Who Am I?

By Lake Sinclair

Published on Mar 9, 2018


Author Lake Sinclair Copyright to this story remain strictly that of the author. No other publication or use of this story is allowed with the consent of the author. This story contains male on male sexual content both implied and explicit. If this offends you please do not continue. All characters and implied situations are strictly those of the author and are not based on any real life events or characters. If you are under 18 years of age please exit this story now.

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"Who am I ? " Chapter 5

The man now known as Chris was startled when he opened his eyes. Marshall had lightly shook his shoulder to wake him up. Expecting to see Scott as his eyes focused the was a short stout, bald man looking over at him. He tried to move quickly but had to grab his side due to the pain. "This is Marshall. He is the doctor that has been checking on you." Scott said. Chris settled back down when he saw Scott standing to the side of Marshall in his robe.

"Let's have a look at our patient." Marshall said as he pulled the covers back. Scott blushed realizing that Chris was still naked and he had not dressed him. That did not seem to faze Marshall. The first part of the exam was applying pressure to Chris' side where the huge bruise was. Next Marshall took a small light and examined Chris' eyes. After listening to his breathing Marshall asked him to open his mouth and stick out his tongue.

Scott watched expecting a popsicle stick and Chris be told to say aaaahhh. "Well I see that Scott has not sucked all the blood out of your tongue." Marshall said. "Do what ?" Scott said. "Scott is my favorite gay patient. I like to be able to pick on him every chance I get. Truth is that the color of your tongue can tell me a lot about what is going on inside you especially since you were hypothermic. If Scott had not gotten in the hot tub to hold you this out come may have been a lot different." Marshall said. "He held me in the hot tub." Chris asked. "Sure did. He held you in there while I cleaned the blood off your face and head before dressing that wound." Marshall said.

Chris looked around towards Scott. "Thank you." Chris said. "Pretty cute nurse isn't he ? Not really my type but he makes a cute nurse." Marshall said. "I think I need to find a new doctor." Scott said. "Whatever Scott. You would come running back begging." Marshall laughed. "So he is your doctor ?" Chris asked.

"I sure am. I am the one that tells him to swallow, turn his head to the left and couch, and bend over, grab the table and spread them. Keep a bottle of lube in the exam room just for that." Marshall said laughing. By this point Scott was the reddest he had ever been in his life. "Definitely getting a new doctor after this." Scott said. "Bold words Scott but we know better." Marshall laughed.

"Will I get my memory back ?" Chris asked. "You should. It may come back in an hour or it may be a couple of weeks but it should be temporary." Marshall said. "I hate to be a bother." Chris said. "Oh I am sure you aren't. I don't think Scott has gotten dressed other than that robe since we got you in the house so I am quite sure you are no bother to him. I am sure the only reason he is wearing it now is because I am here. Like I haven't seen you naked." Marshall laughed. "Do they list physicians in the yellow pages ?" Scott asked.

Marshall instructed them to continue with the medication but for Chris to do whatever he felt he could in between doses. "Now don't you two go swinging from the chandeliers. This poor man still needs to heal some Scott." Marshall said. "I don't have chandeliers thank you very much." Scott said. "Well rafters then. You have cathedral ceilings in your bedroom and the great room. You are too injured to play Tarzan." Marshall said pointing his finger at Chris.

"Thanks a lot." Scott said as he opened the front door for Marshall. "Anytime and I won't bill you for the ribbing." Marshall laughed. "I think I have already paid." Scott said. "Just keep a check on his fever. We don't want it going back to high and keep him hydrated and medicated. I think he will be fine but if he is still really sore tomorrow we will get him in for some tests." Marshall said.

Scott returned to the bedroom. "Is he serious ?" Chris asked. "He is a great guy. He just likes to pick on me when he gets a chance. I was not in the best of shape when I moved here but he made me feel welcomed." Scott said. "He is a character." Chris smiled. "Well I guess you were listening. I am gay. I hope that does not freak you out." Scott said lowering his head. "Already had that figured out. Very few straight men would cuddle naked with another man. Besides, I may not know my name but I know that this naked man is very sexy so I would assume that I am gay also. If not I at least think one man is sexy." Chris said.

"Well I do have to say not near as sexy as you." Scott said. "With all these bruised and band aids ?" Chris said and smiled. "Well I am sure that you are probably hungry. All you had yesterday was broth." Scott said. " Yeah I think I could eat something." Chris said. "You relax and I will cook some breakfast." Scott said.

Scott was in the kitchen preparing breakfast. He had bacon and sausage cooking. There was toast in the oven broiling and eggs with cheese simmering on the stove. Scott had pulled out some fruit and was cutting it up to place in a bowl. "Is that coffee ready ?" Came a voice. Scott jumped before turning around to see Chris slowly walking across the great room towards the kitchen. Scott could not help but stare as the tall handsome man walked his direction with his cock and balls swaying as he walked.

