When U Say Nothing at All

By tonny aspire

Published on Nov 22, 1999


Author notes:

Hi All...Awww man I had a really great feedback from last chapters, I met a lot of new friends by now. Okay let's play the list of Thank You to: Yuli [it's the new Tonny in here]; James [AAAAAA you just turned 22]; Tim [I couldn't believe that you tricked me on 'From out of the ashes']; Gene [YES SIR! Hahaha 'Surprise'! Surprise!]; Myriddian [hopefully this chapter is not darker than the last one]; Clive [OOO Man I'm glad that you sent your feedback, we are getting a long very quick, aren't we?]; Adam ['test of friendship' hmmm great!]; M. North [happy in this chapter? Hmmm]; Kamisha [Thank You for the flower, that's mean a lot to me :)]; Joanne [Wow thanks for your nice comment, it's still WUSNAA]; Kris [Tony ain't dead in this chapter :)]; D Man ['best story' wow I'm flattered, thanks man :)]; Bart [what peanut gallery? Love your suggestion, mate :)]; Jason 'Firesong' [Thanks for understanding Justin :) MORE!!!! Hahaha]; Angel {how is your cold? Getting better yet?]; Mark [Sorry to make you cry man when you were reading this story :)]; Jason ['Justin and Jason'...at least Justin is pretty lucky in your version]; Alain [Al...I...I...I...never mind! Hahahaha]; David [Thanks for the space in Nifty]; and all of you who still read this story but forget/shy to send your feedback.

All feedback/comment to : Tonny at aspire34@go.com

Disclaimer This story is involving homosexuality. Do not continue if this will offend you. If accessing this story causes you to break local laws, please leave now. By continuing, you implicitly declare and affirm under penalties of perjury that you are not a minor or in the company of a minor and are entitled to have access to sexually explicit material. The content and opinions expressed in this story do not imply anything with regards to the sexual preference of any member of any celebrities named herein. It is a work of fiction entirely. The author takes no responsibility for anyone's actions based upon this work of fiction.

********************************************************************* WHEN YOU SAY NOTHING AT ALL ********************************************************************* Previously on 'When you say nothing at all:

"Howie! You get the car. We will take him to the hospital!" AJ took charge. "Kevin, quick put your clothes on! We don't have much time," Kevin nodded as Nick took me from his arms. Nick carried me in his arms and ran as quickly as possible with AJ's help. AJ sat on the front seat. Howie was driving the car, and Kevin joined Nick in the backseat. Nick put my head on his lap as he stopped the bleeding wrapping a T-shirt around my wrist. Kevin put my legs on his lap. Kevin stared at me with tears in his eyes. Howie was driving the car like it was a formula-1 racer.


The guys waited outside the room as the medical teams worked on me. Kevin was still crying and kept blaming himself. AJ, Howie, and Nick really felt sorry for Kevin. They tried to calm him down. Then a doctor came out of the room. The four of them stood up, waiting for the news.

"I'm sorry..." the doctor said.


"I'm sorry, we can't do much to help him. We have a big problem," The doctor continued.

"What? Please do something, I beg you," Kevin spoke up.

"What's the problem, doc?" Nick asked.

"He lost a lot of blood, and we don't have any supply of his blood type," The doctor explained.

"But you have to do something!" Howie raised his voice.

"Unless I can find a donor with his blood type to give him blood..."

"Tell us what type!" AJ impatiently questioning.

"AB," the doctor looked at the guys.

"WHAT?!?" The four of them said in unison and surprised. Then Nick, Howie, and AJ looked at Kevin.

"Mine is AB, too!" Kevin jumped out to the doctor, "Please take mine! Save him!" Kevin grabbed the doctor and shook him lightly.

"Great! Come with me! Quickly!" He took Kevin into the room while AJ, Howie, and Nick waited outside.

