Who Needs Selena

By Michael Young

Published on Feb 15, 2014


Disclaimer: The following story is a work of fiction. The author claims no rights to any of the copyrighted material mentioned in this work of fiction. All copyrights belong to their respectful owners, and in this case, Def Jam Records, and Justin Bieber, as well as his production people. This story contains celebrities that are above the age of eighteen. The written sexuality of these celebrities may be false of inaccurate. This story was written as a fiction, and it should stay that way.

This story is intended for readers of a minimum age of eighteen. This story contains mature, sexual depictions that are only intended for mature audiences. Minor view of this written work is strictly prohibited. Please consult your local law for age restrictions, etc. This story is fiction, but it is the intellectual property of the author. It may not be reproduced by any means without the written permission of the author.

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To William: Thank you for the feedback on the story. I'm glad that you found enjoyment with the story.

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Justin's eyes fluttered open, and the first thing he saw was the midnight moon that was shining through his window. He saw the light, and it made him think of something magical. His head turned away from the window, and he took sight of the dried cum that rested on his body. Flashes of his earlier affairs flared through his mind, and it caused a frown to show over his lips.

He turned his head, and he looked around the room, but he knew there was no point. He'd participated in one night stands, but he'd never been the one that was left. Now, he knew how all the girls he slept with felt. He knew their pain, and he knew that it was impossible to deal with. Justin raised his chest, but he quickly dropped it when pain throbbed through his body.

It wasn't centralized in one location; it was everywhere. In his bum, his legs, his arms, and head, his neck. Justin honestly wanted to scream, but he knew no one would come to his rescue, and if they did, he would have to explain himself. He'd have to explain the dried cum that was over his body, and it didn't take a genius to comprehend that no one man could produce the amount of cum that resided on him.

His head fell back down onto the pillow, and he sighed. He didn't know what he was going to do. Sure, he'd had a crush on Nolan, but it was a rebound crush. He didn't know if he actually loved Nolan. He just didn't want to be alone. He pressed his eyes together, and he once again saw Nolan's cock disappear into him. He saw Nolan's lips wrapped around his appendage, and it caused tears to roll from his eyes.

His fuck buddy was gone, and he was no alone, stuck on his couch. Justin opened his eyes, and he stared at the ceiling. He didn't know if there was a god, but he'd never prayed to one. He didn't understand how any of it worked, but now, he was willing to try anything for love.

A tear ran the length of his face, and he began to speak. It was more of a hushed whisper, and it was faint, but it would be enough for whatever force was watching over him. Justin uttered the last word, and another tear fell from his eyes. He looked away from the ceiling, and he forced himself to stand.

Justin didn't care about the pain that was throbbing within his body or his nakedness. He wasn't going to be some pansy laying on the couch with a broken heart. He was Justin freaking Bieber. He could get with anyone he wanted, male or female, and it his love didn't present themselves, he was going to express that. He felt his feet on the floor, and he fought against his body until he climbed the stairs and stood outside his bedroom.

He raised his hand, and he rested it on the knob. He turned it, and he pushed on the door, and it quickly opened. Justin saw his room was the same way it was before he left. He saw his bed was destroyed, and he noticed the music was paused. He stepped into the room, and he closed the door behind him.

The nineteen year old wasn't focused on music, his bed, or any other factor that was inside of his room. He slowly stepped towards the bathroom, and he didn't stop until he was standing in front of his mirror. He saw how pathetic he looked. He saw the pain that was inside of body, and he saw the regret. He turned away from his face, and he proceeded to turning the shower on.

The hot water was first, then it was the cold. He really didn't have to wait for the water to warm up seeing that he was stark naked, so he pulled the shower curtain back, and he stepped into the water. The water was nowhere close to being warm, but that didn't bother Justin. The chillness of the water gave his body something else to focus on.

Eventually, the water reached a more suitable temperature, and Justin began to bathe. He didn't bother finding a washcloth, so he used his hand. He moved in the shower, and he wrapped his hand around the body wash, and he poured a generous amount into his palm. He closed the bottle, and he placed it back where he found it, and he slowly began to move his hands over his body.

His chest was first. He moved his hands over his pictorials, and he couldn't help but bypass the pink nipples that was erected from the cold water. Justin continued over his body, and in seconds, his hands were done. He moved them away from his body, and he stepped under the lukewarm spray that came from the showerhead. He watched as the reminisce of his earlier activities moved off his body, and it caused tears to flow from his eyes.

Even with the body wash suds off his body, he continued to stand under the water. If it wouldn't have caused a big deal, he would have stood under it until he drowned. He allowed the water to move through his hair, and when he felt it run against his lips, he felt that it was time to get out. He switched the water off, and he quickly stepped out of the shower before wrapping a towel around his body.

