Wild Turkey Christmas Eve in Reno

By Richard Lickerish

Published on Mar 15, 2013


Warning! The following story is an erotic work of fiction, containing descriptive scenes of sexual encounters and contact between consenting adults. If you are not of legal age to read stories of this nature or you are offended by the subject matter contained herein do not read any further.

All rights reserved. This story may not be distributed or reproduced on any other sites or publications without the express written permission from the author. This work is protected by all applicable copyright laws.

To contact the author e-mail at: richardlickerish "at" yahoo "dot" com

Wild Turkey in Reno By Dick Licker

Chapter 7: Another Big Win

Our server placed glasses of water and coffee cups on the table in front of us along with a carafe of hot coffee and creamer. Without words we each poured coffee into our cups before saying anything. Brody put a touch of cream in his coffee. Finally, I broke the ice saying, "So, how do you like this place thus far?"

"I love it," Brody replied. "Hell, I love anyplace where I can be alone with you."

"The same with me."

"So, how's the food?" Brody asked.

"Give it a try. There's a little of everything here and by this time of day the lunch food is out on the line too. That why I love the mid morning brunch buffet," I said. "I haven't had a chance to visit all the more posh eateries here since arriving, but I've been eating well since I arrived."

"You don't appear to be starving," Brody said with a laugh. "Have you put on any weight since your return to the world?"

"Yes I have. Oh by the way, if you feel the need there's a gym here," I replied. "We can go for a workout after we eat if you feel the need. Me, I haven't needed any gym time since arriving. So far, sexual activities seem to have kept me lean and mean."

"If we keep up the way we started the day I don't think I'll need the gym either," Brody said pushing away from the table. "I'm gonna check out the buffet line to see what looks good for brunch."

"I'm right behind you buddy."

As we strolled along the buffet line we began picking little samples of this and that while waiting for our omelets to get done before returning to the table. As I inspected the different foods offered I was thinking about our earlier sexual tryst. Although Brody never used the "L" word during the heat of us fucking each other's brains out, he came close. Some of those words he had whispered in my ear were still echoing in my head. I moved back towards the area where the cook was preparing our omelets.

The cook flipped the egg omelet over one more time and then slid it onto my awaiting warm plate. Back at the table we dove in without a word between us, consuming all in front of us. After wiping my mouth and taking a drink of coffee I said, "I know you're not full yet."

"I'm pacing myself," Brody said after taking a swig of coffee.

My cell phone went off. It was Buzz. We exchanged greetings and information. Of course I told him that Brody had arrived. After I disconnected I informed Brody of the conversation. "That was my friend Buzz. He and his wife are having a meeting with an attorney later today. I guess they're getting a divorce. Friday he supposed to have all day training at the VA where he works, so it'll probably be Saturday before you get to meet him."

"So, when did your friend decide to get a divorce?"

"The evening of Christmas Eve," I replied.

"Damn, that's quick," Brody replied.

"I guess that's the way things happen in Reno," I said. "He went home Christmas Eve following an afternoon of shopping to discover the bitch in bed with some asshole. Buzz walked out of his house and showed up at the bar here where I was drinking. That's when we discovered that we knew each other from our old childhood neighborhood days. After a few drinks we reconnected, and after more drinking I knew he needed a place to stay for the night. I didn't want him driving on Christmas Eve and getting a DUI, so I invited him to stay with me."

"So, is this the same guy that you've suggested that we engage in a three way?" Brody asked.

"Yeah, same person."

"So, is Buzz bisexual?" Brody asked.

"I guess. We discussed his sex life briefly. Apparently, when the gal is horny she can be a sexual dynamo, but when she doesn't want sex she can be an ice queen."

"Maybe she needs to be given the command attention of two studley Army officers," Brody said with a laugh.

"I sure don't know what her problem is. If I was a women and married to a guy hung as well as Buzz I'd never let him out of bed. Come on," I said laughing at Brody's statement. "Let's go get a second round of food before we get drunk."

The two of us got up to review the desert and pastry bar. Once we made our choices we returned to the table where we scarf down our pastries and finished our coffee. Then we were off to my favorite bar in the casino. As we entered the bar the bar tender waved to me asking if I wanted the usual. I nodded in the affirmative and then asked Brody what he wanted. He decided to have a beer. "Also, bring my friend an Alaskan Amber if you have it?"

The barkeep brought my Wild Turkey and Brody's Alaskan Amber to the table. The two of us made small talk while enjoying our drinks. Finally, Brody asked, "So, Wayne, have you made any decisions on where you're going to live once you get to Fort Lewis?"

"If okay with you I'd appreciate you letting me crash at your place for a few days to see what's waiting for me assignment wise. If not there's always the BOQ or base lodging when we get there."

"Bullshit! Brody exclaimed. "You're staying at my place as long as you want. In fact, I'd enjoy having you as a roommate. My apartment is a two bedroom two bath, so there's enough room for both of us. I had a Captain for a roommate, but he deployed three weeks ago."