After one hour or so, I slowly opened my eyes. I saw Nick, Howie, and AJ standing around my bed. Then, I looked to the side and saw Kevin lying down on the bed. His right hand was attached to a long, thin tube that had a dark red color. I traced the tube, which ended up in my hand. Kevin looked at me happily as I opened my eyes.

"NOOO!" I screamed, "Let me go! Let me die!" I screamed even louder, hysterical. Then I pulled out the tube from my hand. The blood began spilling out on to the bed. Kevin was surprised to see me react like that. He jumped up from his bed and tried to help the guys calm me down. Nick held my right hand, AJ held my legs, and Howie held my left hand.

"Pleaseeeee, let me die, I don't want to live anymoreeee," I cried as I tried to free myself from them.

"You can't die...I love you. I'm so sorry," Kevin held my face so I could see him.

Then some nurses and a doctor came into the room. One of the nurses injected me with a sedative. The drug ran very fast through my system, and soon I was back to sleep.

"I don't think we need this anymore," the doctor said to Kevin as he took the transfusion tube from his hand. "Don't worry about him, he'll be fine, he's just sleeping," Kevin nodded sadly.

"Looks like he is in a pretty unstable emotional state. You all will have to try to understand him, to help him," the doctor advised as he and his staff left the room.

"It's all my fault," Kevin blamed himself again as he looked at me.

"Kevin, I think, you need to go home, get a change and some rest. Howie will take you home. Let me and Nick wait here," AJ said to Kevin.

"NO! I'll stay here, I won't go anywhere," Kevin said sternly as he took a seat on the chair next to my bed.

"But Kev..." Howie said but cut off.

"NO!" Kevin yelled at Howie. "I'm sorry, guys, if you wanna help me, you can go home and get some of my clothes. You all need a rest," Kevin replied softly.

"Okay, Howie and I are going home. Nick, you stay here with Kevin," AJ said, and Nick nodded.

"Thanks guys," Kevin smiled to his 'brothers'.

3 hours later, AJ and Howie were back at the hospital. They brought some clothes for Kevin. Nick tried to persuade Kevin to eat, while Kevin just stared at me. His face was full of shame, confusion, guilt, and fear. After awhile, it was Nick's turn to go home, as AJ and Howie were watching out for Kevin and me.

"Guys, do you mind if I take a walk for awhile?" Kevin asked AJ and Howie, "I need to freshen my mind,"

"Do you need company?" Howie asked.

"No, I'm fine but please look out for him." Kevin held my hands. "Please call me if he wakes up. Don't worry about me, it won't be long." Kevin replied.

"Okay," AJ said to him.

Kevin kissed me on my cheek before he left. He exited the room and kept walking out of the hospital. He did a lot of thinking as he was waiting for a taxi. Two hours later, Nick came back with some flowers in his hand.

"Hey! Nick," AJ called him up.

"How is he?" Nick asked as he put the flowers on the table next to my bed.

"Still sleeping, no change." AJ replied and Nick sighed.

"Where's Kevin?" Nick asked again.

"He told us that he needed to take a walk for awhile, but it's been 2 hours already," Howie explained.

"Do you think he is going to..." Nick wanted to say something, but Kevin entered the room. "Kev! Where have you been?"

"I'm fine, Nick. Any news yet?" Kevin asked as he put another flower next to my bed. The guys didn't reply, they were just silent. Kevin sighed as he took a seat next to my bed. Then I tried to open my eyes slowly, and Nick was the first one who shouted.

"Ton! You're awake!" Nick cheered. "Quick, call a doctor!" Howie ran out for a doctor. AJ greeted me with his smile, while Kevin let out tears of joy. Before too long, a doctor came into the room. He smiled at me, then checked me over.

"Yes, he's getting better now, but we need to keep him in the hospital for another day, just to make sure," the doctor said to Kevin, then he looked at me. "You should thank him, he saved you." The doctor smiled at me as he referred to Kevin, then he left.

"Ton...I'm sorry. I don't know what happened to me that night," Kevin cried, but I didn't reply. And he knew that I was ignoring him.

