Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 15, 2023



When the Backstreet's Back tour made its way through the state of Atlanta Nick knew Brian would see Leighanne again. And he turned out by being right, damn right.

Brian told him everything that happened until things were fine again. He told Nick how Leigh called him and he could feel she was crying, she said they needed to talk because she had been miserable without him. Brian met her again and during the whole time Leighanne talked sheepishly, saying how much she loved Brian and couldn't live without him. She apologized saying she'd always dreamed of having this kind of life Brian has and she got carried away when it was actually happening to her, but only when Brian went away she had realized how bad she wanted him, how hurt she was now.

The sweet Brian just can't be without having a girlfriend, he needs someone to love, and having that gorgeous woman in front of him made his heart race and without realizing it after some moments he was the one apologizing to her for being so selfish and not understanding her feelings.

Nick knew they were together again and all he could do was sigh. He didn't want Brian to get hurt, but he seemed to happy right now! He just prayed Leighanne didn't make him suffer again.

For all that mattered Brian and Leighanne were happy together, months passed by with their romance bringing Leighanne even closer to the group. Nick was doing his best to like her, but it hadn't been not only once or twice Leighanne caught him mocking her gestures behind her back. He couldn't help it, Leighanne was the stuck up kinda girl Nick hated.

Things only got better when Nick began to date Mandah. This happened when Nick was two months away of turning eighteen. Mandah and Leighanne were just the best friends ever! The two girls loved each other which was great coz allowed Nick and Brian to go out in double dates.

The first month Nick was with Mandah he told Brian one of the most important things that had happened to him. They were at an apartment in Louisiana and the other guys had left.

"So, how are things with Mandah?" - Brian asked.

Nick immediately opened a huge smile. He walked to were Brian was sat and held his hands, sitting beside him.

"Brian... guess what!"

Nick didn't have to say it. Only through the shine in his eyes Brian knew what he meant.

"Oh, my God, Nick! You did it with Mandah!" - Brian exclaimed.

Nick giggled.

"Yeah! We so did it!" - Nick exclaimed blushing.

"Oh, God, I'm so happy for you! How was it?!"

"Its was... WOW..."

Brian laughed.

"It was terrific! Man, it was even better than I pictured it! I mean, I love sex!" - Nick laughed and so did Brian.

"Oh, Frack... This is so great! So I guess you really love her, huh?"

"Yeah..." - Nick sighed happily.

"Did you see Nick? How perfect is everything? I mean, look at our lives! Besides having everything now we are both dating gorgeous girls that to make it even better are best friends, just like me and you! Its good, we can hang around together, the four of us... Did you even think how lucky we are?"

"You are so right... we have everything... I couldn't be more happy!"

The guys mirrored each other's smiles.

Going back to perform around Europe, both Brian and Nick had to say goodbye to their girlfriends for a couple of months. Right now they were in Italy, performing in Rome. They would be there for one week and go on stage four times. The other days they would just rest a little and enjoy the beauties of that dream city.

Brian and Nick were at the terrace of the apartment the boys were sharing. Through the window they could see AJ and Howie taking one of their cars and heading to the mall. They waved at them and went back to talking.

"Damn, Brian, I should be going with these guys to the mall. I really haven't got anything to Mandah yet."

"Oh, don't even mention coz I still haven't bought anything to give Leigh."

"Oh, well... we still have the whole tour ahead of us. We can get them something from Paris, ya know how girls looooove Paris."

Brian laughed slightly.


"Hey, guys..." - Kevin appeared at the door.

"Sup, cousin?"

"Management just called me, they think they'll have to procrastinate our Friday show. Apparently there are some problems with the stage setting which means we'll have to stay a few more days here. I'm leaving right now to talk to them and see what really happened."

"Oh, ok." - Nick said. - "Brian and I are gonna stay here, just looking at the sky and doing nothing." - Nick grinned.

"Yeah, thats the price you have to pay for being the group's leader." - Brian joked too.

Kevin sighed and gave them a funny smile.

"Oh, well... I'm going now, so take care and won't do anything stupid, right?"

"Ok, but can we murder, use drugs and have sex?" - Nick asked with puppy eyes and Brian burst out laughing.

"Yeah, try." - Kevin warned and smiled once again before turning around to leave. - "Bye."

"Bye ya." - Brian and Nick said in union.

They heard the door being closed and turned around to go on talking. It wasn't cold but it had this chilling breeze brushing on their arms.

"Ya know what I was thinking of?" - Nick asked dreamily.


"School times. When we were children... I close my eyes and can still picture the very first day I went to school. Mum took pictures of me!" - Nick laughed and shook his head. - "I looked so stupid in the uniform..." - Nick laughed and so did Brian.

"Yeah, time flies... it really does. At my house it wasn't much different. I remember mom used to get me all dressed up to go to school and my brother kept picking on me all the way from home to school saying I was mommy's boy."

Nick laughed and Brian blushed.

