Whole Hearted

By Brian D.

Published on Jan 9, 2005


DISCLAIMER: This story involves sex between 2 consenting teenage males. If this subject offends you, DO NOT read this story. This is a work of fiction. Any similarity to actual people is purely coincidental. If you shouldn't be reading this, then don't. Story is copyright protected by author. Do not distribute without permission of the author.

Whole Hearted By Brian D.

Chapter 2

I woke the next morning with a smile. Last night was the best night's sleep that I have gotten in a couple weeks. It was 9:30am and the first time I had looked forward to the events a day could bring without Devin by my side. I had to relieve my morning wood so I went to the bathroom and took a piss. On the way back to my room, still in my morning daze, my Mom said "Jarryed, if you're awake, Aaron is on the phone for you."

"Ok Mom, I'll be right down." I yelled back. I went downstairs and grabbed the receiver off the counter. "Hi Aaron, what's up?"

"Wouldn't you like to know" he said laughing.

Laughing to myself, I knew he had something planned for today. My brain never works this early so I let the comment slide instead of coming back with something witty. "What are you planning on doing today cutie?" I asked.

Aaron replied "Adelphia Cable is coming to hook up our TV and internet, I gotta get the rest of my room put together, and I have to help mom with getting the kitchen arranged. Did ya want to come over for a little bit?"

"Sure, let me get a shower and I'll be over" I stated.

"Ok cool, see ya in a few and bring some of your CD's along." he said.

After grabbing an apple from the kitchen, I went back upstairs. I walked into my room and turned on my CD player. Picking out clothes that would impress Aaron turned into a chore. I finally decided on a pair of Nike shorts, Nike shirt, and boxers. I went into the bathroom and turned on the water. I was standing in front of the mirror looking at myself wondering how I got so lucky with Aaron moving in next door. As the water reached a bearable temperature, I stripped off my clothes and hopped in. The water was just the right temperature, the kind that you can stand under all day as it relaxes everything away. As I went through my morning ritual of washing my chest, legs, arms, and hair something decided that it had enough down time. My dick started swelling and who was I stop it. It has a mind of its own. I grabbed the bar of soap and started working the soap into my pubic hair. As I turned my back to the running water, my hand started massaging my manhood. Within 30 seconds, it was standing at full attention. Slowly and methodically, and finally speeding up to a faster pace of working the shaft back and forth, I felt that all too familiar feeling stirring in my loins. Seconds later, I erupted as my spunk shot out of my dick. After finishing up in the shower, I dried off and headed back into my room wearing only a towel. I got dressed and headed out the door.

It was going to be another hot one today as the temperature was already breaking 80 degrees. Working up a sweat was something that would be good for today. Aaron and I could get the pool cleaned up later on that afternoon. By the time I got there, Aaron greeted me at the front door.

"What the hell took so you long?" Aaron stated.

"Something needed attending to and picking out clothes was a job. I want to impress you so much." I said.

"Hell, its 11am. I got the kitchen stuff done so all we have now is my room."

"Let's get started then. The sooner we get things done, the more time I have to kiss you"

Aaron led me up to his room. While walking up the stairs I just stared as his ass and its wiggling back and forth. Even though I just took care of business not more than a half hour ago, my dick was swelling in my shorts. As we walked into his room, he closed the door behind me. He grabbed me by the waist and starting kissing with so much emotion I thought he would pass out. We kept getting closer and closer. I could feel his legs against mine. Our pelvises started grinding against each other. Our hardons were aching to be released. After 15 minutes of lip locking and spit swapping we decided to get his room up to par. I handed him the CD's that I brought over. He popped one into the CD player so we had music to work by.

We worked feverishly for about an hour and a half setting up dressers, mirrors, electronics, and posters. We had hung all his shirts in the closet, put all his pants, shorts, boxers, and socks in the dressers. After rearranging his room to what he liked, we ran down the stairs like a herd of elephants.

As we walked into the kitchen, Mrs. Maxwell said "Aaron, we found the pool chemicals and cleaning equipment in the garage last night. It is your job to keep the pool up to par."

Aaron moaned "Mom do I have to?"