"I understand that you are mad at me now, but I'm so sorry, Ton. I really do love you. Please, forgive me," he cried and pleaded with me, and I still kept my silence. Nick, AJ, and Howie watched this sadly.

"Ton, please say something? Tell me what to do? Please forgive me, I love you." Kevin stood up from his chair and looked directly to me as I let out a single tear.

"Ton? I did a lot of thinking after what just happened," Kevin stopped and wiped his tears, then took a small box from his pocket. "I decided to," he opened the box, "marry you."

It was a gold ring. I looked at the ring, then back to his eyes, which were full of hope. Nick, AJ, and Howie froze as they heard what Kevin had said, then started to smile for both of us. I was still silent.

"Would you marry me?" Kevin got down to his knee and waited for my answer. The guys held their breath, also waiting for my answer. I still didn't say anything, just cried more tears. Kevin was still on his knee and held the ring up to me and sang...

All I am, all I'll be Everything in this world All that I'll ever need Is in your eyes Shining at me When you smile I can feel All the passion unfolding Your hands brushes mine And a thousand sensations Seduce me 'cause I

I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still For the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much I do

In my world, before you I lived outside my emotions Didn't know where I was going 'Til that day I found you How you opened my life To a new paradise In a world torn by change Still with all of my heart 'Til my dying day

I do cherish you For the rest of my life You don't have to think twice I will love you still For the depths of my soul It's beyond my control I've waited so long to say this to you If you're asking do I love you this much I do

Kevin tried to hold the tears in his eyes while singing that song for me. Nick and Howie also cried while watching this. AJ covered his mouth to hide his overwhelming feelings about Kevin's actions.

"No, I can't," I said softly, all of them stunned at hearing my answer. "I can't marry you at the moment," I continued.

"Why? Why not?" Kevin demanded an explanation. "Please, I love you." I shook my head no.

"You want to marry me because you feel guilty after you...you did that to me," I wiped my tears as I remembered what happened that night.

"But I really love you. I promise I will do anything for you," Kevin begged me in tears.

I looked at him, "I know you love me, but believe me, I can't forgive you for what you did to me. Never. And I know you're so sorry, but I can't marry you now, because you want to marry me because you feel sorry."

"So tell me what to do." he asked me.

"I don't know, Kev, I don't know. Only time will tell," I replied sadly.

"Do you hate me now?" he asked me again, his voice trembling.

"It's hard for me to hate you, Kev. You're a good guy." I tried to give him a smile.

"I love you, Ton. If you think you can't accept me now, please keep this ring with you," he took my hand, "and tell me when you're ready to wear it. Please?" he pleaded.

After a moment of thinking, I nodded to him and took the box in my hand. Kevin smiled at me as he the tears fell from his eyes. Nick was the first one to come to me and hug me.

"Promise me I'll be your best man, okay?" Nick cheered, and I giggled hearing his remark.

"Yeah! Get in line, Blondie!" Howie mocked Nick as he pulled him away from me, "because I'm sure that you're going to pick me, right!"

"Hey! Give the man a break would you?" AJ said to Howie and Nick, then he looked at me. "You have to pick me, Ton!" I let out a small laugh at seeing them act like kids. Kevin saw me happy as I had a smile back on my face.


I was getting better by now but I still had my bandage around my wrist. That first night after returning from the hospital, I really couldn't look at my bed as it brought back awful memories. Kevin noticed this and decided to sleep outside on the couch. I stopped him, and, instead, I asked Nick, Howie, and AJ to join us in our room. It was like a slumber party.

Today, Nick and the gang went out shopping, while Kevin stayed at home with me. Kevin did some laundry in the laundry room. Then I heard a knock at the front door. I opened the door and in front of me stood a beautiful brunette with long hair and a lot of suitcases in her hands.

"Yeah can I help you?" I asked her.

"Hi! Is Kevin there?" she asked me back.

