Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on Dec 16, 2001



The following story is the next installment in an on going series about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and what I imagine to be the story behind the beginning of his relationship with Eloy de Jong from Caught in the Act. I have no contact with either person, nor know any of the members of either group.

As was pointed out to me recently, it is exactly a year ago that I started posting this story for people to read here on the Nifty site. A special thank you to David for all of his hard work with the site. His efforts are appreciated by those of us who write, since it allows others such as you to read what we have to say.

So this can be considered the anniversary chapter. As with most stories on the nifty site, this chapter has erotic content that should you not be old enough, please don't continue reading. For those who do, please accept this next submission and please let me know what you think of the story so far.



"E?" Stephen asked after a while. The music was hypnotic, lulling them as they reclined.

"Mmmm?" Eloy responded. He was quite happy to let them sit there and drift for a bit.

"Can you imagine a time when we come home each night and do this?" Stephen asked. Eloy heard the wistful tone in his voice and responded by hugging him closer.

"Oh, ja, I can." He assured Stephen. "It might not be next month, or this year, but I think so. Would you like to do this every night?" He felt Stephen's head nod and he smiled. "So would I, zusje. And you know something?"

"What?" Stephen asked. He moved so he could look up at Eloy's face. The dim lighting left part of his face in shadow, but Stephen could see a glint in his eyes as he looked down at him.

"I think you're worth the wait." Eloy said with a smile. Stephen looked down before looking back up again. Eloy wasn't sure, but he thought he saw Stephen's cheeks flush slightly in response to his compliment.

"Yeah?" Was all Stephen said in response.

"Ja," Eloy agreed, leaning down to give Stephen another kiss. Stephen initiated the next kiss and they both enjoyed a long drawn out moment, exploring each other's mouths with their tongues. Stephen's hand crept around Eloy's neck, holding him close as he enjoyed his explorations, running his tongue along Eloy's teeth before sparring with Eloy's tongue for a long moment. When they finally broke the kiss he sighed before opening his eyes to look up into Eloy's face.

"I take it you liked that, ja?" Eloy said, his voice gravelly with suppressed emotion. There was something about the way Stephen kissed that sent tremours through his body.

"Oh, ja." Stephen said, his eyes crinkling up in merriment at Eloy. "Lots of jas, even."

"Lots of them, hmmm?" Eloy asked. Stephen nodded his agreement before putting his head down on Eloy's shoulder again. "You know what, Stephen?" He asked as he ran his fingers through Stephen's hair.

"Mmmm, don't stop," Stephen murmured. He loved the feel of Eloy's fingers running through his hair and he let himself enjoy the feeling as they lay together.

"I think it's time for bed." Eloy said softly into his ear. He smiled in response, without opening his eyes. "What do you think?"

"I'm thinking the same thing myself," Stephen responded without opening his eyes. "But I'm too comfortable to get up." Eloy sighed in understanding. They lay for a few moments like that before he dropped the recliner back down again. They were sitting upright and Stephen made a small sound of protest.

"Well, I'll tell you that if we get up, you'll like it better in the next room." Eloy said with a low chuckle. That certainly got Stephen's attention as he brought his head back off of Eloy's shoulder.

"Oh, well put it that way, and I have to say I'm intrigued." He said with a small smile. He pulled back from Eloy's embrace and sat up on his lap for a moment before getting up and holding a hand out to Eloy. Eloy took the proffered hand and allowed Stephen to pull him to his feet. He looked down at Stephen for a moment before leaning down to kiss him lightly on the lips.

"Come this way," he said, beckoning with his finger. Stephen willingly followed him across the room and down the short hallway to the bedroom. When they got there, Eloy turned off the light and held out his arms in an invitation.

Stephen could see his silhouette across the room and shivered, knowing how lucky they were to have this time together. He pushed the thoughts of their parting away and let Eloy's arms circle around his back, holding him close. He wrapped his arms around Eloy's waist and rested his cheek against Eloy's chest. They stood like that for a moment before Eloy brushed his lips against Stephen's forehead and whispered that they should get ready for bed.

With a sigh, Stephen stepped back out of Eloy's embrace and nodded. He reached up and stroked Eloy's face before backing away and heading back out the door. Eloy stood there for a moment, still feeling Stephen's feather-light touch against his face. He stifled a sigh of his own and made his way back out the door. Stephen had left the bathroom door slightly ajar and Eloy peered around the edge of the door. Stephen was washing up at the sink and as Eloy watched, he splashed water into his face and ran it through his hair. He was mesmerised as he watched the drops of water trail down Stephen's chest as he reached for the toothpaste and started brushing his teeth.

