William Moseley

By moc.loa@263nothsAekuL

Published on May 14, 2006



This is a work of fiction. I do not know, have never met, or have any knowledge of the private lives or sexualities of the celebrities mentioned in this work.

All scenarios are completely made up for the purposes of the story.



Remember my name's Alex not Luke.




"I'm glad you've said that, because i'd love to continue seeing you. You know my private life is my own business and i choose not to talk about it to anybody really. But if i was asked outright, or if a newspaper saw us at dinner and had a picture i'd admit it. And if my career suffered because of it then so fucking what. There's more to life than that. If i only had you i'd be happy. Working aint the be all and end all. Being together with you i reckon that is.

"Oh, so we're togther then?"


"If you wanna."

"Yeah, i wanna"

Will and David sit up against the sofa, their flacid members still on display for all to see. Will rests his elbow on the sofa cushion and holds his head with his hand.

"Let's make tomorrow the beginning then shall we?" Will was just drowning in David's eyes.

"I like the sound of that"

Without thinking David let out a small yawn.

"Oh god i'm so sorry, that's really rude"

"No it's not, just means i've knackered you out"

"I know i said earlier about staying until morning, but maybe i should leave you to get some rest, and get some sleep myself."

"Do you really want to go?"

"No of course not."

"Then stay, please?"

"Ok i'd love to stay with you, but we both do need some sleep, as boring as that sounds."


Will stood and moved off toward what David guessed was the bedroom. As Will walked away David couldn't help but be meserised by Will's ass. It was so perfect, so round and so ridiculously fuckable. And just briefly David caught a glimpse of Will's monster cock and giant teen balls swaying in the breeze.

In the bedroom, Will reluctantly grabbed a pair of Clavin Klein hipsters with the red waistband. He also grabbed a pair of CK trunks with the blue waistband. He emerged from the bedroom, wearing the blue CK's, the disappointment in David's face was evident.

"What's up Davey boy?"

"You covered it up."

"I know. Here, try these for size."

Will threw the red CK's over to David who stood up and pulled them on to cover his beautiful member. David stretched and showed off his beautiful body. Will was drooling and almost rock solid again. However they did need sleep and after thinking of his old maths teacher, his cock soon returned to it's flacid state.

"I never did get that drink did i"

"It's still on the side in the kitchen if you wish to have it now"

"Well i think i've probably had enough liquid refreshment to last me actually so."

"Come on then, to bed"

"How can a boy refuse such an offer?"

Will held out a hand, which David gladly took, and then he led him into the bedroom, tasteful but quite minimalist decor, the large kingsize bed was adorned with black satin sheets and duvet cover. Will pulled back the covers and David hopped in. Will then switched the bedisde lamp on; he flicked off the main ceiling light, made his way around the bed and jumped in himself.

"This is very forward." says David with eyebrow raised.

"I know, we've done allsorts already and you haven't even taken me to dinner yet."

"Such a bad boy i know."

Will leant in towards David and gently pressed his lips against his. It was a fairly subdued but nonetheless romantic moment to finish off their wild evening together. David turned onto his side facing Will, and a little to David's disappointment Will turned with his back to him. However Will shuffled back and pressed himself against David's beautiful body. Their bodies were a perfect fit; David stretched out an arm over Will and the pair fell gently to sleep. A beautiful picture of happiness and serenity.

David awoke with the sun slicing through the curtains, but no Will. Had he been dreaming all of last night? He certainly wasn't in his usual bed, it didn't take long for David to realise, that he could hear the shower going. So with a devilish grin on his face, he emerged from the bed, and crept as quietly as possible into the bathroom, the hot water from the shower had steamed up the glass so Will couldn't see the approaching David. David slid his thumbs into the waistband of Calvin Kleins Will had given him to wear, and slid the sexy underwar down his nicelt toned legs. And with one swift movement he'd flung the underwear across the bathroom and slid open the door to the shower.

"Morning!" said Will sexily.

"Morning to you" gasped David as his eyes flicked quickly over Will's sexy body dripping with water.

"I wondered how long it would take you to hear the water and come find me."