"Yeah, he's doing some laundry. May I know who you are?" I asked her again.

"I'm Melissa, his girlfriend," she smiled at me. I was stunned for a minute after hearing what she said to me.

"Oh yeah, please come in!" I asked her to come in as I helped her with her suitcases.

"Ton, who's there?" Kevin came to the living room. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Melissa.

"Kevin! How are you, sweetheart?" Melissa ran to Kevin and hugged him. I was pretending to be happy at seeing their reunion.

"I'm fine! Why didn't you call me first?" Kevin looked at me worriedly, then Melissa kissed him on his lips.

"Surprised!" Melissa replied happily, "Oh yeah, who is this?" she pointed at me.

"He...he...he is..." Kevin couldn't finish his words.

"I'm just a friend, a guest here. I'm Tony," I introduced myself to her. Kevin was getting worried watching me.

"Oh hi, Ton, nice to meet you," she smiled at me, then she looked back at Kevin, "Kev, I'm tired, can I have a rest in your room?"

"But Tony..." Kevin spoke up.

"OOO that's okay, let me take my stuff and put it in Nick's room, so you can stay in Kevin's room," I smiled at her and she returned my smile.

I walked to Kevin's room to get my bag and my clothes. When I passed Kevin, he looked down as he couldn't look at me. I quickly took my stuff and went to Nick's room.

"Come on, Kev, I miss you so much," Melissa said as she dragged Kevin to his room.

As I entered Nick's room, I closed the door. I put my bag on the floor and sat on the bed. The room was a little bit messy, so I decided to tidy up for him. Then Kevin entered the room. I ignored him as I kept tidying up Nick's bed.

"Ton, I don't love her. She's the one that I told you about, the one that our management tried to set up for me," he spoke up.

"And you can't tell her about me?" I looked at him.

"Ton...I...I'm..." he couldn't find the words.

"Kevin! Come on!" Melissa came in and called him with her whiny voice. Then she took Kevin out of the room.

I tried not to cry this time. The curse was still on me. I sat on Nick's bed, 'Come on, Ton, you can't be with him. He has a life already. Do you want to ruin his career or what?' some part of me said. 'You don't need him anymore, and he doesn't need you, either.' That phrase kept playing in my head. So I got up, took a piece of paper, and started to write on it.


Thanks for your hospitality while I was here. I decided to go. Please don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I don't know what to say anymore except 'Goodbye'.

Take Care,


PS. Nick, keep your room neat and tidy, okay? :)

I put the letter on his table, and I pulled out the box that Kevin gave me. I opened it and saw the gold ring shining there. I let out a single tear, but I wiped it off right away. I closed the box then put it on the letter. I took my bag and grabbed the envelope full of my money. I counted and found it was still $870.

I put $70 into my own pocket and put the rest back in my bag. I left Nick's room. As I passed Kevin's room, I could hear Melissa giggling in there, so I went downstairs and left the house. I didn't know where to go, then I decided to go the nearest bus stop and take a bus to the main city.

It was a little bit crowded today. I kept walking to nowhere until I stopped in front of a travel agent. I looked at the airfares to Singapore and Australia. They were all above $1800 for a one way trip. I sighed, as my money wasn't enough, I wanted to go back so badly because I don't have anyone in this country any more, at least I can take some pieces back when I leave this country; but it was only a dream now. I hadn't had my lunch yet, so I went to McDonald's then started browsing newspapers for a job. Afterwards, I walked around the city, hoping that maybe I could find a vacant job immediately.


"TONY! KEVIIIN! We're back" Nick yelled as he held a lot of shopping bags. AJ and Howie were following him.

"Hi guys!" Melissa greeted them from the kitchen. The guys were surprised to see Melissa in the house and shot a confused look at Kevin who was standing next to her. Kevin just looked down.

"Kevin, may I have a word with you?" AJ called him, and Kevin walked to meet the guys.

