White Bitch Moan

By naughtyboy

Published on Mar 1, 2023


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My boy Jerome and I were cruising around in his truck one Friday bored out our minds. There's not much to do in this country town besides drink and smoke, not sense the one bar we had got closed in some drug raid. A new one would open in its place in a couple weeks, then it too would fuck up and suffer the same fate.

We were traveling the backroads, sipping our adult beverages when I spotted him in the headlights. I knew that small slender body. "Isn't that Jessie?" I tapped Jerome, squinting to make sure. "What's he doing down this road at this hour? Pull up on him and let's make sure he's okay."

"Ty, man, fuck that." Jerome said pulling past him. "I ain't got time for no skinny white boy." I just cocked my head in disbelief at him. He saw that stare and slowed down. "Man, fine." He put the truck in reverse. "I can't believe we're doing this shit." I took a swig of my drink and watched as Jessie's image got closer in the side mirror. "Are we going to turn him out?"

"Man, you know if my Moms find out that we just left him out here without checking on him, she'll kick our asses to Hell and back." My mother loved Jessie. He was the only reason most of us graduated high school. He was the team manager for the basketball and football team, on top of that he tutored all of us so we could play.

Jessie spent just about every weekend at my place helping me with my school work. We'd spend hours at the kitchen table under my Mother's watchful gaze working on English, Math and whatever else I needed help in. She'd paid him for the tutoring by making him stay for dinner. I swear that boy could put away some food.

After graduation, I expected him to head off to college, but two weeks after we got our diplomas he turned up at the local gas station, manning the cash register from sun up to sun down. Jerome and I got jobs at the mill and would see him when we stopped by on our way to work to grab something to eat. When I told him my mother was asking about him, he brightened up a bit, but every time I asked him over for dinner with the fam he always had to work.

I got the feeling he was sweet on me. He was small and slender, not an ounce of fat on that body except for that big bubble butt of his. You could slide your hand down his back and then, bam, mountains. He always had this shy smile and hid those amber brown eyes behind his shaggy mop of curly brown hair when he talked to me.

No matter how many girls I got with, my mind would wonder what it would be like to push on that cushion of his or what those soft red lips wrapped around my dick would be like. That got me brick every time. "Yeah, I'm going to turn him out. Just be cool about it, don't freak him. Play it cool." That was our thing. Me and Jerome would share a white boy when we couldn't some regular tail.

My Uncle always told me there was nothing like some white boy booty. He had a new boy now, one that turned up drunk in his yard. My Uncle used his black snake to make that boy moan and he ain't ever left my Uncle's side unless he had too since. He offered to help me find my own white boy, but it looks like I just stumbled on one.

Jerome stopped just short of Jessie, letting him walk up to the truck. I rolled down the window and called to him. "Yo, Jessie, man, what you doing out on these back roads this late?" He stopped, but he didn't turn to me. "Jessie, man." I got out the truck. The cool fall air hit me, so I knew Jessie had to be cold in just that work polo.

He tried to hide his face from me, but I grabbed his chin and brought his head up so I could see his face. "What the fuck man?" He tried to jerk his head away, but I held it gently in my hand, examining the bruise on his cheek. "Who did this to you man?" I let go and he started walking past me.

I grabbed him by the arm, and he tried not to wince. "Jessie, get your ass in that truck, now." I put every bit of command into my voice. He stopped, thinking what to do. "You either get in willingly, or I toss your skinny white ass in. Your choice." I saw his body slump as he turned and climbed in the truck.

"What's going on?" Jerome asked when I climbed in beside. "Boy, what happened to you?" He asked when he saw the bruise on Jessie's cheek. Jessie shrank down into the seat. "Who have you been let whoop on you?" I just wanted to smack the shit out of Jerome. He had no tact at all.

"Jerome, shut up, and drop us off at my place." I put my arm around Jessie and pulled him against me protectively. "Here drink this." I pressed my cup to Jessie's lips and he coughed at the strong taste. I saw Jerome looking at me annoyed, and I glared at him back. He knew not to fuck with me on this. "You can chill at my place tonight, little man."

Jerome sulked the entire ten minute drive back to my place. Jessie didn't say anything, but he sipped from my cup every time I pushed the cup to his lips. I kept him pressed closed to my six foot hard body protectively. That was the rule with us jocks. We watched out for our own, took care each other. Just because Jessie didn't play, didn't mean he didn't fall under that rule, and Jerome knew it.