He opened the door and Stephen looked over as he spat out into the sink. He smiled as he rinsed his mouth out. Eloy walked behind him and wrapped his arms around Stephen's waist. Stephen leaned back against him and he let his hands wander up over Stephen's bare chest. He stroked the drops of water around as he ran his fingers up and down Stephen's ribs. He dipped his head down to kiss Stephen's neck, his tongue creeping out to lick the droplets that were glistening under his ear. Stephen shuddered in response. When Eloy looked up into the mirror, it was to see Stephen's eyes closed and his mouth parted as he enjoyed Eloy's caresses. Eloy sucked on Stephen's earlobe and he felt his lover tremble.

Stephen put his hands down in the sink and let the water run over his hands before raising them up again and running his hands through Eloy's hair. As Eloy pulled back, he turned in his embrace so he could run his own hands up under Eloy's shirt.

"Let's get you cleaned up enough for bed, hmmmm?" He said in a low voice as he pushed Eloy's shirt up and sucked his nipple. Eloy's breath caught in his throat at Stephen's actions and he paused in his own assault. He allowed Stephen to raise the shirt up over his head. Stephen dropped it onto the closed toilet seat before reaching for the washcloth and running the soapy cloth over Eloy's chest. Eloy reached out with a hand to stroke Stephen's hair back so he could watch his face. Stephen smiled up at him before looking down to concentrate on what he was doing. He loved touching Eloy and really wanted to capture their last night together. He had hoped that Eloy would follow him into the bathroom and hadn't been disappointed.

Eloy rested his hands on Stephen's shoulders and massaged them gently while Stephen ran the washcloth over his body. The soapy water dripped down into his jeans, soaking the material. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling and only opened them when Stephen stopped and ducked out from under his hands.

He opened his eyes to see Stephen grinning impishly at him. "What?"

"Finish up, I'll be waiting for you in the next room," Stephen said. He leaned forward to give a lingering kiss before pulling away and slipping out of the room. Eloy stood for a moment, nonplussed by Stephen's sudden withdrawal. He looked back in the mirror and saw that Stephen had left his mark behind, noting that there was a large hickey on his chest from where he had bitten him. He grinned ruefully at himself in the mirror and picked up the washcloth that Stephen had abandoned on the edge of the sink and finished up his wash. After brushing his teeth and cleaning up the spilled water, he shut off the light and made his way back to the bedroom. He was curious about what Stephen had planned.

In the time he had been in the bathroom finishing up, Stephen had gone to the kitchen to pick up some of the candles they had used for dinner. He had spaced them around the room, giving it a warm soft glow. He climbed up on the bed and leaned against the headboard, letting himself relax before Eloy came into the room. He could smell Eloy's cologne in the sheets and he inhaled deeply. He pushed thoughts of the morning out of his head, concentrating on the present for the moment. A sound made him open his eyes and he saw Eloy standing in the doorway.

Eloy stepped in the room, smiling at the sight of Stephen sitting cross-legged on the bed. He was naked, the dim glow of the candles flickering over his body. Eloy made his way over to the bed before standing in front of Stephen. Without saying a word, he pulled off his jeans and briefs and tossed them over the arm of the rocker. He crawled onto the bed on his hands and knees so that he was facing Stephen before sitting across from him, waiting for Stephen's next move.

Stephen let his eyes drift over Eloy's body in appreciation before he smiled up into his face. He then raised his hands off of his knees and extended them out for Eloy to hold. Eloy followed his lead, placing his hands on top of Stephen's palms. Stephen clasped his hands lightly before pulling them close to him. He kissed each of the hands before placing them on his shoulders. He then reached out and ran his hands up Eloy's arms before resting his own hands on Eloy's shoulders.

They sat that way for a few moments, looking into each other's eyes in the dim light of the candles. Stephen felt like he could just lose himself in Eloy's eyes. The candle glow picked out gold highlights in his eyes and Stephen found himself fascinated with them. He smiled slightly as he noticed that Eloy's hair was still spiked up from when he had run his fingers through his hair. He let his eyes drift slowly down, taking his time as he gazed at Eloy's fabulous body. He marveled at the fact that this man in front of him was his, and that Eloy in turn found him attractive. He was finally able to make himself accept the fact that Eloy did find him attractive, and that he was wanted as much as he wanted Eloy.

Eloy sat quietly, watching Stephen's face intently. He could see that Stephen was busy thinking. He would make an occasional face as he thought through whatever was going through his head and Eloy patiently waited for him to come to whatever conclusions he was going to come to. He had a feeling he knew what it was, because he was well aware of Stephen's insecurities. He knew that as long as he kept to his plan of acceptance and waited for Stephen to work things through that eventually Stephen would come to the right conclusions about their relationship. It did make him wonder what could have led Stephen to believe so little in himself, but he pushed that thought aside as Stephen sighed and moved his hands up to his face. He leaned his cheek against Stephen's hand, brushing the fingertips with his lips.