"Have you lost your mind?" AJ whispered to Kevin. "I can't believe this! You're still with her?" AJ gave him an unpleasant look.

"I don't know what to say to her, guys," Kevin replied.

"Kevin, I'm going to our room," Melissa said as she brought two cups of coffee to Kevin's room.

"Huh? Hey, where's Tony?" Nick asked Kevin.

"He's staying in your room," Kevin replied softly.

"Ya know, you're sick, Kevin!" Nick said in anger as he passed Kevin on the way to his bedroom. Nick went to his room and didn't see anyone in his room. So he went back to confront Kevin.

"I didn't see him in my room," Nick looked at Kevin for more explanation.

"Well he said he wanted to sleep in your room. He took his bag to your room," Kevin replied. Then Nick went back to his room again. He noticed that his room was so neat, and he saw a small box on the table. Then he found my note. He read the note and screamed.

"GUYS! Come here!" Nick called. All of them started running to Nick's room. "He left," Nick said sadly as he showed my letter to them.

"What?!?" Kevin took the letter from Nick's hand.

"Kev, he left you this," Nick gave me the box. Kevin was panicking, as he realized that I had really left him.

"This is all your fault!" AJ yelled at Kevin. "Now you're hurting him again," Kevin cried.

"No wonder he can't accept your love easily. You treat him like dirt," Howie said to Kevin who was still in tears. "Where are you going, Nick?"

"Guys, it's getting dark, and he's out there somewhere. He is not 100% fit," Nick said sadly. "I gotta find him,"

"I'll go with you," AJ and Howie said at the same time. The three of them looked at Kevin, who still holding the box and the letter.

"What's going on in here?" Melissa barged in. She was confused as she saw Kevin in tears.

"I think your boyfriend here has a lot of explaining to do," AJ said sarcastically as he looked at Kevin.

"Well?" Melissa came forward, in front of Kevin.

Then Kevin started to tell the whole story to his 'girlfriend' Melissa looked really angry as she found out the truth. She cried. When Kevin finished his story, Melissa slapped him on the face.

"How could you? How could you do that to me? Am I your toy or something?" Melissa cried. "I think I need to get out of here."

"Melissa, I'm so sorry, I..." Kevin spoke up.

"SHUT UP! Please just go find him. You've already hurt enough people today," Melissa wipe her tears. "I'll be fine, and I'm out of here," she said as she left the room.

"Let's go guys!" AJ said to his friends and he looked at Kevin, "Are you coming or what?"

Kevin nodded as he put the box into his pocket, and left the house with the guys.


I was pretty tired by then, so I took a seat on the bench. I kept watching the street, as it was getting dark and quiet.

"I want to talk to you," someone spoke to me. I looked, and it was Justin. I was so happy to see him again, standing in front of me.

"Justin," I said to him happily, "How are you?"

"I'm fine," he replied coldly. "I need to ask you something. I tried to trust you but ... I don't know..." he stopped.

"But what?" I asked him back.

"Please just answer yes or no," he took a deep breath. "Did you sleep with Jimmy and Kevin?"

I sat stunned at his question. I really didn't know what to tell him. I mean, technically Jimmy and Kevin did it to me, so I did sleep with them.

"Who told you that?" I asked him softly and worriedly.

"Brian!" he replied.

"Justin, I should..." I wanted to say something but he cut me off.

"YES OR NO! TELL ME THE TRUTH!" Justin yelled at me. It took me awhile to answer his question. 'Should I lie to him?' I asked myself.

"Yeah," I replied sadly, and he closed his eyes, "But..."

"Shut up! Just shut up! I don't wanna hear anymore." He said to me full of anger. Then he ran to his car and left me.

I saw his car driving away from me. I let out the tears slip from my eyes, 'Why can't he listen to me?' I asked myself. Then I decided to keep walking again, until I felt tired again. Around 11pm, the street was really quiet as the weather was getting colder. I was so damn tired and couldn't walk anymore, so I sat down in front of a Chinese grocery store. I just sat there until I fell asleep.