I pulled Jessie from the truck cab with me. I moved into the old carriage house that was on the edge of my parents' land just after graduation. They wanted me independent, but close enough to check up on me. Their one rule was that I better not be making any babies until they were ready to be grandparents, so I made sure that my pecker was covered every time.

Jessie still hadn't said anything when I pulled him along into the house with me. He just stood there while I turned the lights on, his arms wrapped around himself. If my Mama could see him now, she'd send me out to teach whoever did this to him lesson, and she wasn't a violent woman unless you messed with one of her kids. To her, Jessie was one of her kids.

I dropped down to one knee in front of Jessie. He was only five foot five or so. I used to tease him I was taller than him standing and laying down. His cheeks would turn rosy with embarrassment and we'd all laugh. That's how he knew he was one of us, but he was never quite one of us.

"You're going to stay here tonight, okay?" He shook his head up and down. "Do I need to call your mom?" He paused before shaking his head no. I didn't think so. She was a real cunt. She was always drunk, opening her legs for anyone who had a twenty. Rumor was that she didn't even know who Jessie's Dad was. She or one of her johns probably did this to him.

"Are you hungry?" He shook his head no, but the growl of his stomach betrayed him. I brushed the hair out of his face. My ebony skin was a sharp contrast to his pale features. "Why don't you go take a shower, I'll grab you some clothes to put on, and make you a sandwich." He shook his head, giving me a glimpse of a smile. "Peanut butter and jelly, okay?"

"I don't like jelly." He said softly.

"No, jelly." I smiled at him, happy I had gotten him to talk. "Here, let me show you the shower." I took his hand in mine, taking him to the bathroom in my bedroom. I grabbed him a towel and the smallest clothes I had. Even the tiniest clothes I had wasn't going to fit him. I was willing to bet that my baby clothes were too big for him.

I held up the shirt against him and laughed. "I think you should just wear this." He looked at his reflection in the mirror and smiled, fighting a laugh,. The shirt almost reached down to his knees. "I don't even want to think about how the shorts would fit. Just wear the shirt, it'll be okay." I ruffled his hair playfully.

I was about to shut the bathroom door, when I heard his soft voice again. "Ty, thank you." I just smiled and shut the door behind me. I made him two sandwiches and poured us two stiff drinks. I didn't know if he drank like that, but tonight he was. He needed it. I sat the food on the coffee table and turned on the television and waited for him on the couch.

I tried not to laugh when he came out in just the oversized black tee. I could tell he was trying not to laugh as he twirled for me, arms outstretched. He looked like a five year old playing dress up in his daddy's clothes. I patted the seat beside me, handing him his drink. He took a tentative sip then launched himself at the sandwiches.

Those peanut butter sandwiches never stood a chance. "When was the last time you ate something?" Pangs of worry hit me. He tried to say something, his mouth full of peanut butter and bread, but I couldn't make it out. I handed him his drink to help wash it down. "Now, you know if my Moms saw you trying to talk with your mouth full she'd cut your tail."

He took a few long gulps, not phased by the alcohol. "I know." He said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. "Last night." He averted his eyes from me. "I cashed my check and grabbed something to eat. When I got home to give my mom the money I was short ten dollars." His voice went distant.

"She called me an ungrateful brat that was holding out on her. She started hitting me. Throwing things at me. She eventually got tired of it, and went out drinking." When I woke up this morning to go to work, she told me I'd be paying her back that money and then some. That there were plenty of men out there that would fuck my sissy ass."

"I couldn't go back home." I could hear the choked sob in his voice. "I don't want to turn out like the drunken whore she is." He turned his watery eyes to me. "I won't be a drunken whore like her." My heart broke for him. "I won't let the whole trailer pack pass me around like some joint. I'm not a whore."

I pulled him into my arms and let him weep into my chest. I stroked his back, and cradled his head. "I got you, Jessie." I said softly, kissing the top of his curly head. "I got you." I held him, letting him cry it out. I kept him pressed close, refusing to let him go. "You're going to stay here with me. You ain't going back there."

He looked up at me, face streaked with tears. "I can pay you rent." His lip still quivered with emotion. "I don't have any money right now, but I'll suck your dick or let you fuck my ass, whatever you want. I'll do it." I heard the quake in his voice. "Ty, I'll be your bitch. Whenever and however you want it."

