Wide Receivers

By GF Writer

Published on May 19, 2007


This is a story of fiction and contains gay sex between that of two consenting young men. Please leave immediately if any of the following applies to you: Offended by gay sex, Offended by harsh or vulgar language or not of age to read this in your specific area or district as dictated by local and/or public laws.

This story is the sole possession and copyrights of me the writer. No person or person depicted here are real either living or deceased. Remember this is pure fiction and always practice safe sex in real life.

The team loaded the buses for the hour and half trip away. They were fairly quiet on the trip. Kevin just sat with Barrett on the ride over.

"Kev, you feeling it tonight, bud?" Barrett asked.

"I hope so. I just don't want to fuck up," Kevin said.

"You won't. I would love to win this damn game and show those cocky bastards a thing or two," Barrett said.

"I hope we win too," Kevin said.

The team exited the buses to find a newly remodeled stadium that was sure to be packed since both teams were undefeated. Kevin got the game started off right with a nice return to the 40 yard line. The team then proceeded to drive the ball down before settling for a short field goal. The opponents realized they might have taken the smaller team a bit too lightly. By halftime, the teams were tied up at 13 all.

The teams swapped touchdowns including a short pass in the end zone to Barrett to cap off a long 82 yard drive. The fourth quarter started with both teams tied. The bigger team ended up wearing down Kevin's team and took the victory by 7 points. Their coach seemed quite pleased with the effort and knew it was a great measuring stick on their progress.

Kevin found his grandmother and then was shocked when he saw his mom and his step-dad approaching him. Kevin got a big hug from his mom but never expected to see her there.

"Kevin, I am so proud of you. I just wish ya'll would have won," his mom said. "You did catch 3 balls though and had some great returns."

"Thanks Mom, I am so glad you came. I had no idea you were here," Kevin said.

"Kevin, your grandmother told us about your dad. If you and Jon want, you can come live with us until he gets better."

"We're okay right now. Grandma looks after us. Dang, I wish we would have won."

"Me too son. You better get going or you will be left."

"I love you, Mom," Kevin said and sprinted to join his team. The ride was long back home with everyone saying what if and what should have the whole way home.

Kevin changed in the locker room and found the girl, Mandy, which he had been talking to. Mandy hugged him and told Kevin how proud she was of him. Kevin then watched while Barrett and his mom drove off. Kevin talked to Mandy for a while and made plans to go out the next night on a date. Kevin was so excited to have a girl who showed interest in him again.

The house seemed awful quiet and lonely when Kevin strolled in around midnight. Jon was gone for the weekend to a soccer tournament about 3 hours away. He chatted with Barrett some on his phone and then Nathan while talking with Mandy on the computer via instant messaging.

He woke up the next morning and went up to see his dad. He noticed how pale and weak he looked. Kevin told him all about the game while his dad was now only able to put out a few words. Kevin stayed as long as he could stand it before heading back home. He called Jon to fill him in on the game and see how his tournament was going.

Kevin was nervous while he dressed and put on his best cologne for his date. Being a first date, they just went to the movies and then to her house for just a few minutes. Kevin enjoyed talking to Mandy and being with her the whole time. He knew not to expect too much and was headed home by 10.

As he was driving home, Nathan called his cell phone. Nathan asked if he could spent the night since his parents were going to be later than expected with his sister's softball game. Kevin swung by and picked up Nathan on his way home.

"Thanks Kevin. I hate staying there by myself at night," Nathan said.

"It's cool. Jon's gone, so I would be there by myself too," Kevin said.

"How was your date?"

"Fine. She is a nice girl. We had fun."

"Awesome. Kevin, she's fine, too."

Kevin smiled. "I know."

They got to Kevin's house and watched some TV for a while before going back to get on the computer to chat with Kevin's friends. Nathan seemed fine since most were teammates of Kevin's or girls they knew.

Kevin and Nathan undressed and got into bed. They talked for a while despite the late hour.

Nathan asked, "Kevin, are you tired?"

"A little, why?"

"Oh I was just wondering if you..."

"Hell yeah, I am not too tired for a little fun if that what you mean," Kevin smiled.

"Cool, I was hoping we could a little. I liked it last time," Nathan said and was out of his boxers. He scooted close to Kevin and ran his hand down Kevin's body and firmly grabbed Kevin's cock.

"Not so tight, bro," Kevin said and reached to grab Nathan's cock as well.

