Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 19, 2002



Two days later they had finally gotten rid of Spice Girls and were all very satisfied. They were going to have three days for themselves, to recover from the exhaustive series of shows they had been performing every night. After that they would have two days in a row of photo shoots, which they weren't looking forward to. And finally to top it off, in the weekend they'd have dancing lessons, once they were about to begin the Backstreet's Back album tour.

For now Nick and Brian were hanging out, too involved in a basketball game. AJ and Kevin had gone shopping and Howie was probably asleep. It was a hot Wednesday afternoon and the boys were soon all sweaty.

"Oh, my God! I need to drink some water or I'm gonna faint!" - Nick sighed letting go of the ball.

"Oh, same here. Lets get something."

Five minutes later they were all back this time to sit on the ground.

"Hey, Nick, guess who called me yesterday?"

"Hm... Your mom?"

Brian laughed.

"My mom? No, Nick. Samatha called."

"Your ex? What she wanted? I thought she hated you."

"Why do you think that?"

"Well, maybe its coz before she left our hotel she screamed: "I hate you!""

Both guys laughed.

"Yeah, I remember. She was really angry."

"She was pissed!"

"Whatever. She just wouldn't understand I couldn't be with her every second of everyday! You know, I have my career and it meant nothing to her."

"I see, but I still liked her. She was so fun to be around! If I were you I wouldn't have broken up with her. I mean, I don't think she is that damn gorgeous, but she was sweet and funny."

"I know, that's why I fell in love with her. But we are so over... Anyway, as I was saying she called me and said that maybe we could be friends. Only friends, nothing but friends. I kinda like the idea, ya know?"

"Yeah, me too. Its nice to have her around."

"She told me she was writing a book."

"A book?"


"What about it?"

"I don't know. She said it was helping her getting over our romance and stuff. I honestly don't care. I mean, I'm just glad she is ok. I still like her so much, we've always been friends."

Nick sighed and they both remained quiet for a couple of minutes.

"I ran into this girl yesterday, I think I have a date for tonight. Thats the good thing about being single, Brian. And as much as I'd love to have a girlfriend and be in love I just love to fool around, go out with different girls and just make out. Its fucking awsome!"

Brian laughed.

"Guess I'm no longer 16, Nick. Hey, what are we doing here? Lets play, huh? I'm gonna beat ya!"

"Oh, ya think? Lets see, 'baybay'." - Nick said with a teasing voice and a grin.

They stood up and kept playing for the next two hours and a half.

They were having such a great time together that time flew within what seemed like seconds.

Suddnely Nick caught Brian out of his guard and jumped on his back.

"Nicky! You are gonna take us to the ground!" - Brian said between their laugh. - "You know you used be way smaller when we did this!"

"Haha! Yeah, I mean, I was even smaller than you!"

"Hey!" - Brian sounded offended but seeing Nick's smile couldn't help but laughing too.

Brian turned around and looked Nick into his eyes.

"We are gonna be best friends forever, right Bri?"

"Of course, Nick!"

They both smiled once again before going away to their hotel.

Second day of photo shoot. Group pictures. Change cloths. Change positions. Hugging, smiling. Oh, change hair style too. Hm... a more formal picture. Ok, now a very informal one. Glasses? No, they don't look good. AJ, could you please take these off? Right, now Kevin, could you be in the middle of the other boys? Like, you are the oldest, right? Yes, just perfect. No, Nick don't move! Now with straight faces, looking really mad and sexy...

Oh, Lord, could it be more boring?

Two hours later they were blessed with a small break while everyone was taking individual pics. It was already very late and they were looking forward to be on their beds. Ok, the thought of having dancing class for Backstreet's Back wasn't very pleasent, but c'mon, it was a part of their dream. They were lucky boys.

"Ok, just to finish this section, Nick and Brian, I want Frick and Frack pictures, you guys c'mon here. The others are free to go."

"Hey, not fair!" - Nick exclamed very tired but still did what had been told to.

They took lots of cute pictures together, hugging, smiling, goofing off, all the kind of stuff they were really used to do in the day by day.

Sometimes when Brian would touch Nick's shoulder, or hug him the thought of what he had done just rushed through his mind during some seconds.

'Damn, can't I just let it go? I mean, does Nick think about that? No, what I meant is: has he ever thought about that again? Not that I felt anything, Nick is my friend. But I liked what we did. He is just like a brother, I was ok with that, but is he really ok? I mean, didn't he get mad at me or anything?'