I ran a thumb over his face, wiping away a stray tear. "Oh, Jessie." I said softly looking into his uncertain eyes. "I don't want you like that." I tilted his head up. "I want you like this." I pressed my lips to his. He tensed then relaxed, realizing what I wanted, what I really wanted from him.

I pulled him into my lap, holding him gently in my arms as our tongues found one another. He ran his hand over my freshly shaven head. I played in his clumsy locks of hair. All the tension seemed to melt from his body as all the inhibitions faded from me. Never in my wildest fantasies had I thought about kissing Jessie.

My Mama had always told me that when you found that one, you treated them like royalty. I bet she assumed that one day I'd find my princess, bet she didn't think I'd be bringing home a prince instead. Considering who it was, I don't think she'd care. I think she secretly knew I'd end up with Jessie. Mother's always know.

"Stop." Jessie said softly, breaking the kiss. I sucked on his lower lip trying to pull him back in the kiss. "Ty, stop for a second." I could tell by the tone of his voice he didn't really want to stop, but you always obeyed your prince. He stroked my grinning face. "Ty, what does this mean?" He needed to hear the words. I needed to say them.

"Jessie, you can call yourself my bitch, my whore, my whatever." I ran a finger over his lips. "I'm going to call you my precious prince." He blushed that sweet shade of red. "I want you, Jessie, only you." He shyly brought his eyes to mine, a hint of hope in them. "Tell me you'll be my prince. Tonight, tomorrow, the day after that and all the days after that."

"Only if you'll be my king." I answered him with a kiss. With words spoke, and unspoken, we were free to be us. My hand moved from the small of his back to those glorious globes. His hands roamed the expanse of my broad chest. Jessie was really doing something to me. My pants python was threatening to break free of its cage. "Jessie, are you up for me making love to you tonight?"

The growl I heard wasn't from his stomach this time. "I'll be gentle, baby." I stood up, carrying him in my arms to the bedroom. I laid him gently on the bed. I took a moment to admire him there, in the dim light from the main room. Someone in my bed never looked so right. No one else ever would.

I kicked off my shoes and pulled my shirt off, revealing my chiseled chest and flat hard stomach. I was still in good shape from all the sports in school, and though I didn't hit the weights like I did then, I was still a wall of muscle. I undid my pants and let them fall to the floor, leaving me in the white spandex trunks.

Jessie's eyes went wide when he saw the outline of my ten inches. "Don't worry, baby." I ran a hand over it. "This will never hurt you, just make you feel oh, so good." I lowered my trunks. When I stood back up, my cock swung back and forth till it found Jessie, like some divining rod. "He likes you." I laughed.

Jessie squirmed out of my shirt. I reached out and helped him pull it off, tossing it to the floor. "Damn, Jessie, you're no slouch in that department either." I reached down and took his eight inch pole in my hand, stroking it up and down. Normally I didn't touch the guy's dick I turned out, but I wanted to touch Jessie everywhere.

I laid on top of him. His arms went around my back while I kissed him, sucking on his lower lip before slither my tongue down to his neck. I felt him clawing at my back as I sucked gently on his neck. He was panting my name by the time I moved down to his nipple, running my lips over the nubs between caressing flicks of my tongue.

I pulled his arms down to his sides, holding them there in a light grip. I moved down his body, kissing, tasting his body. He squirmed and bucked in sensory overload. I reached up with one hand to his face, pausing at his belly button, to pet his face till he was able to catch his breath.

He let out tiny squeaks and moans, the carnal need in him building. He sucked my thumb into his mouth, nursing the thick digit lovingly. I took this as my signal to begin again. I kissed my way to his belly, then drew slow circles around his belly button with my tongue. I heard him call out in pleasure around my thumb. He bucked his hips up involuntarily.

I moved down, kissing along his happy trail till I reached the tip of his dick. I kissed the tip, tasting his salty goodness on my lips. I thumped my tongue down his shaft till I found those hairless balls dangling, awaiting attention. I moved my hands to his hips, hooking his legs over my shoulders.

He cried softly at the lack of pacifier. I didn't want anything silencing him. I wanted to hear his pleasure echo through the house. "Don't hold back, Jessie." My voice was deep with sex. "Be as loud as you want, baby. I don't care who hears. I'm not ashamed. I want everyone to hear how I make you feel."