"Come on, Ton, where are you?" Kevin said as the four of them searched for me from their car.

"I think we should go back guys," Howie said.

"NO! Keep looking!" Kevin raised his voice. "He is out there."

"Yeah, he doesn't have anyone else to turn to here," Nick added as he kept browsing the street corner.

"I understand, guys, but it's been 5 hours already, and we're still searching for him. We need rest, guys. I'm sure Tony will be fine. He is a smart guy, and he can take care himself for tonight," AJ explained.

"AJ's right, we should call off the search, and we'll continue in the morning," Howie said.

Nick and Kevin didn't say anything, but they both nodded in the end. So they went back to Kevin's house.

"I'm sorry, Ton." Kevin said softly as the car headed back to home.


I woke up as someone threw water on my face.

"WAKE UP! Get out of here! I need to open my store," a Chinese guy yelled at me.

"I'm sorry," I said as I stood up, then I felt something wrong, "Where's my bag?" I asked the Chinese guy.

"What bag? Get away! I have a lot of work to do!" He pushed me away from his store.

I walked slowly away. I looked around me, confused and crying. I stopped in an empty alley. I sat down on the ground and cried harder. Someone stole my bag. It wasn't just my clothes that were gone, but also my $800 in the envelope.

"GREAT! WHAT NEXT, GOD?!?! HUH?" I screamed in tears.

"You can't let me die, but you keep giving me these ordeals," I continued.

That I would be good even if I did nothing That I would be good even if I got the thumbs down That I would be good if I got and stayed sick That I would be good even if I gained ten pounds

That I would be fine even if I went bankrupt That I would be good if I lost my hair and my youth That I would be great if I was no longer queen That I would be grand if I was not all knowing

That I would be loved even when I numb myself That I would be good even when I am overwhelmed That I would be loved even when I was fuming That I would be good even if I was clingy

That I would be good even if I lost sanity That I would be good

After half an hour, I managed to calm myself. I stood up and noticed that I still had $55 in my pocket. I walked out of the alley, looking for some cheap food for breakfast.

The street was just getting crowded with people. I kept walking with the flow. I looked up and saw someone that looked like Justin. I came up to him and called his name.

"Justin!" I called to him, and he turned around.

"Excuse me! Do I know you?" he was not Justin, but his hair and body really looked like Justin.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else," I replied sadly, then I turned around to leave him. He grabbed my shoulder and stopped me.

"Wait! Can I help you? You look lost," he smiled at me. I looked down at myself. Yeah, I looked like a mess.

"I'm fine, thank you. Sorry for the misunderstanding," I apologized.

"That's cool," he smiled again as he looked at me like a homeless person, "Do you want to have breakfast with me? My treat!"

"That's all right, I..."

"Come on! I'm a tourist. Maybe we can chat for a bit while we have breakfast. I saw a French Café over there. Come on," he took my hand, and I nodded.

"Oh yeah, what's your name? I'm Ryan," he offered me his hand.

"I'm Tony," I shook his hand, "and, yeah, I know you. Ryan Phillippe." He looked at me surprised.

"You know me?" he asked me.

"Yeah, I've watched your movies. 54 and Cruel Intention," I replied.

"You know me, and you didn't scream," he asked me back.

"Ha? Should I?" I asked as we both walked to the café.

"No, I meant that, when people know me, they start acting like fans, ya know!" he explained.

"Yeah, I know what you mean," I replied with smile. Finally we arrived at the café.

"Let sit outside. Lovely weather, eh?" he took a seat.

"Yeah," I took a seat in front of him, then we browsed the menu.

A waiter came to us to take our orders. It seemed that he'd just arrived in the US or something, because he tried to speak English with his French accent. Ryan looked confused, as it was hard to understand his English. The waiter noticed this and looked worried. I just smiled at him.

