White Narcissus

By moc.liamtoh@83eedyaj

Published on Sep 22, 2023


White Narcissus

Chapter 2 -- California Cousins By Jaydee (for my handsome and horny e-mail friend)

The airliner jolted down at L.A. International close to midnight. Phillip Chancellor woke from a deep and peaceful sleep, only a little startled by the chattery hubbub of other passengers.

"Did you have a good nap?" questioned his seatmate.

Phillip glanced at him in the sudden light, recalling the pleasant interlude of just a short time ago in their darkened corner at the rear of the passenger section. "Um, oh, yeah, I did sleep well," he said, stretching his muscular arms out and expanding his hairy chest tightly against the yellow silk shirt that fit him so perfectly.

"Well, here we are in wonderful Los Angeles," said John Stewart, the man he had gotten to know on this long flight more intimately than he could ever have imagined in his wildest dreams. "I have to rush from here to my downtown office, but here's my card. Give me a call once you get settled in," John added matter of factly.

"Oh, yes, and write your cousin's name and address on the back of this card so I can replace the handkerchief you so generously let me borrow." A great smile beamed across John's handsome face. Phillip blushed slightly at the older man's remark, but complied with the request. John stood up in the aisle and waited while Phillip retrieved his carryon case. When he turned to face the older man, he noticed for the first time a fresh white flower in his lapel. It seemed so strange. Had it been there before? Wouldn't it have wilted by now?

John broke into his reverie: "Oh, you've noticed my white narcissus," he said, lifting the flower slightly toward his nose. "It's sort of a trademark of mine." Again, the flash of his fabulous smile brightened his smooth tanned face.

Soon they were separated and Phillip was loading his retrieved luggage into a taxi.

It took almost an hour through busy L.A. freeways before they reached the house Phillip's cousin, Eric Carson, had rented after coming from Virginia to California a year ago. It was nearly 1:30 a.m., but Eric had been warned he would be arriving late in the night. The neighborhood was in a quiet middle class suburb and Phillip hustled up to the stucco neo-Southwest design cottage while the cab man unloaded the trunk. The door opened immediately.

"Phil, you old son of a bitch," Eric yelled. "At last, you made it!" The tall, somewhat skinny cousin Phillip remembered had blossomed in the past year into a muscular hunk. He wore a tight white athletic shirt which showed off a massive smooth chest. His Tommy Hilfiger running shorts cinched a narrow waist and surmounted thick well-tanned thighs. Eric grabbed his guest in an unexpected bear hug, causing Phillip to drop the carryon bag he was lugging with him.

In a few moments, the luggage was hauled in and placed in a large bedroom toward the back of the spacious cottage.

"We'll be sharing this bedroom," Eric said, indicating the two twin beds which lined opposite walls. "Would you like something to eat or drink? How about a beer?"

"No, thanks," said Phillip, "I'm zonked. I think I would like a quick shower and then hit the sack."

"Hey, okay, the bathroom's right in there. Plenty of towels in the closet in there. I think I'll get ready for bed, too. Tomorrow is a work day for me, but I've got my friend, Bryan, coming over to show you some of the sights. He'll be here before I leave at 8." Eric put his arm on Phillip's shoulder and led him toward the bathroom. "It's really good to have you here. We are going to have some FUN!"

Phillip closed the bathroom door, stripped quickly and turned on the shower. The hot water felt good on his travel weary body. He began soaping himself up and thinking over his strange interlude on the plane. "That guy sucked my cock," he thought. "A big-time Hollywood producer and he just gobbled my cum like it was honey." Phillip's thick cock began to rise from the hairy cushion of his shrinking ballsac. His soapy hand wrapped around it and he began to stroke. "Oh, God, it was so weird to have that guy's huge hard tool in my hand. And he shot a hell of a load of sperm." His hand moved faster on his throbbing manmeat, his balls swinging rhythmically with its movements. Just then there was a knock at the bathroom door. "Hey, are you gonna spend the whole night in the shower, man." It was Eric's voice. "I gotta take a piss." Startled, Phillip ceased his self-pleasuring. "Okay, okay, you can come on in. The door's unlocked."