In the short walk from the shower to his bedroom, Justin had dropped the towel, and every inch of his body was water free. Justin streaked across his bedroom, but he stood still when he stood in front of his Chester. He pulled the first drawer out, and he picked up the first pair of underwear he saw. He slid the material over his body, and he moved towards the king size bed that sat in the middle of his room.

He didn't feel like dressing or pulling the sheets back. He fell onto the bed, and he cried. He knew that there was going to be a wet spot there when he woke up, but he didn't care. He needed to get his feelings out, and to him, that was the only way. *

Nolan sighed as he entered his home. He didn't know what had come over him to sleep with Justin Bieber. He was happily in a relationship, and the guilt was eating his insides. He stood in the foyer of the beach house, and he could smell Beau's scent.

He loved his boyfriend with everything that inside of him, but he didn't know how to tell him that he'd slept with someone else. He didn't know how Beau was going to take it, and he didn't want their love to end. The two had been together for the length of season three of Awkward, and it more of love at first sight.

Nolan pushed himself through the house, and he climbed the stairs. He knew where Beau would be, and he didn't want to give his boyfriend to question his whereabouts or the smell that was wrapped around his body. Nolan pushed through the doors of the master suite, and he stood in shock was he saw that Beau was laid in bed with nothing but a safari thong on.

Nolan saw the man he fell in love with, and he couldn't help but smile. Really, a smile couldn't define what he did. He saw Beau's bulge beneath the fabric, and it forced a growl to come from his mouth. He stepped into the center of the room, and he quickly began to pull his clothing off. His shoes were first, and his shirt was last.

In nothing but his underwear, Nolan moved towards his lover, and he landed on the bed with a light force. Nolan stared into Beau's eyes, and he saw the want, the lust. He saw Beau's need to be sucked off, and it caused his mouth to water. He moved his hands, and he rested them on Beau's legs -one of each of the man's legs.

He felt the thing strings of hair that grew onto the legs, and he felt the muscle that was beneath the skin. Nolan pressed his hand into Beau's legs, and he pushed his hands upward until they rested on his lover's crotch. Nolan removed one hand, and he pressed the other into the throbbing cock hard. He knew how Beau liked to play, and he wasn't one to hold back.

"God, that feels so good," Beau moaned.

He wanted more, but he knew he was going to get what he wanted. He and Nolan had been together for months, and he was never denied. Beau pressed his eyes together, and the only thing he could do was moan. He felt Nolan's hand on his erection, and it caused a throb to ripple through the length.

Nolan felt the ripple, and it caused him to lower his mouth to the cloth covered erection. He saw the black and orange stripes of the material, and he tongue touched the edge of a black stripe that happened to be the tip of Beau's cock. Nolan tasted the precum that had gathered there, and it made him want his lover more.

The twenty three year old moved his hands upward, and he stopped when they rested at the waistband of Beau's thong. In a quick swipe, the thong was on Beau's leg, and Nolan had a hand wrapped around the seven inch appendage that he loved.

Nolan moved his hand over the cock in a slow motion. He felt the heat on the cock, and it made his own throb. He moved his thumb over the head, and he could tell from Beau's moans that he was doing a great job. Minutes into the wank, he removed his hand, and it was replaced with his tongue.

He started at the tip where he licked against it. Once again, he could taste the precum that resided there, and it only made him want more of the cock. Nolan closed his eyes, and he engulfed the entire length of the cock. He felt the tip at the back of his throat, and he quickly began to bob, coming up, then going back down.

"Gawd, fuck!" Beau moaned.

He was loving every second of what he was receiving, but he couldn't help but notice Nolan's tented briefs. Beau moved his hands, but he stopped when they danced across Nolan's crotch. He felt the erection, and he couldn't help but allow his hand to slip into the black fabric.

Beau wrapped his hand around the erection, and he wasted no time in jerking his boyfriend off. Moans tore their way from Beau's throat as he felt his orgasm grow closer and closer. He could tell from the humming on his cock that Nolan was close too.

Both boys closed their eyes, and with loud moans, their orgasms hit them. Nolan's mouth was soon filled with Beau's cum, and it dribbled from the corners of his mouth, and Beau felt Nolan's cum on his hand. Nolan pulled off of Beau's cock, and he moved towards his boyfriend's neck. He pushed his nose into the skin, and he nestled himself into the perfect position.

Beau didn't mind that his lover was nestled into his neck, but there was a smell that he wasn't familiar with. He turned his head, and he stared at Nolan with curiosity. Nolan saw the look, but he didn't know how to speak. His tongue was tied, and he knew he was caught.

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