Wild Rumpus

By moc.liamhsuh@sdrocer_xam

Published on Aug 29, 2010


DISCLAIMER - This story is Fiction. While the main character is obviously real, none of the activities occurred and any similarities to real life our from my own imagination. I especially apologise if the main character ever reads this. It is a pure fantasy and no offence is meant and no statement is made about the main character's real sexual preferences. As is typical with these stories, if they are illegal for you to read, please find something else to read. If you are offended by such materials, reading this will provide great amounts of such offence, which you could easily avoid by not reading any further. Otherwise enjoy.

Please feel free to address comments to max_records@hushmail.com


"That sounds like your problem" Max says as he turns, bends over as he pulls on a pair of white shorts, giving me a very good view of his barely covered rear. I swear I can see the outline of is red underwear through his shorts. This is going to be a long long evening...

[Chapter 4 - Part 1]

As we take the elevator down to the lobby, I could tell Max was getting a little excited, but was trying to hide it. He obviously liked Brian. We didn't say anything to each other. When we arrived at Camp Critter, Max saw Brian already seated with his parents and Brian waved to Max with a big grin. As soon as we sit down, the two of them become two chatterboxes, lost in their own little world. Feeling more awkward by the moment, I smile at Sally and Robert and try to make myself comfortable.

Trying to make idle conversation with Sally and Robert, often strays to close to topics that make me uncomfortable. This is a lot more difficult than I anticipated, not entirely sure what an uncle is supposed to sound like, while being distracted by your young lover obviously having a great time with another boy. I don't know if Sally and Robert sensed my discomfort, but our conversation was often stilted, which I had started trying to loosen by ordering a beer.

We order food, I think I order some sort of pasta dish, Max order a veggie burger while Brian ordered a normal burger. I think they both wrinkled noses at each other's food. At least they don't share the same likes of food, I thought selfishly. Anyways, I was already two beers into trying to make myself comfortable when we were most of the way through the meal, and I suddenly had to go take a leak. I started to excuse myself, and Brian voiced that he had to go too. Not to be left out, Max also got up to go as well. As I traipsed off to the restroom with the two of them in tow, the beers started to get the better of my mind, and not only my bladder. I started to wonder what I might get a peek at.

Evilly, I situated myself at the middle of the three urinals that were there, thankful for two things. First, the restroom was empty. Second, there were no dividers between the urinals. Standing back further than necessary, I fished my cock out of my pants and started to go. Brian stood at my left, and simply pulled the front of his shorts and underpants down to expose his cock. He wasn't intentionally showing off to me, but he didn't seem to be too bothered. I could see he was about four inches uncut boy meat, with some blonde hairs growing over the top. My heart leapt a little, staring at another beautiful boy cock. I almost forgot I was peeing myself, and I think my own member was starting to react to what was on show. Evil thoughts flicked through my brain, like what he would look like with his foreskin pulled back. Damn beer. I noticed that Brian was trying to slyly check out mine and then I noticed his head move as he looked up at me, caught me staring and gave me a sly little grin. He finished first, and I had totally forgotten about Max to my right. I finished, and zipped up and went to wash my hands, with Brian already finishing up and drying his hands. Max finished up and stood at the sink next to me and gave me the coldest, hardest look I had seen from him yet. Oooops, I think I am in trouble.

Brian leads the way back to the table with now me and Max following. I could almost feel the cold coming off Max. I don't know what he expected. You know you would have looked too, given half a chance. It is just the type of people we are. Maybe it was the beer. Either way, I was going to make sure that it was the beer and ordered another when we got back to the table.

Both the boys wanted a dessert. Somehow, parental and "uncle" common sense prevailed and we talked them into sharing a rather large brownie sunday. The sunday arrived, and Brian made a great show at being table to take the stem of the cherry and be able to tie it into a knot inside his mouth. Beer number three led me to asking "You know what they say about people who can do that?"

"No, what?" Brian said, staring at me inquisitively.

"That they are good at kissing."

I think Brian blushed, and I realised I might have been a bit inappropriate. To confirm it, I actually felt Max kick me under the table.

"Ow!" I blurted out. Now everyone at the table, except for Max, was staring at me. Oh no, now this was awkward. I sort of hung my head, wanting to crawl into a shell and hide, and just sat their in silence, staring at my empty beer glass.

The boys made quick work of the sunday, both rubbing their bellies, quite satisfied with their accomplishments. Sally announced "Well, I guess it is time to go" and we settled our bill.