"Vous etes francais?" I asked him whether he's French. Ryan looked me, surprised that I spoke French.

"Oui [=yes]," he replied happily. "Vous?"

"Je ne suis pas francais," I told him that I'm not French. He nodded, happy that I could understand French.

"Qu'est-ce que vous recommendez?" he asked what we would like to order.

"Ryan, he asked you what you would like to order?" I asked Ryan.

"Oh yeah. Hmmm, cake and coffee please," he replied.

"Nous voudrions une gateau et une croissant," I said to the waiter, and he wrote it down.

"Que voulez-vous boire?" he asked me what we would have to drink.

"Nous voundrions deux tasse de café," I replied, "That's it, thank you,"

The waiter giggled as I ended my French with English, and he left. Ryan sat amazed looking at me.

"What? Coffee and Cake right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah, you speak French?" he asked me back.

"Non, I speak a little bit of French," I replied with a smile.

He then started asking me about everything. I didn't want to tell all of my problems to him, so I tried not to answer personal questions. He seemed to understand that.

Before he asked me any more questions, I asked him about his wife, Reese, and his baby.

"So I keep telling you about me, now its your turn," he said, then sipped his coffee.

"What do you wanna know?" I smiled at him.

"Hmmm...How did you end up living in the street? I mean, you seem like an educated person. It's hard for me to believe that you're homeless," he asked bluntly. I didn't reply to his question. Instead, I just stared at my coffee.

"Are you okay, Ton? You don't have to answer it if it's too personal for you," he looked at me with concern. Just as I wanted to say something, I saw Kevin and the guys across the street.

"Ryan, I'm sorry, I have to go. Thanks for the meal," I stood up and ran away from the café.

"TONY! WAIT!" Ryan shouted. Nick heard someone calling my name and turned to follow the voice. He spotted me running away from the café.

"There he is!" Nick said to the guys. Kevin looked in my direction. He was the first one to run, crossing the street and trying to catch me. Then the others were following him.

"TONY! WAIT! PLEASE! DON'T RUN!" Kevin called me. I was so surprised that he found me already. I ran as fast as I could, but I fell to the ground near the empty alley. Finally, Kevin caught up to me as he knelt down to help me. The others were just watching, not far away from us.

"Tony..." Kevin stopped me from running.

"Please, Kev, just let me go, pleaseee," I cried. "What do you want from me now?" I looked at him sadly. "You tried me already, what more do you want? Please leave me alone. Just go with her. Your career is saved with her, just let me go!" I said sadly as I tried to escape from his hug.

"I'm sorry, Ton. I love you. I told her about us, please give me another chance. I really love you, please don't go," he looked at me with his teary eyes.

"Kev, I'm not the one for you. Trust me, you can find someone much better than me," I replied.

"No! No one is better than you. You're the one for me. I love you, and I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I let you go. I love you, please, I need you," he said to me sternly.

"Please not me, I..." I said but stopped as Kevin kissed me on the lips. I pushed him away from me, and he fell backward.

"I'm sorry," I cried as I ran across the street. Nick, Howie, and AJ just stood there, while Kevin tried to catch me again. As Kevin crossed the street, a car came speeding towards him, but he didn't see it.

"KEVIN! WATCH OUT!" Nick screamed.

But Nick's warning was too late. The car hit Kevin really hard. I could hear Kevin scream as the car hit him. I turned around and saw Kevin on the ground, full of blood. I ran back to him.

"No! NO! Kevin! Kevin! Please wake up! I'm sorry," I cried harder as I picked him up and put my arms around his body. I pulled him closer to me, "Kev, please answer me, pleaseeee!"


Okay another week of waiting, please be patient. I'll post it as soon as possible. The next one, it will be the BEST CHAPTER EVER!!! [Fingers cross ;)]. >From the time being, let me hear your say about this chapter. All comments are welcomed, as usual send it to aspire34@go.com

'Love comes to those who believe it'


Next: Chapter 21

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