When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Nov 3, 1999


Author Note:

Hi guys! Thanks for your continuing support for this story really appreciated indeed. Thanks for all positive feedback that I received for last installment. Just cut it short, as usual, I need to thank: Yuli [who keeps the 'Busta' alive ?]; James [ya better watch out, 98 degrees coming ?]; Angel [love your feedback THANKS]; Alain [helllooooo! Hahahaha]; Nate [How is it hanging there?], Dave [welcome to the family]; Myriddian [Thank you 100X]; Adam [how was Germany?]; Gene [still 'grown up' hahaha]; Matt [where r u pal?]; and all of you [sorry I forget your name but thanks for reading and please keep in touch]. Oh yeah David-Nifty guy -- Thanks dude :)and another David ;) Please, please, I need your response guy, please keep it coming, send it to Tonny at aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL ********************************************************************* Previously on 'When you say nothing at all':

The next morning, I felt the warmth of someone hugging me. When I opened my eyes, it was Kevin, still asleep with his arm around me. Then the door opened as Brian barged in.

"KEVIN!" Brian shouted, surprised at seeing his cousin sleeping with me in the same bed.

As I heard someone shout, I pushed Kevin away from me. Somehow I got a flash back about what happened with me yesterday in Justin's house. Brian's shout was very loud. Even Nick, AJ, and Howie were running to Kevin's room to check what was going on. Kevin awoke in a second as I pushed him hard.

"YOU SLEPT WITH HIM?" Brian said angrily as he gave me hate-filled looks.


I jumped out of the bed and stood up in the corner of the room, far away from Brian. AJ, Nick, and Howie were now also in the room. Kevin was still confused, as he had just woken up. I was shaking and so afraid that I sat down on the floor, curled into a ball, and looked down.

"I didn't do it, I didn't do anything. Please don't hit me," my voice trembling as I was crying hard in the corner.

Kevin realized what happened and saw me crying in the corner, shaking. He quickly jumped to me and tried to calm me down. He put his hand on me.

"Pleaseee don't hit me," I repeated again as I closed my eyes.

"Tony! It's me, Kevin. I won't hit you," he tried to hug me.

"BRIAN! What the hell has happened to you?" Kevin yelled as he stared at Brian.

"ME? He slept with you, and you ask me what's happened to me?" Brian shouted back.

"Don't hit me, pleaseeee" I was still traumatized after the incident yesterday. Kevin looked so confused. He was angry with his cousin, but he kept looking at me. I was still shaking.

"Yeah, we were sleeping together. NOT HAVING SEX!" Kevin yelled back at his cousin.

"Briaaaann. They were just sleeping," Howie spoke up to defend me.

"Yeah, look at Tony. He's fully dressed, how could it be possible for him to have sex?" Nick jumped in.

"See what you did to him now? You freaked him out!" AJ added.

Brian was just silent, as he could see that Kevin was really angry now. While I kept rocking back and forth.

"OK, EVERYBODY GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Kevin shouted so loud that even Nick jumped a little bit. They'd never seen Kevin so angry. Quickly, they exited the room and closed the door.

"Tony," Kevin called me softly as I kept shaking and looked down.

"Please, don't hit me. Don't hurt me. I didn't do it," I cried and Kevin tried to hold in his tears as he saw me like that.

"Ton, I won't hit you. Please look at me, Ton" Kevin asked me, but I didn't do anything but shake.

"Tony, I know we didn't do anything. Please look at me," Kevin desperately tried to persuade me. He tried to lift my chin up. Finally I looked at him and sobbed. Then Kevin hugged me.

"Kevin, I'm so afraid," I hugged him back.

"Shhh that's not your fault," he rubbed my back to calm me down.

"It's Brian who was being stupid again. We didn't do anything, and I won't hit you. I promised that I'd take care of you," he said sincerely. I nodded.

"Thank you, Kev." I calmed down, and he kissed my forehead. He gave a sigh of relief after seeing my current condition.

"Okay, why don't you get a shower, and then we're going to have breakfast, Ok?" Kevin spoke up, and I nodded.

He stood up, then helped me to stand. I took my black T-shirt and jeans out of my bag and proceeded to the bathroom. After 10 minutes, I walked out of the bathroom. Kevin sat on the bed and smiled at me. Then he stood up and went to the bathroom for his shower. I decided to wait for him so I just sat on the bed. After 15 minutes, Kevin walked out of the bathroom fully dressed. It looked like he was ready for work. He wore a white short-sleeve shirt with denim jeans.

