Wild Rumpus

By moc.liamhsuh@sdrocer_xam

Published on Apr 2, 2010


DISCLAIMER - This story is Fiction. While the main character is obviously real, none of the activities occurred and any similarities to real life our from my own imagination. I especially apologise if the main character ever reads this. It is a pure fantasy and no offence is meant and no statement is made about the main character's real sexual preferences. As is typical with these stories, if they are illegal for you to read, please find something else to read. If you are offended by such materials, reading this will provide great amounts of such offence, which you could easily avoid by not reading any further. Otherwise enjoy.

Please feel free to address comments to max_records@hushmail.com


"I love you too Max." as I cuddle up to Max, with him pressing back into me as I embrace him, with my stiff cock nestled against his butt cheeks. Frustrated, oh but what pleasant pain...

[Chapter 3 - Part 1]

I drifted off to sleep, still hard but loving every minute of it. I hadn't realised how tired I was, slipping into dreams and awaking now and agin to find myself and a sleeping Max intertwined in all sorts of positions. I couldn't help but have a bit of a grope and a rub in my half awake and half asleep stages, never fully rousing. Eventually I drifted into a dream where I was in a room full of naked Max's, all with overly large stiffies, all parading about as if it was perfectly natural. One of the Max's knelt in front of me and start sucking on my cock. The warm of his mouth made me harder then I think I had ever been. I start to wake up, obviously fighting it, because of the good feelings in my dreams, only to become aware that I was lying on my back and there was a rather large lump under the covers, moving up and down. It seems that my dream and transistioned to reality. I lifted the covers and saw the shaggy haired head of Max bobbing up and down on the tip of my cock. His red full lips trying their best to please me. I grin and say, "Having fun there bud?"

I am rewarded with an "Mmmmmm mmmmmm." I throw back the covers and stare at the beautiful naked Max. His boyish body and torso leading down to his rigid member, with a little bit of his read head peeking out of the foreskin, to his coltish legs down to his adorable feet. He is quite intent on pleasing me with his mouth, obviously taking his job quite seriously. The sight of him naked, with the ministration on my cock and the fact that I hadn't hand any release yesterday was going to make it very difficult for me to hold out long.

"Ooooh, Max, that feels so good." I say as he looks up at me. Staring into his eyes basically sends me over the edge... "Ummm... I am going to ughhhh... oooh..." and I tense up and start to release into his mouth. Max is obviously intent on taking what I am giving him, but I think it might have been too much even for someone with tons of experience and Max has to release the tip of my cock from his mouth as the final squirts ooze out of the tip of my dick.

Max grins at me and asks "Did I do ok?"

"Oh, you did great, oh my, that was good" as I open my arms and reach for Max. He obviously understands and starts scooting up towards me, lying his naked sexy body on my chest. I give him a huge embrace and start planting kisses all over his face. He starts to giggle but then starts kissing me on the lips. As we start to make out, with his tongue eagerly invading my mouth, I can taste the remnants of my seed. The thought of Max swallowing totally excites me, and obviously he enjoyed it as well. My hands roam down to his wonderful butt cheeks, which I begin to message as we continue our embrace. I can feel his cock between us and he starts to hump my stomach. A super naughty thought enters my mind and I break our kiss and whisper in Max's ear "Do you want to stick little Max in me?"

"Can I?"

"Yes... I would really like it."


"You are going to have to lube up." Max rolls off me and I rummage around the drawer of the night table and pull out a tube of lube. "Pull back your foreskin." Max deftly retracts his foreskin, and I squirt some lube onto the rather red head of his prick and can't help but use my hand to spread the lube over his cock. I take some more lube and lube up my rear. "Ok, I am going to lie on my stomach and spread my legs. You get behind and you know where to stick it?"

"Yeah" says Max huskily. I roll onto my stomach and Max kneels behind me. I can sense him leaning forward towards me and feel his cocklet pressing at my back door.

"Go ahead, I want you in me." Max presses forward and I can feel his cock enter me.

Max exclaims "ooh" as he presses forward and the whole of his cock slides into me.