Stephen closed his eyes in response, Eloy's act of kissing his fingertips changing his feelings as Eloy sucked one into his mouth and pulled on it. He had an immediate response to this action and he smiled as Eloy opened his eyes and saw him grinning. Eloy cocked his head to one side silently before following Stephen's gaze downwards. The reason for his smile was quite apparent from his reaction below the waist. Eloy looked up to match Stephen's grin before dropping his own hand off of Stephen's shoulder. He trailed his fingertip down Stephen's chest, making a trail down his abdomen and to Stephen's erection. Then he leaned forward and gave Stephen a soul-searching kiss. Stephen closed his eyes in response, opening his lips to Eloy's searching tongue.

Eloy sucked Stephen's tongue into his mouth, deepening the kiss. One hand stayed on Stephen's shoulder, massaging his neck as the other wandered in between Stephen's thighs, stroking him lightly. Stephen leaned into him, allowing Eloy to touch him. He kept his own hands on Eloy's shoulders, tracing patterns on the outsides of his arms.

Eloy pulled back after a moment, gazing into Stephen's eyes. He pushed him up against the headboard and moved to his knees until he was kneeling in front of Stephen. He pushed on Stephen's crossed legs, urging him to stretch his legs out. Stephen silently replied to his request, moving his legs to either side of where Eloy was kneeling. Eloy reached up with both hands and stroked Stephen's face lightly. He felt so lucky that this man in front of him wanted him so. He knew that Stephen felt it was the other way around, but in his heart he knew he was the lucky one in the relationship.

Stephen waited expectantly for Eloy to continue. The cool sheets under his legs felt good and he knew he was feeling the heat that Eloy was generating in him. He felt impatient, wanting Eloy to stop delaying and to touch him. He wanted to spend the rest of the night making love, and Eloy's slight hesitation made him want to do something. He decided he had waited long enough and wrapped his legs around Eloy's waist. Eloy started, surprised at his actions as he pulled himself onto Eloy's lap. He smiled before leading the assault by kissing Eloy on the lips as he wiggled himself up against Eloy's erection. Feeling the other man's hardness against his own, he let out a satisfied sigh before wrapping his arms around Eloy's neck and kissing him.

"Was I moving too slow for you?" Eloy said in amusement at the expression on Stephen's face.

"In a word, yes." Stephen said, rubbing his length against Eloy's. "I want to move much faster right now." He suited his actions to his comments and raised himself up so that Eloy's penis slid under his. He rubbed himself against Eloy, using Eloy's shoulders as leverage. Eloy placed his hands around Stephen's hips, lending his support to what Stephen was doing. He loved when Stephen took control of their lovemaking, and he closed his eyes as he felt the tip of his penis stroke along the edge of Stephen's scrotum, teasingly close to his anus. He felt himself start to leak in reaction of Stephen's movements and rubbed himself against the younger man's buttocks. He reached behind and spread Stephen's cheeks for better access, turning his head so he could meet Stephen's searching lips.

Stephen moved his legs again so that he was now kneeling on either side of Eloy's lap. He stroked himself up and down against Eloy's stomach, causing him to tremble. "I want you," he said in a low tone, whispering the words into Eloy's ear. Eloy moaned in response and tightened his grip on Stephen's hips. "I want you so bad right now, baby. Please, let's make love."

"Ja," Eloy said, his breath deepening as he became further aroused by Stephen's actions. "I want you, too. I want to feel your kisses all over me, Stephen. Make love to me, liefste. I want to feel you inside me again." Eloy found himself desperate to have Stephen take him again. It had been so long, and he found he really needed for Stephen to make love to him. "Alstublieft, zusje."

Stephen stared down in surprise at Eloy's comment. There was a tone in his voice that spoke directly to Stephen's heart. It was raw and needy. Stephen instinctively responded by kissing him again, wanting to reassure him. He pushed on Eloy's shoulders so that he lay back down on the bed and started kissing him all over his face and neck. Eloy responded by touching Stephen wherever he could reach, trying to say with a touch what he couldn't articulate in words. Stephen responded in a likewise manner, stroking Eloy's chest and following his hands with his lips.

Eloy was a little scared by the ferocity of his need, and he gradually let Stephen take complete control, leading the way as they made love. Stephen was careful to take his time, using his mouth and hands to sooth Eloy as he slowly made love. He didn't want for their meeting to be something of desperation, knowing that their time together was short. He felt Eloy slowly relax under his touch, and he had to force himself to stay at the slow pace that he had set for them.

Eloy was lost in a world that consisted only of Stephen. Stephen's fingers were magic against his skin, and he sighed in satisfaction as Stephen made his way down his chest and over his hips. He arched his back with a hiss as moist lips encircled him for a moment before lightly flitting across him to trail kisses between his thighs. A hand touched his outstretched palm, and a feather-light brush of lips pressed against his hand before moving back across his stomach. As much as he longed to touch Stephen, he found himself hesitant.

