Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on May 9, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

Barrett woke up Kevin around 10 the next morning when Barrett heard his mom calling them to breakfast. Both just put on some boxers and smelled the pancakes that his mom had cooked.

"My my, just look at you two. There should be a ton of girls after you two boys," his mom said while serving up the food.

"I did have a girlfriend but dumped her last weekend," Kevin said.

"Well, she is just going to miss out. Both of you are so cute and have nice bodies as well."

"Mom! Stop it, please," Barrett said.

"Well, Barrett, I am just stating the truth," she said.

"I know we're both freakin hot, but please you're my mom."

"Okay, Barrett."

Both Kevin and Barrett ate like they were starving. Kevin took a shower real quick before heading out. He thanked Barrett and his mom for letting him the night. Kevin found Jon at his friends and they were off to visit their dad at the hospital.

He was awake when they came into the room. "There are my boys."

Both Kevin and Jon leaned over so he could hug them. "Dad, we won last night," Kevin smiled.

"I know mom told me all about it. I am so proud of you," His dad said. "Jon when do you start soccer?"

"Next weekend. I am starting forward," Jon said.

"Nice. I am looking forward to going back home after they take all this shit out of me," he said. "Kevin I promise I will come to a game."

"I just want you better Dad," Kevin said.

They stayed around a while until their dad was back asleep. Their grandmother followed them out and handed them some spending money for the week. Jon and Kevin both hugged her. She then grabbed another bag out of the car. "Here I saw you boys need some more clothes."

"Thanks Grandma!" Jon said. "I have worn the other stuff you got us already."

"Thanks, you didn't have to do that," Kevin said. "I appreciate it. We both love our cool phones, Grandma."

"Well it is the least I can do. Now go on and don't worry about your dad. He is a little better but still has a long ways to go," she said.

"Thanks, we love you," Jon said.

"Hey, Kevin, I will be there next week. I expect a touchdown this time," she said.

"I'll try, Grandma," Kevin said.

Jon and Kevin headed home. They had their first fight over who was going to mow the yard. Kevin won out but did the trimming while Jon mowed. Kevin liked being the man of the house but Jon didn't take to it so well but went along.

"Hey, Kev, can you take me to this party over at Benji's house?" Jon asked later in the day after showering.

"I guess so. What time I need to pick you up?"

"I don't know. I guess I can find a ride or I will call you."

"Okay Jon. Don't go getting fucked up alright?"

"I won't unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Unless the others do. Damn dude you can read me like a book."

"Jon, please don't come home high tonight."

"I'll try not to. You ready?"

Kevin dropped Jon off and could see a bunch of Jon's friends. He rented a movie before heading back home. After watching the movie, his cell rang. Kevin answered it expecting Jon but it was Barrett asking if he could stop by.

Kevin waited and saw Barrett come in with a cute girl he recognized as Liz's, his old girlfriend, friend. Barrett pulled Kevin aside in the kitchen. "Dude I need a huge favor."


"Carrie wants me to fuck her. Can we do it here?"

"Man what the fuck?"

"Please. The car is so uncomfortable. Just this one time please."

"I guess so. Damn you, Barrett."

"Thanks, I owe you big time dude."

Barrett grabbed Carrie's by the hand and led her to Kevin's room. Kevin was really jealous but knew it had been a while since Barrett had been with a girl. He wasn't sure whether he was jealous it wasn't him or that Barrett was banging a girl. He turned up the TV when he started hearing loud screaming coming out of his bedroom. Kevin heard a car pull up and hoped it was just Jon. He peeked out the window to see Jon getting out the car with a friend.

"Hey Kev, Barrett here?"

"Ummm yeah," Kevin said.

"Kevin, this is Robbie. What the..." Jon said when he heard the noises. "Is that what I think it is?"

"Ummm what?" Kevin said.

"Barrett's nailing some chick in your room, isn't he?"

Kevin darted his eyes around. "Yeah, don't you tell anyone. Sorry Robbie about this."

"It's cool, dude. I've heard my brother banging his girl some," Robbie said.

"Kev, he is fucking the hell out of her," Jon said.

"Yeah I guess so," Kevin said.

"Awesome. I wish my girl would moan like that when I fucked... I mean... had sex with her," Robbie said.