"Fuck me Max." and I feel Max pull out a bit and thrust in, with another "ooh" I feel Max place his hands on my sides and start doing what comes naturally. Sliding in and out of me. Slowly at first, and then picking up speed. For me, the slight discomfort was easily outweighed by the thought of Max being inside of me and that I was going to be the first person that he was ever going to have sex with. Even though having not but five minutes ago exploded into Max's mouth, my member was waking up again and I was getting harder the faster that Max thrust into me. Even though it seemed to last for ever, there was no way Max would be able to last that long, so as his rabbit like humping continued I could hear he was close. A two more grunts and a thrust and I could only guess the pleasure Max was feeling as he buried himself in me one final time, came into my ass and totally spent collapsed onto my back in an exhausted, sweaty boy mass.

"Oh, my, that was good."

"I bet, sure sounded like you enjoyed it."

"Are you ok?"

"Better then ok! I really enjoyed that. Why don't I roll over though?"

"Ok" as Max slid down next to me on the bed and I rolled onto my side and took in my sexy sweaty boy. His cock growing limp, but with a very red tip with his foreskin still pulled back. I wasn't the only one doing the checking as Max said "you're hard again!" "I bet you want to stick it in me now," he continued in a rather neutral tone. My cock was more then excited at the thought of invading Max's hole, but I knew that common sense needed to prevail. Hopefully there would be plenty of time for each of to continue our exploration in the future. I knew no matter how hard I tried, it was very likely Max would be physically hurt and I common sense needed to prevail. The last thing I wanted to do was ruin what had obviously been a great experience for Max by taking the risk of hurting him more then he would enjoy it. It needed to happen another day. I reached out to my naked Max and rubbed his arm.

"Oh, how I would love to, but I think we should save it for another time. We can make it a super special occasion. How does that sound?"

"Oh..." I couldn't tell if Max was sad or relieved, maybe both. "Well, you still got a problem," he said as he grinned and thwacked my hard cock.

"Ow! Hey!" I blurted out and grabbed ahold of Max and started tickling and wrestling with him on the bed. Playfully spanking him, he trying to tickle back, giggling and both of us giving each other pecks in inappropriate places. Eventually I ended up on top with Max face down on the bed. He squirming around, which wasn't helping my hardness in the least. Seeing Max lying there, my horniness took over. I started kissing down his back, headed for the two perfect globes of his ass. After spending a bit of time kissing his cheeks, I could help but spread them with my hands to reveal his pink little rose bud. The musky smell of sweaty spent Max coupled with the sight of his hole was driving me crazy. I figured as long as I was here, I might as well pay attention to that as well. I stick out my tongue and begin to lap at Max's back door. Max start to moan and wriggle approvingly. I continue to lick, trying to probe his hole with my tongue. My cock really wants release now and if given a choice it would have been inside of Max, but I had just enough of my wits about me to control my rampant cock. I kneel behind Max, staring has his gorgeous mounds, with my cock in my hand. After about a dozen strokes, I can't help but climax and I spew my load over Max's butt and onto his back.

[Chapter 3 - Part 2]

After we cleaned up, I cooked us some breakfast. Max scarfed down a huge stack of pancakes and musth have drank a half gallon of OJ. Max chatted as his normal chipper self, which made me feel like there was no long term damage to Max. We continued to broaden our subjects. Found out that Max was a soccer fan on top of everything else, something I didn't know a lot about, but that didn't prevent Max from informing me off all the ins and outs of the sport. It was great having him in my life.

Time came for me to drop Max off at his home, he grabbed his stuff and we hopped in my car. Max immediately seemed quieter.

"Hey, bud, whats up?"

"Oh, well, I enjoy being with you."

"Me too."

"Well, I know I have to go back home now, which I guess is ok, but I have to put up with Sam and I know my mom and dad will be curious, not that I am going to tell them about any of the stuff we did. I just wish I didn't have to deal with it all. Plus I have to go back to school tomorrow. Basically things are going to suck until we can be together again."

"I understand. It is hard to focus on things, like work and stuff for me too."

