Where Do We Go

By musicfan

Published on May 26, 2002



Here is chapter 53, the next chapter in an ongoing story about Stephen Gately from Boyzone and Eloy de Jong, formerly of Caught in the Act. I do hope you like this one, and please write and tell me what you think.

For the obligatory disclaimer, I must say I have no contact with either gentleman or group, so these chapters exist within the imagination of the author's mind, combined with public events that happened during this time.



Once the group decided to leave Las Vegas, they didn't waste any time in making plans to move eastwards towards Florida. Stephen found himself really looking forward to the trip. While he had been there in the past, they hadn't had a lot of free time and it was with a lot of regret that he had to put off seeing Disneyworld. He found himself excited to the point of bouncing in his seat on the airplane, and the rest of his friends tolerated his antics with humour.

The trip from the airport to the hotel on the grounds of the park was uneventful and they were able to check into their rooms in the early evening after their flight from Las Vegas to Orlando. Once again, Stephen and Alex were rooming together, not that either had a problem with that. Alex had admitted that he really wasn't interested in entertaining anyone he happened to meet, having done most of his playing in San Francisco and Las Vegas. Privately, Stephen was relieved to hear the news, as there were several nights that Alex hadn't returned to their suite and Stephen had found himself worrying about what Alex was up to on his own. He thought that Alex took way too many chances with his liaisons and should be much more careful. Alex, of course, wasn't in the mood to listen to his gentle admonishments, so it was a great relief to both of them that they moved to Orlando for the next leg of their trip.

They had a delightful dinner together before retreating to their rooms for the night, each of them feeling the results of their jet lag. Despite the lateness of the hour in Ireland, Stephen rang his sister and chatted for a while, catching her up to date on Keith's marriage to Lisa. She was thrilled for them, and delighted in hearing the stories that Stephen had to share. By the time he rang off for the night, he found himself more than ready for bed, and he turned in for the night.

The next morning brought all but Alex to the breakfast table down in the hotel restaurant. Ronan was teasing Keith about his disheveled look after a deep kiss from his wife as he came back from the breakfast buffet. Stephen watched them all with amusement, enjoying the happiness of the two couples. The conversation did turn to teasing Stephen about settling down himself, and he ducked his head in embarrassment at their teasing. The two women were particularly insistent at pointing out potential young men that might entice him from the wait staff in the restaurant, even going so far as to suggest providing introductions. Stephen was mortified, and hoped that they weren't serious in their threats.

"By the way, what happened to Alex?" Ronan asked, sitting back with a grin after Yvonne had pointed out a tall blond man that might be a possible match for Stephen.

"Alex announced that he was staying in bed and sleeping, like a normal person should," Stephen said with a laugh, grateful for the change in conversation. "He said that it was much too indecent an hour to be up and about and ordered me out of the room so he could have some peace." He decided that was a good point to get up and get some more food of his own, so he left them to their banter while he got another plate of food. Normally he wasn't much of a breakfast person, but he found that he had a good appetite for it this morning.

When he got back to their table, Keith and Lisa had their heads together while Ronan was trying to look through the newspaper for any news about home. Yvonne was doing her best at trying to distract him from what he was doing, nibbling on his ear as he tried to read.

"Hey Stephen, we should take advantage of Alex not being up yet," Keith said with a grin, wanting to distract Stephen from his earlier embarrassment. He was such a good friend, always taking their joking with good humour that Keith felt bad when it felt like that was all Stephen was getting was wound up about stuff. And he knew how merciless Alex could be about things. "How about a treat, Steo?"

"What kind of a treat," Stephen asked, looking up at his friend with a smile. He couldn't help it, Keith was so good to him, always making sure he wasn't feeling lonely when they were on the road. Over the years, the two of them had become quite close, and there had been many a night when Keith had offered the shoulder of a big brother when he had needed it. He saw that Lisa was smiling at him, too, and he wondered what the two of them had up their sleeves.

"Perhaps a stroll around the park," Keith said, gesturing out the window. Off in the distance, they could see the Epcot Center and Stephen brightened perceptibly as he looked out the window. Usually his friends didn't have a lot of tolerance for his fondness for things like that, and he knew that Keith was making a generous offer by suggesting they go.