"Robbie, you're so full of it. You can say what you want around Kev."

Finally the sounds stopped and out came Barrett. Carrie seemed to be embarrassed when they walked out together. "Thanks dude. She's got to go home. It's almost her curfew," Barrett said.

"See ya!" Kevin said. Jon stuck up his hand and gave Barrett five.

"Hot pussy guys," Barrett whispered, sticking his head back in the door.

Kevin just rolled his eyes. "I guess Robbie is spending the night huh?" he asked.

"Yeah," Jon said.

"I guess I am going to bed unless they left it a mess," Kevin said.

"Man, you're cool. I hope I have a friend that lets me bang my girl at his house when his parents aren't home," Robbie said. "See ya."

"Ya'll keep it down, okay Jon?" Kevin said.

Kevin went to find his bed was made and no evidence of the sex that had occurred there earlier. Kevin saw his cell going off with a text to call Barrett. He called Barrett and got all the details, like Kevin didn't already know.

Kevin woke up and found the living room to be a disaster. He shook his head and cleaned up the bowls and glassed left lying around and threw away all the trash. He called to check in with his grandmother but things were still about the same.

Kevin saw Jon come in with just his boxers showing his nice athletic body off that was developed from years of playing soccer. Jon grabbed something to eat. "Next time don't leave stuff out everywhere, Jon." Kevin sat while they both sat on the couch.

"Fuck you, bitch!" Jon said.

"What the fuck you just say?"

"Fuck you, Kev. I am not taking shit from you today."

"Fine you little shit. Wake up Robbie. It's time for him to go home."

"Dude please. I am not in the mood. Besides you ain't my fuckin dad," Jon said.

"Okay, see if I let anymore of your friends stay while dad's gone."

"Kev, you are pissed because Barrett got laid and you didn't."

"Jon, all I said was clean up your shit next time and you said fuck you, bitch. You are the moody motherfucker here." Kevin said in Jon's face. Kevin was furious with Jon and Jon could see it in Kevin's eyes.

"Back up. I am trying to eat. Shit Kev, chill," Jon said. "Alright I'll clean up next time. Does Robbie still have to leave?"

"Not unless you tell me you're sorry," Kevin said.

"I am sorry!" Jon said. Robbie then came out with his boxers on and heard the commotion. Kevin saw Robbie was cut rather well for a ninth grader and could see what all the playing soccer had done to his young frame. "Hey Robbie," Jon said. "There's some cereal on the cabinet if you want some."

"Cool," Robbie said. "Jon, what was that all about?"

"Oh I just woke up in a bad mood and lit into Kevin's ass."

"Damn, I heard ya'll screaming. Ya'll cool?" Robbie asked.

"Yeah, we are," Kevin said. Kevin talked a little with Robbie and Jon, still trying to get over his sudden outburst caused by Jon's smart mouth.

Kevin went back to his room and got a text message from one of his teammates, Nathan, asking if he wanted to hang out some. Kevin replied back he would but it might be later. Kevin was really getting into to this text messaging and was sending them off right and left since his friends and teammates knew his number.

Kevin dropped Robbie off at his house and then went over to Nathan's for a while. Nathan wanted to challenge Kevin in Madden since he heard Kevin was good. Kevin beat Nathan but could tell Nathan played a lot. Kevin thanked Nathan for asking him over and left.

The week went on without much change to Kevin's dad. His grandmother had no choice but for Kevin and Jon to live at home while she attended her son. Kevin noticed that Barrett and Carrie was becoming quite the item.

Friday night came and the whole team was charged up over their in-county rival. Being an away game was not much of a big deal since the team's fans traveled just the short distance to watch.

Barrett again got the start over Kevin, but Kevin knew he would get to play. In the second quarter of this heated rivalry, the other starting receiver went out with cramps. Kevin and Barrett now were on the field at the same time, at least until the cramping subsided. Barrett made a key reception on a critical third down to keep a big drive going. The next play, Kevin was 5 yards in the clear but let the ball slip right thru his hands.

Barrett consoled his friend in the huddle and the exact same play was called. This time Kevin grabbed the ball and outran two defenders for the first touchdown on his high school career. Barrett slapped Kevin's helmet as a way of saying great job.