We just sat there, both of us, in silence until we arrived at Max's place. Not much could be said, this sucked, that was life, you get on with it and you are thankful for the good times. We both leaned into each other to give the other a kiss on the lips as parting, it was like we were already becoming a "couple". Max exited out the car and dragged him up the path to his door and let himself in.

The rest of my Sunday sucked. So did my Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday was sucking too, but then around lunch I got a text from Max stating "call @ 8 dont b l8". Well that was enough to keep me going for the next several hours.

I rang Max right at 8. He answered right away and said "Boo! Did I scare you?"

"Um, no! I am the one who called you remember? Did you think I was expecting Casper or someone?"

"Casper who?"

"The friendly ghost."

"You are so weird sometimes Sam."

"Ok, so what is up?"


"You know what I mean." I say in a stern voice.

"Yeah! I know what you mean," Max says in a nudging tone. "Anyways, I have some awesome news."

"Oh, what? You are getting nominated for an Oscar?"

"No... don't be silly. No, there is like this new kid in my class, he just moved here. He isn't used to this tri-mester thing that our school does, so he is like all screwed up in classes and stuff, so anyways, they paired him up with me to show him around and he is like cute and everything."

"Oh, I see, does he have a name."

"Oh, yeah, it is Brian. He is from New Mexico. It is the first time he moved any place. He has blonde hair and green/grey eyes. I think he might be an inch or so taller then me. He has nice arms, and legs."

"Sounds like you might be smitten."


"No it is ok." of course part of me was being crushed on the inside. I could just tell by the tone in his voice that he had a major crush. On the other hand, I immediately thought it would be so much better for Max to not have to deal with a relationship with me.

"I got more news. I told Brian about the Great Wolf Lodge water park, up north near Olympia. You know it?"

"Yeah, haven't ever been there, but I know it."

"Well, we have a three day weekend in two weeks, and well, I already asked my mom, and she agreed."

"Agreed to what?"

"Oh yeah, for you to take me up there?"

"Ok, but you were saying that you were talking to Brian about this." I was getting a little frustrated with my flighty friend.

"Oh, yeah, well Brian's parents are going to take him up there too. We agreed to go together, but you have to be my uncle, cause I don't think Brian's parents would understand."

"Sheesh, I am really glad I got consulted on this." I say rather rudely.

"Oh, you don't want to go?"

"No, no, sorry Max, I didn't mean it that way. It is just sudden, all of this."

"Are you jealous of Brian?" Boy the kid gets right to the point.

"Honestly? It doesn't make me feel totally comfortable."

"But I love you Sam," as if that explained it all, probably did in Max's mind. "I'm sorry, I just assumed you would want to go, and when mom didn't object at all, and Brian seemed like he really wanted to go and his parents agreed to take him, it seemed all so perfect. I can probably pay for the room out of my allowance if it is a problem."

"No, no Max. I would be honoured to take you up there. In two weekends time you say?"

"Yes, we have the Monday off school. I think someone famous died. Brian's parents age going to take him up there on Saturday and they were going to spend Saturday and Sunday night there."

"Ok, no problem, I will arrange the day off work and we can spend two nights up there too."


"Ok, then. Are there any other surprises you are going to spring on me?"

"No, except you better bring some of that lube..." click Evil Max strikes again.

[Chapter 3 - Part 3]

The two weeks dragged except for the islands of talking to Max and sorting out the final details. Max's conversation contained a healthy dose of Brian chatter, it seemed like they were becoming good friends, which was great for Max, though I was already guessing that my shelf life might be short lived. I was going to do my best not to ruin Max's natural course of things, though it was starting to hurt.

Anyways, the day arrived for our drive up to Great Wolf Lodge. It was going to take almost two hour drive, though it was I-5 essentially the whole way. I stocked the car with soda and snacks, just to make sure we didn't find ourselves without nourishment. I pulled up to Max's place and he had obviously been waiting. As soon as I pulled up he bolted out the door with his backpack and ran to the car. He had on one of the biggest grins I had ever seen him with. I couldn't help but smile and be thankful for having Max in my life. He tossed his stuff on the back seat and plopped in the front.