"Are you sure," he asked, looking from Keith to Lisa's faces. They both nodded, smiling at his boyish delight. It had been Keith's idea that they go to Orlando and treat Stephen to a nice vacation, since he couldn't have his fella with him. Ronan and Yvonne had agreed readily enough, knowing he had had a hard time over the last few months without any time off.

"Yeah, we're sure. We want to," Keith said. Then he leaned over so he could whisper to Stephen. "Besides, that way we can give the lovebirds some time to themselves, yeah?" Stephen grinned as Keith waggled his eyebrows, being fairly obvious as to his intentions. Ronan and Yvonne were cuddled together in the curve of the booth, whispering to one another and laughing. Stephen could see that they were already in their own little world.

"I see what you mean," Stephen said, chuckling softly. "Alright then. Let's go if you really want to."

"We do," Lisa said with a smile, covering Stephen's hand with her own. "I think it will be brilliant."

Stephen was suitably distracted for the rest of the day, having a grand old time with Keith and Lisa in the park. Lisa expressed regret at not having Jordan along to enjoy it and Keith promised her that they could come again as a family, just themselves. She lit up over his comment of their traveling as a family and Stephen smiled as he watched them together.

He leaned on a railing as they waited in line for some ride that they wanted to go on. He had always thought that Lisa was a perfect match for Keith. She kept him grounded when at times he would have flown out of control, and Stephen adored her for it. He thought they were the perfect couple and well matched. While Ronan and Yvonne looked good together, they had yet to establish the longevity of a relationship like Keith and Lisa had. He hoped that it would prove as strong as the couple he was with, because he truly wanted Ronan to be happy.

They spent the day happily together and Stephen felt quite comfortable with the two of them. They were very good at making him feel like he just wasn't an extra appendage, and that they wanted him there with them. At present, Keith was trying to get Lisa to pose with him in front of some old town saloon characters, and she reluctantly agreed as he pulled on an old Western hat, picked up a bottle as a prop and pulled her onto his lap for the picture. Stephen brought over a wide brimmed lady's hat and set it on her head, to which she laughed. She also grabbed his hand and wouldn't let him go, telling him he now had to join them in the picture. Keith tossed him another hat, which he put over his baseball cap. He stood behind them, smiling at their antics. The photographer told them to come back in a half hour, so they wandered around the food stalls, looking for something to nibble on. Lisa kept them both to a small snack so that they couldn't spoil their appetites for the evening meal.

"Really, are you children or are you men?" She asked, exasperated as they giggled, still trying to get past her to the food booth. An older woman resting on a nearby bench smiled as she playfully batted their hands away before grabbing both men and steering them firmly away from the stall.

"I don't ever want to grow up," Stephen said, pouting as she led him away. "And I'm hungry."

"Me, too!" Keith complained, trying to dig his heels in so she couldn't budge him. She wasn't having any of that and swatted his bum so that he would behave.

"Stop that right now, or I'm going to turn this park around and go right back home!" She said, shaking her finger and trying to stifle a giggle of her own. They both cracked up at her comment and she used it as a diversion to bring them back to the photo booth so they could pick up their photos.

It was getting late by the time they finally made their way back to the hotel, getting out of the trolley that brought them back from the park. Lisa was disgusted with the grime she was feeling from the heat and declared she was going up to take a shower. Keith's look of intense interest showed Stephen which way that one was thinking and he pushed him after her, telling his friend that he needed to make sure she got to the room safely.

That night they all got together, going to a local restaurant that also had a show as part of the entertainment. They were all guests of a king who presided over the evening's entertainment. Keith got himself into trouble as there was audience participation with the servers, and his cheeky comment to one of the wenches brought the ire of the king to their table. He was made to go up to the dais and act as the king's jester, which Keith was all too happy to do. The rest of them laughed, though Stephen could see that Lisa was red-cheeked with embarrassment at his antics. She definitely tried to make him behave once he was allowed to come back to the table.

After dinner, the two other couples wouldn't allow Stephen or Alex to go back to the hotel by themselves and made them come out to a club with them. Stephen wasn't much for clubs, being more of the type who just wanted to sit at a quiet table in the pub and relax, but he went with them willingly enough. He was surprised with how much he actually enjoyed himself. Both Yvonne and Lisa dragged him and Alex out onto the dance floor a few times. Keith went off to talk to one of the barmen and came back with a grin on his face. Stephen was sitting with his back to the wall, feeling a pleasant haze from the champagne he had been drinking throughout the night.

