Where Can We Go from Here

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 18, 2023



After one week performing in Germany, flying from place to place the boys were already sort of tired. Right now they were all in the same car, supposed to drive to the next city they'd be performing. It was late at night and although they had maps they seemed to be pretty lost. The were no signs along the road and they were getting flustered.

Howie was the one driving the car, and Kevin was sitting on the front seat beside him. In the back there were Nick, Brian in the middle and AJ beside him. During the last quarter of hour AJ had been complaining about his throbbing headache. The only ones that seemed to be in a good mood were Brian and Nick. They were making up games, jokes and were kind of driving the others crazy.

"How come you guys are so happy? We are in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country! Jesus, we have no idea where we are going to, there is no fucking sign of life around and none of us can speak this weird language!" - Kevin exclaimed.

Nick and Brian looked at each other and grinned.

"C'mon, soon we'll find some place." - Nick said and Brian nodded.

"God, my head is gonna blow up!" - AJ whined rubbing his forehead.

Brian and Nick looked at him. He seemed really bad.

"I'm saying, I'm about to throw up!" - AJ whimpered touching his head to the glass of the window.

"Hey, Kev, don't we have some aspirins?" - Howie asked, looking always ahead of him.

"Nope. AJ, you'll have to hang in there, man. We need to find that damn hotel."

Nick and Brian looked at each other and laughed. They were not at all bothered. Actually they were liking this adventure.

One more hour passed by. No sign of human life there. Only the road, and the darkness around them. AJ was a shadow against the window. His headache was really giving him a bad time. Kevin was trying to keep cool and from time to time he'd argue with Howie.

"Hey, its not my fault! This was supposed to be on the map!" - Howie exclaimed.

"All right, lets not fight, please?" - Brian asked.

Right now he wasn't all cheerful as Nick. One hour ago they had been on fire, goofing off, getting on the nerves of the others... Slowly Brian calmed down. And Nick noticed he wasn't even talking much anymore.

"Hey, Bri..." - he whispered to him. - "Is there something wrong? Don't worry, we'll find the hotel sooner or later."

"No, its not this, Nick... Actually I'm not feeling very well either. I think I got AJ's headache." - Brian smiled and so did Nick.

Brian shut his eyes and sighed. Suddnely that place was too hot and his body too cold. Slowly his his head was getting heavy and so did his eyes. He rested his head onto Nick's shoulder without making a sound. The blond looked surprised at him.

"Whats up, Frick?" - Nick asked concerned. Not that this act coming from Brian in leaning against his shoulder was weird, it was just that his face didn't look very nice.

"Oh, nothing... I'm just getting a little dizzy. Lemme just close my eyes a little."


AJ looked at them and closed his eyes again. His head was killing him.

Nick was trying to distract himself with something when he heard a soft moan coming from Brian. He was probably the only one who heard that. Brian didn't seem ok, his face was pallid.

"Bri? Whats wrong, man? Huh?" - Nick ran a hand through his face and that was when he noticed it. - "Oh, man! You have fever, Brian!" - Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah, this whole changing into cold and hot, heavy and light cloths seems to have gotten to me. Don't worry, Nick... I'll be fine in a moment." - Brian sighed and kept his eyes closed.

Nick looked at him worried. He kept caressing Brian's hair friendly but he didn't seem to get any better.

After another half of hour he was actually worst. Brian's moans were now more frequent and Nick could feel his forehead burning.

"Brian, oh, God! Kevin! Kevin your cousin is really bad! Brian is with fever, he is burning, man! We need to stop somewhere!"

"Sorry, Nick, we don't have where to! We can't stop in the middle of the road!"

Nick looked at Kevin and later at Brian.

Kevin did the same and looked at his cousin.

"Brian..." - he called.

"Hmm. Hmmm..." - Brian's breath was increasing and his body got hotter and hotter.

"We'll stop as soon as we find some place, Nick. Heard it, AJ? Don't worry you guys." - Kevin said turning away.

"See? Don't worry, man... we will be at a room right away!" - Nick tried to sound cheerful but Brian didn't seem to hear him.

"Nick... hm...." - Brian cuddled to him and Nick could feel him shivering. Brian was burning in fever.

Nick bit down on his lower lip and just wish they would find some place really soon.

Fifteen minutes... twenty... another half of hour.

Brian was burning in fever, he was starting to say things that didn't make sense, he was on delirium and the other four boys began to feel scared. If he kept doing like that they'd need a hospital very soon. AJ's headache seemed nothing in comparison to what Brian was going through.

They stopped the car and AJ exchanged places with Kevin. He went to the front seat while Kevin was in the back, trying with Nick to help Brian.

"Oh, man, this is scary! I've never seen Brian like this!" - Nick exclaimed.