Kevin leaned over and took Nathan's 7 inch cock in his mouth. Nathan released his grip of Kevin's cock to enjoy Kevin's mouth. Nathan put his hands behind his head and just watched Kevin bob up and down on him. Kevin didn't want to get him too excited so he stopped.

Nathan sucked on Kevin's nipples before moving down to Kevin's hard throbbing cock.

"Someone's been practicing," Kevin said. Nathan just looked up and grinned. Kevin watched Nathan really do a lot better. Kevin ran his hands through Nathan's blond hair.

"Kevin, can I..." Nathan stuttered.

"What?" Kevin asked.

"Can we... you know... have anal sex? I hope it's not asking to much. I saw guys doing it on the internet and it looks hot."

"I guess so if you really want to see what that's like. I don't give a fuck," Kevin said.

"Fuckin hot," Nathan said. Kevin reached in his drawer and handed Nathan a condom and some lube. Kevin spread the cold lube in and around his hole. Nathan put on the condom and greased it up. Kevin lay on his stomach and waited.

Nathan spread out Kevin's ass and stuck his hard cock down there. After a few painful attempts, Kevin felt Nathan's cock break thru his ass ring and into his ass.

"OOOOOOOO yeah!" Kevin moaned.

"My dick is in you, Kevin!" Nathan exclaimed with an excited tone to his voice.

"Fuck yeah. It feels so good too."

Nathan slowly let it go deeper and deeper. Nathan looked down and saw his 7 inches were now in Kevin. "Fuck yeah."

"Fuck me, Nathan. Let me feel that big fucking cock of yours!" Kevin screamed since Nathan was now getting him so horny.

Nathan started going in and out. It slipped out a couple of times but Nathan managed to quickly get it back in. Kevin started to moan a little while Nathan tried his best to fuck Kevin's ass. Kevin could feel the big cock in him and started to enjoy every inch of it. Nathan tried to mock what he saw on the net by ramming his cock in Kevin's ass. After about 3 minutes, the fun was over for Nathan when he creamed all in his condom still planted inside Kevin's hot ass.

"Fuck Kevin. I am sorry," Nathan said and pulled his cock out with cum trapped in the condom.

"Nathan, don't be sorry. That was fucking hot."

"Kevin, I'll jack you off til you nut," Nathan said.

"Fine by me," Kevin felt Nathan's hand sliding up and down his cock. Kevin sent his load right across his abs. Kevin smiled at Nathan. "Thanks!"

"I am sorry I didn't last any longer," Nathan said.

"It's cool. It still felt so fuckin good," Kevin said.

"Yeah I loved fuckin you," Nathan said.

"Dude this was your fuckin plan the whole time, wasn't it?" Kevin then saw a big smile come across Nathan's face. "Hell, I didn't mind one bit."

"Kevin, this don't make us gay does it?" Nathan asked.

"Fuck no. We are just experimenting. Just look it as you practicing for pussy later on," Kevin said.

"Yeah, we are just practicing our fucking skills for pussy later," Nathan said. "It sure feels good though."

"I know," Kevin said.

Nathan grabbed Kevin and held him tight against his body. Kevin just looked back at Nathan and smiled. Kevin wasn't sure he felt the same way about Nathan as Nathan did him. Kevin could sense Nathan was starting to enjoy this way too much but Kevin liked it as well.

Kevin got up the next morning and grabbed his boxers. Kevin cleaned up a bit. He called his grandmother to check on his ailing dad in the hospital. She told Kevin he was doing a little better.

Kevin looked up and saw Nathan coming down the hall, smiling from ear to ear.

"Nathan, damn boy, put on some clothes!" Kevin said when he saw Nathan proudly strolling to him.

"Sorry Kevin, I didn't think you would mind at all," Nathan said.

"Well aight, so I guess you had a good time last night?"

"Oh hell yeah, I am no longer a virgin," Nathan smiled.

Kevin looked puzzled, "I thought you said you fucked a girl this summer."

Nathan was still smiling, "I was lying out my ass. I didn't want you to think I was a dork or something."

"It's cool Nathan," Kevin said and felt a big squeeze that Nathan put on him. "Nathan you didn't have to lie to me though. I still think you are a cool guy."

Kevin felt Nathan's hand at his crotch. Kevin simply pushed it away. Nathan could tell Kevin wasn't in the mood or just didn't want to go there. Nathan got up and put on his boxers.