"All set?"


"Good to see you."

"You too! This is going to be so much fun."

We hit the road and got onto I-5 and headed north. We chatted a little bit, nothing too serious. The time seemed to be going by fast. Finally the conversation lapsed, but after a little while, Max piped up and said:

"Can I ask you something?"

"No" I say jokingly.


"Well you just did."

"Oh. Well can I?" sounding confused and slightly serious.

"Yes, Max, ask away."

"I really like Brian. What happens if he and I end up doing things together, would that be ok?"

"Do you think that might happen?"

"I don't know, but I would really like it to happen, but I don't want you to get all mad at me and stuff like that."

"Well, you don't have to worry about that. I won't get mad, I promise, but do you think he might be interested in you?"

"I don't know, how can I tell?"

"Well, that is a tough question, bud. I guess in a lot of ways it was like you and I, I just knew, what about you?"

"Yeah, that was it, I just knew. But I felt safe with you right away. Being around Brian makes me super nervous and things."

"Well, it might sound a bit lame, but you could ask him some intimate questions, like has he ever had a girlfriend and stuff like that, maybe ask him if he whacks it."

"I could ask him about the girlfriend, but I don't know if I could ask him about whacking it. I would be too nervous."

"Well, you weren't very nervous around me, wiggling your butt around."

"Yeah, but you are safe."

The conversation sort of ended there. I guess it made sense, I wasn't going to tell all his school mates that Max was a homo, I also wasn't going to reject him. Even though this had all gone without speaking, Max obviously knew that I would have done anything for him, and subconsciously I think he was going to make the most use of that. It was good, because I obviously had a role, but I would be lying to admit that the pangs of jealousy were hanging around at the back of the scene. On the other hand, my puerile side start to wonder if the three of us could get up to something. Shame on me!

About 20 minutes to go, Max's cell started to beep with a new text message. Max rapidly replied which resulted in another beep at which Max giggled and pounded out another message.

"What's up bud."

"Oh, it is Bry. He has already gotten there, his parents annoyed him the whole trip up, he can't wait until we get there."

"Well, we are almost there."

"Ummmm, Sam, can I ask you something else?"

"Sure, bud."

"Could I tell Brian that you aren't my uncle?"

A very very long pause. "Why would you want to do that?"

"Well, I was thinking if he knew that you were my friend, that we might get to talking about other things and stuff."

"Max, you know very well that what we do isn't very legal and would put me in a very very bad place if it ever got out. It isn't enough that you know I haven't taken advantage of you, all it would take is one loose lipped person and I would find myself never seeing the light of day again."

"Well, I know my parents know and they are ok with it."

"You do? How do you know that?"

"I heard them talking one night, they thought Sam and I had gone to bed, but I ended up hearing. My mom told my dad about the conversation with you while we were gone. My mom said she was pretty sure that we were having sex. My dad seemed really concerned, but after a while I could tell that they were going to just let what happen happens. The next day, both my mom and dad kept asking me questions about you and saying 'if there is every anything you want to talk about, or if you ever feel uncomfortable at all, you can talk to us' and stuff like that. So you talked to my mom about us, right?"

"Well, yes, but that was different, she didn't give me much of a choice."


"I'm am not going to tell you no. It isn't what people do. You have every right to talk about your life with whomever you wish. But you need to know that it doesn't make me feel very comfortable at all. Even saying something like that I am not your uncle will raise more questions and it could all get out of hand very easily."

"Ok, I understand..."

We drove in silence the rest of the way there.

[Chapter 3 - Part 4]

We checked in and went up to the room. I think the atmosphere of a fun place lightened both of our moods. Plus we were getting an opportunity to spend quite a bit of time together, which I know brightened my day, even if Max scares the crap out of me at times. We got to the room and Max informed me that Brian was with his parents at the water park on something called the "Alberta Falls" and Max wanted us to join them. I agreed and we started to change. Max, totally uninhibited, just stripped naked right in front of me. I slowly undressed, soaking in the beauty of Max. He was totally naked and rummaging through his back pack, spewing clothes all over the place, looking for his swimsuit. Max caught me staring, gave me an evil grin and wiggled his butt at me. Oh my.

