Who Do You Love

By Piper

Published on Nov 27, 2000


TITLE: Who Do You Love, 4: Merritt Badge AUTHOR: Piper (the Freak) opiperick@home.com GENRE: Boybands (NSYNC), MMMM (yummy! LOL)

NOTICE: This story is inappropriate and illegal for minors. If you're not yet 18, please leave the Nifty Archive promptly. Homophobes, you'd wanna follow the minors - all the way outta the Archive.

DISCLAIMER: I haven't a clue about the actual lives or feelings of anyone I mention in my story. The tale I tell is exactly that: a tale - fiction, fantasy, farce. Get over it! Thanks

RECOMMENDATION: My very favorite of all NSync slash I've read is a stand alone called "The Sound of Your Voice" by Dayse. Kinda strange since I'm a huge smut fan & not too big on angst but still - its the best!

SELF-PITYING WHINE: OK, I swear I'll get over this one day but today ain't that day. I just SEETH with jealousy whenever I read about the endless feedback every one else gets. Waaaaaaaa! OK. That's done...

DEDICATION TO MY READERS: Rachyl, C. Smithers, Red, Rosey, Rita, Belle, Tiff, ARoDnJoEyzSexTOy, bayoupaws, DaraLynn, Chrisischewtoy, krayzieOne, sammiegirl, Manda, Silvia, Jackie, Damita, Christine, Lisa, and the Amazing Hampster! If any of you 20 are still reading this, I love you all to death! THANK YOU! And, to Rachyl again, cuz I promised her I would...

WARNING: They've got fetishes. And I'm in a bad mood.

**************************************************** WHO DO YOU LOVE? CHAPTER 4: Merritt Badge

"Oh shit!"

"Uh, it kinda smells like you already did that Joe."

Joey blushed. As scandalous as they were, the words seemed to drip like honey from Justin's mouth. Joe wanted to devour all of Justin's sweet and sticky. Justin's eyes burned into his, reassuring him that he need not feel vulnerable in this most vulnerable of circumstances - confirming that his fantasy did, in fact, come true.

Trying to hold back tears of joy he didn't want Justin to misinterpret as shame or regret, Joey gulped a huge breath of air into his lungs.

"Ewww!" he grimaced as the air inflamed his olfactory receptors, "You're right about that aren'tcha? Whewee - it stinks!"

The smiles on their faces spread into enormous grins and then they both buckled over in fits of laughter. They leaned into each other to support their giggling bodies already wracked from powerful orgasms. Slowly, their laughing subsided into chuckles and soon, the two young friends found themselves embracing there in the tiny tour bus shit-can.

Joey was, of course, still seated bare-assed on the toilet, and Justin was, of course, still kneeling before him with his sweats bunched at his ankles. Their erections had finally waned and their heart- rates had begun to drop back to resting states.

It was in this moment of calm that Justin made the unfortunate decision to stray his eyes in the direction of Chris' laptop that he had so unceremoniously kicked out of their way. Not surprisingly, Joey's eyes followed Justin's to the small gray mechanical box lying in the bathroom doorway.

They both stared at it as though they expected it to open up like a jack-in-the-box and start singing 'Pop Goes the Weasel' (yeah, cuz didn't we all get nightmares from the freaky-ass clown segue in their live show?). In reality, both knew that the laptop wouldn't actually do anything quite like that, but its owner sure might do an interesting variation on that theme after seeing his laptop as such.

When the new lovers turned back to each other, they could see that they had been thinking the same thing. Suddenly, they were laughing hysterically, all over again.

"Oh shit!" The words barely squeaked from Chris' lips as he watched Justin break JC's nose.

"Oh shit is right," Lance grumbled, "This is NOT good."


Chris was already running to JC. Lance pulled out his cell phone and dialed 411. The operator's voice was shrill and fast.

"Information, this is Rhonda, what city please?"

A groan emanated from deep within Lance as he slammed his thumb onto the phone's red button and hung up on poor Rhonda. He was too frazzled to think.

"Chris, what fucking city are we in?"

Over his shoulder, he snarled back, "You're asking me? You're kidding, right? No? Oh, that's fucking prime Lance. Just fucking prime."


Chris' head snapped back in shock, "What JC?"


"Huh? I can't understand you love!"


If JC caught Chris' slip of the tongue, he didn't let on; he was way too intent on being understood to endeavor his own understandings of others. He had an idea for how he might be able to get his vocabulary back and was hell bent on trying it.

JC rolled onto his knees and locked eyes with Chris. Looking a bit like a bloody man-beast on all-fours, JC swung his head sideways, indicating to Chris that he planned on heading that-a-way and Chris was welcome to follow.

Luckily, they didn't have to go far. About 20 feet away a sidewalk passed them as it wound around the park. JC crawled up to its edge and stopped. He lied down in the grass on his back and stretched his right arm out over the pavement. Chris just stood above him trying to figure out if Justin had knocked a few screws loose up in JC's ol' noggin as well.

Suddenly, Lance was at Chris' side, compassionately looking down upon the strange sight that was their friend JC. But then, Lance's head snapped in Chris' direction and he began unleashing a sluice of frustration onto him.