Stephen looked up to see that Eloy had this look of yearning on his face that made him catch his breath at the need he saw there. He made his way up so that he was lying on top of Eloy and kissed him, pausing to let them both settle down a bit before they continued. Eloy gradually focused on him as he propped himself up on his arms.

"Easy, baby. No need to rush, is there?" He said softly, staring into Eloy's eyes. Eloy was panting and as Stephen waited, he slowly got control over his breathing. He shook his head restlessly and Stephen soothed him with a touch to his cheek. "Easy now, darling."

"Sorry," Eloy whispered. "I don't know what happened just then." It scared him that he was losing control the way he was, and he was almost afraid to continue, the need for Stephen was so strong. "I'm sorry."

"Hush, baby," Stephen said, wrapping his arms around Eloy and rolling them over on the bed so that Eloy was resting against his chest. "We have all night. Plenty of time, darling." Eloy clung to Stephen, trying to bring himself under control. All the while, Stephen softly murmured in his ear, soothing him gently.

They were unaware of how much time had passed, though a couple of the candles were now guttering as the wicks burned down into their holders. "Are you alright now?" Stephen asked softly, once Eloy had loosened his tight grip around his chest. Eloy nodded, his hair brushing against Stephen's chin. "You want to continue?"

"Ja," Eloy replied in a low tone. "I do." He looked up at Stephen and reached up to touch Stephen's lips with his fingers. Stephen kissed them lightly and smiled down at him. "Very much so."

"Alright then," Stephen said as he rolled Eloy onto his back. "Just take it easy, okay love?" He stared down until Eloy nodded again and kissed him lightly. "Let's start this again then. But slowly, okay?"

"Ja." Eloy waited for Stephen to continue. He thought back to their first time together when he had been so scared of the strength of his need for Stephen. It was no different now than it had been months ago. Back then, he had run away from the depth of what he was feeling. This time, he willingly embraced his need and knew that Stephen would be there for him.

Stephen stared down at him, searching Eloy's face. He reached down and stroked his fingers down Eloy's chest, giving him a reassuring touch. Eloy closed his eyes as he felt Stephen's touch, sighing in satisfaction. Gone was the trembling that Eloy had exhibited a short time before and Stephen felt that he could continue.

He put everything he could behind his touch, kissing Eloy's face tenderly, working his way across his jaw and down the other man's neck, pausing briefly to tickle Eloy's ear. Eloy's arms crept around his back, holding him in place before scratching down his back and cupping his buttocks.

"Hey!" Stephen protested. "Slowly!" He started laughing at the look on Eloy's face. "Greedy lad, aren't you?" Eloy pouted at him and he kissed Eloy's lower lip. "Behave."

"I don't want to," Eloy said in a sulky tone, but he released his grip on Stephen's butt, transferring his hands to his hands to Stephen's back instead. Once he had done so, Stephen picked up his pace again, stroking Eloy's chest. Every time Eloy tried to pick up the pace Stephen would pause until he desisted, only starting up again once Eloy stopped pushing him along. He found himself smiling, since he was the one who had been so impatient at the outset. Eloy gave him a curious look, but was soon distracted by what Stephen was doing, and didn't ask why he had been smiling.

Eloy was amazed that Stephen could be so gentle yet forceful at the same time as they made love. He took complete control, pleasuring Eloy, knowing exactly the right thing to do, the right place to kiss and to touch. Gradually he allowed Eloy to respond rather then just being the recipient. Eloy followed his lead, moving slowly and taking his time as he touched Stephen. He knew when he was doing the right thing when he heard Stephen's gasp of pleasure at being touched. He ran his hands lightly over Stephen's ribs, pausing to rub Stephen's nipple lovingly. It raised up in reaction to his touch and he smiled in satisfaction.

Stephen looked down, smiling at the expression on Eloy's face. He had this naughty boy look, as if he could see how much he was going to get away with. Stephen closed his eyes as Eloy started sucking on his nipple, sending shivers down his back. He didn't feel like stopping Eloy anymore. He was enjoying his touch too much. He did push Eloy away for a moment as he shifted himself lower so that his hips were between Eloy's legs. He was so hard at this point that he was beginning to hurt with the need to make love. Eloy assist him, pulling his legs open so that Stephen had access to do what he wanted. Stephen smiled, pausing to leave little love bites on Eloy's abdomen as he lingered. He knew exactly what Eloy wanted, and this time there was no hesitation when he entered him. Eloy sighed in satisfaction as he felt Stephen's length filling him and he opened his eyes to see Stephen smiling back at him as he slowly pulled out before plunging back in again.