"How about we move this party to another place?" Keith asked, trying to suppress the grin on his face. Ronan shrugged, happy where he was until Keith leaned over and whispered something that also made him grin. Nodding, he agreed, and encouraged the rest of them to get up so they could move on. Stephen was happy enough to follow them, and he trailed behind the rest of the group out to the street where they got a cab. He didn't catch the name of the club as Keith gave it to the driver as he sat back squashed in the seat next to Ronan and Yvonne. They crossed town to another area that seemed to be lined with clubs and young people partying in the streets. He also missed the knowing grin of the driver as Keith paid him the fare before leading them up to the entrance to the club.

Alex perked up right away as he surveyed the people as they entered the dim interior. He followed behind Stephen, bringing up the rear as they made their way to an available table. It wasn't until they sat down that Stephen realised that they were in a mixed club. There were couples of all sorts out on the dance floor and he saw some very erotic dancing as men danced together to the heavy dance beat as well as women, dressed to the nines and wrapped around each other as they swayed to the music.

"Keith, where are we?" Stephen asked, looking around at the wild decor with its southwestern theme.

"The Cactus Club," Keith said, enormously pleased with himself. "Mixed club, so you can dance with whomever you want."

Ronan was looking about with interest at the crowd, noting quite a few straight couples mixing in with the gay ones on the dance floor. "Good idea, Keet. They also have a pool room, if anyone's up to a game."

"Not me!" Alex said, looking around and licking his lips. "I think I'm going to go find me a sexy boy in spandex. Don't wait up for me if I disappear." He got up from the table and started making his way over to the bar, keeping an eye out for an interesting prospect. The rest of them laughed, amused at his single mindedness.

"Let's go play some pool. Steo?" Ronan asked, tugging on Yvonne's hand and headed for the room in the back that was separated by cacti strung with Christmas lights. Keith was already dragging Lisa out onto the dance floor, and Stephen thought it safest to stay with Ronan and Yvonne. He shrugged and followed them over to an empty table. Ronan grinned, seeing that Stephen was oblivious to the appraising looks he got as he made his way with them. He had loved Keith's idea and had immediately suggested they leave for the club so that Stephen could have some fun, also. The beauty of being in the States was that no one knew them here and they could enjoy themselves as they wanted.

Stephen was a little nervous about being left alone with Yvonne as Ronan went to get them some drinks, but she leaned against the pool table next to him and chatted with him until Ronan came back with the rack from the barman, along with their drinks. He set up the table as Stephen gratefully took a sip from his glass, trying to look around the room nonchalantly. There were all types in the club, from the pierced leather-wearing crowd to what looked like college lads out for the night. He relaxed marginally once Ronan started their game. What he knew about pool could be fit on the head of a pin, but it served to keep him distracted from watching the crowd.

None of them were very good, though Stephen surprised himself with how well he did. They were laughing a lot when they finally noticed a man standing near them. He gave Stephen a frank, appraising look and smiled.

"Looks like fun, care for doubles?" He asked them. Ronan grinned and nodded, introducing himself and Yvonne.

"This is Stephen," Ronan said with a wink towards his friend. "Steo, up to another game?"

"Why not?" Stephen asked, feeling a bit reckless. The other man's name turned out to be Chris, and he shook hands with him as they set up for another game of pool. Chris was a little taller than himself and a lot broader across the shoulders. He had longish auburn hair and twinkling brown eyes that Stephen couldn't help but smile back into when he looked up at the other man. The appearance of Chris at the table made a few other men who had been lingering step back as they ceded the conquest for the moment. Stephen was oblivious to it all however, as they chatted while they played.

Chris, a college student, was quite adept at playing pool, and he and Stephen easily won against Ronan and Yvonne. Ronan laughed good- naturedly and admitted defeat. Hearing a new song starting on the dance floor, he looked over at Stephen and asked if it would be okay if he and Yvonne went dancing. Stephen waved them off, sitting down at a table off to the side. Chris sat down beside him, keeping him company while the others were dancing.

"How long are you in town for?" Chris asked, leaning back against the wall next to Stephen.