By this time Nick pulled him close and kissed him in the cheek.

'Guess that answers my question', Brian thought and smiled.

Half an hour later they were back at the hotel to have dinner with the rest of the boys.

"I'm broke." - Howie mumbled after four hours of dancing to the Backstreet's Back and some of the Backstreet Boys's tracks.

"Me too." - AJ said throwing himself onto the floor and lying there, immoble.

"If I get to listen to "Everbody" one more time I swear I'll puke." - Kevin said.

"Ok, you guys, you are free to go!" - their coreographer said.

"Thanks, Fatima!" - Brian sounded a little angry. - "You really worn us out this time!"

"Well, lets just say you needed to get in shape!" - she said with an evil grin.

"Nick, are you still alive?" - AJ asked to the boy sitting on the floor and staring at his feet.

"Yeah... I think."

"Ok then, I'll go take a shower." - AJ said already heading to their dressing room.

"I'll go after him." - Kevin said.

"You can go later, Howie. Me and Nick go last."

"Ok, but as soon as everyone takes a shower go right back to the hotel, we have our own cars, and tomorrow morning we are taking off to Denver, member?"

"Yeah, Kev." - Howie said.

"Fine then."

"I'm not with my car, I'll go with Brian." - Nick said.

When AJ left the dressing room it was Kevin's turn to take a shower. When he was also done Howie took his stuff to do the same.

"You can go when he finishes." - Brian said.

"Thanks, Frick."

Howie took his backpack and left with his car keys. Brian waited in the dressing room while Nick was still in the shower.

Fifteen minutes later he showed up.

"All yours, Frick."

"Ok, I won't take too long, I'm tired as hell."

"Oh! Brian cussing?" - Nick teased.

"Shut up, Frack. I'm really tired." - Brian said with a light smile.

"Ok, I'll wait here."

"Fine." - Brian said taking his towel and closing the bathroom's door.

Nick stood there looking at every single space of that room. The white walls seemed so peacefull at that time of the night. No backstreet boy rushing, no assistents, no managment people. There wasn't anyone left in the room. Nick was sure.

He leaned against his chair and sighed. God, he was tired! All he could think of was his bed. All he could think of.... his bed. All that was in his mind... sleeping. He was tired, God, he needed his bed! His eyes closed. His bed was all he could think about.

"Sleeping here, Nick?" - Brian giggled. - "What are you dreaming about?"

"Pamela Anderson naked moaning on my bed."

"Haha! Hey, watch out! We are talking about my Pammy here!" - Brian said with a laughter and Nick smiled.

While Brian was drying his hair on the towel Nick stood up and began to look for his things. Suddenly Brian stopped combing his hair and was staring at Nick through the mirror.

"What?" - Nick asked.

"Nutting. This place is just weird when theres no one around. Ya know, I think I just got used to the constant screams and rushing we go through."

"Yeah, me too! I was just thinking the very same thing!"

Brian saw Nick getting close to him and letting go of the mirror he was now looking at his best friend.

"Brian..." - he started. - "Have you thought about that... hm... the kiss... ya know... any time during this week?"

"Oh...!" - Brian was caught a little out of guard but he was willing to go further and see if he wasn't the only thinking about that. Maybe it wasn't right, maybe Nick got mad. - "Well, once or another, ya know. It was just out of normal... I mean, I was ok coz you are such a close friend to me and..."

"Yeah, thats it." - Brian stopped to hear Nick. - "I was thinking about that and I know what you are probably wondering. I ain't mad at you, not at all." - Nick took a deep breath. - "I wanted to say something but this will sound weird."

Nick waited for Brian's reaction.

"Just... say it." - Brian felt his heart racing. Adrenaline. He was in a roller coaster and it was about to speed up going down the hill.

"Well, first of all, I am not gay."

"Me neither!"

"I know that."

"Well, I know you ain't either."

Nick laughed and so did Brian.

"I'm so completely sure I like girls, I do not feel attracted to other men."

"Same here."

"The thing is... I've thought a lot about that kiss. Really and I'm sorry for that, but everytime I touch you its just... hm... I don't know, I wonder how would it be..."

"If you gave it another try?"

"Hm, yes. Like, aren't you curious? I mean, to see what it'd be like? If we kissed?"

Brian held his breath for a couple of seconds.

"I think... yes." - he had no voice.