"Why did you wait for me?" Kevin asked. "Just go ahead to breakfast," he said, but I shook my head no.

"That's ok, let's go." Kevin offered me his hand to help me stand up.

"Kev," I called his name as I touched something in my jeans pocket.

"What?" he asked with smile.

"Kevin, I still have a few hundreds dollars left. I should pay you since I'm staying here," I looked down. "It's only $900, it's all I've got. If it's not enough, I'll pay the remaining later on, after I get a job." I gave him my money but he shook his head.

"No, keep it. I don't want you to pay anything for staying with me. I'm happy that you're here with me. Please, save that money, you'll need it someday," Kevin put the money back in my pocket. I smiled at him, and he replied me with a kiss on my cheek.

"Kev, one more thing," I stopped him.

"What now?" Kevin gasped.

"Please don't be angry at Brian, OK?" I requested. "He didn't mean it. He is your cousin, and he's just looking after you."

"Okay, but if he tries to bug you again, you have to tell me, Ok?" Kevin looked into my eyes, and I nodded.

We both went downstairs to the dining room. Everybody was there but Brian.

"Are you okay, Ton?" Nick asked me.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry for the trouble guys," I looked at them.

"Ton, it wasn't your fault. It was just a misunderstanding." Howie said as I took a seat next to Kevin.

"Where is he?" Kevin asked the guys.

"Brian went to the studio already," AJ replied.

Kevin sighed as he poured some cereal and milk in my bowl. I just looked down to the table. I felt guilty for causing trouble between Kevin and his cousin. I should've slept on the sofa last night.

Around 10, we finished our breakfast. I took my bowl and glass to the sink and started to clean them.

"Ton, you don't have to do that," Kevin stopped me.

"No, that's ok. Come on, you all have given me a place to stay and a nice meal, this is the only thing I can do for you," I smiled at him, as I took his bowl and glass from his hands and cleaned them. After drying all of them, I sat back.

"Tony, we have to go to the studio to shoot our new video. Do you want to come?" Kevin looked at me.

"If you don't mind, I'd prefer to stay here," I replied.

"Why? Come on, come with us?" Nick tried to persuade me.

"Thanks, Nick, but I can't go like this," I softly replied. All of them realized that I still had some bruises on my face.

"Okay. Just take a rest, Ok? I'll be back as soon as I can. Call me on my mobile if there's a problem," Kevin assured me, and I nodded.

"Guys, let's go!" Kevin stood up.

"See ya later, Ton." Nick smiled at me, while AJ and Howie waved at me.

I sighed, as I felt lonely again. I didn't know what to do. Even the TV couldn't entertain me. I looked around and decided to clean the house. I started vacuuming the carpet.


"Guys, I have a confession to make," Kevin said as he kept driving.

"It's about me and ..." he continued but was cut off by Nick.

"You like him, don't you?" Nick jumped in to Kevin's speech as he sat on the passenger side.

"Excuse me?" Kevin looked at Nick for a second and back to the street.

"Yeah, we know already," AJ replied from the back seat.

"What are you all talking about?" Kevin asked, confused. "I want to tell you that I'm...I'm gay, guys." Kevin responded softly.

"Yeah, we know that, too," Howie spoke up.

"How?" Kevin asked, feeling even more confused.

"Well actually, we didn't know that. But yesterday, we could see how you cared about him," Nick smiled.

"Huh?" Kevin was lost in the conversation.

"It's so OBVIOUS!" AJ continued.

"We're not blind!" Howie giggled.

"We're not stupid!" Nick added, "We could see how overprotective you are of him. It's more than just as a best friend. You've been chatting for months with him, and you keep talking about...Tony this...Tony that." Nick explained.

"Do you like him?" Howie cut Nick's speech.

"I love him, guys." Kevin shyly replied.

"Does he?" AJ asking him back.

"I don't know. He still hurts," Kevin sighed.

"Just take it slow Kev, don't push him too fast," AJ advised.

"I'm sure he likes you, Kev." Howie smiled.

"Thanks, guys, for the support." Kevin smiled as he kept his eyes focused on the street.

"We like him too, Kev. We're happy to see you two together." Nick said, and AJ and Howie nodded.


It'd been 4 hours already. I was cleaning around the house when I heard someone knocking on the front door. I didn't know whether I should answer it or not, but I decided to check it out. When I opened the door.

