Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 12, 2002



Oh, this would be interesting. The Backstreet Boys performing with the Spice Girls. Yeah, they were the girls pop group of the moment, and the Backstreet Boys were just turning out to be a well known group in America, because in Europe they were already very famous.

Brian had just turned 21, and his best friend was still 16 years old. They were now heading to Kevin's room, where they'd all talk about their first meeting with the spicy girls.

"I don't know, I think they are hot." - AJ was the first to talk.

"Well, thats besides the point. They are hot, but will it work out?" - Howie asked.

"I think it will. Management thinks its a good idea coz you guys all know how those girls are hitting it off all over the world, and now that we are on TRL it would be just the perfect thing to perform a few times with them."

"Whatever. They are too crazy! I mean, we are crazy, but they... I don't know, I think they get to the point of being kinda rude."

"Right, I agree with Nick." - Brian said. - "But I still think we can go on with that."

They all stared at each other.

"Yeah, it can be fun..." - Howie said.

"Oh, it WILL be fun..." - AJ grinned.

"Nick, you can just hang around with baby spice. You and Emma would make such a cute couple together!" - Kevin teased and everyone laughed.

"Yeah, right. I really hate them but I can change my mind if we share backstage and I get to see them change in their underwear."

"Thats my boy!" - AJ exclaimed and everyone laughed harder this time.

They would carry on with this idea. Just hope it'd work out.

Their first show was awsome. An amazing crowd showed up, not only the usual teen girls, but lots of boys came up this time to check on the five hot girls sharing the stage with them. This was just the constant headline at MTV chanel, which proved this was really an exellent idea for both pop groups.

The teen singers could really get along perfectly during the shows, but when they were off at a hotel it wouldn't be that peaceful. Those crazy women would intimidate Nick. They were always trying to show off and be in the spot light, not as pop stars, but even as normal people. They didn't talk, they screamed and they were always laughing, making a shy person feel even worse. As the guys said Nick liked Emma. She was sweet and she was the one he'd talk most of the times. While Brian got his little crush on Mel B. Yeah, that girl was surely hot, Brian thought.

Geri and Mel C. could be fun to hang around with, but Vick... Oh, my! AJ was was running after her like a horny dog. But the others didn't like her at all. Ok, let's face it, she was gorgeous. But so damn stuck up! That wonderful woman was constantly on an ego trip. And she'd even misstreat the people who served them. This would just make some of the boys pissed. Why in hell couldn't she be nice for instance?

Anyway, they are finally on to their last concert together and then bye bye Spice Girls.

It was in New York and the arena was so crowded that they were all gotten by surprise. So many young teens, boys, girls, whole families, moms, dads, so many fans!

They performed an amazing show. It was their last concert together so they had prepared some surprises, some extra songs and stuff.

When it was finally over they all headed to their backstage and took a shower. They had separate places, for Nick's deep sorrow. It was around 1:00am when they were all ready to go home that Nick heard Vicktoria screaming to someone as he was passing by.

Nick came closer to see what it was all about and saw Vick in an argument with an old lady encharged of their cloths to the concert. For all Nick could hear the lady had forgotten to bring out the especial outfit Vick had demanded and she lost precious time looking for it.

"I'm so sorry, ma'm, but they couldn't deliver your dress in time. They had some problems that..."

"I don't care what the hell happened, I payed a lot for that outfit and I needed it for tonight! You have any ideia how much time I wasted looking for it?!"

"Again, I'm sorry, ma'm, but I couldn't do anything, its not my fault. I tried to talk to them but..."

"Screw you! I want my dress now!"

"Hey!" - Nick entered the discussion. - "You can't treat her like that, Vick."

By this moment AJ, Brian, Mel B and Mel C arrived the scene.

"Who are you to say what I can or can't do, kid? I do whatever I want, I can do whatever I want and treat people the way I want!"

Nick felt anger build inside of him. First of all he turned to the lady and said to her she could go.

"Thanks." - she said relieved and went away.

"Why did you just do that?" - Vick asked pissed off by the time Howie and Emma had gathered hearing the screams.

"Vicktoria, you are much of an insensitive person. Don't you have a heart? How could you treat that old lady like that? What happened is probably not her fault!"

"What do you know about that? You shouldn't have interupted you dumbass!"

"Vick!" - Mel B. and Brian shouted.

"You guys let it go, its between me and him now! You think you can just walk into my life and tell me how to behave? Well, what do you know about life, boy? You have grown up being spoiled by family and friends. You know nothing about me!"

"I may have lack of experience about life, but something my parents did teach me, you have to respect other human beings!"

"Fuck you!" - she exploded.

"What the hell is going on here?" - Kevin asked in shock.

"Just our friend being rude." - Mel B. sighed.

Emma, Geri, Mel C, Howie, AJ and even Brian were too scared and bafflened to say something.

"Its ok, Kevin." - Nick said without letting go of Vick's eyes.

"No, its not okay. You can't tell me what to do with my life! You are nothing but a little stupid boy full of insecurities that probably has no friends besides this group! You think these are your friends?" - she pointed to the other Backstreet Boys. - "They feel pity about you. Because you are imature, you are childish and you just don't realize your attitudes ain't funny!"

"Thats not true!!"

"Yes it is. You think I'm rude? Well, at least the few people that like me truly mean it!"

"You are making no sense!" - Nick screamed.

"Oh really? I'm sure you are about to cry right now! Oh Nick, mommy isn't here for you, when will you grow up?"

