White Boys Beat Down

By Justin Abbott

Published on Jan 3, 2023


The white boy did indeed show up later that night, sheepishly appearing just before two AM. Jakiris ignored him and loved the way that seemed to make the kid want him more.

The faggot kept finding ways to get closer to his better, and desperately tried to make eye contact. He truly wasn't sure if Jakiris even saw him. He was surprised to feel his small cock stir a bit in his cargo shorts.

Around four things were winding down, and Jakiris was done for the night. He took a VIP table in the back with the café au lait sister from the previous night. Then he texted his main man Daz and told him to come on over.

The white cocksucker had hit up the ATM and asked a waitress to send over a bottle of Hennessey to Jakiris's table, with set ups. About fifteen minutes later Daz arrived. He was just 18, but tall and wiry, with long braided dreads. Jakiris got up to do a light hug and bump. Then the younger man sat down at the table, and his host poured him a strong drink.

The white kid watched enviously from a corner, unaware that Jakiris saw his every move. After a few more minutes, Jakiris got up from the table and walked towards the men's room. Daz quickly moved in on the girl and started feeling up her tits.

The boy was near the bathroom door, and Jakiris motioned with his eyes for him to follow him in. The bathroom was empty as the club was thinning out, and as soon as the queer walked in, Jakiris grabbed him by the throat and put him up against the wall.

"Now lissen up good faggot. Weez goin ta mah crib. You, me an ma main man. Youze gonna suck boaf cocks, see?" The pussied-out white nodded. "Thirty minutes. Eight ten norf Street. Don't be late." And Jakiris dropped the cocksucker to the dirty bathroom floor, where he fell in a puddle of piss.

When Jakiris returned to the table, he saw that the bitch had her tongue halfway down Daz's throat. He grabbed her and pulled her out of the booth. "You dirty fuckin ho! I leaves you wid ma man here an when I cum back you ready ta suck on his dick so quick?" He smacked her across the mouth and grabbed the Hennessey.

"Less go, son. I had enuf a dis fuckin place and da lo class hose dey got here." Daz would follow Jakiris anywhere. Jakiris was 23 and bigger and knew more about the world. Daz kinda digged selling, but he had to admit rappin' in a club was like getting paid for sex.

Ten minutes later they were in Jakiris's apartment over a dry cleaner, "Because I Got High" by Afroman blasting, and a porn video playing on the tube showed a white bitch getting fucked up the ass by a Tupac look alike.

Daz added more Arizona Fruit Punch to his Hennessey and ice and inhaled on the blunt. He hated these grape blunts Jakiris liked, but he wasn't going to turn down free weed.

Daz stroked his growing cock through his baggy jeans and looked at his friend. "Dayum nigga, dis weed is sum good shit. So dis movie. Lookit dat white ho take dat niggaz dick!"

"Son, I gots us a special treat tonight. Nunna dat skanky ass ho shit like at da club." With that the light that signaled someone was at the door downstairs, blinked red. "Son, go down an let dat white boy in."

Daz jumped up and went down the stairs, adjusting his monster hard on in his boxers. He let the skinny white boy in, locked up, and preceded the kid up the stairs.

Sitting back down, Daz said "Who dis white boy anyway?" The kid just stood, sheepishly, at the top of the stairs, looking down at his green Chucks.

"Memba dat nigga name Loquacious from Housin? Had dem white boys carry him out in dat video? One looked like da All-American quarterback dat juss hadda suck him sum nigga cock?"

"Yeah, yeah, son." Daz laughed, slapping his thigh. "Dat shit was good. Doan tell me dis white boy here ta suck our cocks?"

"He dun suck mine aready today. Bitch gotta mouf like a vacuum cleana! Tell him to spark your short."

The kid scampered over with his lighter and ignited Daz's Newport. "Watch dis." Jakiris jumped up and punched the queer in the mouth, busting open his lower lip. Blood dripped down on his wife beater. His cargo shorts, already too loose, dropped down to his ankles. The boy stood there in his white Dolce and Gabbana boxer briefs, holding his mouth.

"White faggot!" Jakiris screamed. He ripped off the kid's wife beater. "Dis shit covered in blood you sick freak." Daz watched in amazement as Jakiris pulled off his own wife beater, and quickly pushed down his baggy jeans and grey boxer briefs. His cock stood up at attention, pre-cum sliding down from his slit.

"Dat shit always get me hard, beatin on a white faggot or a bitch" said Jakiris, as he stroked his long hard dick. "Get down on your knees queer."

Daz watched in amazement as the kid did just that. "Look man. I don't know how this shit got started, but I ain't gay. I just dig your rap man. Me and my friend think you are so cool. But I'm not into this gay shit. Me and him got girlfriends."

Jakiris punched the kid in the left eye. It would leave a nasty motherfuckin shiner the next day. The faggot fell back into the coffee table, knocking over a few empty beer cans. Jakiris grabbed him by the hair and pulled him back on his knees.

Screaming at the top of his lungs, totally out of control with rage, Jakiris yelled over the music "You muthafuckin freak! I want dis shit sucked off good. Den you start on ma man here. Got it? Anymore shit and ah'll fuckin cut off yu balls you sick, freakie ass white faggot."

"If eyes feel any teef, ah'll black dat otha eye for you cocksucker." The kid leaned over and took Jakiris in his mouth. Daz had freed his nine inch cock from his boxers and was stroking it. With a look of resignation, the white boy reached out with his right hand and started to stroke Daz's dick, while he sucked on Jakiris's.

"Damn Jak, dis white faggot know his place aroun you. Hurry up and nut soos I can get in dat mouf." And he did.

Comments? Plot twists? Thanks for all the e-mail. Some of you are sicker than Jakiris.


Next: Chapter 4

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