"Justin!" I saw him standing in front of me. "How did you know that I was here?" I asked him in surprise.

"Brian came to my house last night, and he told me that you were here," Justin gave me a displeased look.

"Oh yeah, please come in," I smiled. Inside I was so happy 'cause I could see him again.

"No thanks, I won't be long. I just wanted to return this to you," he gave me a silver pendant that I gave him for his birthday.

"Justin, it was a gift for your birthday," I replied sadly.

"Well I don't want it anymore, because every time I look at it, it reminds me of you and Jimmy having sex," Justin replied sarcastically.

"I asked Jimmy to leave my house already. I couldn't even stand seeing him anymore."

"Justin, I didn't do it. It was a set up. Trust me," I begged him to trust what I said.

"Yeah, right, YOU'RE BUSTED!" Justin shouted at me.

"Justin..." I called his name as tears slipped from my eyes.

"Now you're staying with Kevin. Hey. I knew it. You're playing around with him behind my back. Well, Kevin can have a whore like you!" Justin threw the pendant at me, and it fell to the floor. Then he left me.

I saw his Mercedes pull out of the driveway. I took the pendant from the floor and cried as I looked it in my hand. 'Why didn't he trust me?' I asked myself. I closed the door and sat on the couch, then I wiped my tears. I turned the TV to MTV where the clip had just changed from 'Unpretty' by TLC to 'Music of My Heart'. Justin is the first one to sing the song. It was the same as I taught him before, everything including the tones.

JUSTIN: You'll never know... What you've done for me What your faith in me Has done for my soul... And you'll never know the gift you've given me I'll carry it with me...yeah, yeah

JC: Through the days ahead to think of days before You made me hope for something better (JUSTIN- yes, you did) You made me reach for something more

ALL: You taught me to run You taught me to fly Helped me to free the me inside Helped me hear the music of my heart Helped me hear the music of my heart You opened my eyes You opened the door To something I've never known before And your love is the music of my heart (JC-music of my heart...)

GLORIA ESTEFAN: You were the one Always on my side JUSTIN: (Always on my side) GLORIA: Always standing by JUSTIN: (Always standing by) GLORIA: Seeing me through...

I really couldn't see the rest of it, so I turned it off. I dropped the remote on the sofa. It hurt to see that clip, especially since the lyric really hit me. I tried to be strong, to hold back the tears in my eyes. I kept having a flashback about Justin and me until half an hour later. I heard knocking on the door again. I stood up and opened the door.

"Chris..." I saw Chris standing in front of me, alone.

"How are you, Ton?" Chris asked me sincerely.

"I'm fine," I replied softly.

"Can I come in?"

"Sure, please." He stepped in, and I closed the door. We both sat on the couch.

"Did he come?" Chris looked at me. I just nodded.

"What did he do now?" he was concerned. I didn't reply again, but I showed him the pendant, and my tears fell.

"Ton, I trust you, I know that you didn't do it," I looked at him.

"Ton, your bed was tidy and without a wrinkle. If you had really done it, I'm sure the bed would be like a mess," Chris explained.

"Chris," I called his name. I was glad that he, at least, still trusted me.

"I tried to explain to Justin, but he listened to Jimmy more than me," Chris said sadly.

"What about the others?" I asked.

"JC cares about Justin a lot, so it's useless talking to him. Lance and Joey believe what Justin and JC say. But I believe you, Ton." Chris tried to hold in his tears.

"Thank you, Chris. I still love him," I cried.

"Ton, you have to tell me what happened that night," Chris demanded.

So I told him the whole thing, about Jimmy being nice to me that night and about the juice. Chris was listening to my story seriously.

"I KNEW IT! Jimmy tricked you. I didn't like him in the first place but Justin trusted him more," Chris angry.

"I love him, Chris, what should I do?" I covered my face with my hands to hide my tears in front of him.

"I don't know, Ton. I really don't know. I tried to convince Justin already, but he won't listen to me," Chris sighed.

Suddenly someone opened the front door. It was Kevin. When he saw me crying with Chris next to me, he ran quickly to me and stared at Chris.

"What did he do to you now, Ton?" Kevin held me and tried to keep a distance from Chris.

"Kev..." Chris tried to explain.


"KEVIN!" I shouted, "he trusts me," I said to him slowly and cried again.

"Oh," Kevin got the message, "I'm sorry Chris...I thought..." Kevin apologized as he hugged me.