Finding his swim trunks, he starts to pull them on and says "you brought some of that lube right?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Cause you are going to stick it in me tonight."

"You little pervert," I joke.

"You call me the pervert, you are getting stiff looking at a 12yo boy." he teases back as he obviously notices my semi I had obtained while trying to change and eye up Max.

"Ok, you got me." I say and Smile back as I finally pull my trunks on. "Come here."

Max comes up and we embrace in a giant hug. I kiss him on the top of the head and say "I love you Max."

"I love me too" he replies with a few added giggles.

"Ok, Mr. Ego. Time to get a move on it."

We grab our towels and head down to the water park. As we make our way there, I am super glad I am here with Max, because there is plenty of eye candy around. Lots of boys in all shapes and sizes. None of them as cute as Max, but obviously well appreciated by me. I suspect there has to be others like me around, this is too much boy flesh on parade not to attract others.

We figure out the part of the water park we were supposed to meet up and Max must have spotted Brian because he goes bounding off into the water towards a boy in yellow swim trunks. They boy recognises Max and starts wildly waving as I see him give a big smile. Brian isn't far off what I expected, blond shaggy hair (which was wet and matted now) a relatively skinny firm chest and a rather spindly legs. He seemed to be a few inches taller then Max. I could also see when he smiled that he had braces on. I am a huge softie for braces. Max and Brian start splashing each other. Max finally realises himself and turns around and waves to me, then turns to Brian, says something to him and Brian looks my direction and waves too.

Obviously this waving had pointed me out and a lady walks up to be and says "you must be Max's uncle?"

"Yes, I am, my name is Sam."

"Oh, we have heard so much about you from Max via Brian."

"Oh, really?"

"Well, in that you spend a decent amount of time with Max."

"Well, that has been true, as of late."

"My name is Sally. The guy over there on the lounge reading his book is Robert, my husband." I notice the Robert, who was quite intent on his book, with the cursory glance at the boys every now and again, which have wandered off and were making their way to some slides. "Would you like to join us?" Sally continued.

"Sure, I guess I didn't think ahead, I didn't bring anything to read."

"Well, neither did I. Didn't really know what to expect."

Sally and I continue our conversation, sitting in the lounges by the swimming area. She tells me about the move from New Mexico, how Robert had a new job at Oregon State and with the economy being as it was, they couldn't really be choosey about taking the job. They hadn't realised schools in this area were all year round, and thought Brian wouldn't have had a hard time adjusting before the schools started. Sally expressed how much Max had helped Brian fit in, as Brian didn't always make friends easily enough, but that it appears he and Max had hit it off. She started asking questions about me and Max's family, which I wholly didn't want to really get into. Luckily enough, the boys came bounding up to us, with Brian saying "Max and I have decided you and dad need a night off from me. So can I hang out with Max and Sam tonight?"

"Don't you think you should ask Sam first, before the two of you decide to impose yourself on someone else?" said Sally. Robert had lowered his book, adding his disapproving look to mix.

"Well, yeah, I guess mom. Sam is it all-right if I hang out with you and Max?"

Sally interjected before I could respond, "Plus, we already made arrangements for us to eat at Camp Critter tonight. Max and Sam are more then welcome to join us, but for tonight, I think we better just hang out together. Maybe tomorrow evening would be a better idea sweetie."

"Aw, mom..."

Max pipes in "It's okay Brian. Tomorrow is better then nothing. Sam can we have dinner with Brian and his parents?"

"Sure. That would be great, and I have no problem tomorrow evening taking on the full force of Max and Brian. How, by the way, nice to meet you Brian." as I extend my hand towards him.

"Oh, yeah. Nice to meet you too Sam." as he tentatively shakes my hand, like most 12yos not being used to normal social interaction. Brian was obviously a cutie. Not as cute as my Max (except for maybe the braces). It wasn't going to be a burden at all spending time with him. The boys wanted to go place in the video arcade, which would give us "adults" enough of a break for a little bit before we agreed to meet up for dinner. I made sure Max had a key to the room as did Sally ensure Brian was properly prepared and briefed and the adults went back to their rooms and the boys ran off to play video games.