The game was still nip and tuck until Kevin returned a punt 27 yards. Barrett made a circus catch in the end zone to put the team up by 2 scores. Kevin returned the favor by pounding on Barrett's helmet. In the end, their team had to hang on to secure the second victory of the season. Both Kevin and Barrett were ecstatic over the victory. The whole team was jumping up and down and giving each other high fives over the big early season victory. Kevin found his grandmother in the stands and just waved since he had to get on the bus for the ride home.

Kevin got off the bus and saw Carrie there waiting on Barrett. He looked around and saw his friend Nathan was there without a ride. Kevin asked Nathan if he wanted a ride. Nathan took Kevin up on the ride.

"Nathan, you wanna stay the night?" Kevin asked on the way home.

"Yeah that would be cool, Kevin, if my dad will let me," Nathan said. Nathan called and got his approval.

Both guys were still excited over the victory. Kevin got home and found Jon there anxiously waiting to hear all about the game since he had a late practice. Kevin and Nathan explained all the plays in detail even though Nathan being a sophomore didn't get to play but one series as a defensive back.

It was late and Jon headed off to his room since he had a full day of soccer games planned for the next two days. Kevin and Nathan played Madden until about 1 in the morning. They finally headed off to bed. Kevin knew how well put together Nathan was with his muscular shoulders, thin waist and defined legs. Kevin liked Nathan's highlighted hair and sort of made him look like he belonged in a boy band and not on the football field.

Kevin and Nathan just lay in bed, still amped up some over their thrilling victory. The conversation finally turned to the things most teenage boys are interested in, sex. Nathan said he wasn't a virgin but had only done it one time with a girl. Kevin told Nathan all about his former sex life too.

"Kevin, you jack off a lot?" Nathan said.

"Yeah why? Don't most guys," Kevin said.

"Your story has sort of made me horny," Nathan said.

"Well whip that dick out, Nathan. I don't give a fuck," Kevin said. "I am horny too."

"Kevin, I have never done it with another guy before. It just seems so gay," Nathan said.

"Dude, it is not gay to jack off with another guy. Here I will jack off if you will," Kevin said and slowly slid down his boxers. "See I am hard as rock." Kevin noticed Nathan's eyes were glued to his hard 6 inch cock. "Go ahead, it's just us."

"Okay, I guess so," Nathan said and slid his boxers down to show his 7 inch cut cock that barely had any pubic hair. Nathan was blonde headed so Kevin didn't think much of it. Nathan grabbed his cock and slowly started jacking it, eyeing Kevin the whole time.

"You want to jack me off?" Kevin said.

"No, I was just noticing you had more hair than I did," Nathan said.

"I'll jack you off if you want me to," Kevin said.

"I guess... you can...if you want to," Nathan was still a little nervous of the whole situation but felt Kevin's hand on his hard cock. "That feels awesome."

Kevin watched while Nathan tentatively moved his hand towards his cock. Kevin put Nathan's hand on his cock. "That's not so bad is it?"

"No, it's just the first time I ever touched a guy's dick before. Your hand feels so good on mine," Nathan said. They continued to slowly jack each other off. Nathan then looked at Kevin, "You and Barrett ever done this?"

"Yeah a few times but don't say a word," Kevin smiled.

"I won't. This is cool, Kevin," Nathan said. Kevin could then feel Nathan's cock about to explode. Nathan moaned, "Oh shit Kevin, I am... cumming!" Nathan sent his load spewing across his stomach.

Nathan kept jacking Kevin. Kevin knew he was close. "Oh fuck yeah!" Kevin spurted his load on his pubes and down Nathan's hand. Kevin grabbed some tissues that he kept handy to wipe up his and Nathan's cum. "That wasn't so bad was it?"

"Hell no. I kinda liked it," Nathan smiled.

"See there wasn't a thing gay about it."

"Nope, but I won't mind trying more with you some time. You're a cool guy," Nathan said.

Kevin's eyes grew wide. He just ignored the comment. "My ass is beat. That was a hell of finish to a great night."

"Yeah, it was. That was better than the game to me," Nathan said. Kevin and Nathan pulled up their boxers and finally were off to sleep.


Next: Chapter 7

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