"That's cool," Chris nodded for understanding and smiled.

"What about the others?" Kevin asked. Chris didn't want to answer it so he just shook his head. Kevin nodded, as he understood that it would make me even sadder.

"Well, I gotta go, guys. I have to meet the others in half an hour," Chris stood up.

"Chris, thank you," I tried to smile at him.

"Let me take you outside, Chris," Kevin stood up and left the room with Chris. Kevin opened the door for Chris.

"Kev, please take care of him. He's been through a lot of pain the past few days. Call me if you need any help, ok?" Chris whispered to Kevin.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him. Thanks, man." Kevin nodded then Chris left.

Kevin sighed as Chris's car pulled out of his driveway. Then he closed the door and returned to the living room to see me. I tried to stop crying in front of him. I wiped all the tears from my face.

"Where are the others, Kev?" I asked him as he took a seat next to me.

"They all decided to hang around somewhere," Kevin replied and took my hand.

"Why didn't you go with them?"

" I promised that I'd come home after finishing work. I'd rather spend more time with you," Kevin smiled.

"You don't have to do that. I'm fine,"

"So how was your day today? I see my place is a lot cleaner," Kevin squeezed my hands lightly, and I smiled.

"Justin came today," I looked down.

"What?!" Kevin let go of my hands in shock, "Why did he come to you? He didn't hit you again, did he?" Kevin held his anger.

"No" I sighed, "He just wanted to return this," I showed him the pendant. "It was his birthday gift from me," I said sadly.

"Never mind, Kev." I put the pendant in my pocket. "Are you hungry? I can make something for you." I stood up.

"Yeah, but you don't have to cook for me."

"That's all right. I have nothing to do," I went to the kitchen. Kevin sighed, as he knew that I still hurt.

The next day, it was still the same as usual. Brian still hadn't spoken to me yet, and the others gave me their full support, especially Kevin. Somehow, he took care of me like a baby, which I really hated. Today, I decided to go with them to their studio to see the finishing touch of their new video 'Larger Than Life'.

"Kevin! Come here, look at this!" Nick cheered as he pushed me out of his room. Then Kevin and the others looked in our direction.

"Wow!" Kevin was surprised.

"See? I can do that," Nick said proudly.

"Is it gone yet?" I asked them. "Nick put some make up on to hide my bruises."

"Yeah, I can't see it anymore!" AJ looked me in disbelief.

"Thanks, Nick," I smiled at Nick, and he just nodded.

"Okay, let's go, guys! AJ, you bring your car, and I bring mine," Kevin said as he looked around, "Where is he now?"

"Brian took off half an hour ago," Howie replied, and I could see Kevin was pissed off by his cousin's behavior.

"Okay, let's go!" Kevin took his key.

"I'll go with AJ," I said happily. Kevin was unhappy with this, while AJ, Nick, and Howie were giggling. "And why are you giggling?" I asked confusedly.

"Umm, our car is full," AJ excused.

"Guys, there is enough space for four people, right?" I asked them back.

"Well, what about Kevin? Do you want him to drive by himself?" Howie spoke up. I looked at Kevin, and he was looking down.

"Nick! You can go with Kevin," I looked at Nick.

"WHOA, No way! I'm not going with that Grumpy Old Man," Nick joked.

"WHAT?!?" Kevin stared at Nick while we were all giggling.

"Hey! He's not that old, and he's not grumpy," I backed up Kevin, then walked to him, "Do you mind if I go with ya?" I looked at him.

"No, not at all," he replied shyly.

"Anyone wanna join us? Howie?" I asked. Kevin gave Howie his stare 'say no'.

"Umm. No thanks. I'll go with AJ and Nick." Howie replied, and Kevin smiled at him.

"Okay," I sighed, "Just you and me then. Let's go." I walked out before them. Kevin was so excited following me. Nick, AJ, and Howie were behind Kevin, and were still giggling.

After one hour of driving, we finally arrived at their studio. I just watched them away from the set. After four hours of shooting, they took a break for lunch, then continued it again. Finally, they finished it and were getting changed out of their futuristic costumes.

"Ton, come here! Wanna see the finished video?" Nick called me.

"Sure!" I got up from my seat and walked to them and a few staff. Brian saw me come in his direction.

"Guys, I'm off for today. I gotta go," Brian left all us. I knew that Brian was uncomfortable around me, so I just looked down.