"Fucking sue me Chris," Lance spat, "I maintain all the fucking schedules, for everyone, all the time! I get frazzled one fucking time, can't remember what city we're in, and now you wanna jump all over my back about it? What the fuck, Chris?"

Lance was goin' off! The words spilled faster and faster from Lance's mouth until all three of them were sure he was going to hyperventilate. JC's grunts finally got their attention and Lance to shut up.

"Oph-wnd!" JC tried to verbalize again but Chris couldn't figure it out! It sounded like the same damn unintelligible word he had already heard twice! But then, Chris noticed that JC was waving his right hand up in the air. Chris and Lance's jaws dropped open when they saw what JC was trying to show them: written on the pavement, apparently in JC's blood, was the word 'Oakland.'

"Ohh..." Chris mumbled absentmindedly. Lance turned away from Chris' flabbergasted stare and flipped back open his cell phone. He pressed the green button, then the redial button. The toes of his left foot tapped impatiently onto the pavement beside him as he waited to connect.

"Information. This is Dennis. What city please?"


"And the number?"

"Uh," Lance paused, he sure didn't want to have to hang up on another 411 operator, "...Yellow Cab?"

"One moment," Dennis said curtly and then clicked Lance over to an electronic recitation of the number. Lance immediately dialed the seven digits and told the cab company that they were in the park at Lake Merritt, on Grand Avenue near Lenox. Dispatch informed Lance the cab would be there in about five minutes.

He almost dialed 911 afterwards, just to see which service would arrive quicker - a cab or an ambulance - but he refrained. This was not really the time for indulging the quirky pranks of the rich and famous.

As he slipped the phone back into his pocket he looked over at Chris crouched beside an incoherently mumbling JC. Then he looked towards the tour bus parked about 200 feet away and thought about Justin.

He couldn't help but worry that Justin discovered his boyfriend wasn't being faithful. That would be a plausible explanation for the current events. But, if Justin was aware of JC's infidelity, the chances were pretty damn good that he knew about Ancelyn too. Lance shivered at the thought.

Ironically, the fear that had surfaced in Lance as he pondered the strange actions of his younger friend simply paled in comparison to the fear that gripped his heart when Chris' voice broke him out of his daze.

"Lance? Do you know who the fuck Ancelyn is?"

Lance felt like he had been hit by a Mack truck. Chris mistook Lance's frozen stare as lack of comprehension - not terror - and continued, "Look..." His finger stretched out towards the pavement next to JC.

Lance first looked at JC, who was silent, unmoving, with his eyes closed. Lance guessed he had either fallen asleep suddenly, or slipped into unconsciousness. Pausing to gaze upon JC's blood-stained and swelling face, Lance wondered how JC could manage to actually SAY his alter- ego's name in that condition.

Then his eyes moved to the pavement where Chris had originally directed him. He gasped aloud when he saw another word next to the placename JC had written with his own blood. It too was scrawled in blood and Lance thought he felt his heart come to a full and complete stop in his chest. The new word he gazed upon was 'Ancelyn.'

"Well?" Chris pressed on, "Do you know her?"

"Never heard of her." Lance lied, making a concerted effort to just keep talking right into another subject. "Why don't you go tell Joe and Just that I've taken JC to the hospital and I'll wait here with him for the cab to arrive."

"What? Are you telling me I can't go with him to the hospital? Are you trying to..."

Lance interrupted, "Chris, go ahead..."

"WHAT?" With veins bulging in his neck and his spittle flying everywhere, Chris practically ripped Lance's head off with contempt.

"I said GO!" Lance screamed back at him. "Go with him if you want to so fucking bad! Why the fuck should I care?"

The commotion woke up JC who moaned in pain.


Chris immediately tended to JC so he missed the horrified look on Lance's face when it dawned on him what he had heard JC try to say: "Ancelyn."

Reminiscent of Justin's 'escape' only ten minutes before, Lance turned from his fallen friends and started towards the tour bus. JC had fallen from the pain of his injury, and Chris, well... it was pretty obvious that Chris had fallen in love - yes, in love with JC.

Lance could not run away from the two of them fast enough. He wondered if Chris believed his lie about not 'knowing' Ancelyn. And he really wondered why the hell JC was asking for her anyway.

As his hand grasped the cool chrome of the tour bus' doorknob, he paused and reflected upon the events of the day that had led up to this point. By the time the knob was turning in his hand, Lance had already figured that this day might be a HELLUVA lot more memorable than he or his friends had previously considered.

----- end.4

**************************************************** Sorry it was short and boring. I told ya'll this was a five chapter story (my original story idea DID fit in five) but now it could easily be ten (or more) with the new way the storyline is running. I haven't the will or the patience to write six or more chapters in a bad mood though, so to keep the story afloat (after Chapter 5), you gotta write to tell me BEFORE I start on Chapter 5, ok? Otherwise, in about five days, I'll post Chapter 5 as the final chapter in the story. Lemme know: opiperick@home.com Thanks! -Piper

Next: Chapter 5

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