White Boys Beat Down

By Justin Abbott

Published on Dec 1, 2023


PART ONE: White Boys Beat Down

Jakiris smacked the white faggot across the face.

"Bitch, I toad you ta make shu dis baffroom be clean." He grabbed the thin boy by his long blond hair and pushed his face in the toilet. "Now get dis shit clean unless you wanna real whuppin."

Jakiris was a thug by day and a would-be rapper by night. He rapped with a DJ at a club while the crowd danced, and he got paid a lot more than his talent would command, because of his reputation and swagger.

Things had changed a lot after the rapper Loquacious stunned America with his 2009 video. The sight of the hyper masculine rapper being carried in on a sedan chair by four white frat boys, and attended to by them in the video and in concerts, was a new wrinkle.

No one questioned that Loquacious had a different lady every night, but when he seemed to hint that at least one of the white boys in the video had been despoiled as a punishment for being white, brothers everywhere took notice. No one could question Loquacious, a man's man and former convict.

Over the next few years it started to be a rapper's cachet to own a white punk. They started by "employing" them in their entourage, and a surprising number were eager to work for a thug, even in the most menial position. The music was so cool and the rappers seemed to have pussy at their fingertips.

The thugs and rappers enjoyed the modern day version of slave labor, the white kids so eager to be a part of the rap and hip hop life they would do almost anything to be near it all.

Not all of the niggaz were cool with a white boy swallowing their babies, but a few thought it was a hoot, and most just liked the feeling of power and control. The violence they inflicted on the pathetic poseurs appealed to them as well. Some rappers were just down with beating up a white boy a couple of times a week. Others actually plowed a kid's throat for "sumpin differnt".

These white boys weren't real faggots. The thugs could see a real cocksucker a mile a way. They didn't get off on that shit. They wanted a white boy who hated the idea of being humiliated by any dude, let alone a nigger.

And if it ever came to more than physical or verbal abuse, if a brother actually shoved his fat dick in a white boy's mouth, well that was the final act of degradation and superiority. Jakiris knew another nigger with a white former high school quarterback who kept his apartment and cooked his shit. To turn these white hot shots queer and break them down was the ultimate power trip.

Jakiris was about six foot and 190. He kept his head shaved and liked to wear wifebeaters. That shit never went out of style! He had found the white queer to step and fetch for him at a club. The pathetic loser was actually hanging out near the DJ booth, trying to meet him.

The white kid looked to be about 19. Jakiris thought that was perfect. He, himself, was 24, but a white kid that young would be inexperienced in a thug's world and easy to manipulate. The kid had long blond hair and was skinny. To Jakiris he could imagine the kid's mouth as a white girl's, and his dick stirred thinking about white pussy.

He remembered the night, now three months ago, like it was yesterday. He talked the kid up a little bit, and said maybe they could go out in the alley after the DJ quit and smoke a blunt. The stupid white faggot looked like he was gonna bust a nut, being this close to a rapper.

Jakiris left the club via the back door, the honky following like a puppy dog, pulling down his jeans to try and emulate the rapper. They rapped a bit near the club's dumpster, and then lit the pot-filled blunt. Jakiris liked Grape Dutch's.

A club employee, another skinny white creep came out with a bunch of black plastic bags, tossing them in the dumpster. "Fuckin cool show tonight, Jak! See you tomorrow."

Jakiris just bumped knuckles with the white boy and blew smoke in his target's face. Once the janitor whitey went back inside and locked the door, Jakiris made his move.

He grabbed the white boy by the throat and shoved him up against the brick wall. "What you sposa be anyway, some white faggot? Hangin around ma boof all night, makin puppy dog eyes at me likes you wanna suck ma Johnson?"

The kid was losing his breath, the longer Jakiris gripped his throat, and then the rapper sucker-punched him in the gut, and he sagged to the ground, barely staying on his knees.

The queer couldn't muster the breath to deny the charges, which Jakiris took to be a "yes". He grabbed his baggy jeans and felt the immediate hard-on he always got when he got violent and hurt someone. The white boy just looked up, coughing and retching.

Jakiris put his hand in the fly of his boxers. His jeans were low enough that he could accomplish this without dropping his pants. He yanked the large black cock out with little difficulty, and left it sticking straight out in front of the faggot's face.

The boy managed to say "No, no, no" as he guessed what was next. Jakiris grabbed his ears and pried open the kid's mouth.

"I better not feel no teef cocksucker. Now get busy on dis dick." He shoved the monster in and the kid choked. "Suck dat shit, bitch."

The kid tried to pull back, and Jakiris let go of one ear and slammed him hard again in the gut. Using the same hand, he forced the mouth open again and jammed home his cock. This time the boy seemed to understand there was no refusing this powerful black man and he relaxed a bit as he mouthed his first cock.

It didn't take Jakiris long. He was already pumped from the violence of taking the white boy and breaking him down to the faggot most were inside, and the bitch did have a warm, wet mouth. Jakirius imagined the long blond hair was on a cunt and he let go with his load within two minutes.

The boy gagged and let cum drip out of the corners of his mouth. Jakiris squeezed his long, black dick and moaned. "Dass it faggot. Swallow dat shit. You a good cocksucker, bitch. Clean dat piss slit, cunt."

Amazingly, the kid leaned into the head and licked the last of the cum. He let his gaze fall to the alley, and Jakiris let go of his ears. "Dat shit be good. You bess be here tomorrow night again and we pick up where we leff off."

He pushed the white boy to the ground and kicked him in the crotch with his Jordans. Then he pulled up a huge hock of spit and planted it on the kid's face, watching as his babies dribbled down the fag's chin.

I welcome your comments pro and con and potential future plot twists at justinnewjersey@yahoo.com. Peace, Justin.

Daz Jakiris Dantarious

Next: Chapter 2

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