"You like?" Stephen asked in a low voice. Eloy nodded and he worked up the speed of his thrusts, periodically pausing and withdrawing completely before pushing back in again. Every time he did, Eloy grunted in pleasure. Stephen was still learning what his lover liked best, but he found that Eloy seemed to like anything he did.

Eloy was experiencing an incredible amount of pleasure from Stephen's actions. It seemed to him that Stephen could read his mind, doing what he wanted most before he could even ask. He teased Eloy by moving slowly inside him while stroking him harshly with his hand. Then he'd slow down with his hand, but speed up with his thrusts as a counterpart. It was driving Eloy wild and he could only lay back and let Stephen take control. He was gasping as Stephen encircled him, rubbing his thumb over the tip of his penis before stroking him up and down. He trembled, wanting to reach out and touch Stephen, but unable to act on his desires.

Stephen looked into his face, satisfied to see that Eloy was enjoying what he was doing. Eloy's eyes were closed, his head thrown back and he was shuddering beneath Stephen's hips. When Stephen stopped moving he opened his eyes, moaning out in protest. He stared up at Stephen, a question apparent on his face.

Stephen stayed where he was, poised to continue, but wanting to draw out the anticipation. He put his hand down to stroke Eloy's sweaty chest and moved to place his fingers on Eloy's lips when he tried to say something. "Shhhh."

"But..." Eloy whispered, desperate for Stephen to continue. It was maddening, having Stephen doing what he really wanted and then stopping in the middle like this. "Why?"

"Hush, love." Stephen said softly. He stared down into Eloy's eyes, waiting for the right moment before continuing. There was a look of yearning in Eloy's face that he felt compelled to respond to, but he held himself back a moment longer. Eloy closed his eyes again, waiting for Stephen to start back up again. He concentrated on what he was feeling, focusing on Stephen's touch on his skin, the weight of his body against his legs, the brush of his lips which teased him mercilessly. He squeezed his muscles that were surrounding Stephen and heard a gasp in response.

Opening his eyes to a mere slit, he watched as Stephen struggled to stay in control. It was obvious that he was on the edge of ejaculating. Sweat dripped down his face as he shuddered, slowly losing the battle to hold back. With a gasp he let go, pushing himself as far as he could and collapsing down on top of Eloy.

Eloy stroked Stephen's hair back out of his face as the younger man panted, spent. He had come shortly after Stephen had and he smiled with satisfaction as Stephen opened his eyes and stared up into his tiredly. Stephen moved himself up so that he could kiss Eloy tenderly. Eloy wrapped his arms around Stephen's back and rolled them so that they were lying on their sides.

"Thank you. That was incredible," he said softly, look down into Stephen's shining eyes.

"Thank you, baby." Stephen said in the same tone, smiling up into his lover's face. "I know how hard it was for you to be patient."

Eloy chuckled. "Ja, I'm not the patient sort, as I have warned you in the past. But it was well worth the wait."

"Yeah?" Stephen asked, his voice tinged with wonderment. "Better than you've had before, huh?" He smiled up at Eloy as he teased him.

"No comparison," Eloy assured him with a chuckle. "Are you fishing for a compliment?"

"Not me!" Stephen protested. "Just want to make sure you're satisfied is all." He shifted so that he could throw his leg over Eloy's hip and snuggled closer to his chest.

"Oh ja, very much so!" Eloy assured him as he rested his chin on Stephen's head. "I have only one question in regards to that." He heard Stephen's enquiring tone so he continued. "What took you so long to do it again?" He knew he deserved Stephen's swat and broke out into a laugh.

"You are such a brat. You know that, don't you?" Stephen said in an accusing tone. "I think next time I'll just make you suffer. Let you wait."

"Oh, anything but that!" Eloy protested in mock horror. "I don't think I could take it if you teased me again like that!" Stephen pushed away so he could look up into Eloy's face.

"Hmmm, one of these days, just you wait. I'll make sure you remember that comment," he said, shaking his finger. Eloy gently bit the finger in front of his nose, which caused Stephen to laugh. "You brat," he said affectionately.

"Am not," Eloy said before sucking Stephen's finger into his mouth. Stephen laughed again. "Am too, and while you're doing that you can't object, can you?" He laughed harder and Eloy made a face before letting go of his finger. He rolled them over again so that he was on top of Stephen and held him down on the bed.

"Am not," he said in a mild tone. "And I must insist that you apologise." Stephen gradually stopped laughing and looked up at him.

"What, for telling the truth?" He asked, attempting to keep an indignant tone, but not succeeding. Eloy was rubbing his body against Stephen in an attempt to distract him from their argument.

"No," Eloy said, leaning down to place kisses on Stephen's neck. A sigh was the only response he got as he moved his way down to Stephen's collarbone and over to the other side of his neck. "For taking so long earlier."