"How do you take your coffee ?" Scott asked. "One sugar, one cream. Wow. See I am starting to remember." Chris said. "Just wait until you remember your wife and kids." Scott mumbled. "Do what ?" Chris asked. "Oh nothing. Just reminding myself I needed to call my niece and check on her and her family." Scott said quickly.

Scott brought the steaming coffee over to the bar as Chris slowly walked up. "Here you go ?" Scott said. Chris reached out and pulled Scott back towards him. He untied the belt on the robe and ran his hands under it making it fall to the floor. "The doctor interrupted a proper good morning." Chris said. Chris leaned down and kissed Scott. As his tongue entered Scott's mouth his two large hands cupped and squeezed each of Scott's ass cheeks.

When the kiss stopped Scott's lips were puffy and his eyes were almost glazed over. "You know you don't have to do that." Scott said. "I don't remember much but I don't think that I really do very many things that I don't want too." Chris said before lightly kissing Scott on the lips one more time. Chris lifted his head. "What is that noise ?" Chris said. Scott was still in a fog from the kiss. "Probably my heart melting." Scott thought. The sound came again. "Oh I forgot about him. That is one that you need to thank when you feel better. That's Charlie the fox." Scott said.

"You have a pet fox ?" Chris asked. "No he is not a pet. We sort of adopted each other. I put food out for him every day when it's really cold or it snows. He is the one that found you. Well him and the crows." Scott said. "Fox and crows ?" Chris asked. "I will tell you later. If I have not put food out and he comes up he barks until I do. Let me fix him something real quick and I will finish breakfast.

Scott quickly left Chris and went to the refrigerator. He took out four eggs and cracked them into a fresh pan. He stirred them until they were only partially cooked. Bending over he looked in the refrigerator to see if he had any ham or turkey. As he pulled the pack of turkey out he turned to see Chris grinning. "What's so funny ?" Scott said. "Oh nothing funny. Just really enjoying the view is all." Chris said.

Scott took the pan to the garage door. He took a pan that was in there and put some dog food in it and then poured the eggs and turkey over it. As he hit the button to open the garage door he grabbed a coat off the rack and slipped his feet into a pair of bedroom shoes.

Back in the door he took the coat off quickly and also the shoes. He rubbed his hands first on his arms , then his butt cheeks, and last his legs trying to warm them up. "I can do that for you." Chris said. "Do what ?" Scott asked. "Warm you up ?" Chris said. "If you warm me up you may not get breakfast." Scott laughed as he went to the stove to plate the breakfast. "I should have watched that ?" Chris said. "Watched what ?" Scott asked.

"Not very often you get to see a sexy man naked from the waste down running out in the snow to feed a fox." Chris laughed. "Hopefully that was a once in a lifetime thing." Scott laughed. " I bet your neighbors enjoyed the view." Chris said. "I don't have neighbors close enough to see. The road out there is about two miles long and there are only two houses on it. The only other house is just as you turn off so I can run around naked up and down the road and no one will see me." Scott laughed. "Paradise then." Chris said.

Scott could tell that Chris had been up too long. "It's time for your meds my friend so you can go back to lah, lah land for about eight hours." Scott said. "Do I have too ?" Chris said leaning his head against his hand. "You want Marshall to come back ?" Scott laughed. "Where are the pills." Chris laughed. "I will get them for you. When you wake up maybe you will feel more like staying up for a while." Scott said. "What I would really like is to take a shower." Chris said.

"Tell you what. You get some rest and when you get up you can get a shower so you will feel fresh." Scott said. "That may work better." Chris said. "I know that your jaw is still sore but I promise you a proper meal this evening when you get up." Scott said. "You plan on cooking me a special meal ?" Chris said and smiled. "I am not going to promise it as a special but it will be more than broth." Scott laughed. "Deal then." Chris said.

Scott helped Chris back into the bedroom. Chris had been able to come out without help but he had been up longer than he should and his strength was drained. Scott helped him down onto the side of the bed and then to get comfortable. "You need anything before the medicine kicks in ?" Scott asked. "You to take a nap with me." Chris said and smiled. "Well if I take a nap with you then you won't have supper tonight." Scott said. "Tough choices there. How is carry out around here ?" Chris laughed. "They can't even get the snow plow up here so delivery is out of the question." Scott laughed. "This time I will go for the supper then." Chris said.

"You just sleep and rest. When you get up we will get you a shower and feed you a good meal." Scott said. "What about a half a nap and half a special supper ?" Chris asked. " You need a full nap and a full meal mister." Scott laughed. "Well if you molest me while I am asleep at least make sure I enjoy it." Chris said with a laugh. Scott's guilt returned quickly wondering if Chris may have known what happened earlier.

Scott sat on the side of the bed until the medicine kicked in and Chris was fast asleep again. There was nothing thawed so he dug through the freezer to find something he could thaw quickly and would not take a lot of chewing such as steak. Wafer thin pork chops were decided on since they were easy to thaw. Within an hour Scott's stress level was beginning to lower since he finally had a menu plan. Potato flake pork chops, baby lima beans, squash dressing, cream corn and fruit salad. "Best I can do on short notice." Scott thought.