Sally and Robert got up to leave, indicating Brian should follow, leaving just Max and myself sitting at the table. I was still ashamed of myself, wanting the whole evening to end. Max, whatever was going through his head, started rubbing me on the back and said "it's okay, I forgive you."

This jarred me out of my funk. How could a "boy" of 12 be so complex and deep? "I'm sorry Max." I say in an almost whisper.

"Don't worry, I think he is pretty hot too. I guess I can't blame you." as he continues to rub my back. A grown man being consoled by a boy. What a silly world we live in. I am almost in tears.

Pulling myself together, I stand, and we make our way out of the restaurant. Once in the elevator, Max slips his hand into mine and actually lifts it and gives the top of it a kiss. "I love you Sam." he says in a whisper, lowers our hands and looks at me and gives me a smile. We travel in silence back to the room, not even realising that we have been hand in hand the whole way, not giving a damn if anyone sees us.

[Chapter 4 - Part 2]

Every step from the elevator to the room brought me out of my embarrassment and my hormones started to take over, knowing that tonight was going to be a special night for the both of us. By the time we opened the door and got back in the room, there was very little that could keep me from tearing Max's clothes off and kissing him all over his gorgeous body. I tell Max I have to go to the bathroom again.

"No problem" replied Max as I rushed into the bathroom.

I closed the door, leaned on the counter and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a bit flush and down below, I had a semi. Knowing what Max had expressly told me earlier was about to happen, I was starting to get more excited than I think I have ever been in my life. Staring at myself in the mirror though, my confusion and self doubts started to creep back in. Was I going to hurt Max? Maybe I should just let him find his own way? Would he regret this in a few years? Did he just think I wanted him because he was available? He didn't need a grown man to lose his virginity to. I knew he was attracted to Brian. Then thoughts of Brian and Max wriggling around naked on the bed started to enter my head which seemed to suddenly chase away any self doubt. I had the hottest boy in the world, waiting for me to pop his cherry in the next room. I should be honoured and embrace the opportunity fully. Was I actually going to walk out there and tell Max that I'm sorry, but it would be simply wrong of me to do what he had asked of me? No, I don't think so. I tried to justify it further by telling myself that at least Max would be safe, which is true. Either young love or someone just interested in Max's body could easily hurt him emotionally or physically. I knew Max felt safe, and for good or bad, he was going to find out about who he is tonight and be able to evaluate that in a safe way.

I did actually have to pee and my good old self doubt was enough to make it possible. So I finished up and splashed some water on my face to give me the final focus for what was about to happen. As I returned to the hotel room, Max was sprawled out on his back. He had taken off his shirt and shoes, flipped on the TV and had his legs spread out and gave me a knowing grin when I came back into the room, with his white socked feet wiggling in what appeared to be eager anticipation.

I took off my shirt and pulled off my shoes and laid down next to Max on my side. I couldn't help myself and reached out and rubbed his belly, sticking my finger in his belly button and tracing a path with my fingers up to his nips, which I was rewarded with a little giggle and "that tickles". With his head resting on his hands, his armpits were exposed, and there was just a couple of hairs in his pit. I ran my fingers up to his pit and felt the smooth and sexy skin. Max kept rapt attention on the TV, but had a slight grin that made me know he was enjoying the attention.

Emboldening myself I reached down and unsnapped the top of his white shorts and lowering the zip, and splaying the fly open, exposing his red briefs. It was obvious that Max was excited. He briefs could barely contain his excitement. A very attractive sausage had snaked it way to the left, the red lump getting me quite excited. Looking at Max's face, I could see a bit of a grin forming while still trying to stay focused on what was on the T.V. His strategy is too obvious, just ignore my attentions. My finger pokes his snake, and I can feel it is rather plump and rigid, obviously trapped in tight confines. I tug at his shorts, and without a word, he lifts his ass and I tug the shorts down further, down his legs and he kicks them off onto the floor. Now lying there, with nothing but a pair of red bikini briefs with an obvious lump, shaggy dark hair and white sox, I think I am staring at the most sexy thing in the world.

