White Boys Beat Down

By Justin Abbott

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Jakiris wasn't sure if the white faggot would show up the next night at the club, as he had ordered. He kind of doubted it, but then you never knew with white boys. The kid seemed so keen on hanging out with rappers and thugs.

But the night passed uneventfully, and Jakiris happily left with two young ho's, one white and blond, and spent the next few hours after leaving the club with one or both of the bitches on his insatiable cock.

It was the next day, just about five in the afternoon, when he had dispatched the pussy and gone to the nearby KFC, that he saw the white queer. He was entering the parking garage across the street, and Jakiris saw him waiting for the elevator. Quickly, he sprinted in the side door, and ran up the stairs to the second and top floor.

He was just in time, as the slow moving elevator creaked open and the kid walked out alone. Jakiris grabbed him and hauled him into the stairwell. He held his hand over the cocksucker's mouth so he couldn't scream, and once in the stairway he punched the faggot hard in the gut.

The blond bitch caved to his knees, just like the last time. Jakiris pulled his hand away from the boy's mouth, and reached in the fly of his grey boxer briefs, not needing to clear the way of his jeans which hung very low.

"Listen, dude, I'm really sorry I couldn't make it last night. You know I dig your act, man. I would have been there if I could."

"Dat wasn't no engrave invitashun bitch. When I tells you ta bees somewhere, you say what time, boss? An it wasn't ta hear me rap either, it was ta get busy on my cock, you hear me white boy?"

"Yeah, sure, dude, whatever. But not here. Let's go to your place."

Jakiris just sneered. "Yeah right. It ain't gonna be me they see on his white faggot knees sucking a niggaz dick if dey walk down dis stair." He punched the kid in the face, and then reached behind and took out the kid's wallet. It hung on one of those skateboarder chains, and Jakiris ripped it loose, tearing the kids belt loop off.

He looked inside the wallet, as the kid held his sore mouth and started to quietly cry. Jakiris found no credit cards, but took out the fifty five bucks the kid had, and then his photo driver's license.

"Dis where you live, in Hollyfield wid da rich white folk?"

"Yeah", the fag answered. Jakiris now fished his growing dick, and his balls, from his underwear, and smiled as he saw it had grown to its full ten inches when he had pummeled the weak white queer.

He pushed the boy's hand away from his swollen lips, and pried open the kid's mouth. He quickly stuffed his monster dick in the cocksucker's warm, waiting mouth, and grabbed his long blond hair and his ears, viciously mouth fucking his rape victim. Or was the boy really being raped?

Sensing there was no hope, the teenager leaned into his work now, applying pressure, but no teeth, to the chore, as he remembered his girlfriend had done to him numerous times. Jakiris didn't smell bad down there, fresh from a shower, but the small black curly pubes were all over his mouth. He pulled hard on his nemesis's cock. He even took his right hand and milked the low hanging balls. With his left he touched Jakiris's grey boxer brief covered butt, tracing the ass crack.

The bigger man came in less than a minute, moaning loudly, and clearly audible from the elevator landing. "Dass it faggot! Take dem babies. Swallow you dinna. You white cocksuckers love dat nigga cock!"

When Jakiris was finished pumping his seed down the teenager's throat, he allowed himself to think about his friend Daz. Daz was an up and coming thug, just 18, and he looked up to Jakiris and was running some serious shit on the streets already. Jakiris thought maybe he'd share his new white cocksucker when the time was right.

Without being told, the boy leaned in and cleaned Jakiris's crotch. Squeezing out the last of the cum from his hole, then licking the shaft clean. Finally he licked his man's balls clean.

"Dass enuff. You enjoin it too much, bitch." Jakiris pushed the faggot down half a flight of stairs. He pushed his junk back in his underwear and turned to go.

"Now ah know where you lives. So you better sho up whens I tell you. Be at the club tonight aroun two. Fix yo hair nice for me too babydoll, and cum hungry."

I welcome your comments, pro and con, as well as future plot twists at justinnewjersey@yahoo.com. Peace, Justin.

Next: Chapter 3

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