"When?" Stephen asked as Eloy moved his way across his chest. He ran his hands through Eloy's hair, moving to stroke his neck and turn his face upwards. "When earlier?"

"When you stopped earlier," Eloy said, pausing to lick his way back up Stephen's chest. Stephen shivered in reaction as Eloy bit him.

"Oh?" He asked faintly, losing the thread of the conversation altogether. "So, I should apologise to get you to stop?"

"Mmm hmmmm," Eloy said as he looked up with a grin. He stretched his hand between their bodies to stroke Stephen, reaching between his legs to touch him intimately. Stephen gasped in reaction, surprised that he could respond so easily and so soon. Eloy paused to see Stephen's reaction.

"I don't think so," Stephen said, opening his legs and wrapping them around Eloy's waist. "I'd rather stay unapologetic." He felt Eloy stroking him in between his legs. He was constantly amazed at his reactions to Eloy's touch, but he found that he never wanted him to stop.

Eloy tilted his head to one side when he heard Stephen's response. He had intended to bring him to a fevered pitch and then stopping, but he didn't think he'd be able to stop himself right now if he tried. He smiled ruefully as he came to the realisation that he was lost and gave into the inevitable.

Tenderly they made love, slowly taking their time, both aware of how little time they had left. Stephen knew that he would be back, but it broke his heart to know that he was going to have to leave in the morning. In between touching and kissing, they talked quietly in each other's arms about their hopes and dreams for the future. It seemed like no time had passed before the light from the windows started to get lighter.

"You're going to be a wreck, you know." Stephen murmured softly, his head tucked into Eloy's shoulder as they watched the sun lighten the morning sky.

"No, I don't think so," Eloy said, musing that in fact he felt rather incredible after their night together. He only wished that he had suggested they make love up on the rooftop where they could have seen the stars at the same time. He had a feeling that Stephen wouldn't have gone for that, but one never knew.

"What's on the agenda for today?" Stephen asked, going over his own travel plans in his mind. He was stroking Eloy's chest, lightly running his fingers over Eloy's ribs as they talked in the early morning light.

"Hmmm, luckily it's not too bad. A flight over to Sweden, an interview for a magazine, then a tv show tonight. I think I'll have some time to nap at the hotel when we get there. That is, if I can sleep." Eloy said. He squeezed his arm around Stephen's shoulders, trying to hold in his mind the way Stephen felt lying in his arms at that moment.

"You don't think you'll be able to sleep later?" Stephen asked, surprised. He wasn't feeling too bad right now, but he had a feeling he was going to drop later in the day, once he got home.

"Mmm, we'll see. I think I'll be up thinking about tonight, honestly." Eloy admitted. Stephen moved, surprised at his comment. "This was fantastic, tonight. Don't you think?" He asked, looking down at Stephen.

"Oh yeah," Stephen said, giving Eloy one of those endearing little boy grins. "Absolutely." Eloy couldn't help but grin back down at him.

"Thank you, zusje, for coming here. It really made the break more bearable." Eloy said heartfully.

"Thank you, honey, for suggesting it. I couldn't imagine a better way to spend a sleepless night," Stephen said with a smile. He shifted so he could move up and kiss Eloy, and Eloy pulled him so that he was lying on top. "Mmmm, and what a way to spend a sleepless morning!"

Eloy laughed, cradling Stephen's face in his hands and staring up at him. "I hope we have more opportunities for sleeplessness, then, since you seem to enjoy it so much!" Stephen made a face and Eloy chuckled. "Stay still a moment, will you?"

"Why?" Stephen challenged. His own hands had wound their way around Eloy's neck where he stroked the short hair lovingly. "I thought you liked it when I wiggled."

"Mmm, usually," Eloy responded. "But I'm much too tired to rise to the enticement, I think." He stilled Stephen with his hands, holding him close to his chest. Stephen put his head back down, kissing Eloy's neck and chuckling softly.

"Is it true? Did I wear you out?" He said, laughing into Eloy's ear. Eloy's only response was to nod. Eloy could feel the curve of Stephen's lips smiling against his throat and he closed his eyes to memorize each moment that they spent together. He didn't want to forget a minute of it and he was happy when Stephen settled down quietly again.

"What time is your flight?" Stephen asked, his lips tickling Eloy's ear.

"Too early for my liking," Eloy admitted, loath to move from where he was. "About 20 minutes before yours." He closed his eyes in response to Stephen's sigh. "We knew we weren't going to have a lot of time."

"I know. And I'm grateful for whatever we can get. It's just that..." Stephen paused as he tried to articulate what he wanted to say. "It tears me apart when I know we have to go in separate directions."

"Me too, liefste." Eloy said, hugging Stephen tightly. "Me too."

"Do you think there will ever be a time when we won't have to part?" Stephen asked wistfully. "When it won't matter?"