"Really? Wouldn't it get weird? I mean, I don't want this to ruin our friendship..."

"No, it won't! I guess it'd be fine to give it a go... ya know, curiosity is a bitch."

They laughed cutting a little of the tension around them.

Ok, now was the time when words fade out.

Nick moved slowly towards Brian. He didn't want to think anymore. What the hell he was doing didn't matter, he knew he could never change.

Brian closed his eyes and felt when Nick's breath approached his face. His heart was racing with the idea of doing something "forbidden", but deep inside it was ok coz none of them was taking this as any kind of romance. It'd be nothing but... getting to know a little more of each other.

Their lips met innocently. After this touch they stood still, both afraid to make any move. They weren't even pressing their lips, they were just touching. Nick took Brian's lower lip between his and just stopped to feel it. Brian could also feel Nick's wet lips. They were so soft! Now he caressed Nick's lips with his. Everything so pure, so slowly... so weird but so good.

Nick slowly took corage enough to use his tongue. But all he did was to lick softly Brian's lips. He didn't know what they were doing, but he wanted to feel every little thing of that. Brian foght the urge to touch Nick's tongue with his. He just stood there, letting Nick run his tongue so slowly over his lips.

When Nick stopped Brian made his move. With his lips he felt Nick had his parted and not wanting to scare him, slower than anything else he began to slide his tongue inside Nick's mouth.

At first Nick felt a little scared. He had Brian's tongue inside his mouth, what was he supposed to do? So he did nothing but close his eyes. He let Brian do whatever he wanted.

Brian realized Nick wasn't moving. Maybe he was just as scared. But now he wanted to... feel it. He found Nick's tongue and began to lick it, to massage his tongue with his own. It wasn't much of a kiss, it was really like... tasting. Their mouths weren't glued to each other, you could even see Brian's tongue in Nicks mouth. You could see him licking his tongue, sliding it inside Nick's mouth.

Suddenly Brian took his tongue out of his mouth but kept his lips connected, like telling Nick it was his turn to make a move. Nick understood that, but was way too scared. Even slower than Brian did, his tongue found its way to his friend's mouth. Brian didn't want to, but let a really quick and low moan scape his lips. This made Nick feel more right about that. He found Brian's tongue in his mouth and played with it using his own.

"OMG", the though. "Right now I have my tongue inside Brian's mouth! No it isn't anyone, it is BRIAN! My best friend and I am licking his tongue!"

Again we couldn't say they were kissing. Nick didn't feel that as a kiss. He was tasting Brian's tongue. And Brian was doing the same with his. Brian then used his lips to suck Nick's tongue, and while doing that he touched the tip of his own tongue into Nick's and just licked... just tasted it.

Nothing of this seemed real. But it had to end sometime. Nick waited untill Brian stop licking his tongue to back off a little and wait for Brian to open his eyes. Finally the first time he did that after seven minutes keeping them close while kissing.

"So..." - Nick said with a huge grin when their eyes met.

"Well, I guess that was ok."

"Yeah... Really... hm, ok."

"Right. Actually, it was good."

"Yep, you are a great kisser." - Nick said laughing and blushing a little.

"Oh, thanks, I'm glad I can say the same for you." - Brian also blushed but was still smiling.

"Wow! Honestly that was the best kiss I've ever had!"

"Oh, my God, me too!" - Brian said a little in shock. - "I mean, we didn't actually kiss... It was more like..."


"Yeah, you took the word from my mouth."

They kept quiet a little but the silence was soon broke by Nick.

"So, hey Frick... We are ok, right?" - although the smile he had on his face Nick was a bit scared.

"Yeah! Why shouldn't we be? We both agreed we'd do it only for curiosity."


"Besides, now we can be even closer, I mean, we've shared something different." - Brian said.


Nick smiled and kept eye contact with Brian.

"Hey, Frack. Come here."

Nick did what he said and they hugged. After a minute like that they pulled off.

"We'd better get goin' before Kevin comes back here see if we are ok!"

"Oh, God! You are right, Bri. Let's go, I don't want Kevy here bitching us."

They laughed while Nick finished taking his stuff to go.

"Ready?" - Brian asked.

"Yeppers." - Nick answered with a smile. It was all ok, thank God!


So sorry about the awful state the text was in! I don't know what happenes, its only with this story that I have trouble in converting to txt The others go so well!

I hope it looks better now and I'll try to make sure it doesn't happen again.

Thank you!

Next: Chapter 4

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