I wrapped my lips around his balls, rolling them in my mouth with my tongue. The gasp then shriek of glee reverberated through the room. Normally when Jerome and I tagged white boys it was all about us. We didn't kiss them, didn't touch their dicks, didn't do anything I was doing and planning to do with Jessie tonight.

I moved my mouth to his smooth inner thighs, nibbling lightly. I held on tight to him as he bucked and jerk about. I would pause, only briefly, letting him catch his breath before sending him back in convulsions. I was enjoying teasing and pleasing Jessie. I enjoyed the taste of that spot right where his leg and groin met. I enjoyed Jessie.

"Please, Ty." Jessie panted, pushing my head away from his skin. "Let me catch my breath, please." I saw the conflict in his eyes. The desire for more, the need for a break. His chest was heaving, trying to catch his breath. I decided to give him more and a break. "Ty?" He asked when he saw my grin.

I licked up his shaft, tasting cock for the first time. I didn't hesitate when I took the fat cock head into my mouth, tasting the sweet liquid that poured forth. I hadn't even tasted my own, now I was tasting his. I rolled my head, taking him down as far as I could, squeezing and relaxing my lips to massage the pliable steel flesh.

I couldn't take all of him, but I took enough to know that I liked the press of him at the back of my throat. I couldn't believe I had denied myself this experience for so long. I slurped and suckled. I wasn't even aware that I was moaning at the enjoyment of Jessie sliding in and out of my lips. I loved the press of his shaft against my tongue.

I toyed with his cock in my mouth, getting a feel for the style and rhythm of sucking my first cock. I couldn't believe how hard my cock was. I wanted to do more, so much more to him. "Ty!" Jessie's hands pounded aimlessly on the bed. "You're going to make me cum!" I paused, debating whether or not I wanted to let him climax just yet.

I let him slip from my mouth, crawled my way up his body till we were nose to nose. My voice was deep and husky when I asked, "Am I making you feel too good, baby?" I kissed him before he answered. He groaned when I pulled back. "Do you want to suck me, baby, feel my black hammer pound you?"

I saw his nostrils flair, and his face contort into snarl. That soft spoken boy was gone. "Yes." His voice was gruff. "Give me that dick, Ty." I smiled. There was one more thing I wanted to try first. I was glad that I was so big and strong and Jessie was so small and light. I rolled us over, and flipped him so that he faced my cock and his bountiful booty was splayed before me. Jessie didn't waste any time taking hold of my thick cock.

When his lips surrounded the head of my cock, I was in bliss. I think he unhinged his jaw to fit me in his mouth as he sucked me down. "Fuck." I said softly as his mouth worked me. My hands roamed over his bottom, pulling those cheeks apart. I leaned up and buried my face into his ass, my tongue fucking him soft and hard.

I was doing a lot of things with Jessie I hadn't done before, but eating his ass was my favorite so far. I ran my tongue along his crack, tasting the sweet tang. Every light brush or hard fondle if my tongue sent Jessie into a fervor. I could feel him taking more and more of me into him. Each pass of lips over me, every press of his tongue to my shaft, pushed me to appreciate that ass more, like a vicious contest of pleasure where everyone is the winner.

The room was such a mix of slurps, moans, groans and smacks. Jessie was chugging my dick like a drunken frat boy while I was devouring his cakes like a hungry fat boy. I was getting all up in his ass, getting it sloppy wet, spreading his taste all over my tongue and face. I wanted to fall asleep with his taste in my mouth.

When Jessie pulled off my dick and off my mouth, I thought that be had enough or I had done something wrong. He straddled my hips, the light from the open door casting him in a soft glow. I watched him reach behind him, taking my shaft. "You don't have to." I said softly, stroking his chest.

He raised up on his knees, and guided the tip to him. He lowered himself slowly. I watched the painful determined face as he sank down onto me slowly contort to satisfactory bliss. He didn't stop sliding down my pole till I was all in and he rested comfortably again on my hips. I ran my hand and over his face, feeling the warmth of his inside surround my cock.

He turned his head to suck one of my fingers into his mouth, slowly rotating his hips to get used to me in him. His body rolled slowly as he lifted himself up and then back down. He made little whimpers around my finger. I watched him rise and fall, a little more each time, a little faster each time.

