White Boys Beat Down

By Justin Abbott

Published on Feb 16, 2023


Jakiris pulled up on the lawn of Jared's parent's house, in his white cocksucker's Mercedes, turfing about thirty feet of lawn.

Just as he was about to go in and see what the fuck his nigga Daz wanted, he saw his cousin, Dantorius, the football player from USC, pull up too, in his Mustang.

They touched knuckles and went inside together, after Jakiris's white bitch opened the front door for them. Jakiris wore navy blue basketball shorts with a serious sag in the back showing his pale blue boxer briefs. His chest was bare and several gold chains hung on his muscular 23 year old frame.

Dantorius was nearly six foot six, with corn rows that were long in the back. He wore a white wife beater and had belted his low slung jeans so that his entire ass was exposed. You could readily see his crack through the black boxer briefs.

They entered together and the white cocksucker followed. Jakiris ordered drinks for himself and his cousin, and they settled down in the living room where Kid Cudi was blasting out of the speakers and Daz was relaxing watching a couple of white whores lick each other's twats on the big flat screen.

The new arrivals greeted Daz and settled in to enjoy the porn, as the white queer handed them scotch and milks.

It didn't take long for Jakiris to notice Jared, cowering in a corner, on his knees, tied up and duct tape covering his eyes. A jock strap had been put over his head and covered his mouth. He was naked and was sporting a hard on, at least four inches long.

"What you doin wid my bitch anyway, son?" Jakiris asked.

"Di-int know she was yours nigga. I juss breakin her in to take along wid me to South Beach. You got your white cocksucker. Diss mine."

"Dat so, son?" Jakiris replied. "See, I brought my cousin Dantorius here along. Told him about da ride I took from dis blond bitch here, and how I was breakin in diss new white faggot, a football star he heard of.

Said he could count on a serious dick suckin from diss quarterback here. Di-int know you had taken my property." Dantorius stroked his cock as Jakiris spoke.

"Look, Jak, no disrespect nigga, but diss white boy need to be mine affa all I done to break him down, show him he a cocksucker affa all for nigga dick.

Tell you what. Weez have him suck off you man Dantorius. Ok brutha?"

Dantorius had finished his drink and was halfway through a cognac blunt when he got up, waiting for no further invitation, and took his six and a half foot frame over to the corner.

He bitched slapped the quarterback and then spit on him several times. Jared knelt there wearing nothing but his jock strap and the duct tape. Pulling his cock out of his boxer briefs, the football star stroked his nine and a half inch dick.

Roughly pulling off the duct tape covering Jared's eyes, he laughed devilishly. "You gets to se whose dick nexx in yo mouff, white faggot." Jared lost most of his eyebrows.

"You su-posa be da big white hope nexx year at Long Beach, huh? You looks like juss anutha white queer to me. Suck my dick, faggot."

At first Jared almost resisted, and Dantorius kicked him in his balls. The quarterback curled up, howling in agony. Jakiris's white bitch smiled as he watched the show.

The tall, braided nineteen year old pulled Jared to his knees, and not wasting any further time, pushed his throbbing black cock into the bruised mouth.

"Fuck dat white ho's mouff, son!" Daz roared in approval, and Jakiris squirmed as he watched.

Pissed off at his cousin and friend for taking over his #2 bitch, Jakiris said "Ya'll niggas are off da chain. Shit." And he got up and walked over to his white boy and punched him in the face.

While Dantorius was busy violently mouth fucking Jared, Daz sat back puffing on a short, enjoying the brutha getting busy on the white pussy.

Meanwhile, Jakiris took out his anger on his white bitch, smacking the skinny blond boy around. "You mutha fuckin white faggot! You gonna pay for bein such a muthafuckin ho. You gonna pay for yo queer ways, cocksucker"

Enraged beyond reason, at having his apprentice Daz steal away his other bitch, particularly in front of his cousin, he threw the boy over the back of the couch, and yanked down the skinny purple jeans and lime green bikini briefs the white boy wore.

Fortunately for the teenager, although there was to be no lube, Jakiris was dripping pre-cum, and he shoved his huge engorged cock into the kid's tight ass pussy.

Both the rapper and the football player roared in anger at their faggot conquests, cursing their queerness, and spilling their superior seed into the beaten white whore boys. Jakiris fucked his boy so hard that blood trickled out of the kid's ass when the thug withdrew.

The cousins staggered back to the couch and collapsed in fatigue and victory. Daz just sat there, watching the porn and the wimpering white faggots, glad his friends had gotten off.

"Diss trip to South Beach gonna be exa special, Jak! We each take our bitches an deez two white faggots!"

Thanks to all my loyal readers and welcome neebies! I appreciate all your feedback good and bad and will be wrapping this up with two more chapters.

Peace, Justin


Next: Chapter 9

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