"I see that having a shower is obviously an exciting experience for you." Said David grabbing Will's engorged cock!

"AGH! None of that we said we were going to do the whole dating thing."

"Yeah and sometimes that includes stuff like this!"

David dropped to his knees and engulfed Will's member between his luscious lips. Will gasped and let out almost all the breath he had left in him. The constant stream of hot water was an amazing turn on for each of them, and David's cock was now at full stretch to. Will's threw his head back in ecstasy as David's ministrations were getting faster with each second. Will's eyes were closed his face right under the main force of the water, it was so raunchy, that Will knew he wouldn't last, and sure enough it only took another couple of seconds before David's throat was bombarded with wave after wave of Hot young teen cum. It was such an onslaught that David couldn't quite contain it all, but the water soon washed it away.

"OH FUCK ME THAT WAS SO HOT!" exclaimed Will.

"You are just one horny fucker!" replied David.

"Oh yeah?"


"Right then, sit down, i'm gonna ride you!"

David shivered with excitement as Will said this to him. He sat on the shower floor, his cock standing proud and erect, Will faced away from and gently lowered himself onto David's beautiful member.

(Dear readers just picture the scene if you can; of course you can. William Moseley sexy star of Narnia is riding a cock, what a beautiful image that is - MMM)

With Will trying to balance himself and David thrusting vigorously up and down, the temperature was rising even hotter and hotter. Hands were roaming and grabbing at various parts of each others bodies. The thrusting was taking it out of David as the heat wasn't helping. But all the grunting and groaning was releasing a lot of tension.



This dominating tone from Will just threw David completely over the edge. And his giant cock erupted column after column of cum deep inside of Will. David kept up his thrusts as long as possible but eventually he had to admit defeat and he just relaxed on the floor of the shower. Will was now well and truly fucked!

"That, my friend was just so fucking awesome!" Will was amazed at David's power.

"Will, i'm knackered."

"Me too but we've got to get cleaned up for breakfast and then we hit the town."

"Oh yeah?"

"Come on."

Will pulled David to his feet and they stood allowing the heat of the shower to relax their muscles and clean away all the natural juiices. Will turned off the shower and the pair emerged admiring eachother's dripping wet bodies. They towelled each other off and Will grabbed some underwear for them to wear. David gathered his clothes from the lounge and got dressed whilst Will Found a sexy outfir from hit wardrobe. Ripped jeans which hang low on the hips showing off the waistband of his 2xist boxers. and a lemon yellow t-shirt with a large black outline of an eagle on the front. He was so fucking fit!

"Help yourself to any cereal you want in the far top cupboard David"


David opened the cupboard and took out a box of Sainsbury's corn flakes.

"You don't shop in Harrods then?"

"Na, Sainsbury's does me fine"

David went to the fridge only to discover that there was no milk. He walked back thorugh to Will.

"There's no milk you twit, so i can't have the cereal."

"Oh fuck of course."

"Haven't been here for a bit so i forget things like that. I'll nip to the shop round the corner and grab some."

"Don't worry, i'll go."

"You sure?"

"No worries."

David leant in and kissed Will on the lips. They didn't say a word to eachother as Will sat back and watched David's sexy ass disappear out of the front door. David walked down the steps from the main door of the old building. He turned and looked back. He turned and strolled leisurely down the road, it was still only seven-thrity. He whistling contently to himself. He went into the shop grabbed two-pints of milk and came out and started back towards Will's appartment, he was almost to Will's apparetment when he heard what sounded like a gun shot, the peace and quiet of the area was shattered, as David tried to walk on he felt himself falling, it was as if in slow motion, he hit pavement and the glass milk bottles shattered across the path and the road. He'd been shot. But from where. He was barely concious, as milk and blood mixed together, dripped off of the pavement and found their way into a drain and slowly dripped into the sewerage system.

Will had heard the bang and had rushed to the window to see if he could see what was happening. He threw up almost instantly as he saw David laying face down on the pavement just a coupls of metres from the steps up to the door!




Well there you have it folks, part four over and done with, part five will be the last in the series, so make the most of it whilst you can.

As always thoughts and comments to LukeAshton362@aol.com

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