When I was sure he was ready, I began moving my hips under him, meeting him with each downward movement, pulling out with every rise. We set a rhythm together, without speaking a word. I watched in amazement, genuine love in my eyes as he took me in him over and over again. If he only knew how beautiful I saw him at that very moment.

I let him enjoy his slow coaxing. I had his cock in my other hand, letting him stroke himself against my rough palm. The view from the bottom was breathtaking, but I wanted to see the view from above. He was showing me he could take it, but could he take me? Could he take me controlling the slow grind into him? Could he take the hard pounding into him? We were both about to find out.

I arched up, bringing my lips to his, my arms encircling him, holding him still. I rotated my hips, pushing up into him. The soft cry of loss when I pulled out just slightly confirmed, he could take it and much more. I rolled us over, pinning him to the bed under me. I looked down into his brown eyes and saw no hint of fear or remorse.

"Fuck me." He said soft. His hands moved over my hard chest. "Fuck me, Ty." I almost did. I could have treated him like some sloppy hole to be tossed out when I was done, but looking into that face, the one that sat across from me at the kitchen table, I couldn't do that to him. "Fuck me, Ty." His plea was more urgent this time.

"No." I answered in almost a whisper. "I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to make love to you." His confusion only lasted a minute as I moved in him, careful to watch for any hint of pain. "Baby, I'm going to treat you like the prince you are." I kissed him, snaking my tongue into his mouth while my python glided into his hole.

I humped into him, enjoying the feel of his velvet insides squeeze against me. I didn't want this to ever end, but the urge to fill him up was slowly building in me. I wanted to really pound him, to feel that ass slap against me. I pulled out. He gasped. His lip quivered with the sudden emptiness.

I flipped him onto his stomach and pushed back into him. He let out a sigh, wiggling his butt back to get every inch of me into him. I covered his body with mine, my hands taking his. I kissed the back of his neck, and began the gradual pick up of my speed. He arched back, pushing into me.

The sounds he made as I practically pounded him into the bed turned me on more. He turned his head for a kiss. I sucked on his tongue, while my balls threaten to boil over. I knew I was close, and nothing I could do would fend it off. "Jessie," my voice was almost a soft cry, "I can't hold back, baby. I'm going to fill you up unless you tell me not to."

"Do it." Came his growl. Those words set me off. I squeezed his hands in mine and slammed hard into him, spearing him with my throbbing member. I felt jolts as I seeded him. I bit down his shoulder, careful not to leave a mark. "Oh, Ty." He purred as my body rocked with orgasmic tremors.

I could feel my balls pull up and empty everything they had into him. My body was on fire with the volcanic eruption into Jessie. I convulsed with every shot deep into him. "Oh, my God, baby." I barely whispered as the final blast shook me. I kissed him on his cheek, letting go of his hands to slide them under him. "I've never cum like that, ever."

Jessie closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of my still rock hard dick in him. "Thank you, Ty." He murmured. He thought I was done. My daddy told me to never be a selfish lover. I rolled us over again, this time onto my back. One hand held his small frame to my chest, the other took his leaking prick. I jacked him. He moaned my name. I felt the slight pulse under my grip. He was close, but holding back.

"Cum for me, Jessie." I whispered in his ear. "Shoot that shot. Blow that load for me with my dick still deep in you." I heard his breath quicken. He was just on the verge of releasing. "I want to see you cum. I want to feel you cum with my cock still in you." I had to admit it, that thought was getting me aroused again.

It also sent Jessie over the edge. I felt the swelling in my hand as a torrent of white bullets scattered across his chest and stomach. His orgasm was much more violent than mine, as he kicked and bucked, knocking his head back into me. I held him tight, milking every last drop out of him.

It seemed like forever when he finally calmed down. I ran my white splattered hand over his body, rubbing it into his skin. He was still trying to catch his breath while I was enjoying the feel of his body against mine. I knew we would have to get up and shower eventually, but I just wanted to capture this moment, engrave it into my mind.

"Ty." Jessie said softly. I grunted my acknowledgement. "I need to take another shower. You've coated me in my spunk." I let out a low chuckle that caused me to slowly slip from him. "It's not funny." He started to laugh and then I was out. He winced from the loss of me in him. "I wish you could be in me all the time."

I lifted us up, cradling him like a baby in my arms. "Me too, Jessie." He smiled and kissed me before resting his head against my chest. "Let's get cleaned up." I didn't set down till we were in the bathroom. His work clothes were on the counter, folded neat. These were the only clothes he had here.

