White Boys Beat Down

By Justin Abbott

Published on Jan 12, 2023


The white boy was hanging out the next day at his friend's parents' house. His face still ached from the beating and mouth fucking he had endured at the hands of Jakiris. And Jakiris was gentle compared to the 18year old Daz, who viciously choked the white teenager with his long cock. His throat was raw and sore.

The boy's friend was a big jock. He had been an All State quarterback at their high school, and now that they had graduated, the football player was headed to Long Beach State on a scholarship. The boy had decided to go there too, so they could stay together. They had been friends since they were five.

Jared, the quarterback, was a bit taller than his friend, and had the requisite work out body from six years of football. The white boy always kidded his friend that he looked like an Abercrombie model, and he had light brown curls, covering his ears and reaching his collar, that drove the girls crazy.

They made an odd couple, this BMOC and his slight, long blond haired pretty boy friend, but they shared everything, including a love of rap music and its culture, and their favorites were Young Phoenix and hard squad. They even shared each other's girlfriends, something Jared had insisted upon one night when he was horny and bored.

So naturally Jared had to ask what had happened that his friend had such a black eye. "Dude, what the fuck happened to you?!"

The kid came in Jared's bedroom and flopped on his bed. "Don't ask dude. I was at that club last night and that rapper Jakiris? He thought I was eyeing up his woman. One thing led to another and well, I guess this white boy ain't as tough as I thought!"

Jared leaned forward in his computer chair. "Dude, this is awesome! You know Jakiris that well?"

"And his friend Daz too. Going over there this afternoon to smoke a little weed" the kid lied, bragging.

"Dude you gotta take me, man! I gotta meet Jakiris. That is so cool. He has a cousin at USC on the team."

Just then the white kid got a text. He hid the fact that it was Jakiris, ordering him to come over.

"Look dude, I gotta go, my brother needs me to pick him up."

"But man, you promise, right dude, to hook me up with Jakiris? Maybe we can go to the club tonight and I could help him somehow. "

"Ah, yeah, sure dude, whatever. I'll call ya." And the white kid bolted out.

Jared was sure that his friend was holding out on him somehow. Maybe there were girls involved, or good weed, or maybe Jakiris just said only one white boy could hang out with him at a time. But he was determined to get as close as his buddy had, to the rapper. He contrived to follow his friend in his car.

Fifteen minutes later he had watched his blond friend enter a run down apartment in a fucked up neighborhood. He circled the block and parked his car. He copped a Natty Ice at a bodega for ninety cents and chugged it, building up his courage. He walked to the apartment door, ready to ring the buzzer.

Upstairs, the white faggot had come as bidden, and was surprised to find that Jakiris was sated. A girl passed the boy on the stairs, leaving.

"Doan hafta suck me off today, faggot. Juss shot my load in dat cumdump bitch u seen leavin. Got some real work for you today.

Strip dat bed. Den gather up da sheets and all my dirty clothes. Take dem down to the laundamat. Bring em all back nice and clean and folded. Use ya own stack for dat shit, cocksucker", Jakiris said.

The white kid started to give Jakiris a look, but quickly thought better of it. His eye and jaw still hurt from last night and he now knew that the slightest bit of complaining would set Jakiris off in a crazy rage of anger. He had to keep the thug happy.

"Juss gotta tex from my agent, shitforbrains. Says he thinks he gonna be flying me and my posse to South Beach for a couple of shows. Think I'll take Daz and that light skinned ho jus leff. Maybe you too, if you plays you cards right, queer. You can carry our luggage shit like dat."

The kid couldn't believe what he was hearing. He felt his short, white, dick twitch to life in his boxer briefs. A chance to fly to Miami with a real rapper and his posse, shit he'd do just about anything to stay in Jakiris's good graces.

Then the door buzzer light starting flashing and Jakiris told him to see who was there. The kid was shocked to open the door and see his buddy Jared, who brushed by him, hurrying up the stairs. "Thought you could hold out on me, huh, asshole? And after all I've done for you."

Jared bounded up the stairs, calling out "You, my man. Jakiris. I heard where you was hanging from my ex-friend down there. Nice crib!" He came across to where Jakiris sat on the couch drinking a can of Ginger Ale, and tried to bump knuckles.

"Yo, faggot, who dis white asshole?" Jakiris sneered.

The kid appeared at the top of the steps. "He's a friend of mine. You probably heard of him. He was the dude that was all state at Bethany Heights. I didn't tell him to come here, but he must have followed me. Sorry."

"Dats ok, whiteboy. Go fix me some eggs and bacon. I'll take care of dis shithead."

Jared was momentarily speechless. This was not what he was expecting. Jakiris was insulting him, and ordering his friend around and calling him a fag.

Jakiris smashed his soda can on the arm of the couch. He got up and walked over to Jared. "Who da fuck invite you here dickhead?"

Jared replied "Ah look, dude. My friend said it was cool to come hang with you. He said you two was tight."

"Dat so?" said Jakiris who then sucker punched the quarterback in the mouth. Jared stumbled back, but immediately returned the punch, lightly landing one on the rapper's shoulder. "You gonna pay for dat, whiteboy. You got no idea."

And Jakiris tackled the taller boy, landing on top, and applying several quick rabbit punches to his face and chest. But Jared wasn't done yet. He flipped the thug over and landed a blow to his kidneys. Jakiris howled.

"Whiteboy! You fuckin cocksucker! You got no idea what you juss done." Jakiris was in a blind rage.

He hurled the quarterback on his back and sat on his chest, cursing wildly and pummeling his girl magnet face with blow after blow. Finally the white kid came over and said "Please Jakiris. You beat him down. He'll stop."

And the rapper did stop. He collapsed on the floor next to Jared, who was knocked out. It was an amazing display of brute strength. The kid was impressed. He didn't think Jakiris could have done that to his friend, who was a bigger and muscled out jock. There was no doubt who was stronger and more powerful, but then the kid knew that from the beatings he had endured.

Jakiris just sat on the floor, trying to catch his breath. The kid sat down next to him and put his arm around the thug. "That was impressive. You are really strong. I hope you're not hurt. Can I get you something? Maybe ice?"

"Get da Hennessey bottle bitch and get dat faggot arm offa me." Then Jakiris launched a wad of spit that landed between Jared's eyes. He stood up and pulled down his basketball shorts, exposing his massive, raging hard on. The cock stood straight out, pre-cum dripped down in strands.

For a moment the kid thought he would get a chance to prove his worth to Jakiris and punch his ticket to South Beach. He licked his lips. But the rapper started stroking his long, black, cock, and came in less than thirty seconds, shooting strings of white cum on the face of the quarterback, who had just opened his eyes. One wad caught him in the red, swelling right eye and stung like shit.

I want to thank everyone for their e-mails suggesting plot twists. I can take the good with the bad so feel free to send me your input and thoughts.

Peace, Justin

Next: Chapter 5

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