Scott made multiple trips to the master bedroom to check on Chris. He checked his temperature a couple of times and it was back to normal. Scott also took the opportunity to rub his hands across Chris' hairy chest while the thermometer took it's reading. "You are the sexiest man I have ever met." Scott whispered before leaning over and lightly kissing the sleeping man.

It seemed like a lifetime before lunch time even came around. "It should be at least four before he wakes up." Scott thought looking at the clock. Taking a seat in front of the television, Scott waited for the weather report. The front had passed through and the snow should start melting the next day. It would be a couple more days in some of the higher elevations. "Only a day or two and he will no longer be trapped here." Scott thought which brought even more sadness.

Scott went back in to check on his sleeping prince. Scott chuckled to himself. "I wonder what he is dreaming about ? I wish it were me. The sleeping man's cock was almost at full mast. Scott crawled up onto the bed and leaned over and lightly kissed Chris. After the kiss he looked down to see the hard cock flexing and moving. "You said if I molested you in your sleep to make sure you enjoyed it." Scott whispered.

Scott began at Chris' neck and began to lightly kiss and nibble his way to his chest. Scott smiled as Chris' nipples responded and began to perk up. Moving down he lightly kissed and licked Chris' sides and stomach. Moving his body for better access, Scott stuck his tongue out and lightly licked the tip of the hard cock. He licked down the shaft and moved once again so that he could suck one of the low hanging balls into his mouth. Scott smiled as the cock swayed above his head in reaction to his attention to the balls.

Finally he could take it no more and released the ball and moved his head back to the object of his desire. Taking the mushroom head of the cock into his mouth, Chris let out a small moan. Scott released the cock and looked up to see if he may be waking up. After no sign of waking Scott leaned back over and before he stopped he had all but two inches of Chris' cock in his mouth and down his throat. A few more times traveling up and down the cock and getting it well lubricated Scott was able to bury his nose in Chris' bush.

Scott ran both hands up and down Chris' sides and across his chest as he slowly moved his mouth and throat on the huge cock. Scott could tell that Chris' breathing was beginning to quicken. He could feel the cock begin to grow against his tongue and even in his throat. One hard push and he had his nose back in Chris' pubes and he began to moan. The cock began to vibrate and with each strong flex Scott could feel Chris' seed flooding his throat. Pulling back off to breath he ran his tongue quickly under and then over the mushroom head of the erupting cock. Once Chris' orgasm had completed the cock still flexed with every touch in Scott's mouth. Scott finally released the spent cock from his lips. "Damn mister, you taste too fucking good." Scott whispered.

Scott leaned back up and lightly kissed Chris on the lips before he got off the bed and headed to the bathroom. Scott decided he needed to clean himself again just in case things progressed after Chris woke up. With that completed his cock was still very sensitive from his earlier session. He had refused to touch himself while he serviced his wounded guest.

In the warm shower water Scott began to run his hands up and down his body with the lather from the shower gel. Reaching around he gave special attention to his ass ring. One finger and then two. Scott began to finger fuck himself as he mumbled Chris' name. Before he realized it he lay on the shower floor with the water spraying over him. He had been able to insert three fingers and was fiercely finger fucking himself calling out Chris' name. "Fuck me baby. That's right. Fuck me hard Chris. Cum deep inside me baby. Fuck me harder." Scott said as his cock began to spray it's seed into the air.

Scott lay on the floor regaining his breath as the warm water still showered down on him. "Damn. I don't think I have ever cum hands free in my life." Scott whispered. "See what you do to me stud." Scott whispered as he closed his eyes. Scott regained his strength but realized as he stood that his legs were a little shaky. "Damn that was intense." he said still breathing heavy.

He had rinsed himself clean and rinsed the shower and shower walls. Standing in front of the mirror he could not look himself in the eyes. "You are better than taking advantage of an injured man. You know better. What are you going to do when he remembers his real life and walks out on you forever." Scott said talking to himself in the mirror.

Scott looked at the clock and realized that he had an hour before he needed to start supper. He stood and looked at the sleeping man in his bed and shook his head as he walked out of the bedroom. Back in the great room he pulled out the remote control and quickly found a television series on Netflix that would take him mind off his situation.

After about thirty minutes Scott gave up on the idea of loosing himself in the television. Getting up he checked on Chris one more time before he went into the kitchen and began to prepare supper. Scott tried hard to concentrate on the food he was preparing. He could still feel the stretch of his ass ring from his session in the shower. This also made his mind drift back to him being so bold as the ride the injured man's cock while he was knocked out on drugs.

"You will pay a price for this Scott. Somewhere in this universe or in eternity. You will pay for it." Scott said aloud to himself. Scott melted the butter to dip the chops in. After rolling them in the potato flakes he had the pan ready to place in the oven. The squash dressing was mixed and ready to go in the oven also. The vegetables were on the stove simmering and he still had over an hour before it needed to be ready.

Next: Chapter 6: Who Am I 6

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