It was everything I had not to get started again in the shower. Jessie melted into my touch. I washed his hair, ran the washcloth slowly over his body, and even slipped a finger into his lovingly abused hole. There was something sensual about washing your lover after sex. I'd never shower without him again if I could help it.

Jessie returned the favor, but his hands were much more exploratory than mine. He took his time soaping my body, feeling the muscle he had admired for so long, but never touched. When he took my semi hard cock in his hand, he started stroking me, waking the sleeping giant again. I quickly stopped him, kneeling down so he could wash my shaved head.

Afterwards, we dried off, and he was unsure of where to sleep. "Get your sexy ass in that bed." I playfully swatted hit butt. "We need to get some sleep after all that." That little shy boy came out in him again. He hugged me, his chest right at my nipples. I put my arms around him. "Come on, baby, let's get some rest."

In bed, I pulled him to me, letting him rest his head on my chest. I was content. "Good night, Ty." He quickly pecked me on the lips and laid his head back down on my chest. I squeezed him close. "And, Ty, thank you for tonight."

I kissed him on the top of the head and sighed with happiness. "Good night, Jessie." I said in a half yawn. "Get some sleep."

I woke up first. I didn't want to leave the comfort of Jessie in my arms, but I had things to do. I slipped on my trucks and headed to the bathroom. After relieving my bladder, I took his work clothes and brought them in the kitchen with me. I poured myself some juice and rang my mother up.

I knew she'd be up early. She always was. I kept my voice soft, as to not disturb Jessie. I told her a edited version of the night before, and how all his stuff was still at his mom's trailer. She assured me that she would take care of it and to be decent when she came calling around noon.

I had just hung up with her when Jessie came out the bedroom, wearing my shirt. As silly as it was, it was just as sexy. "Have you seen my clothes?" He was rubbing his eyes, still trying to shake the sleep. He let loose a loud yawn, and all I could think was my cock was buried deep in that throat last night.

I tapped the pile of clothes on the table in front of me. He groggily made his was to them and when he reached for them I grabbed his arm and pulled him into my lap. "Nope, you're not putting those on." My hand went up the shirt to rest on his thigh. "I want you like this for a while, or naked, your choice."

"Ty." He giggled. I swear, he actually giggled. He was so fucking adorable and sexy, I couldn't resist. I kissed him. Long, slow and deep. "Ty, I got to get back home." His breath caught in his throat. "My mom has to have calmed down by now." He leaned into another kiss that I freely gave him.

"You are home." I whispered softly. "You ain't going back there, no how, no way." I squeezed his leg for emphasis. "You're staying right here with me." I hushed his protest with a kiss. "You're going to get your butt into school where you belong." He rested his head on my shoulder. "Don't you worry. I got you."

I didn't have to say a thing to my Mom when she came by with the box of Jessie's things. I had let him put on pants, but he still wore my shirt. She carried the box in only to shove it into my arms when she saw Jessie. "Come here, baby." She pulled him into a hug, nearly smothering him in her bosom.

"You ain't got to worry about her, no more. I put the fear of God and my foot in her ass if she comes around you again." She pulled him back to look at him, love filling her voice. "You're one of us now." She cocked her head, then looked at me then back at Jessie. "You knew that already, didn't you?" She kissed him on the cheek and turned to me. Mother's know. They always know.

"You could do much worse around these parts." Her smiled betrayed her stern voice. "I expect both of you for Sunday dinners, no excuses." She looked at me then Jessie. We were both frozen with fear. "That gets a, `yes, ma'am.' Try it for me boys, I know you got voices. I've heard them before."

"Yes, ma'am." We both said in almost unison.

"At least you won't get him pregnant." She threw out casually. I saw Jessie turn three shades of red as my jaw dropped. "I'll let you two be, I have things to do." She paused at the door, turned her head for a moment giving me a cheeky grin. "Boys, air this place out. It reeks of sex." She gave me a little wink before shutting the door behind her.

We were both stunned, frozen in place. I finally sat the box on the kitchen table and moved over to Jessie, taking him into my arms. I couldn't help but laugh as he looked up at me in disbelief. I brushed his hair back out of his face. "Welcome to the fam, Jessie." I leaned down for a kiss. "Now lose the pants. She's gone. You know the rules."

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Next: Chapter 3

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