Nick felt something pressing his throat. This woman was humiliating him and Nick was sufocating with his uncried tears.

"I feel sorry for you." - he said in a husky voice. - "You are the one with no friends. I pray for the day you'll learn how to be a nicer person."

Vick blew her top once again and slapped Nick in the face, making it sound very loud and causing everyone to drop their chins.

Nick looked at her with a mixture of confusion and hate. He glanced at everyone in there staring closely at him and felt small. Nick felt ashamed. He could feel his eyes getting moist, but at that point he would rather death than crying in front of them.

Nick steped away and with a fast move he turned around and almost ran to the closest dressing room.

The others were all looking at each other.

"I'll catch him." - Brian said.

Brian knew he had to rush before Nick locked himself into the room. He arrived just in time Nick was about to do that.

"I wanna be alone!" - he screamed.

"Nick, its me, Brian. Its ok... Let me in, please."

After a couple of minutes Nick did what Brian was telling him to.

As soon as Brian was in he closed the door and walked towards the dressing room, the door locked behind him.

He saw Nick walking nervously to both sides of that small room. It should probably belong to one of the girls. It had this pink baby light shining through the place and the little yellow lights surrounding the large mirror.

Nick finally sat in the big soft seat that was all long the mirror and let himself show his feelings. He buried his head in his hands and cried hard. At first Brian stood there looking at him. He didn't want to say a thing. He knew Nick was hurt. He had to give him time to go through this first outburst of tears. Vick had humilitated him in front of his best friends and had gotten to his nerve, the fact of being lonely, being shy and insecure. He didn't deserve that. Nick was the best friend Brian had ever had and now that his cry was calming down he felt it was time to let him know that.

Brian sat close to Nick, still not being able to look into his eyes. Nick still had his hands covering his face. He knew he was the only person Nick would let himself cry freely in front of. Slowly he reached out his hand and touched Nick's back.

"Nick... its ok."

"Why Brian?!" - Nick's voice was angry and trembling.

"Why what?"

"Why there are so many mean people in the world?"

"Oh... I don't know Nick. But you gotta feel pity about Vick. As you said, she may have everything money can buy, but deep inside I bet she has a sad life."

"I know this. She embarrassed me in front of you! She said you guys didn't like me and..."

"And she was a bitch saying that. We love you Nick. I don't even know why this got to you. You know how much we care about you. Nick, we've seen you grow up with us! Together we went through a lot of joy and sorrows... We've shared the most painful and wonderful moments in our careers and personal lives. We can always turn to each other, remember? We are a family."

"But why did she say that? How did she know all that stuff about me being insecure?"

Without Nick even noticing Brian had now his head on his shoulder, Nick staring at the ceiling and Brian's hands one on his chest and the other wiping Nick's tears.

"Nick, she said whatever she thought that would hurt you. Everyone who lives with you for a while, like they did, gets to know how you are sweet and caring with your friends. She realized that by touching this part of your life she'd hurt you deep."

Nick was sobbing. Suddnetly he turned to face Brian. It was the first time their eyes met and Brian gave him one of his famous smiles. Nick smiled too.

"Well..." - Brian began. - "she said her outfit didn't arrive in time. At least now we know why she was dressed like a 80 years old woman!"

Nick bursted out laughing. A couple of minutes later he faced Brian again and this time he was the one smiling to his friend.

"Thank you so much, Brian. You know how much I need you. How much I need the guys."

Brian looked into his eyes and all he saw was truth and pain. The Backstreet Boys didn't mean a group to Nick, it meant his second family. The friends he had never had. And at the same time he was so hurt coz of what he had just listened. Oh, Brian couldn't stand seeing that boy in so much pain. Why the hell did that girl say those things? How could she hurt Nick? How could anyone hurt Nick?

Brian cared so much about Nick that it broke his heart seeing him force that smile. He couldn't denny, he WAS hurt. That moment seeing all that take place Brian didn't even think, he didn't know what he was doing, all he wanted was to give an end to Nick's pain.

Nick still had his head on Brian's chest and was looking up at him. The next moment Brian had his lips pressing against Nick's. They were both with closed eyes, and this kiss lasted for less than three seconds.

As soon as Brian realized what he had done he pulled away looking very confused to everything around them. And finally met Nick's eyes again. He was smiling.

"What was that?" - Nick asked with a soft voice and smily eyes.

"I'm sorry." - Brian was worried. He didn't want Nick to have wrong ideas that he was in love with him. No, he loved Nick as a friend, but he had no doubts about loving him for real or his sexuality. That kiss was just... he needed that to show him how much he cared for him... Oh, damn! If only he could go back on time. - "I don't know why I did that. I think... it just seemed like the right thing to show you how much I care... I'm so, so sorry, Nick..."

"Hey, c'mon, Brian! Its ok! You are my dude! I totally understand that."

And Nick began to laugh very loud forcing Brian to follow him.

"That was, that was..." - Nick began.

"Weird!" - Brian said and they both laughed again.

"Yes!" - Nick stood up and Brian did the same.

"So, are we ok?"

"Of course we are Brian! You are my friend and just showed me that! No big deal, c'mon!"

Brian smiled. He was feeling so great. Everything was perfect. Thank God Nick understood what he did.

Nick came close and gave his friend a hug.

"Thank you so much, Brian." - he said before they left the dressing room.

Hm... is there anyone reading it? :: grins:: Just so that I know... it would be nice if there is.... Please e-mail me so that I write faster! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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