"Don't worry about him. He is such a jerk lately," Kevin assured me, and I managed to give him my smile.

"Okay, here it goes," one of the staff played the video, and all of us gave it our full attention until it was finished. Then all of them clapped their hands for the video.

"Wow! I can't believe that it could be that good! I love the robots," Nick was excited.

"I was wondering if we can still exist in the year 3000 by being a cyborg," AJ joked and all of us laughed out loud.

"So what do you think, Ton?" Kevin looked at me. "You used to work at MTV, right?" Now all of them looked in my direction.

"Honest?" I asked them.

"Yeah," Howie replied.

"Well the concept is very cool and so futuristic. You bring across the concept of the Millennium really well. The video reminded me of Star Wars or Star Trek stuff," I could see all of them smiling proudly.

"It also reminded me of the concept Spice Girl's video, ya know, 'Spice Up Your Life' and the dance at the end. It was like the 'Backstreet's Back' Video" I giggled and now everybody was confused.

"Why are you giggling?" AJ asked

"It just reminded me that there were a lot of mistakes when you were all dancing in the 'Backstreet's Back' Video," I tried to stop giggling.

"Brian, eh?" Howie looked at me.

"I won't say his name. I don't want to disparage the person. Anyway this video, 'Larger Than Life,' is very good indeed," I clapped my hands.

"YEAAAAHHHH!" Nick jumping up and down. All of us laughed at seeing him acting like a 5 year old kid.

"Okay it's pretty late, guys. Let's go home." Kevin ordered.

We all went back and had dinner at home. They were all pretty tired, so we all decided to go straight to bed after dinner. Oh yeah, Kevin had bought a new bed, so basically there were two beds in his room. I had told him that I wasn't comfortable sleeping with him in the same bed since the incident 2 days ago with Brian. Actually, Kevin wasn't happy with this, so he decided to buy a new bed instead of letting me sleep on the sofa. Around midnight, I had a nightmare.

"NO! NOOOOOOO! NO!" I screamed out loud. Kevin woke up and quickly tried to wake me up.

"Ton! TONY! WAKE UP!" Kevin shook me gently. Finally, I opened my eyes and saw Kevin. "Nightmares?"

"Yeah," a single tear fell from my eye as I sat up on the bed, and Kevin snuggled next to me.

"Shhh, it's okay," he hugged me. "Want to talk about it?" he pulled out but still put his right hand on my shoulder, keeping close to me.

"I saw him, Kev," I started as I tried to control my sadness. "I saw Justin. I saw him inside the coffin. I tried to call him but he didn't wake up," I cried even harder. Kevin hugged me back, trying to calm me down.

"Ton, it was just a nightmare," he rubbed my back.

"But it seemed so real, Kev."

"Ton, you should try to forget him. He doesn't love you anymore," Kevin said, and I broke his hug.

"I...I can't forget him, Kev. I love him. Something will happen to him," I sobbed.

"Nothing will happen, it was just a dream," Kevin assured me, "Why don't you try to sleep again?" Kevin helped me lay down.

"Kev?" I called him.


"Can you sleep next to me, just for tonight? If I have those nightmares again, you have to wake me, okay?" I looked at him. Kevin seemed surprised at my request to sleep next to me.

"Yeah, sure" Kevin smiled then he lay down next to me.

He was even more surprised as I put my hand across his bare chest so I slept on his chest. I was too damn tired to analyze why I slept like that. Anyway, Kevin didn't mind at all. He even put his hand over my shoulder.

The next day, I woke up before Kevin. Unfortunately, he also woke up since he had his hand around me. Kevin and the rest of the gang had a meeting at noon. I decided not to go with them. I told Kevin that I was going to walk around the city by myself. At first, he didn't want to let me go by myself and asked me to wait for him. But I could be stubborn, too. In the evening, they were all back, minus Brian. After dinner, we were all hanging around in the living room, so I decided to break good news.

"So, how was your day?" Kevin asked me as he took a seat next to me.

"Good! Actually, I have a good news, guys!" I smiled.

"What? What?" Nick looked in my direction, and Kevin just smiled.

"I found a job this afternoon. When I was walking around the city, I saw this one restaurant needed a waiter. So I had the interview straight away, and I can start tomorrow evening" I said excitedly. Kevin's smile slowly faded upon hearing the word 'waiter'.

"Waiter?" Kevin said in disbelief. "No, I won't let you work as a waiter," Kevin said sternly. Howie, Nick, and AJ knew that there would be an argument between us, so they kept quiet.