[Chapter 3 - Part 5]

Max came back into the room a couple hours later, about an hour before we were supposed to meet for dinner. I was lying on the bed watching a bit of TV. Max jumped onto the bed and said "Did you miss me?"

"Yeah, bud, of course I missed you" I said as we snuggled together. "You going to take a shower before we eat?"

"What, do I smell or something?"

"Well, you do smell a bit like a pool and if the rest of you is as dirty as your mind is, then yeah, you need a shower."

giggle "Ok, but you probably need a shower too."


"We should be environmental friendly and take our shower together."

"Oh, how environmentally conscious of you Max. We don't have a lot of time though, to do anything too involved."

"Oh. Not even a little bit of fun?" Max lifted his butt up and pulls down his swim trunks mid thigh. I can see he is getting somewhat excited. "Between you and Brian, little Max needs some help."

"Oh my. Well you know how to convince me don't you." I reach out and give his cock a few strokes, pulling back the foreskin. "But, we really should be doing this in the shower, otherwise we will be late."

"Ok." Max hops off the bed, and waddles into the bathroom like a penguin with his shorts around his ankles, his cute ass wiggling and inviting me to follow. I get off the bed and follow him into the bathroom. Max strips the rest of the way and jumps into the bathtub and turns on the water to the shower, with his now hard boy cock pointing the way. I strip and join him in the shower, rubbing his shoulders and admiring his beautiful body. We close the curtain and Max turns on the spray. The spray causes him to back into me a bit and my rod pokes him in the back.

giggle "Now we both have a problem."

"Yup, but I know how to take care of that." I say as I grab the bar of mini bath soap and started to soap Max up. First his chest and then his back and the front of his legs and his butt and the back of his legs. I let my finger slip into his crack and rubbed his hole. He tried to reach for his rigid pole, but I grabbed his arm.

"Aw! It need to be touched." Max cried.

"That is for me, and not quite yet."

"Please..." Max insists as I wiggle my finger into his hole. "Oh, ugh" I reach over and grab onto his pole. Max automatically starts humping my hand with urgency as I continue to invade him with my finger. I can see Max eyes are closed and he is totally consumed by the feelings going on. It doesn't take us long, I can hear Max getting near his climax as he continues thrusting between my finger and my hand. Max throws his hips forward and a small amount of boy fluid squirts out and is washed immediately away by the shower. Max practically collapses back into me.

After a few moments, Max recovers and turns arounds and without a word, wraps his hand around my cock and starts jacking me. I am in heaven and close my eyes. I don't realise that Max has gotten on his knees until I feel his warm mouth replace his hand on my cock. The shower rains down on the both of us as I open my eyes to see Max bobbing up and down on the end of my cock. It is more then enough for me to cream right then and I barely get a grunt out as I start to squirt into Max mouth. He again struggles to swallow what is a rather massive load, but there is enough water to wash away whatever he didn't sallow. Max stands up, and I hug his naked and wet body against mine and we just stand under the shower head, letting the water flow over us for a few moments, both of us exhausted and spent.

"We should finish up" I finally say.

"Ok" as Max looks up at me and grins. I soap myself and we both do our best to rinse off. We shut off the water and I grab a towel and start to dry off Max, savouring every bit of his body.

"Ok, bud, all dry. Hop out and I will dry myself off and we can get dressed." Max scampers off into the hotel room as I dry myself and comb my hair. When I return into the room, I notice that Max is wearing the skimpiest pair of red underwear that I think I have ever seen. They appear to be a pair of bikini briefs. I didn't realise they made them for boys.

"Oh my, what is up with those Max?"

"Do you like?"

"Um, yes, but how am I supposed to focus on being sociable tonight knowing that you have those on?"

"That sounds like your problem" Max says as he turns, bends over as he pulls on a pair of white shorts, giving me a very good view of his barely covered rear. I swear I can see the outline of is red underwear through his shorts. This is going to be a long long evening...

...To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 4

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