"Yes Aaron, your father and I need you to take on some responsibility with the chores around the house. Once I start working, you will be here during the day alone and I want the work done that I leave you."

Hearing this, Aaron was smiling to himself. Jarryed caught on also. What kind of fun and mischievous things could they get into when Mrs. Maxwell wasn't here was going through both boys minds.

"Aaron, is your room all set up?" Mrs. Maxwell asked.

"Yea Mom, all set and ready. It's a little bit bigger than the one at our old house too." Aaron said excitedly.

"Are you guys hungry?" she asked.

Both of us replied "Yes" at the same time.

"Why don't you go outside and take the pool chemicals and cleaning equipment to the pool deck." I will have lunch ready here in a few minutes."

"Ok, Mom" Aaron replied.

"You got it Mrs. Maxwell." Jarryed said.

"Let's go Aaron, the sooner we get this done, the sooner we can have some chow." I said.

"You got it dude" replied Aaron.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you a few things Aaron. I don't know much about you except that you're gay. Like your age, interests, hobbies, stuff like that?

"Well since you asked nicely, I am gonna have to fess up. I'm 15, love baseball as you already know. Come winter time, I also go bowling. I lived in Monroeville before I moved here. I guess it's ok to tell you the real reason that we moved here. My last high school was very homophobic. When my homeroom teacher would do roll call, he would call us by our last names. He got to mine and another kid yelled queer before I could say here. Within a matter of hours, the whole school knew about my sexuality."

"How did that kid know about you?" I asked

"I thought he might have been like me, ya know, gay. I invited him over after school the previous day. While were up in my bedroom he asked me point blank if I was gay. I didn't answer him immediately, I just stared at the floor. I looked back up at him and I had tears in my eyes. He knew then and stormed out my house. Then the shit hit the fan the next day at school."

"Oh dude, I had no idea" as I moved in to hug him tight.

We sat out on the deck for about 10 minutes with him sobbing into my shoulder and me running my fingers through his hair consoling him. I couldn't think of going through that myself. Now I know why he looked pissed to be here yesterday. With all that he has been through, I know why he came out so quickly to me. He didn't want to put himself through any more hardship. I really don't blame him either. I don't know what I would do if I ever had to face that kind if intimidation.

When Aaron's mom called us back in, he wiped away whatever tears he had left. As we walked in the door, she had seen that Aaron was crying.

Mrs. Maxwell spoke "Are you ok honey?"

"Mom, I told Jarryed the real reason why we moved here." Aaron said.

"Mrs. Maxwell, I'm going to out on a limb here and going to say that you know about your son's sexuality."

"Yes I do Jarryed. His father knows also." she replied.

"I just want you to know this. I am gay also. Aaron asked me last night to be his boyfriend. I also came out to my parents last night too. I would never do anything to hurt your son."

"Aaron, I guess I should tell you why I mentioned Devin a few times yesterday."

Looking at Aaron, his facial expression changed from one of happiness to a look of concern. It's not everyday that your boyfriend has to break up with you and move away. I looked into Aaron's green eyes as tears started to well up in my own eyes. I knew that this had to be said. But how to put it into words was something I was having difficulty with. As I tried to control my emotions, Aaron came over and put an arm around on my shoulder.

"You don't need to tell me now." Aaron said.

"But I want you to know the truth." I said.

"Not when you're this emotional. From what I can already see, you loved him very much otherwise you wouldn't be crying. I think I already know what you were going to tell me."

"You do?" I asked with a look of puzzlement across my face.

"Jarryed, he was your boyfriend. There is nothing worse in this world as bad as losing someone close to your heart. I had my heart ripped out of my chest. That was very difficult to endure. I still had 4 months of the school year left. Teachers wouldn't put an end to the constant harassing. Finally, my mom quit her job and I went on home schooling for the rest of the year. My dad started looking around for a new job immediately."

After the little discussion, we sat down and ate our lunch. Mrs. Maxwell whipped up some grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. I wasn't very hungry after what we had talked about, but still ate so I didn't worry Aaron. After lunch, we went back up to his room for another make out session.

"Mom, if you need us, we'll be up in my room listening to some music."

"Ok honey" said Mrs. Maxwell.