"Not sure, actually. We only just got here yesterday," Stephen said, watching his friends dancing with a smile on his lips. Chris found that he could watch Stephen as much as he liked when his friends distracted him. When the group had first walked into the club, he had been immediately drawn to Stephen's good looks, but had thought he was with the blond guy who had come in with the group. Once he had seen that one walk off, he had made his way over to where he could see if they were attached or not. From Stephen's apparent lack of interest at the other's actions, he concluded that they weren't a couple. That was when he had worked his way into the pool game. He was captivated by Stephen's accent once he heard it. It was also obvious that Stephen was totally unaware of his allure to the rest of the men in the club. Chris found that unaffected aspect of the other man charming. Most often, people in the club tended to play games, which he himself found tiresome. He had come to the club at the request of his long suffering friends, only to find himself off by himself once they had found potential partners for the evening.

"Oh, is this your first time to Orlando?" Chris asked, interested in anything that would keep Stephen talking. Stephen explained that they had just made their way from Las Vegas, where his friend Keith had gotten married. Chris asked him about Vegas, and whether he had gone to any of the clubs there. Stephen shook his head.

"Actually, I usually don't go to clubs, but the others were all up for a night out, so I thought I'd give it a go for a change," he said with a rueful grin.

"Really?" Chris asked in surprise. "I'm normally the same way. I can't say when the last time was that I was in club before tonight. But my friends think I study too much, so they were determined to see that I got out and saw something of the city tonight."

"That sounds familiar," amusement laced Stephen's tone as he gave Chris a sideways glance through his lashes. "What do you study when you're not getting out with your friends?"

"Medicine," Chris said, leaning back against Stephen with an apologetic grin when one of the players who had taken over their pool table moved up against him to take a shot. Stephen didn't seem to mind and Chris got an appreciative whiff of his cologne. "I'm almost done with my studies, and hopefully this spring, if I pass the finals, I get posted for a year as an intern at a hospital."

"Wow, that must be hard work." Stephen said, impressed. "Are you studying to be any particular type of doctor?"

"Right now I'm concentrating on internal medicine. But I think I would like to work in an ER somewhere." Chris said, warming to his favorite subject. Usually his friends just rolled their eyes when he talked about his ambition, but Stephen seemed genuinely interested in what he had to say. He did see a blank look on Stephen's face, so he amended what he was saying as he realised he was probably using terms that the Irishman didn't know. "Emergency Room, that is."

"Ah, right," Stephen said with a nod. "That must be tough, though, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it can be rough, I know from experience as a volunteer when I was in high school. But to actually get the chance to make a difference – to save someone's life... that means a lot." Chris abruptly stopped as he became aware of his own zeal for his work. "Sorry, I'll stop now. My buds tell me I tend to overdo it sometimes. And I promised them I wouldn't talk shop tonight."

"It's okay. It's good to be passionate about what you want to do in life," Stephen said with a grin. "Too many people just seem unhappy in what they do, and what's the point going through life like that?" He looked up as a waitress came around to take another drink order. He found that his glass was empty and ordered another glass of wine. Chris asked for one too, discarding the empty beer bottle he had been holding onto.

"And are you passionate about what you want to do in life?" Chris asked boldly. Stephen laughed and Chris found himself captivated by the other man. Normally he went out of his way to avoid meeting someone in a club because it seemed like someone was always on the take, looking for a quickie, or just rang false once they started talking. Stephen came across as none of those things. He felt genuine to Chris, and not someone who frequented clubs without the urging of his friends.

"Absolutely," Stephen replied. At that point, the waitress came back with their drinks and they sat back, Stephen still watching his friends occasionally as they kept to the dance floor. He half suspected them of deliberately leaving him alone, just so he could have a night out with someone.

"And what is it that you are so passionate about?" Chris asked, wanting to draw the information out of the man by his side.

"Music," Stephen said looking down briefly, before looking up again into Chris' gaze. "And performing."

"Really?" Chris asked, interested. He saw how Stephen's eyes lit up as he mentioned the subject. "And do you perform?"

"Yeah, here and there," Stephen said, waving his wineglass. "With me friends."

"And are you any good?" Chris was amused by Stephen's reaction.

"Not half bad, actually. I've made a few bob off of it," Stephen admitted, not wanting to go into detail about it. Chris seemed to sense his reticence and backed off on his questioning. Instead, he changed the subject by holding up his glass for a toast.