"Was he a roommate with benefits?" I asked with a smile.

"No, he was straight all the way. Wish he had been with benefits. He was a fuckin hunk," Brody said.

I laughed at Brody's remark and replied, "Let me know how much you need for rent and utilities."

"Don't worry about that now," Brody said. "We can take care of all that shit once we get back."

"Let me know when we get there. I don't want to be a freeloader."

"So, what do you think your future is once we get back to Fort Lewis?" Brody asked. "Do you think you'll stay in the Army for at least twenty or more or you going to bail out?"

"I'm not sure what my future holds," I replied.

"You know a lot of guys have had it with the Army and all the politics. Many are getting out," Brody replied.

"Yeah, I'm aware of the attrition rate," I said not wanting to get into a political discussion at the table in an open setting I tired to steer away from politics. "As things stand now my orders are for Headquarters 7th Infantry Division. Do you know anything about that new command? I understand it was recently flagged."

"Back in October, so it's a relatively new command at Lewis. My old boss asked me if I wanted to transfer to the newly forming command after the brigade returned from Afghanistan. I turned it down, but then got sent over for an interview that led to a pretty neat staff assignment at I Corps," Brody replied.

"Sounds as though you're happy in that assignment," I said. "What exactly is your new job?"

"I'm one of the Corps historians and I work with I Corps website's keeping them updated," Brody said.

"I'm impressed. So, how did you manage to get the job?" I asked.

"My major in college was history and my post graduate work is Military History. So, my final interview with the Commanding General was a shoo-in for the job," Brody replied.

"So, you're an old Indianhead and Lewis alum tell me a little about Fort Lewis with this new command structure. I thought for sure I would be assigned to 1st Special Forces Group or 2nd Battalion 75th Rangers, but instead I got the 7th ID."

"The way things are configured now my old brigade as with all 2nd Stryker Combat Brigades at Fort Lewis falls under Command and Control of the 7th ID," Brody said. "Kind of odd how things are playing out up at Lewis with this new command. I guess you'll just have to wait and see what's what when you arrive."

"Yeah, we'll discuss the Lewis thing at greater length later," I replied. "Until then my friend we are going to party and party more, forgetting about the Army until after the New Year."

We finished our drinks. I signed the tab before we left the bar. As we were walking through the casino on the way to the elevators Brody decided he wanted to play slot machines. I tried to talk him out of squandering his money, but he was determined. He chose the machine with a grand-prize payout of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. Brody, like me, loves to ride.

There the gleaming bike sat on a pedestal with spotlights shining on it – it sparkled under the lights – beckoning gamblers to play. Brody sat down at a random machine and slipped a twenty dollar bill into the slot machine. I walked over to a video poker machine not far away and did the same.

I quickly went through a couple of twenty dollar bills when suddenly I heard a big commotion in the area where I'd left Brody. I played off the remaining set on my machine and walked over to the area to find that Brody had indeed won the Harley-Davidson. There were people gathered around and photographers were taking pictures. There was Phillip from the congeries' office. He recognized me and shook my hand. I said, "That's my friend. The guy I asked you to send the transportation for earlier today."

"Major, your friend is very lucky. He just won the big prize and only put twenty dollars into the machine," Phillip said. "He's got to come back to my office to take care of some paper work and he'll be good to go back and play some more."

I thought to myself what a fantastic time this had been thus far. I'd won a huge cash pay out playing poker and Brody just won a new Harley. He emerged from the office with the paperwork for his bike saying, "I can go to the Harley dealer near Fort Lewis to pickup my new bike when I get back. Hey, look, here's my new player's card."

"Yeah, I got one of those earlier when I won the money playing poker. Phillip upgraded mine same as yours."

"This is so fucking sweet," Brody said. "Oh, by the way, I guess the hotel has something special planned for us during their big New Year's Eve celebration according to Phillip."

"Let's go back to the room," I said. "I got something special planned for you."

"Promises, promises," Brody replied with a laugh.

We walked to the elevator and rode up to our suite in the tower. Before I locked the door I put the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the outside of the door. Brody and I shed our clothes to our drawers. There setting on the table was fresh bottle of Wild Turkey and six bottle of Alaskan Amber in ice. I asked, "Where did the booze and beer come from?"

Brody replied, "I remembered what you like to drink baby. I had the concierge send it up as a surprise for you. Once again Welcome Home buddy."

"Thanks," I said. Now both my guys had brought me bottles of Wild Turkey."

"I'm going to take a shower, you coming?" Brody asked.

"I will be shortly," I replied with a chuckle referring to Brody asking if I was coming.

I got all the necessary things for some good sex and positioned them on the night table beside the bed. I rolled the comforter back exposing clean white sheets for play. After showering the two of us were going for an afternoon marathon of sex.

Next: Chapter 8

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