"Ja, I do, liefste." Eloy said, Stephen's plea running right through him. "I do." Stephen marveled at the sound of conviction in his voice, he seemed so sure of the future.

"Someday..." Stephen said, his lips against Eloy's ear. He closed his eyes, not wanting to move at all from where he lay, but knowing that they were going to have to get up and get ready to get to the airport.

They lay together for some time, Eloy occasionally glancing at the clock to make sure they still had enough time. Eventually, the time ran down and he reluctantly suggested they go take a shower. Stephen sighed before crawling out of the bed. The morning sun hit him in the eyes as he sat up and he squinted, turning away from the bright light. Eloy offered a groan as he followed Stephen, but got to his feet first. He gave a bone crackling stretch before holding his hand out to Stephen.

"Come, liefste. Let's take that shower and we can have something for breakfast before heading to Schiphol." He looked down to where Stephen was still knuckling his eyes.

"Mmmm, coffee might help," Stephen said with a yawn. Eloy told him that he was going to put a pot on so that it would be ready when they got out of the shower, and told him to get it started. Stephen's gaze followed Eloy out the door and down the hall. He grinned to himself as he watched Eloy's naked bottom all the way down to the living room before it disappeared around the corner. Shaking his head ruefully, he headed for the bathroom.

He started the water and put out towels for the two of them to use. Pulling his razor out of his overnight kit, he stepped into the shower and pulled the curtain closed. He tilted his head back and let the water cascade down his face, enjoying the cool wetness against his skin. He pulled back and grabbed the soap, lathering it in his hands and starting with his face.

Eloy joined him a few minutes later, pulling back the curtain and slipping in behind him. He had his face under the water and only felt the cool air from outside the shower as Eloy stepped in. He was instantly aware of Eloy's warmth behind him as the other man wrapped his arms around his chest and took the bar of soap out of his hands. Eloy got some suds going before using the lather to scrub at Stephen's chest.

Stephen leaned back against Eloy, enjoying the sensation of being washed. Eloy rubbed his hands all over Stephen, soaping him from head to toe. He chuckled as Eloy turned him around and put the soap in his hands before picking up the bottle of shampoo and pouring some of the contents onto Stephen's head. Stephen used the time to lather Eloy in soap, making sure he got every part he could reach while Eloy worked on his head.

They took their time washing up, Eloy bowing down to let Stephen wash his hair. Finally they finished their shower, each drying off the other without a word. Eloy trailed Stephen back to the bedroom and they got dressed. They both packed their overnight bags, spending time getting in each other's way and giggling together. Eloy kept one eye on the clock so that they could still have some time for breakfast. He went into the kitchen while Stephen rooted around for anything he might have missed while packing.

Stephen finally came into the kitchen. The sun was well up by this point and shining brightly through the skylight. He squinted as an errant ray hit him in the face and moved quickly to the relative shadow of the table, sitting down at the place setting that Eloy had placed there.

"Hah, you look like a vampire, you know." Eloy said with a laugh as he saw Stephen shy away from the bright light. He was busy scrambling eggs at the stove and glanced over his shoulder as he watched Stephen pour some coffee into a mug.

"My eyes and bright sunlight don't get along," Stephen mumbled, tossing a couple of sugar cubes in the mug before drinking. "Always was a bit sensitive. If that's because I'm part vampire, well, maybe that's the reason then." He grinned as Eloy brought their breakfast to the table. It was fairly simple, just eggs and toast, but it would be enough for them to get through their morning flights.

Eloy sat across from Stephen, watching the look of ecstasy on Stephen's face as he drank his coffee with amusement. They attacked their small breakfast in silence, only speaking when they had to. The ringing of the telephone broke the quiet, and Eloy reluctantly got up to answer it.

Stephen sat back with his second cup of coffee as he listened to Eloy chatter in Dutch. He saw that Eloy had mouthed "my mother" before continuing on his conversation. He smiled, imaging Eloy's mam questioning him on their weekend together, and he waved his fingers at Eloy so he would tell his mother hello.

After ten minutes Eloy rang off and put down the phone with a sigh. "Sometimes, she just goes on a bit. I love her to pieces, but sometimes she doesn't realise there are other things I'd rather be doing than talking on the phone."

"Oh?" Stephen asked, his chin resting on his hand as he regarded Eloy. "Like what?"

Eloy laughed at him. "Like sit here and stare at you." He suited words to actions by leaning on the table and gazing across it at Stephen. "A worthy effort."

"Oh really?" Stephen asked, laughing at him. "What did you mam have to say?" He asked, changing the subject.

Eloy blinked at the change of conversation, but didn't let himself be swayed by the question. "She just wanted to know how our evening went, and that she wanted me to tell you how much she enjoyed meeting you. I think you've won her over -- no easy task as my sister will tell you."