I unbuckle my belt my belt, and take off my jeans. Now my boxer briefs are sporting an obvious tent, but Max continues to pay attention only to the TV, only his sly grin and boyish lump giving any hint to his engagement in our activities. The tease. I rub my hand over his lump and am rewarded with him raising his butt to press further into my grip. I insert my thumb under his briefs, and tug down, exposing his cock which springs up and settles rigid, pointing towards his belly button. I tuck the top of his brief under his balls and admire my prize. His spares pubes, framing his pole, with still enough foreskin covering so I can't the head of his little monster poking out, which I know is there. Looking at Max's face, now gazing down at his boyhood with an obvious evil grin. I run my fingers lightly over his rigidness and lightly touch his smooth balls, being propped up by this briefs. I am so turned on, a wet patch is forming in my underwear. Max has me extra extra horny.

I lightly grab his cock and move my head down and put the end of it in my mouth and insert my tongue under his foreskin, to which I am rewarded with a sharp intake of break and a husky moan. I continue my ministrations on his tool, slowly pulling back his foreskin, while sucking and licking the end of his remarkable cock. As I continue, Max obviously approves with my attention and starts slowly thrusting his boyhood further into my mouth. Breathlessly Max whispers "Stop, before I go, 'cause you need to stick it in me."

I stop, but suddenly become quite nervous. Max must have noticed the concern and reassuringly says "Sam, I want you too. I have wanted you to since after I first met you." Max uncouples his arms from behind his head and grabs his briefs and pulls them off and tosses them aside. Lying there, legs spread, solely sock clad he rubs his balls and gives his member a tug. "Where is the stuff?" he says.

Reaching behind me, I had placed the lube in the drawer in the night stand. I fish it out and Max has rolled onto his side, exposing his butt to me. Squirting some lube, I find his hole with my finger and it slips rather easily into his hole. My own cock is now leaking so much in anticipation of what is ahead. I get two fingers in and hear a grunt from Max. "Are you okay?"


I continue and try for a third finger, which fits, though barely. Now I can see a bit of sweat on Max's naked body. I start kissing his shoulders and back. I can sense both of us are nervous, but it is obvious we are going to press forward. I remove my fingers and shuck my boxer briefs and toss them aside. I swear my cock is longer then I have ever seen it. I probably wouldn't need lube, but I lube it up anyways, afraid to stroke it too much, because it might go off. I ask Max "How do you want to do this?"

"I want to see you" he says as he rolls onto his back and grabs his legs behind his knees and exposes his glistening hole. I kneel on the bed, positioning myself for entry and I notice that his cock has deflated a little bit.

"Ok, are you ready?" and I get a nervous nod from Max. I point the end of my cock at his hole and lean forward. After a little resistance, I feel my cock head slip in, now engulfed my Max. It takes 100% of my self control not to shove my rod all the way at the moment, the feeling totally amazing. I look at Max and his face has a flash of pain. "Ok?"

Max puts on a brave face and nods his head. I press forward and my cock slides further into Max. A grunt followed by a deep husky "yeah" from Max indicates that pleasure and pain is engulfing Max. I continue to bend forward until I can kiss Max on the lips with my cock buried in his body. We are one at that moment and like a hungry beast, Max's tongue invades my mouth and I start pulling out slowly and pushing back in just as slowly. We break our embrace.

"Fuck me." Max says in loud whisper and he releases his legs and reaches for his semi-rigid boyhood. As he starts tugging on his member, I start to increase my speed and grab ahold of his thighs and I start to fuck him. I look down and can see that my cock is going almost all the way in and seeing Max pleasure himself with my rod buried in him is too much for me. I get a couple more semi frantic thrusts and bury myself and feel me release inside of Max. My 12yo god whips his tool in a quick frenzy and I can feel his inside contract around my spent rod and he grunts and thrusts and three squirts of juice emit from the end of his tool onto his tummy. Both of us sweaty, sticky and spent look deeply into each others eyes. Things unstated that could fill volumes.

We decouple and clean ourselves up and get ourselves under the covers, naked with me cuddling him in my arms and we both quickly fall asleep, exhausted.

[Chapter 4 - Part 3]

I wake up to a shaggy haired grinning Max in my arms, pecking me on my mouth. I let my arm wander over his body, rubbing this and that part of Max and saying "How are we this morning?"

"We are fine." Max replies.

"Totally fine?"

"Well, I am a bit sore for some reason." chuckle

"Hopefully not too sore."

"Oh, I think I will survive. I enjoyed it. I expect I will be doing it again soon." and to reinforce his point, when my wandering hand reached his suddenly rigid boy tool, he pressed himself into my hand. I slowly gave him a couple of quick tugs and rubbed his balls. His reaction very rapidly aroused me as well and my rod was pressing into his hip. "Maybe soon then I thought" Max giggled as he rolled over on his side and pressed he plump rear onto my cock and wiggled it. I started to naturally rub my cock between his cheeks, while holding onto Max and rubbing his chest.

