Who Wouldve Thought

By moc.oohay@889152ydnub

Published on Mar 16, 2010


Hey guys this is my first story I've ever submitted. I hope you guys like. Let me know what you think. All comments can be sent to (bundy251988@yahoo.co) Some of it came from my life experience but most of the story is fictional.

Who would've thought? Part 1

I roll over in the bed and check the time. "What the hell?" I thought. I opened my cell and that it was only half past one in the morning. I fell asleep an hour ago and it felt like forever. "Christ" I said. "Tonight is going to be a long night." I'm supposed to get a couple hours of sleep before I have to get ready to go to the airport to catch my flight. As usual I can't sleep when something important is going to happen.

Two weeks ago I told my dad that I was moving to Florida. "Are you sure that's a good idea Lucas?" Dad said with a look of concern in his eyes. "Your going to be pretty far from us. What if something happens to you over there?"

"Like what?" I said. " Dad I've known these people since I was 7. I'm an adult, I just turned 21 two months ago." He laid back into the sofa and let out a deep sigh. I stood and looked at him and said " I know it's going to be hard to accept this but I have to do this for me Dad." He looked at me and said "I can't stop you from doing this but I'm not happy with this decision at all."

"I know Dad." I said." I don't want to stay here anymore I feel like I can't breathe in here. There's 7 of us in the house and we all share rooms with eachother."

That was one of the things I liked the least while living with my parents. All my life I've had to share a room with my step brothers. Don't get me wrong I love them like they were my real brothers but I hated the fact that I never had any privacy. Not to mention I was the only gay one living in a house where my family were christians. I had one sister. She's my only blood sister. We're pretty close and sort of have a co-dependent relationship. I'm the younger brother but I'm more mature than my sister is and more of a free spirit. She on the other hand does things without thinking of the consequences. Every other week or so she calls me to complain about some problem she has. When she found out I was moving away she flipped out. I told her it was my decision and she'd have to deal with it.

The people I'm moving in with are called Alice and Peter. I've known Alice since I was 7. We went to the same church before she moved to Florida. Shortly after I met Peter when I went to visit her. Alice and I get along great. She didn't know I was gay but Peter could tell when he first met me. A couple days after living there I told Alice. She was shocked at first but said "Lucas I've known you for a long time. This doesn't change a thing." I sighed and smiled at her."Thanks Alice your awesome." She laughed and said "I know but thanks for reminding yourself." We both laughed and that was the end of that conversation.

A couple days later I went on a chat site. I've been here before and I've met some pretty cool people. I was on when a got an instant message that said "Older Ok?" I replied with "Sure it's no big deal." After that we started chatting for a couple hours. He told me his name was Robert. He asked how old was I. I told him I was 21. He's didn't believe me at first. He said "There's no way your that young and be very mature for your age!"

"Believe it or not but people like me exist out there lol" was my response. After a little while of us chatting I decided to get gutsy and ask for his number. After a minute or two he gave me his number.

I text him to verify that i had gotten the right number. He responded and we said good night to each other. It was around 3 am that night. The next day he text me to find out some more about me. I told him it was better if he called me. A few minutes later my phone rings. "Hello?" I said. "Hey Lucas it's Robert how's your day going?" he asked.He had one of the sexiest southern accents I've ever heard. Which is funny because I usually don't like certain accents. I let out a small laugh and said "I knew it was you calling thanks to caller ID." He laughed and said "Your funny."

Robert's POV

I look through my phone to find Lucas's number and text him. He told me it was better if I called him. As I press the call button I get butterflies in my stomach. I'm usually not someone who gets nervous often so this a big deal for me.He picks up the phone and we start talking. He had a really nice voice on the phone. I could tell he was from up north due to the way he talked. I told him that I was 38 years old and feared he'd be freaked out and hang up on me. But he said "Age is just a number Robert. I'm fine with this so far, your a pretty cool person so far." I smile and we continue talking. While we were talking I couldn't stop pacing through the house and running my mouth. "God I hope I don't scare him off" I thought. We talked for an hour and a half. We talked about our favorite foods and things we liked to do for fun. Thing were going pretty smooth. We set a date for the day we'd meet each other.

After we hung up i went to take a shower. I love taking long hot showers. I stood under the water as it relaxed the muscle in my body. After I got out I wiped the mirror because it was foggy due to the shower. I may be 38 but I look great from my age. I have brown hair and sky blue eyes. I also love going to the gym so I'm in pretty great shape. I went to my bed and laid down. I was glad that I met Lucas.

Lucas's POV

After I got off the phone with Robert I went and spoke to Alice. She was glad but also nervous at the fact that we just met online and wanted to meet in real life. "Lucas becareful, he may sound nice and perfect on the phone but we really won't know until you meet him." she said. "I know Alice I'll be careful." I said "I'm so excited though!"

"I know you are sweety." She said. "But please be very careful. Don't be too bummed out if he's not what you expect him to be." I went to the fridge to get a can of mountain and said " Your right Alice I'll try to keep my grip and thoughts into the realm of reality." She laughed and said "Your such a smart ass. I hope he has a sense of humor because if he doesn't your screwed." I walk back to her and said " Your right, I'm one of the biggest smart asses out there!" We both laughed. "Shit don't I know that. After 14 years of knowing you I'm still not used to it." I looked at her and said "It happens to the best of us." She takes a sip of my soda and asked " So when are you supposed to meet Mr.Perfect?" I smiled nervously and said "Friday at the sushi restaurant around 7." She looked so suprised. "So soon Lucas? Are you sure thats a good idea?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know Alice, I don't know."

Next: Chapter 2

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