"Well then, shall we drink to having passion about we do?" He asked with a laugh. Stephen nodded readily enough and touched his glass to Chris' before drinking it down. "Feel up to dancing?"

Stephen glanced over to the dance floor, letting out a chuckle as he watched Ronan making a spectacle of himself on the dance floor. "Oh, I don't know. Do you think we can compete with Ronan, there?"

Chris looked over and burst into laughter as he saw Stephen's friend on the dance floor. "Oh, definitely not. But if you'd like, we can have fun on our own."

Stephen grinned. He was relaxed by the wine and thought it would be fun. No one knew him here, so there was no chance of word getting back home of this night. He got up, putting his glass down on the table in front of them and held his hand out to his newfound friend. "Alright then, let's go." He hauled Chris up and led him out to the floor. The music changed to a slow tune and he turned expectantly with a smile. Chris took advantage of the change in pace and wrapped his arms around Stephen's waist, pulling him in a close embrace as they danced to the sultry southern beat.

Stephen was definitely noticing the effects of the alcohol he had been drinking throughout the evening. He enjoyed the feeling of Chris' arms around him and he swayed to the rhythmic beat as they danced. He even found himself leaning in and pressing his hips against the other man as they smiled at one another, neither one taking advantage of their position. The song ended and another one started, also slow and Stephen found himself leaning against Chris' chest. Stephen's arms crept up Chris' back, luxuriating in the muscles he could feel under the other man's shirt. He smiled lazily up into the twinkling brown eyes as he explored his dancing partner's broad shoulders. He liked everything he saw about Chris, from the way his hair curled at the collar to his shirt, to the enticing view he got of pectorals through the gap in his button down shirt as Chris danced against him. Just because Chris was someone who was studious didn't mean he didn't keep himself in good shape. Stephen found himself very appreciative of that. He also reveled in the feeling of being desired by someone without feeling pressured. One song moved into the next and he had no memory of Chris leading him off to a darker area of the dance floor. The feeling of Chris' lips against his own sent a shiver through his body and he leaned into the kiss, his mind in a haze of feeling. Fingers stroked the hair out of his face before trailing down his neck, tickling the sensitive area under his ear. He snuggled closer, caught up in the feeling of the hard body against his own, the strong arms rubbing his back as they kissed. But it wasn't until he found himself responding to Chris' tongue teasing its way passed his lips that the shock awoke him from his reverie and he instinctively pulled back from the other man.

"Am I going too fast?" Chris asked in a husky voice, feeling Stephen recoil from the kiss. He was a little confused, feeling befuddled by the alcohol himself and he had thought that he had read the signals from Stephen correctly. But when the other man pulled away, he wondered if he had rushed things too fast.

"Shite," Stephen swore softly, looking up with pain in his eyes. "No, yes... oh feck, yes. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lead you on." He started babbling, torn by the stricken look on the other man's face. "I'm so sorry."

"What is it, then?" Chris asked, concerned. He wasn't the type for one night stands, but he found himself irresistibly drawn to the other man and was puzzled by the sudden rejection. "Was it something I did?"

"No, it's not you. It's me. I'm... I'm sorry. There's someone..." Stephen broke off, a pained look on his face as if he had come to a realisation.

"There's someone else," Chris said, resigned. He knew it was too good to be true that this man would be unattached. But he had been able to convince himself that perhaps this time he was wrong.

Stephen glanced down, unable to meet the other man's gaze. "Yes." He forced himself to look up, knowing he owed Chris that much. "I'm sorry. It's just that we haven't been together for so long, and the wine..."

"It's okay," Chris said softly, seeing the stricken look in Stephen's blue eyes. "Doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves as friends, right?" Stephen looked a bit sceptical at his comment, but he kept his hold around Stephen's shoulders, not wanting him to break away and run. "Right?"

"You sure?" Stephen asked, still upset that he had inadvertently led Chris on. He found that they got on well, and hadn't had any intention of hurting him.

"Yeah, why not?" Chris said with a laugh. Stephen smiled up at him, wanting to believe that he wasn't hurt by the rejection. "Who knows, maybe you'll change your mind at some point and remember there's a cute doctor in Orlando waiting for you."

