said as he let Marcus

in his room. "Make yourself at home man".

"Thanks" Marcus said.

"Sorry about the mess, I'm still unpacking...moving's a real

pain in the ass" Terell complained.

"Yeah..tell me about it....". Marcus empathized...he noticed

and old football Jersey with the name "Jackson" on the back of it.

"Did you use to play football?" Marcus asked.

"Yeah that was my old high school jersey, I love football".

Terell beamed. "I think its really cool that you traveled the

world in your job I've never been outside the south"

"Yeah..its interesting...but hectic..".Marcus retorted.

"Must be better than this dump.." Terell said still picking

up his room for Marcus.

"I used to think that too" Marcus said laughing "But anyways..

you mind if i look at these magazines?" he asked.

"Sure". Terell replied with his back to Marcus...not noticing

that the stack of magazines Marcus was going for was on the top of

the box that had his "secret gay stash". Marcus bounced off the

bed and went towards the stack but only took two steps before tripping

over one of Terells shoes and falling towards the box..tumbling it

over spilling its contents.

"Damnit.....jeez im such a clutz I'm so sorry" Marcus grunted.

Terell quickly turned around and saw the box toppled over.

"Oh here let me get that!" Terell hurried over praying Marcus

hadnt seen the "stash" but in his attempt to reach out his hand to

handle the mess...he accidentally brushes over the top layer of

sports magazines to reveal the few gay porn magazines underneath.

They both stay still for a few seconds..both speechless...


"Hey man..its cool..." Marcus said.

"God I'm so embarrased..." Terell replied.

Another few seconds of silence pass as Terell as they

both look away from eachother. Then without a word

Terell began to put away the magazines as Marcus decided

to speak his mind.

"Hey it's ok really..." he softened his voice. " I am too..

if you know what I mean". Marcus said mysteriously.

"You are?" Terell exclaimed "Wow...this is weird, I

was wondering why you wanted to be my friend so fast...hehe"

"Well.." Marcus said blushing..then realizing he didnt

want to reveal his true "more than friends feeling" so as

not to jeopardize their friendship, he continued. " Listen,

I won't tell anybody about this ok?"

"Yeah..please" Terell said with a serious look on his face.

"Well I better get goin my folks will have dinner soon

and Im hungry". Marcus said hopping to his feet.

"Alright man..and...thanks...ya know..I think were gonna

be really good friends.....I dont care what anyone else thinks.."

Terell said smiling.

"Same here, catch ya later!" Marcus said trotting out

the Jacksons front door.

Mrs Jackson arrived about 45 min later with groceries

in hand grunting about how rude the people were at the store.

The evening ended with dinner, Mrs Jackson was delighted

at the story of Terell rescuing the little girl today.

But Terell was VERY careful not to say he was with Marcus.

He loved his mother but on some levels they were very

different from eachother.

Terell finished his dinner, then went back up to his

room soon recalling the earlier events. "Its ok" he told him

self. Then slipped off his shirt to reveal his chocolate

brown complexion. He again noticed Marcus's window, he stood

there looking at it.."thank you" he muttered under his breath

as he walked over to his window. He didnt know what was

coming over him as he placed the fingertips of his right hand

on his lips and kissed them...then pressed them against the

window pane...as if sending Marcus a kiss goodnight.

**hope you guys liked this one...hit me up at DefJamMariah85@aol.com

for feedback!**

Next: Chapter 4

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