"I have?" Stephen asked, surprised by his comment. "And how did I manage that, considering we can hardly speak to one another?"

"You didn't have to say anything. You just had to be here," Eloy said with a grin. "She took to you right away. Said that I had made myself a very good catch." He grinned with satisfaction when he saw the look of incredulous surprise on Stephen's face.

"She did not!" Stephen said, shocked by his comment.

"She did too!" Eloy laughed, not able to withhold his mirth. "Said that if I didn't make sure I kept a hold of you, I wouldn't be welcome back home."

"She did not!" Stephen exclaimed, embarrassed by what Eloy said.

"She did too!" Eloy retorted, laughing. The look on Stephen's face was priceless. "I believe her, too!"

Stephen shook his head in disbelief. "I don't know why she feels that way."

"Because she adores you, zusje. Told me to make sure you come back, and that next time we don't bother with her so that we have more time together by ourselves." Eloy had to stop to catch his breath, he was laughing so hard at the look on Stephen's face. "Honest!"

Stephen was beet red with embarrassment at the thought of Eloy's mother knowing that they'd rather be alone than spend time with her. "You didn't tell her anything, did you?" He asked accusingly. He pushed his coffee mug and plate away, agitated at the thought.

"No!" Eloy said, knowing where he was going with this. "But she knows what it's like to have sex, you know." Stephen ducked his head down at his comment, thoroughly embarrassed at the thought. "What, you think she doesn't?"

"Erm, well, no, not that. But I didn't think she'd take such an active interest in what we're doing in bed!" Stephen protested, trying not to hide his face in his hands as he argued with Eloy.

"Well, she doesn't, as a rule. But she knows how much I'm interested in you and wants to make sure that I'm happy. Frankly, I don't mind taking her advice once in a while." Eloy said with a grin, frankly admiring Stephen with his gaze. Stephen lifted his chin defiantly, trying to maintain his composure. Obviously the subject wasn't something that Eloy found embarrassing talking to his mother about, and it was just one of those cultural differences between them. Frankly, Stephen couldn't imagine in a million years talking to his mother about his sex life, no matter whom it was with. He ducked his head down as he thought of that before looking up at Eloy again.

"Well, don't say anything other than you're happy, okay?" He said in a sulky tone. Eloy laughed and waved off his question. It was then that they noticed how late it was, and they quickly moved to get the dishes washed before grabbing their bags and heading towards the door.

When they got to the front door, Eloy held back, hesitating for a moment. Stephen looked over his shoulder in surprise, knowing that Eloy's flight was before his and that they really had to get moving.

"What?" He asked, a question plain on his face.

"It's just that -- once we go out this door, I can't hold you again until you come back." Eloy said softly, his face a tortured mask at the thought. "Please, before we leave, give me a hug. Okay, zusje?"

Stephen's heart melted at the simple plea. In his concern over their flights, he hadn't thought about the ramifications of going to the airport and saying goodbye there. He dropped his overnight bag immediately and held open his arms. Eloy stepped into them and squeezed him tight, burying his face into Stephen's shoulder.

Stephen closed his eyes, his breath catching in his throat as the reality of their parting crashed in on him. He held onto Eloy tightly, trying to will how he felt into his touch as he rubbed his cheek against the other man's lovingly. As Eloy clung to him, he found himself the stronger one at the moment, assured that they would be getting together again soon, and that this was just a momentary parting as Eloy went off to work for a few weeks before coming home again.

He felt a thrilling shock as he felt that this place was like a home to him, too. He knew that wherever Eloy was, he would be happy in that place, and that he would follow him to the ends of the earth if need be to find that home. He smiled reassuringly up into Eloy's face and pulled him down for a sweet kiss. Eloy gave him a questioning stare, aware of a new confidence in Stephen's manner as they pulled apart from one another.

"Eloy, I love you, but we're going to be late for our flights if we don't get moving," he chided gently, pushing the other man away. "We'll be back together soon, don't worry about that."

"Ja, I know, but..." Eloy said, voicing a soft protest.

"But nothing. Time to go, sweetheart." Stephen said firmly, pulling Eloy down for one last kiss before leaning down to pick up his bag. "We're going to be late."

Eloy stared down at him indecisively for a moment before acknowledging his comment and reaching down to pick his own bag up. He slung it over his shoulder and opened the door, waiting for Stephen to walk out first.

Stephen walked out the door without a backward glance, knowing he would be back again soon. Eloy followed him with a soundless sigh, locking the door behind him and following him down the stairs.

It was still early so they quietly made their way down the stairs and out the back door to the car. They put their luggage in the boot and got into the front seat. Stephen placed his hand lightly on Eloy's, which was resting on the shift, and they stayed lightly in contact their whole way to the airport.

Next: Chapter 39

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