Nathan heard his cell ringing and ran back to answer it. He came out and said, "Hey, my parents expect me to be home. They're on their way right now."

"That's fine. I can take you," Kevin said. He and Nathan put their clothes and headed off to Nathan's house.

"Thanks Kevin for... you know..." Nathan mumbled.

"No sweat, Nathan. I guess I'll see you tomorrow," Kevin said. He drove off and decided to see what his girl, Mandy, had planned for the rest of the day since he didn't have anything going at the moment.

She sounded excited that Kevin called and said she would just come over to his house for a little while. Kevin sped home and showered. He threw on his favorite cologne and did the best he could to make his growing hair look good. He finished pimping just as the doorbell rang. He was pleased to see that Mandy came looking so hot. He honestly wondered how she got into those tight shorts.

Kevin explained his situation to Mandy, who fully understood.

"So I guess we're alone for a while?" Mandy smiled.

"Yeah, my brother won't..." Kevin felt Mandy's soft lips interrupt him. She seemed quite aggressive and really caught Kevin a little off guard. Kevin caught his breath. "Wew, Mandy that was hot!"

"Just like you, Kevin," Mandy batted her eyes at him and practically knocked Kevin over with her advances. Kevin's eyes lit up and wondered what had gotten into his sweet girl that he really only started seeing that week. "Kevin I really do like you. You smell so good."

"Thanks so do you, Mandy."

"Hey why do you show me the rest of her house?" Mandy asked.

Kevin did a double take, "Well there ain't much to see, but if you want I guess I can."

Mandy grabbed Kevin's hand while Kevin led her down the hall to show her the rest of the house. When they arrived at Kevin's room, Mandy lay on the bed. "So comfy, Kevin. Why don't you join me?"

Kevin replied, "Sure, Mandy, whatever you want."

Mandy grabbed Kevin again. Kevin now was really wondering what she was up to but soon found out when her hand slid down his shorts.

"Kevin, I am horny little girl. I haven't been with a guy in over a month," Mandy said.

They both undressed and Kevin loved the look and feel of Mandy's soft body. Kevin let his guy instincts take over and soon was deep inside Mandy's wet vagina. Kevin didn't forget how to treat a girl right in bed and loved to hear the moans of encouragement. In the back of his mind, he knew this was way better than having sex with Barrett. He did the best he could to stave off his eventual ejaculation. Finally he pulled out and released his load onto his bed.

"Oh Kevin, that was so hot and romantic," Mandy said. "But I better go."

"Why Mandy? Can't we make out a little," Kevin said.

"Well just a minute. I am suppose to be home in like 10 minutes," Mandy said. "You're a great lover."

"Thanks, Mandy, I loved it to," Kevin kissed and held Mandy for just a minute.

Mandy got up and headed home. Kevin walked her to her car to kiss her goodbye. As soon as Kevin got back inside, he jumped up and down. "Fuck yeah, I just got fucking laid. Hell yeah!" A smile was now glued to his face when he returned to clean up the evidence of his intercourse with Mandy.

Jon, his younger brother, came dragging in the door with his bag slung over his shoulder. Kevin was just smiling still.

"Did ya'll win?" Kevin asked.

"Hell no, our goalie sucks. He let 2 go right between his hands, Kev. We had those cocky bastards beat too," Jon said.

"I am sorry to hear that," Kevin said.

"What are you so happy bout?" Jon said.

"Well," Kevin smiled. "I fucked Mandy today."

"No shit. At least someone is getting laid around here," Jon said. "How was it?"

"Hot, Jon. You really need to lose your virginity," Kevin said.

"Dude, I am trying. I will. Hell you were my age when you first got laid," Jon said. "I am tired. I am hitting the showers and doing some homework. I am happy for you."

"Thanks, Jon," Kevin said. "I have got to go brag to Barrett's ass now."

Kevin called and gave Barrett the full rundown. Barrett was glad for Kevin as he too got laid over the weekend by his girl. Kevin texted Nathan to have him call him whenever he could. Nathan immediately called and Kevin reiterated his story to Nathan.

Kevin felt like a new person when he went to school that Monday. He found Mandy and made a straight line to her. Mandy was with her friends and didn't seem to interested in Kevin at the time. Kevin just played it off and went to class.

After a tough practice for the first game of the conference schedule, Kevin called Mandy. Mandy really didn't seem very interested in talking to Kevin since she practically made it a short one sided conversation. Kevin now wondered what was really up.


Next: Chapter 9

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