"Sam... I want you to fuck me again." he said softly.

The part of me that didn't need to be asked twice started to take over. I grabbed the lube and we were both quickly prepared. I slipped my rod between his cheeks and pressed forward and just like last night, the end of my cock was engulfed inside Max. I started to kiss Max on the neck and shoulders while rubbing his chest. Max obviously eager to receive me, started to push back against me, as my member slipped further into him. Once buried we both seemed to hold our breath and then sighed together. His body against mine, me buried deep within him, made us feel as one. I reach for his tool which was as rigid as a nail, and slowly peeled back the skin and touched the head of his cock, which was wet with his precum. Slowly I jerked him as I in rhythm invaded his ass. Both of just enjoying the moment, with no real sense of urgency, continued, slowly picking up speed and making sounds of sex.

Our rhythm slowly picked up speed, becoming more and more urgent, our grunts and moans becoming louder. I started what couldn't be called anything but pounding into Max while giving his boyhood a proper flogging. Becoming more frantic, I knew I was about to blow and I sensed Max was too, which only moved me closer and all of a sudden, I felt Max insides start to tighten around my cock and with one last thrust we both erupted, with Max's seed spilling out onto my hand, barely enough to even notice.

As we laid there, still coupled, Max stated "I like this more then I thought I would. It feels to good having you inside me that it is worth the pain of getting there." He then planted little kisses on my hand which was embracing his chest. "We should get ready though, will you shower with me?"

How could I deny Max anything, let alone an opportunity to was his gorgeous body. We made our way to the bathroom and shower and washed each other as two gentle lovers, just appreciating each others warms and presence. I was totally spent, but Max, being a boy ended up sporting some wood through the process, but this was a loving action and no need to pay too much attention to his eagerness. Drying him off with a towel and embracing and cuddling him made the morning probably one of the best mornings I have ever had.

We finally dressed and made our way out, maybe originally planning for breakfast but realising we would have to find ourselves some lunch.

[Chapter 4 - Part 4]

The day consisted of hanging around the water park, with Max bounding off with Brian to do whatever comes to 12yo boys naturally (who are in public anyways). It had brought my laptop with me hoping to get some work done and of course was abandoned with Robert in the water park area and quickly found out that Sally had decided to go off on her own to do some shopping. Robert and I chatted for a little bit, just general chit chat and in the lull I started my work, finishing my letter for this months issue and reviewing some of the other articles.

After a while, the bounding two found myself and Robert. Two glistening boys in wet board shorts made me smile. Noticing that Brian was an inch or two taller than Max, with his blonde hair plastered to the sides of head, I couldn't help think about how I knew he had a nice cock to go with the rest of what was a rather attractive young man. The braces were enough to almost send me over the edge right there. Max said "Brian is going to stay with us tonight, right Sam?"

Looking over to Robert, "I don't know, I know we talked about it, but was does your dad think Brian?"

Robert realising he was engaged in the conversation looked up from his book and said "Well, Sally and I talked about it. We don't mind, but we would hate to impose upon your hospitality."

"It isn't a problem at all." says Max eagerly.

I laugh and say "yes, it wouldn't be a problem at all, we can give you a free night." Robert agreed and we discussed some of the details. The boys wanted to go play video games in the arcade for a while and then they would move over Brian's stuff for tonight and then we would meet down by water park area to go and find some dinner. It sounded all like a plan. Robert said he was going up to his room and I went back to my work.

I was starting to relax rather well, sitting here, working, while I could keep an eye on all the flesh that was on display. All shapes and sizes of boys splashing about was the perfect setting. Trying not to get too distracted, I made some good progress on my work. I realised I had forgotten my laptop charger in the room and noticed while there weren't any plugs right nearby the water park, there were some in the Starbuck. So I decided to go up to room to retrieve it and maybe grab a book once I finished with my work. Maybe I should have thought a little, but of course I didn't.