"Oh Jaysus, anything but that! You shouldn't be just sitting there waiting for someone you just met to come back. You're much too good for that." Stephen protested with a laugh. "I'm sure you'll find yourself someone grand to be with, Chris. Really."

"Maybe," Chris said doubtfully. Stephen responded to the wistful look on his face by leaning in and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm sure you will. You're too good of a person not to find someone that will be good to you." Stephen assured him. "Is being a friend okay?"

"Yeah, it's more than okay." Chris assured him. He smiled down at Stephen, unable to resist stroking the other man's cheek. "Thank you for being so understanding."

"What?" Stephen said, startled. "Thank you, Chris, for being so understanding yourself. I feel like I've led you on a bit tonight..."

"No," Chris said, shaking his head. "No you didn't. You were yourself. And in this place, I find that refreshing. I wish you luck with that man who has stolen your heart, and hope that he treats you well."

An incredible smile crossed Stephen's face at Chris' comment and the young man felt a pang of regret at the knowledge that someone could make Stephen smile like that.

"Thank you, Chris. That's very sweet." He reached up and gave Chris a rather chaste kiss. "And I wish the same for you. You'll make someone a rather nice catch as a doctor, you know."

"Maybe someday," Chris said with a laugh. "To be honest, at the moment I think I'm too single minded to be in a relationship." They continued dancing under the dim lights of the dance floor, talking as they swayed to the beat. They found themselves startled by last call and broke off to find Stephen's friends, who had long since abandoned the dance floor for their table. There was no sign of Alex, not that any of them expected him to join them. Stephen introduced Chris to the rest of the group, who welcomed him warmly. When it was finally time for them to go back to their hotel, Chris escorted them to the door and handed a number to Stephen in case he felt like socialising while he was in town. Stephen gave him a kiss and promised to ring him in the next day or so. The others were a bit bemused by his actions as they all got into the waiting taxi.

"You sure you want to come back with us?" Keith asked, watching as Chris solicitously closed the door behind them and waved as the taxi pulled away from the curb.

Stephen nodded, giving Keith a grin. "Yes. And no, I'm not taking him home with me."

"I don't know, Stephen. That one's a looker," Ronan teased, ignoring the swat his wife gave him.

"Yeah, he is, isn't he?" Stephen said with a laugh. "But not for me."

"Awwww," Lisa murmured softly. She had been watching him throughout the night and had thought that there was a mutual attraction there. "Ah you sure?"

"Yeah, sure. He's sweet, and Lord, is he gorgeous, but someone else has my heart." Stephen turned to look out the window, not saying any more. Keith and Ronan exchanged a look, surprised that he was being so forthcoming with that information.

"Don't you think you should go be with that someone, if he has your heart?" Yvonne asked softly, watching his face intently. She noticed the wistful look as he kept his face averted.

"God, I wish. But it's not exactly like he's free to meet me, even if I could be with him right now." Stephen closed his eyes, feeling his emotions were way too close to the surface for comfort. Ronan tactfully changed the subject about talking about some of the other people he had noticed in the club, thereby diverting everyone's attention away from Stephen. He knew that there was more to it than just their diverging schedules, but he also didn't think it was fair for all of them to pressure Stephen like that.

Stephen gratefully latched onto the change of subject, mentioning some of the more interesting characters he had noticed himself. By the time their taxi had reached the hotel, none of the others remembered what had gotten them started on the conversation to begin with.

He was also happy to be in a room by himself, knowing that chances were that Alex wouldn't come back to the hotel that night. He needed some time to himself, and he went into the tub for a long soak, quietly sipping a glass of wine to relax. A smile crept over his face as he thought back to his dances with Chris, and he was happy that Chris hadn't felt rebuffed by his reaction. The kiss had been good, he mused to himself, still smiling. When he had soaked long enough, he got up and wrapped a towel around himself, picking up his discarded clothing as he went. The crackle of a piece of paper in his pocket distracted him, and when he pulled it out of his pant's pocket, he found Chris' number scrawled across the corner of a napkin from the club.

Putting the paper on his nightstand, he draped the clothes over the arm of a nearby chair and crawled into bed. It had been a fun evening, and he was surprised that he had enjoyed himself as much as he had. He lay back in bed, his arms behind his head and eventually drifted off with the sound of the southern music in his head.

Next: Chapter 54

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