As we stepped into his room, Aaron was as savage as a pit bull as he attacked my lips. I couldn't control myself as I was just as savage back. Our tongues were running so fast in and out of each others mouths. As we continued this passionate kiss, our hips started grinding into each others pelvises again. My dick was aching to be released. I reached for Aaron's shorts. I put my hand inside and fondled him through his boxers. His cock was velvety soft yet hard as a rock. As I was about to pull his shorts to his knees, he whispered into my ear "Not here."

"I just wanted to see what you looked like in all your glory." I said.

"Well that is just going to have to wait. I want our first time to be very special."

I gave him a dismal look and he just started laughing. I asked, "What's so funny?"

"You look so damn cute with that face you just made."

I blushed redder than I ever have in my life. "How about we go outside and get the pool cleaned up so we can have some fun?"

"Ok, you can stop bending my arm now." quipped Aaron.

With having the make out session, I was feeling better than ever. In the short time that I have known him, he was beyond my wildest dreams. He is so caring, kind, and considerate. Did I forget to mention how cute he is? How can one not love this boy? We walked down the stairs hand in hand. Mrs. Maxwell looked at us and just smiled.

Once we got outside, we went to work hooking all the hoses up to the filter. I showed Aaron how to check the water for proper chlorine content. I skimmed the surface as Aaron was on the other end of the pool vacuum the bottom and walls. I couldn't keep my eyes off him. He caught me staring at him a few times and just smiled. As we finished up the cleaning Mrs. Maxwell came outside.

"It's beautiful out here and the pool looks great." she spoke.

"Just wait until winter comes around, bet you won't be saying that." I stated.

"It can't be any worse than Monroeville."

"Wanna bet?"

"I'm not a betting woman" she said laughing.

With that Aaron started laughing.

"Mom, you do to bet. I caught you and dad making a little wager on the Pirates game." he said.

"Oh my, I better watch what I say around you Aaron."

I was just looking at the fun we were all having. I didn't notice I was close to the edge of the pool as I asked "Anyone up for a swim?"

Aaron didn't need to be asked twice as he came running at me full steam. I think I knew what he was trying to do. To hell with the idea of him pushing me into the pool. Just as Aaron got a couple steps away, Aaron was still running at full steam and I knew I had him. I side stepped him and he went flying into the pool.

"Oh shit" I heard him scream before he hit the water.

"Now you're dead Christoff" he said as his head broke the water.

"Only if you can catch me."

"Oh, I will catch you, just stay right there."

"Not on your life" I said as I took off running around to the other side of the pool. He finally got me trapped by the filter. What was I thinking. I knew this area so well after having been swimming with Devin so many times. Aaron grabbed me by the arms as he tried to drag me over to the water's edge. I let him have him have his fun as he dragged me to the water. But I had another surprise in store for him. The closer we got to the edge, the more I saw my opening. I swung around and whipped him into the water again. Aaron popped his head up dying of laughter. Seizing the moment, I jumped in with a cannonball right next to him. I came up laughing. The water was great. We frolicked around in the water for a little bit.

After we got out of the water Aaron asked "How did you reverse me?" as he handed me a towel.

"It was easy, you were trying to hard."

We laid out on the concrete and let the sun dry our bodies. With some idle conversation, I noticed that it was getting close to dinner time. I got up as Aaron spoke "Where are you going?" "It's 5:30pm. I have go get changed and get ready for dinner.

Aaron got up as well. Before we reached the patio door, we embraced again. The kiss lasted 10 minutes. "I gotta get going, but you can come over around 7pm if you want." I said.

With that, I headed for the front door. Aaron spoke again and said "I love you."

"Whole hearted until the end of time."

________________________________________________________________________ What a day the boys had. With some tearful moments and the happiness of being around one another, they learned a lot about each other. Aaron found out about Devin. Hmm, he wants Jarryed to be so much in his life, but yet he still has some worries about what transpired between the two. Comments and suggestions can be emailed to shadowman_26@yahoo.com Hope you enjoyed the second installment of Whole Hearted. Chapter 3 coming soon. Thank you for the emails that I received. With the many compliments, it makes writing this story much more enjoyable.

Next: Chapter 3

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