"God, it was so good!" - Brian sighed seeing lots os scenes in front of his eyes.

"Yeah, sometimes I go crazy thinking I'll never be a child again. I mean, we can't go back on time, we can never live the yesterday's day...!"

"Thats why we have to live the today, Nick. If we live it to the fullest then we'll never wish to live it again, to make it better. All we'll do is remember how good it was..."

Nick looked at him and smiled.

"I love you, man. I really do." - Nick slapped Brian's knee slightly and looked away, yawning.

Nick closed his eyes during two minutes and kept silent. Soon he felt lips on his neck, brushing slightly on his sensitive skin, tickling him with soft butterfly kisses up and down. He smiled but didn't open his eyes. Brian was so sweet... So wrong the fact that no one would ever understand this friendship, but it was so pure...

Nick still had his eyes closed, only enjoying the felling of Brian's lips kissing his neck and after some minutes playing on his skin they went away and their eyes met.

Nick smiled at him and Brian mirrored him.

Nick leaned over and they kissed softly on the lips.

"Lets watch some TV?" - Brian asked.

"Yes!" - Nick smiled and stood up right away.

Nick and Brian were sat in the sofa watching TV. Even though Brian seemed to be the only one really paying attention to what they were seeing. Nick was more interested in disturbing Brian's concentration. Oh, but in a very nice way.

Nick kept staring at Brian, softly kissing his cheek, his neck... Slowly forcing Brian to turn around, and when he did Nick captured his mouth on his and kissed him deeply, flavoring his mouth, his tongue, sharing that kisses they had never had with anyone else.

Brian finally gave up and turned the TV off.

Usually it was Nick the one to begin this make out sections. He kissed the blond back, placing his hand at the back os his neck to kiss him deeper. After a couple of moments they pulled apart.

"Nick... the guys can come back at any time, they won't understand if they catch us kissing..." - Brian said softly.

"Who cares? Do YOU understand it? I don't."

"Yeah, this is really something I'd like to know. Why do we do this? I mean, male friends don't kiss each other! Maybe girls... but no! This is totally odd. I mean, we are not in love, are we?"

"Nope. I think we love each other, but definitely we ain't IN love." - Nick said seriously.

"Then why do we do that? I mean, no one would ever understand if we tried to explain that we are only some sort of kissing friends..."

"Best friends with benefits..." - Nick grinned. - "I don't know. It would be so much easier if we were gay... at least we would understand it. But I'm not! I love girls, I don't know if I truly love Mandah, but I love having sex with her! I don't like seeing other guys. Its gross! I love girls, they make me hot, really!"

"I know what you mean, man! Its the same here. I love Leighanne. I love everything we do. I'd never kiss another dude that is not you and I would never understand this situation, neither believe it if it wasn't happening with me."

"True that. If I heard two guys saying this I'd definitely go like: Oh, oh ok. These are two fags. Gross!. But its going on with us and I don't feel different! Its so hard to understand... we aren't neither gay nor in love."

"Then why do we do this, Nick?"

The blond stared at Brian and a grin played on his lips. Quickly he leaned over him and they kissed again, their tongues entering each other's mouths, licking, their lips joined, nibbling.

Nick slowly pulled away and Brian giggled.

"Oh, now I know why."

They both laughed and five minutes later the other boys arrived.

"Nick, go find Brian, we are leaving now for Germany." - Kevin said.

"Oh, ok. Brian?!!" - Nick yelled in their apartment.

Kevin grabbed his arm.

"If I wanted you to scream I'd do it myself, Nick!"

The blond laughed.

"I said find him! Move this lazy butt and find Brian!" - Kevin sounded angry but he was almost laughing.

"Ok..." - Nick muttered getting away. - "Its not like we are in a big place, its just an apartment, he needs to be somewhere around..." - Nick babbled and grinned to himself.

He was walking on the hallway, looking inside each bedroom.

"Brian?" - he called looking into the last one.

Abruptly he felt a hand grabbing his arm and pulling him inside the bedroom harshly. Soon the door was closed behind him and Nick was pushed against the wall.

"Brian, what happened?" - Nick asked confused.

Brian smiled.

"Nothing... I was just thinking that once we'll be traveling with the boys all the time during these next days we wouldn't have much time to... ya know."

Nick didn't even have the time to smile before Brian's lips pressed against him passionately, devouring his mouth, exploring every single detail of it as if it would be the last time. Nick kissed him just as strong. Tongues dueling, savoring that forbidden and delicious kiss. They didn't need a reason to be kissing like that, did they?

"Hey guys, where are you? You ready?" - AJ's voice came from the hallway.

Scared they pulled away immediately and soon they were grinning again. Brian ran his hand through Nick's hair, messing it quickly before answering.

"Yep. We are going."

Nick looked at him and smiled before they walked away.

Hm... comments and suggestions are appreciated, so feel free to e-mail me! Makes me write really faster, believe me! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 9

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