Willing Boy

By John Andrews

Published on Jul 10, 2003


From jonandy678@hotmail.com Thu Jul 10 21:11:18 2003

In the morning I lay beside Jon, and gently started caressing his lean smooth body. I ran my hands down his chest, rubbing the little nipples, then on down to his tummy delightfully concave as he lay spreadeagled and tied tightly on his back. Eventually he stirred and woke up. He turned his head to give me a sleepy grin, so I suggested breakfast before any trips to the dungeon. Jon's face fell and he whispered to me that he would rather take his whipping first as he had been thinking about it whenever he had woken up at night, and was ready to take it now. I looked down at his raging erection, brushing the softness of it surrounding that rigid little pole with my hand, and realised how true this was. My own erection, despite cumming twice in the night, was hard and ready for action again and was not held in much check by my thong type cotton briefs.

I released his bonds, leaving the padded leather cuffs on his ankles and wrists as they would soon be in use again. I clipped his wrists together tightly behind his back to start getting him into his willing subservient mood. I told him to stand still in front of me while I tied his little loin cloth into place, the leather cord around his waist with the thin cotton pulled between his legs and up and over the front. I so enjoyed seeing him wearing this little outfit, so seductive and with the knowledge that soon, once he was secured, I could be stripping it off him again in the dungeon! He stood there with me admiring him. A twelve year old boy, naked but for his loin cloth, hands fastened behind his back, and above all, excitedly randy. I ruffled his hair, and putting my hand behind his head, guided him to the door that led to the cellar dungeon.

On entering the dungeon, which I kept softly lit and very warm, Jon walked straight over to the two posts set up ready for whipping victims. With the two posts and the victim spread between them I could whip any part of the body. Alright sir, now see what I can take from you said this superb sexy little scamp. I unclipped Jon's wrists, and he willingly held his arms out to have them clipped to the waiting chains well above his head. A line from the base of each post I passed through the rings on his ankle straps and pulled his legs wide apart until he was standing on his tip toes. His body was now ideally tensioned. Chest puffed out, tummy sucked in with the strain. His lovely clean smooth limbs stretched to hold him steady. How do you feel Jon I asked him. I'm ready sir, but you can stretch me even tighter if you want to. I deserve this for being so weak when tied on the cross.

I reminded Jon that our usual rule was in force. Any pleading for mercy or going softer on the strokes would mean the doubling of any remaining punishment and him being tightly gagged to stop any protest. He grinned a nervous grin, and I knew we were ready to start. I had one other rule that I always observed, and that was that if any stroke resulted in breaking the skin, and blood showing, we immediately stopped and I had explained this to Jon. It was essential because I could make a boy scream and struggle without going too far and we both knew that the marks would have to fade before his schoolfriends saw him stripped in the showers.

I put down three selected whips on the bondage table alongside us. I hefted the lightest multi tailed lash, stroked it against the sweating boy and then hung it around his neck. I knelt before him, undid the tie of his loin cloth and his erection sprung proudly out, smooth, hairless, uncircumcised but so engorged that the purple head was half emerged from the protective foreskin. I stood up again, and peeled off my thong to be proudly naked in front of my willing naked boy.

My final act was to stand close to him, hug him to me, and kiss him. My hands caressed down the willing young body spreadeagled so helplessly. His firm butt tensioned by the way he was tied, his whole body already covered in a slight sheen of sweat due to the heat and humidity in the dungeon. He kissed me back and we stood for a couple of minutes like this, before he pulled his head away and said the magic words, "Please whip me now Sir, and please make me suffer.".

I pulled the whip from around his neck, and after a couple of noisy swishes I landed the first stroke across his shoulders. He winced but was quiet. I laid on five more, working down his back and at the last one he gave a sort of squeal and his body jerked in his bonds. How do you feel Jon I asked him. Sir, you can go harder than that if you want to, came the delightful answer from this game youngster. I picked up the middle whip with harder leather tails. Right boy, you have asked for it I told him, and I lashed it hard around his lower back. He screamed and the red wheals that immediately appeared were the hardest I could go without breaking his skin. I laid on another, and he screamed again, then two more and we were half way with his sentence of twenty lashes. He hung there, writhing, still rigidly erect and now with little rivulets of sweat running down his body and dripping off his cute little nose. His mop of fair hair was wet and tangled and the whole scene was so breathtakingly perfect that I could no longer contain myself and suddenly could not contain my orgasm as I watched the writhing youngster awaiting the rest of his whipping. I came to the most wonderful climax as we stood there, Jon watching in fascination as I shot loads of cum from my rigid body, before going to him, hugging him to me, and telling him to be strong for the second part of his ordeal.

I decided not to go for the heaviest whip as his back was now striped quite severely, so picking up the middle whip again I lashed it across his butt. He took that well but of course was used to having his butt caned and whipped at school. Four more on the butt as he wriggled delightfully for my pleasure, then I paused. Five more to go Jon I told him, and you have taken it like a man. The next five will be on that chest and tummy of yours I told him. Still holding the medium whip I stood to one side of him and landed the first of the five hard across that lovely flat, boy's tummy making the tails wrapping around his ribs and back. He screamed and bucked. I landed another across his chest, a higher note of scream and tears starting to stream down his face.

Sir, please sir, Ow, ow ow, it's too much, please will you stop now. I dropped the whip, stood in front of the sobbing boy and put my arms around him. Jon, you know what you have just done, you know our agreement, and we have no way of stopping, and you have just turned your last three strokes into six. Oh sir, please sir, I did not know it would be this bad. Right Jon, that's it then, it is now the gag, and you have asked twice for mercy. Three became six, now six will become twelve and it is your fault, or maybe you little scamp, that is what you wanted anyway. Taking a ball gag from a hook on the wall I pressed it against his mouth which he obediently opened. A tight strap and buckle around the back of the head, and one over the top, and all one could now hear was a mumble.

I really did not know if Jon had meant to double up on his punishment, so I decided to go reasonably easy on him. Six lashes on his front followed while the tears flowed, then a final six across his butt and the tops of his thighs then it was over and I was releasing my naked boy. The moment he was free he flung himself into my arms and we sat together in the large old soft leather chair that was there for any spectator present. I removed his ball gag, and my hand went to his straining penis. Four or five pumps and he came, hugging to me and squirting a small jet of boy cum over my now sweating naked body. His hand quickly found my cock and as he did so I came again also with jets of cum, shooting it all over the boy until we were both spent and simply lay in each others embrace in the old chair. I could not resist whispering to him a final question of this session. Jon, did you ask for mercy on purpose to get that extra whipping? The tear stained face gave me a quick grin. I heard his little voice then, "How did you guess that Sir? But wow Sir, wow, that was fantastic sir, thank you sir. I hugged this delightful boy to me, my mind already starting to fantasise on the next escapade.

John Andrews.

I do like to swop a few ideas and get some feedback from these stories, I hope readers enjoyed Jon's escapades. If it does not appeal, then do not read. The next chapter about this boy will be from an assistant disciplinarian master at his school, and we will hear it from his point of view.

Next: Chapter 4

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