Where Am I At? Transgender/Mind Control

By Sissy Joann Nail

Published on Dec 6, 2017



I will love to take comments at sissyjoann@hotmail.com

I wake up with a massive headache and stumble around a room I finally found a bathroom and turned on the sink. I splashed water on my face and walk over to a toilet I don't recognize and pulled down my underwear.

After pissing in the toilet I looked at myself and I was wearing panties. After I got my senses I saw I was a wearing a summer dress and panty house. Then I ran back into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Oh, my God, I saw a pretty girl.

I go back to the bed and said," What the hell?"

That shocked me my voice was an octave higher. I got to my cell phone and dialed my landlord's number.

She answered on the 3d ring and said," Hello, this Jim and I am in a strange hotel and it is called The Arrowhead."

She said," Dear I will be there in about 20 minutes."

I got up after disconnecting and I started pacing the floor wondering what was going on.

First off, I was Jim Daniels and was a handyman made a pretty good living at it and when I did some work on my landlord's rentals she even gave me a good discount on my rent.

The room was cheap run of the mill clean room with the cheap scenery paintings that you would see. A television secured to the dresser slash stand.

After 20 minutes I heard a knock on the door and I slowly opened the door a crack.

She said," Dear what happened, how did you get here?"

I said," That is it? Is that all you are wondering?"

She came in and she said," I still can't believe how pretty you are."

I screamed," What the hell happened? This isn't me!"

She said," Yes, it is you started changing yourself about 2 years ago. First, you started wearing panties then you started getting bras and dresses. Then you started taking hormones. Somehow, without surgery, you started looking so feminine. Let me take you home."

I got in her car and she drove me back to my place but as we arrived I gasped in shock.

I said," Where is my pickup?"

She said," You sold that and you got that cute car."

I said," I am a handyman, I can't do that without my pickup."

She laughed and said," You silly, you now help me manage my various properties."

I shrieked," Since when?"

She said," You have been managing some of my properties now for about 2 to 3 months and you have been doing a wonderful job."

I went into my house and I screamed again.

My house looks like a woman lives in it. My couch has all kinds of throw pillows on it. Also, I used to have a deer head on the wall that I shot in high school now that is gone.

I went into my bedroom and my bed had a dust ruffle on it and I know what it is because my sister has one. My bed also has 5 matching throw pillows on it and is all frilly.

I started to subconsciously undressing for bed and then pulling back the covers and I realized I was in a short nightgown.

By now I was overwhelmed and I went to bed just thinking about my day but according to my landlord about a year. If that is true what happened to it? My last memory is of being a handyman. I was occasionally dating women and now I look like one. But before I turned off my lamp I screamed again.

There on the nightstand was a picture of a man, a man I don't recognize.

I looked at it close thinking my he is handsome. I can't believe what just went through my mind.

I turned off the lamp and I looked at the ceiling and thinking about what was going on. Not only do I look different but I think differently. It is like somebody switched brains with me.

Finally through exhaustion I slowly fell asleep more confused then when I woke up in that motel room.

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