"Why not?" I asked Kevin. "Kev, I need a job. I can't just depend on you all the time."

"Well, if you want a job that bad, I can help you to find a better job," Kevin explained.

"Thank you, but no. I want to find a job by myself, not because of you," I argued back.

"Okay, I understand that! BUT a waiter? Come on!" Kevin raised his voice.

"Well, waiter is still a job. There's nothing wrong with being a waiter," I replied sternly.

"Ton, you have a bachelor's degree, and you want to be a waiter now?" Kevin said.

"Kev, this is TEMPORARY only, not permanent. When I find the right job then I'll stop," I explained.

"Well you can work for us if you want a temporary job. I don't want to see you serving people in the restaurant, FULL STOP!" Kevin raised his voice at the end.

I was sick at how he could be so stubborn like that. I knew that he also made a lot of decisions for the group, but that still didn't give him the right to make decisions for me. I'm 22, and I'm more than mature enough to make my own decision.

"Excuse me, guys," I said to Howie, Nick, and AJ, then stood up. "I need to go to sleep now." I left the room, ignoring Kevin.

Kevin noticed that I was angry with him, so he followed me to his room. I sat at the edge of my bed. I looked down and put my hands on my face, trying not to cry.

"Ton, I'm sorry to snap at you," Kevin apologized as he sat next to me.

"Kev, why can't you give support when I need it? You realize everything is tough for me already. I need your support, Kev. Please." I asked sadly as I looked at him.

"I support whatever you wanna do, Ton. I just...I don't want you to get hurt again."

"I know that, and thanks. I want this job, Kev. Please," I looked into his eyes for his understanding. He looked directly into my eyes for minutes or so, and finally gasped.

"Okay, BUT it's only temporary," Kevin reluctantly said.

"YESSS!" I cheered, "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." I kissed him on his right cheek, and he was surprised. "What?" I asked him.

"You kissed me," he was stunned. "This is the first time you kissed me."

"I'm sorry...I...I...I don't..." I felt embarrassed.

"No! I've wanted that for a long time" Kevin smiled, and I frowned. "Can you give more?" he asked.

"I think one is enough for today," I smiled. "Okay...I need to sleep now. I have a big day tomorrow," I cheered.

"Do you want me to sleep with you again? In case you have another nightmare?" Kevin winked.

"I'll be fine, thank you. Do you mind?" I said as I pushed him away from my bed.

"Damn! I'm just this close." Kevin teased me as he got up from my bed.

The next day, everything ran as usual. The guys had another meeting with their management. Kevin insisted on taking me to work, but I said no, since I knew that the meeting would take hours.

So I went to the restaurant at 6pm. I really didn't want to be late since it was my first day. My job started at 7. The restaurant was a Chinese restaurant. Not such a big place but crowded during dinner hours. By 8, I was doing a really good job, and the boss kept staring in my direction to watch me serving our customers. While I was serving some tables, my boss came to me.

"Tony! You have to serve table 20 now. It's customer's request," my boss said.

"Me?" I said, confused.

"Yeah, quick! Quick! They're our special guests," he replied, and I just nodded.

Table 20 is actually served for VIP customers only. The room is separated from the other customers and is usually used for parties or functions. I walked to the room and brought some menus.

"Good even..." I greeted them until I realized who they were, "Guys! What are you doing here?"

"Ha ha ha surprise!" Nick laughed.

"Don't you have a meeting or something?" I asked them.

"Done! And we're hungry now. Can I have the menu, please?" AJ teased me, and I giggled. I gave one menu to each person.

"How is it?" Kevin asked me when I handed the menu to him.

"Not too bad!" I smiled, "Only four of you?"

"Brian will be coming soon with his date," Kevin replied as he was looking through the menu.

"Great! Guys, just see what you like and tell me when you're ready. I'll bring some water for you all," I said and exited to the kitchen.

"Sorry I'm late, guys!" Brian walked into the room.

"Finally, you show up, B. So, where is your date?" Howie asked.

"Oh yeah, he is parking his car. Here he is!" Brian was excited.

"Hi, guys" the guy smiled. The rest of the gang stared in surprise, looking at the person who had just joined them at the table.

"J...Justin" AJ stammered, still surprised. Justin took a seat next to Brian.


Okay that's all for today folks ? Hope you like it! Again please send me your feedback okay: aspire34@go.com


Next: Chapter 18

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