I got to the room, opened up the door and walked in and was greeted with a sight that I wasn't consciously expecting. Standing near one of the beds Brian was facing me, in a T-Shirt and his board shorts pooling around his ankles, with Max on his knees sucking Brian's erect cock. Brian saw me come in and a huge flash of panic washed across his face has he withdrew his cock from Max's mouth and scrambled to pull up his shorts. Max turned his head around to see me and started to blush, as Brian continued to frantically assess the situation and realised he couldn't make a run for it past me and like a cornered animal actually tried to make a run for the balcony before realising there was no way out. I fully enter the room and shut the door behind me and bolt the door (like they should have). Realising I have a rather sensitive situation on my hands, I am actually not sure what to do. Brian now is sitting, like a crumpled doll, on one of the chairs near the glass doors, trying to shrink out of existence, not looking at anyone or anything.

Max stands up and breaks the awkward silence with "Sorry, Sam it was me, I suggested it might be fun. We came back here with his stuff for tonight and well, it just sort of happened."

Obviously I am more concerned about Brian. I think he has started crying now. I nod to Max to indicate he should attend to Brian. He goes over to Brian, sitting on one of the beds and tries to engage him. Max says "it's ok" softly.

"No!" Brian yells.

I walk over to the two of them and say "Brian, it is ok, I understand these things happen."

"Your gonna tell my dad and mom aren't you?" Brian says sobbing.

"No, I won't do that, it is just what young men do," I reply.

Max says, "Yeah, in fact it is what Sam and I do." I nearly faint. Max just gave away our biggest secret.

"Huh?" Brian says looking at Max and myself through tear filled eyes. "But he is like your uncle" he says to Max.

"Um, no, he isn't actually, he is really my boyfriend" says Max. Oh my god, where is this going to go? Now I wanted to find a way to escape from this room. I think I was starting to get a panic attack.

"Uh? What? You mean you two are like together?" says Brian "I don't believe it, you are like trying to trick me or something?" getting slightly angry now.

"No, it is true" and Max stands up and puts one arm around me and starts to grope my package. Oh Max, please don't, don't this isn't a good idea.

Brian stares in astonishment, mouth agape, as I just stand there while Max feels me up. Max reaches for my fly, but finally common sense prevails and I brush his hand away and say "not now Max". I address Brian, "Max is right, we are boyfriends, I'm not his uncle."

"Wicked!" exclaims Brian. Both Brian and Max started to inform me that Brian had known for a little while he was gay, and during this trip, he had let Max know. Brian had fancied Max since he had met him and had hoped that letting Max know he was gay, might be a big enough signal. Several months ago, Brian's dad had found Brian making out with another boy one day and well had made it very clear that sort of activity wasn't going to be tolerated, so Brian has lived in fear of his feelings. When Brian had built up enough courage to admit it to Max, Max didn't feel totally comfortable and just sort of brushed off the whole declaration as if it was just another item of information, like Brian had blonde hair. The whole time, Max secretly desired Brian, but knew that he felt conflicted about our relationship and his desire for Brian, plus knew that I was quite rightfully paranoid about letting anyone know about our relationship.

Today, when they brought Brian's stuff back to the room, one thing had led to another, and next thing Max knew, Brian's cock was in his mouth. They hadn't gotten very far when I had interrupted them. All these revelations had seemed to restore both the boys to their natural exuberance. I told them that I had only come back up here to retrieve my laptop charger and a book and that I would take those and leave them alone. I got my stuff and got ready to go when Max said "can I talk to you in private?"

"Um, sure Max" as we all stared awkwardly at each other.

Brian piped up and said "what if I go into the bathroom and you knock when I can come out." Practical.

When Brian was sequestered in the bathroom, Max looked at me worried and said "are you like okay with this?"

I paused, I wasn't sure what I was feeling, it had been a bit of a roller coaster. "Max, I have always knew that I would be a moment in time for you. It doesn't surprise me. I am what I am and I am cherishing every moment of it and want it to last as long as it goes on, knowing every moment is one I don't deserve."

"You are crazy. I love you Sam. That won't change. I guess I mean, it is a bit confusing, is it ok to do things with Brian and still love you?"

"I think so, there is no rule book for this. Somehow though, I think it is more normal for you to be with Brian then it is for me."

"But I want you too." Max says as he throws himself at me and we embrace.

"Max, I would not deny you anything." I say as I rub his back.

"He's got a nice one" Max says in a pragmatic way.

"Yeah he does." I say as Max looks up at me and gives me an evil little grin. "Ok, I better get going and let you boys get on with whatever. Meet me downstairs for dinner, like we planned."

"Sam!" Max says giving me a dirty look. I pat him on his butt and grab my stuff and exit the door. I didn't know what was going to happen tonight, with two 12yo gay boys, obviously hot for each other, sharing a room. The mind boggled...

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 5

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