"Brian, Brian can you hear me...?" - Kevin touched his forehead. His eyes were rolling on his head, undecipherable moans escaping his lips.

"Hmm ah... no... no I wanna go back... hmm...." - Brian didn't even open his eyes.

"Come here, cousin." - Kevin pulled Brian to his lap and touched his burning forehead.

"Hm, no!" - Brian whimpered, sweat covering his neck and face. "Nick... I want Nick."

Kevin looked at the blond. Without saying a word Nick pulled Brian to him once again and Kevin half smiled. Always his best friend...

"Its ok..." - Nick said in a fearful voice, trying to wipe away the sweat from Brian's face. - "Its gonna be fine, don't worry..."

"Howie, for heaven's sake! If you find a hospital or a damn hotel please stop the car, got it?!" - Kevin asked.

"Sure, man!" - they were all scared how all of sudden Brian had changed.

Nick felt his heart beating unsteadily. What if Brian got even worse? What would they do? They were in the middle of nowhere!

Nick was staring at the wan face above his lap. It happened so quickly that was scary. Nick was touching his burning in fever face as Brian kept whispering and moaning things that they couldn't understand most of times.

"Hm..." - Brian moved his head and looked at Nick.

The blond's eyes widened and he realized it had been a while Brian didn't open his eyes and looked at one of them.

"I love you, Nick, I really do..."

Nick looked at him and later at Kevin. He heard that too.

"Shiii... I love you too, man..." - Nick rustled.

"No, I mean it! I really do!"

Nick again looked at Kevin.

"He is delirium, man, don't even try to understand. Brian doesn't know what he is saying, I've seen him like this before... When he was a kid..."

"The heart thing?" - Nick asked in panic.

"Yes. But its not it this time. Its only the fever. Brian has got it bad once, but they say a child can handle it better. We really have to find some place to stop."

Nick swallowed and looked at Brian. His eyes were again closed and is body was shuddering under Nick and Kevin's touches.

Ten minutes later and Brian seemed to be a little better. He let go of leaning on Nick's body and sat.

"Are you ok, man?" - Kevin asked.

"Y-yes... I think I'm fine..." - Brian muttered. He could barely open his eyes, it was too painful. He felt hot and cold at the same time.

Nick touched his forehead.

"He is still hot, man." - he said to Kevin.

"Don't worry you guys... I'll be all right." - Brian said, his face still very white.

"Oh, hey look!" - Howie exclaimed. - "A motel! Theres a motel over there! Finally!"

All the boyes cheered up.

"Thank God!" - Nick said.

"Yeah, yeah! Oh, my! Please stop the car!" - AJ begged.

Five minutes later Howie was parking the car and all the boys got out. It was a cheap motel, a very old one, but better than nothing!

Brian was sort of leaning against Nick a little. He was better than he was in the car, but he still felt weak to walk.

The boys ran into the hotel host and Kevin was who talked to the elderly man.

"Er, hey sir. We were wondering if you have any available rooms... Do you speak english?"

"So, so." - the man answered. - "Speak slowly..."

Kevin nodded.

"Rooms... my friends and I.... we are tired, do you have rooms for us?"

"Rooms? Yes! Five rooms."

"Oh, thank God!" - Howie sighed.

"Cool, can we use the telephone?" - Kevin made gestures.

"Sorry, no telephone. They cut. We not have anymore a telephone."

"Shit!" - AJ gasped.

"Oh, ok. We'll stay with the rooms." - Kevin took money from his wallet and paid the man for four rooms. - "I'm gonna stay with Brian in case he gets worse." - Kevin told the others.

"No, Kev... I can be with him." - Nick said.

"You don't have to, he is my cousin, I'll take care of him." - he said while they were in the hallway, trying to find their rooms.

"I want to. You saw it in the car... Brian wants to be with me."

Kevin thought a little.

"Ok. I'll get the room next to yours. If you need anything just call me, ok? Let me know if Brian gets worse."

"Sure." - Nick smiled. - "Bye guys."


They all entered their own rooms and Nick took Brian to theirs. He looked around, although it wasn't much it would be perfect. It had two single beds.

"Tired?" - Nick asked Brian with a large smile.

"Yeah! And Nick, thanks..."

"Oh, c'mon, man! I'm your best friend. I'm the one who has to be with you."

Brian smiled.

Slowly they changed into light cloths and got into their blankets.

"You sure you are feeling better?" - Nick asked from his bed.

"Yes, Nick. Goodnight, Frack."

"Night, Frick. Anything you need I'll be right here, kay?"


Slowly they closed their eyes and fell into sleep.

I get this feeling this night won't be so peaceful... :: large evil grin :: don't you?

If you wanna read more e-mail me at: lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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