Eric entered noisily. "Damn, I've had four beers while I was waiting for you and I'm about to bust." Even above the sound of the shower, Phillip could hear Eric's powerful piss stream hitting the toilet.

"Okay, thanks, man," Eric said. "I'm going to bed. You can come on in when you're finished."

Phillip rinsed off, playfully flopping his now-limp cock with an unspoken promise to take care of that particular bit of business early tomorrow.

He dried off, wrapped a towel around his waist and headed for the bedroom. Eric was sprawled out on one of the beds, reading from a notebook. He wore white Calvin Klein jockey shorts and Phillip could not help but notice the significant bulge in his crotch. His own cock stirred slightly at the sight of the tanned, muscular man, ten years his junior. Phillip was amazed at how he had firmed up since they last saw each other.

"You've been working out," he said casually.

"Yep, three times a week at the gym. Everybody in California does that. We are into health and hunkiness," Eric laughed.

With a little embarrassment, Phillip dropped the towel and began searching through his suitcase for his Tommy boxerbriefs. With his back to Eric, he pulled the underwear up over his well-muscled asscheeks.

"You look pretty buff yourself, cousin," Eric commented. "Nice glutes."

"Hey, watch it, Eric," Phillip grinned. "It sounds like you're admiring my ass."

"Hah, that will be the day when I find your hairy old butt something to admire," chuckled Eric, tossing a throw pillow across the room at Phillip's head.

Eric caught the pillow as his cousin threw it back across the room, "Well, I'm going to have to get some sleep," he yawned, sliding under the sheet of his bed. "See you in the morning. Turn out that overhead light, will you?"

Phillip turned out the light and crawled into bed. "G'night."


Soon the room was quiet and Eric's breathing was even and snory. Phillip turned toward the wall, but sleep was far from him. He felt vaguely horny and unsettled. He reached down to his crotch and began to knead the lump in his Tommy's. It stiffened immediately and snaked out through the pisshole, hot against his waiting hand. Soon he was quietly and evenly stroking his fat, hard cock.

A snort from across the room caused him to freeze in mid-wank. He heard Eric stir and then in the pervading silence, he detected the unmistakable sound of flesh against flesh, hand against cock, pumping activity.

Easing over onto his back, Phillip turned his head toward Eric's bed. In the dim light, he could discern his cousin's shadowed figure, his huge stiff rod pointing toward the ceiling and his hand gliding up and down the hot shaft in a steady rhythm. "Uhhh," his cousin moaned, apparently oblivious to the attention from across the room. He was lying on top of the bedsheet, his back now arching upward, his smooth muscular legs wide apart, his fist moving ever more rapidly on what appeared to be at least nine inches of rockhard manmeat. Phillip, more quietly, matched him stroke for stroke with his sheet-covered jackoff hand. "Ahhhh, ooooooh, yuh," Eric moaned even more loudly. Phillip stared in awe at the dim silhouette. As his eyes grew accustomed to the dark, he could make out the bulging purple head atop his cousin's massive dork. And just as he himself felt his balls tighten in pre-orgasmic contractions, he could see the expulsion of a thick white stream of mancum arcing up onto Eric's belly. His own climax hit him like a freight train. "Aggghhhhh," he grunted, knowing that Eric would hear him, but unable to control his reaction. "OOOOOooooh, ahhhh!!!!" Three massive spurts of sperm soaked his sheet and matted into the thick dark hair of his groin and belly. Turning his attention back to the bed across the room, he saw that Eric had now pulled the sheet up over himself and was apparently well on his way to sleep again. He didn't speak. "A whole new world," he thought. "A whole new world."

Next: Chapter 2

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